Aurasma Tutorial - ·...

Post on 17-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Aurasma Tutorial - ·...

Aurasma Tutorial!!

1. Make a video or photo that you want to magically attach to something in your room.!"""

2. Open the Aurasma App!"""

3. Click the + sign. You want to ADD an Aura.!"""

4. Click the BIG white + sign. Click Devices at the bottom.!"""

5. Click “Photo Album”!"""

6. Choose the picture or video that you want upload to Aurasma. Click “Choose”!"""


Aurasma Tutorial!!

7. Name this overlay anything you want! Then click “Finish”.!"""

8. Click “OK”!"""

9. This part is important. You want the “energy bar” to be all the way to green. This way you will have the best image possible. Be sure there are no shadows or light glares on your image. You are about to snap a photo. Try to capture the bulk of the image. When your ready, click the white camera in the purple box in the bottom right corner. !"""

10. Pinch and move your overlay. You can make it bigger or smaller. You can make it straight or diagonal. You can put it anywhere. I recommend putting it straight and in the center. I also recommend making it a decent size. You want the video content to be large enough to be understood and seen.


Aurasma Tutorial!!

11. Give it a name. Change it to PUBLIC. Add it to your channel (if you don’t have a channel, you will want to create one for your class - your students will each have to join the class channel). When it is done loading, click Finish.!"

12. It will take a few moments for your Aura to be ready.!"""

13. Open the Aurasma app. Hover your device over the page or object you are Augmenting. You may need to hold your device about 12 inches away. Sometimes you have to slightly tip the device to angel it in a different way. You should see the Aura loading once the trigger image has been recognized.

14. Hold your device still. Make sure your volume is up. Enjoy watching your Aura!!"
