Austhink Making Complex Reasoning Appear Simpler

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Austhink design, and develop, specialist software and training to improve and communicate complex reasoning, making it appear simpler.These tools assists professionals, from all business backgrounds, to quickly capture, clarify and communicate their thinking and recommendations to others.

Transcript of Austhink Making Complex Reasoning Appear Simpler

“Any fool can take what is simple and make it appear complex.

What requires real ingenuity is to take what is complex and make it

appear simple.”

- Albert Einstein

Making the complex appear simple

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Austhink’s founder

This is Dr Tim van Gelder - a cognitive scientist and leading critical thinking researcher.

With 20 years dedicated to the topic, Tim developed a simple and practical methodology for teaching critical thinking.

He called his approach Argument Mapping,

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Testing Tim

Funded by the Australian Research Council, Tim’s research was tested through the Reason! Project at The University of Melbourne between 2000-2004.

Undergraduate students practiced reasoning using Tim’s argument mapping methodology, supported by our first software package, Reason!Able.

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The students’ critical thinking skills were then measured using the independent and objective California Critical Thinking Skills Test.

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The test website for those interested:

Unparalleled success!

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The results of the 5 year study indicates that instruction using the Reason! argument mapping approach improves critical thinking:

8 times more than standard university instruction, and approximately double that of the best traditional courses.

Further independent and objective reading for those interested:

Twardy, C. R., (2004). Argument Maps Improve Critical Thinking Teaching Philosophy, 27:2

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That is the equivalent of each student gaining 12 IQ points in a single semester!

Austhink have continued to design, and develop, specialist visualisation software and training

to improve and communicate complex reasoning, making it appear simpler.

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Visualization software?

isn’t that like Mind Mapping?…

This is a Mind Map

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Mind Maps are a visual representation of the creators exploratory thinking.

Mind maps are used intuitively to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas.

They are a great place to start.

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So we have a great idea, what next?

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We must discipline it!

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Analyze it against other ideas and options, weigh up the pros and cons,

test the supporting and opposing arguments,

& provide evidence.

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That sounds like hard work!

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It was …

however, Austhink have created a tool that now makes it easier and even enjoyable!

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Yay! ...

That tool is

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bCisive assists professionals, from all business backgrounds, to quickly capture, clarify and communicate their thinking and

recommendations to others.

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What is bCisive?

Professional analysis and mapping software for:

•Argument Mapping

•Decision Making

•Problem Solving

•Capturing Data

•Communicating reasoning and recommendations

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• Supports strategic consultancy techniquesMinto Pyramid Principle™ Logic and Issue TreesHypothesis Mapping

• Uses universally recognisable elements

• Offers graphic representation to clarify abstract reasoning

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• Supports strategic consultancy techniquesMinto Pyramid Principle™ Logic and Issue TreesHypothesis Mapping

• Uses universally recognisable elements

• Offers graphic representation to clarify abstract reasoning

This is an example of a bCisive decision map

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Capitalize the US subsidiary with more shares






Doesn't require any documents or agreements etc.


Provides adequate capital to the company for subsequent borrowing


Requires parent to put money in up front


Requires amending the certificate of incorporation.

Richard, please have the legal team review.

Certificate of Incorporation.docCertificate of Incorporation.doc


Intercompany loans


Tax-free capital contribution


Receiving entity must pay interest


Requires the company to be adequately capitalised to begin with

Supporting Argument

There is law governing capitalization of corporations specifying this.


Thin Capitalisation Legislation and the AustraliaUnited States ...Thin Capitalisation Legislation and the AustraliaUnited States ...


Intercompany agreement


You can transfer the money to the subsidiary without having to issue shares

ConPossible tax levied


The company is earning income

QuestionHow should money be brought into a US subsidiary from an overseas parent company?

With bCisive individuals and businesses can capture, record, clarify, train and communicate thinking.

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Bring together information

Get all the issues in one workspace

all relevant information

all supporting documents

Avoid lost productivity in searching for key information.


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Establish a repository of past deliberations

Re-use arguments and approaches

Share and disseminate knowledge widely


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Higher efficiency

Less cost

Greater output=


• Facilitates situational analysis

• Offers a standardized rigorous approach

• Highlights missing information

• Allows exploration of options

• Promotes testing of arguments

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• Develop critical thinking skills

• Structure information

• Build confidence


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• Rapid, easy and engaging way to explain:

Analysis Thinking Recommendations

• Produce compelling presentations

• Invite collaboration

• Helps you and your clients decide on a course of action

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• Clarity of reasoning and logic

• Better thinking

• Quicker decision making

• Less chance of error

• Easy identification of key lines of argument

• Focused debate

• Reduced time spent reworking papers/reports

• Enhanced communications with stakeholders

This leads to

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Wow! ...

And the pot of gold…

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… be first over the line, every time

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● confidence ● productivity ● collaboration ● consensus ● engagement ● buy-in ● new business ● recognition

To download and explore bCisive please visit our website

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Katherine BrandenbergerCorporate Software Manager

Austhink Software Pty LtdEmail: kmb@austhink.comLevel 9, 255 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000Direct: +61 3 8317 1002 ext. 109 | Fax: +61 3 9663 9720Skype: katherine.brandenbergerLinkedIn:

For more information, please contact:
