August 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

Post on 25-Aug-2015

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Transcript of August 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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    Shadow and Breeze

  • Enchanted Forest Magazines

    These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.

    These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have

    over 70 in our Scribd Library.

    On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..

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    to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read

    with allot of helpful information.

    Thank you

    Shadow and Breeze

  • We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of

    Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!

    To come along to these chats join Times of classes below USA Central - 6 pm Eastern - 7 pm Western 4 pm Mountain Time 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am UK - Midnight

  • Learning to Live Posted by Anam Cara

    The following is an excerpt from the "Learning to Live" on-line course. People often try to hide who they truly are by trying to be normal and fit in with the crowd. To be honest with others about who you are in this world, you must first be honest with yourself. Would it surprise you if I said that most people live their lives without being completely honest with themselves? We all have parts of our personalities we want to hide because we are afraid that if people see "the real you," they won't like it. I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that this is normal human behavior. When we were children, we wanted to be liked, and it is often in childhood that we are first teased about a physical or personality trait that we quickly learn to hide. When I was a child, other kids would tell me that I was weird. Of course, this really hurt my feelings. To steer attention away from the "weird" me, I tried to be "normal" like the other kids and to "fit in." But doing this meant that I lost a lot of what made Some people have become so good at hiding parts of themselves that they don't even realize a part of them is gone and has been replaced by an empty feeling. And we all do it. We suffer from insecurities, we don't accept who we are, and we self-sabotage ourselves through addictions and other behaviors that don't get us what we truly want. Often, we see how we aren't being honest with ourselves in terms of our love relationships. When a relationship is healthy, happy and balanced, chances are that the two people are in touch with who they really are and are able to communicate this effectively. Relationships that are one-sided, abusive or maybe even a little too perfect can be the result of one or both partners not being in touch with who they really are and hiding the parts they don't want seen.

    When you have a strong sense of self, when you feel like you are a worthy person on

    this planet, it doesn't matter what other people think of you. You don't feel the need to

    be judgmental of others or gossip about others because you are secure with yourself

    and therefore grounded in acceptance of yourself and other people. Just take a moment

    to imagine what it would feel like to truly be free to be who you are.

  • If this exercise makes you feel really happy, then you may not be hiding too much. If it makes you sad, then I'm guessing you have an inner longing to be your authentic self. Being honest with yourself is a bit like being naked, and few people are really comfortable being naked. Being honest with yourself is having naked emotions. Let's explore some of the ways that we aren't honest with ourselves. See if any of these situations sound familiar to you: You hear an inappropriate joke and either laugh at it or say nothing at all rather than letting the person know it was inappropriate. You say yes to everything even though you sometimes feel like saying no. You use the excuse "I don't have time" when you probably do have time, but the real answer is that you aren't interested. You hide the parts of yourself that you deem "bad" or undesirable so that your friends will continue to call you. You buy fashion labels just for the labels rather than because you want a high-quality item. You won't reveal to a friend that you are feeling anxiety or depression because you don't want her to run for the hills and not talk to you again. You overcommit your time because you want to do everything even though you can't possibly fit everything into your schedule. You tend to cower in a corner at a party or talk to only one person all night. You may judge others by how they look. You have unhealthy addictions. You sometimes feel like a fraud, as if you're just going through the motions of life. Homework The homework exercises at the end of this section will help bring to the surface feelings that have been kept dormant. Healing can begin for you todaythis very momentwhen you decide to make a change in your life. The first step is to fully accept that you have been hiding. There is no blame, there is no shame; you have simply done what you needed to do in order to survive.

  • You can take back your life today by bringing back those parts of you that now need to be revealed to both you and your loved ones. It can be very shocking when you come to the realization that you may have been simply going through the motions of life rather than living your life. It will take courage to step out and let your light shine fully to all that know you. Just remember: True friends take the good with the bad, the great with the not-so-great, the yummy with the icky. Soul Reflection Please take some time this week for inner reflection. The more time you spend with each thought, the greater your results will be. Don't be surprised if you feel emotional while pondering this work, as you will be bringing up inner feelings that may have been suppressed for a while. Let people around you know that you are doing some soul work, and ask for their emotional support. This can also be a good time to ask the universe or your angels to comfort you and help you along your way. Take out your journal and answer the following questions in depth. Take as long as you need with each question. What does honesty mean to you? What does it really mean to be truly honest with yourself? In what ways are you not honest with yourself? Imagine yourself completely free to be your authentic self. Nobody is judging you or watching you. What would your life feel like? What would you do? Action Please choose one trait or instance in which you are not being honest with yourself and sit with the idea of changing that this week. How does that make you feel? By: Madison Taylor

  • Together on Earth Posted by Anam Cara

    We have created imaginary boundaries, sectioning ourselves into countries and states, forgetting that in reality we are all living together. Seeing an image of the planet Earth taken from space inspires awe in many of us, since we can clearly see the connectedness of all of us who live upon this planet. We have created imaginary boundaries, sectioning ourselves into countries and states, forgetting that in reality we are all living together, breathing the same air, drinking from the same water, eating food grown from the same earth. We share everything on this planet, whether we are conscious of it or not, with other people, and those people are our brothers and sisters. Keeping a photograph or painting of the planet Earth in a prominent place in our homes can be a positive way to remember our interconnectedness. Meditating on the fact that any sense of separation we have from one another is truly an illusion, we will naturally begin to make more conscious choices in our daily lives. The simple act of preparing food, or determining how to dispose of our refuse, can be done with the consciousness that whatever we do will affect all our brothers and sisters, no matter how far away they live, as well as the planet herself. When we foster this kind of awareness in ourselves out of a feeling of awe, it becomes easier to be conscious than to fall back into old habits of thinking of ourselves as separate. When we contemplate the earth in her wholeness, we attune ourselves to the truth of the bigger picture, which is the Earth, and all of us, every one of us, living on her body. We are connected to one another in the most intimate way, because we literally share our living space. As more people become aware of the reality of our interdependency, things will shift in a positive direction, and much of the discord that we see now will give way to a more cooperative, loving conscious. This is happening already, so as our consciousness grows, we can join with the many other minds working to live in the spirit of togetherness. By: Madisyn Taylor

  • The early writings of herbals' Posted by Bea

    Anglo-Saxon Translation: Herbal of Apuleius "plants were regarded merely as 'simples'--that is, the simple constituents of compound medicines." Many recounts of the "virtues of the plants are of the nature of spells or charms rather than medical recipes" There are of course many manuscripts and texts describing herbal medicinal cures and applications, and for many years now I have been studying various resources to trace back some of the parallels of herbal remedies still used today, as they had been for thousands of years. Anyone who has any of their own favorites please post, I am always fascinated by what folk-medicine many of us have grown up with and heard stories about.

  • Imagine Posted by Anam Cara

    Imagine that thoughts are like drops of water. When you think the same thoughts over and over again, you are creating this incredible body of water. First you have a little puddle, then you may get a pond, and as you continue to think the same thoughts over and over and over again, you have a lake and finally an ocean. If your thoughts are negative, you can drown in a sea of your own negativity. If your thoughts are positive, you can float on the ocean of life. Let's affirm: I dwell on positive thoughts. Credit: Louise Hay

  • Candle Therapy and Crystals Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

    Using candles as therapy has been around for thousands of years, and has been practiced by nearly every religion. Candle therapy can be used to unite the powers of mind, body, and Spirit. From ancient times to the present, Candles have lit our way through every transition! From celebrations and ceremonies to proclamations and processions! The candle's' flame has always been a metaphor for the soul! It possesses a tranquil and almost hypnotic atmosphere to those who allow its power to take them to a very special place. A candle acts as a "self object". A self object is an object that is a reflection of our self, a reflection upon which we can act. The candle reflects the Spiritual and ethical changes we would like to bring about in ourselves. It burns as a reminder and symbol of our desires. Sometimes we have to hand our dreams over to a force more powerful than we are. The techniques of allowing candles to help in Crystal work involve holding a selected crystal in your hand or hands or placing the stone on the floor or table near you and your mat and allow yourself to focus on the mineral as you meditate. In a meditative or yoga group circle, you may place the candles and Crystals in the center of the group. Make sure that the intention of the entire group is that of the same intent. Crystals can allow one to reach higher Spiritual levels during Meditation. The crystal magnifies one's personal energy by aligning and connecting with universal power. The candle can center and align by concentrating on it's flame. If you decide to make your own candles, you can incorporate crystals into the candles as an energetic component. Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac

  • Eight simple steps for recording and exploring a dream

    Posted by Sunshine-Chayenna

    1. Give your dream a title, who reflects the essence of the dream. Like this when you reread the dreams after weeks, months or years later, it brings direct the story of your dream back in your mind 2. Describe the main actions as run, write a letter, making a call, or driving. Are these ordinary or special activities in your daily life and why 3. Notice the feelings in the dream and when you wake up, your waking feelings about the dream. Are they related to your daily life? Do you have the same feelings when you're awake and when you sleep? 4. Describe the dream environment. Is the environment natural or man made? A natural area contains forests, mountains, lakes, beaches, parks and gardens. A man-made environment contains subjects as cars trains, buses, city streets, airports, buildings, computers, etc. Changes the environment of one species to the other? 5. Describe the people and their properties. On which part of yourself or any person in your life are similar to the dream people? 6. Note the symbols and the objects who are striking 7. Summarize in a few words together what the dream seems to say. Do this spontaneously, intuitively and without reference to an official book about dream interpretations 8. Make your dreams come true by in your waking life to give action the message suggests. When you write down your dream on this way, it gives you some key points. You dont need to write then the entire story down. When you dont have time to write the key points, write then later what every aspect of the dream mans for you. Together with the message of the dream

  • The environment in the dream Many people ignore the environment where the dream takes place because they think that this is unimportant for the story of the dream. The environment is similar to the background of a theater stage it describes the place of action and gives guidance on what is happening then. According to Jung: the description of the location is very important, the place where the dream takes place makes huge difference for the interpretation Your feelings in the dream Emotions are the most important element of every dream. In our dream analysis we must not only describe the feelings in our dream, but also the feelings when we are awake and look back to the dream. What do you feel, and think about the environment, the people, the symbols, the actions, That pops up in your dream? Dreams picking up our deepest inner feelings, which most of us have learned to hide so deeply that we often do not even know what our real feelings are. Dreams offer us again our feelings disguised as images, symbols and metaphors. If we translate the images back into feelings we can face and identify our true emotions, and that can lead to poignant healing of the Spirit. What happens in a dream? Dream Actions and especially how we feel when we see it happing or do it by our selves, are also an indication of what the theme of the dream try to tell you. If a dream is full of action so that you cant describe them all, write then only two actions how are the most strangest or most notable and leave the rest. . Look how dream are related with your awaken life. Are they into contradiction with each other? Look at every aspect of your dream through the eyes of someone who has just arrived from another planet. Dream Acts Some of the most common operations from the endless series of acts that we perform in our dreams which may include everything that we awake in our lives have seen, heard or done. - Be chased - Run - Fall from windows, mountains, stairs or falling into dark holes or dark pools of water - Clamp sit in uncomfortable close tunnels or caves

  • - Search to toilets, urinate or defecate in public places - Driving a car or any other form of transport, running to get a planes, trains or buses - Dancing on stage or reading in public and you suddenly realize that you are half or completely naked - Searching for handbags, wallets, money, tickets and passports - Searching a way out or searching for people in endless corridors - sex with somebody else then your own partner, sex with more then one, sex with somebody of your own gender See how you feel during and after the dream. Are you in panic or hilarious when you are running, falling or flying. If you have a vehicle do it feels confident or do you feel nervous behind the wheel, or are you walk and push behind? What feelings does it give when you become aware that you are standing naked before a crowd? If you walk and find a passport, money or hidden jewels, are you excited and expectantly, or afraid not to find what you are looking for? What are your feelings and thoughts about sex dreams What our dream acts are, they reflect what we are doing in our wakeful life. If you running away in your dream, there may be in your waking life you avoiding something - something that your eyes can not or dare to see. If you're looking for lost passports, keys, treasures, licenses, hidden diaries, you are maybe looking for lost " parts of yourself, old identities which must be replaced Acts in nightmares All fears and concerns that we have in our wakeful life, be in a nightmare exaggerated. So we rush to the train, plane, bus, or to that very important appointment, and come too late. We try to run, but we can not because our feet are glued to the ground - or our legs would not move because they are stuck in mud, cement or water. We can be paralyzed. Our hair and teeth fall out; our face breaks in half as a broken mask. We forget where we live or where we have parked the car. We drive in cars whose brakes refuse; we fly or climb a mountain and collapse suddenly down. We are chased, caught put choked, or in any way threatened by a monstrous figure of evil that we wake up with crashing heart and fear This type of dream recall uncertainty about what we do, and can also encourage us to better prepare for a certain task

  • The best way to deal with the nightmare or dream threat is to return there as soon as possible Imagine that you are back in the room. Brace yourself for the confrontation with the cause of fear or threat and assign it with your finger or a jet color, light or love for that to shrink to marketable size. Remember that you are dealing with emotional energy in dreams is often exaggerated. If the threat once small enough to tackle, hold you down and asks: "Who are you?" What are you? Which part of me did you? How can I heal you or help? How can you help me? See the threat face and overcome that, instead of make to run away. Dream People The players in our dreams - from the ordinary to the great - to highlight good and bad and indifferent parts of ourselves. What they also have secondary meaning. They draw our attention to properties that we find objectionable, we are not aware or that we should recognize and respect. Through a dialogue with whether or not our waking life dreams famous people can we learn the dynamics of our relationships better. People in dreams give us a chance to practice and rehearse for situations in our wakeful life. Dreams in which appearances of someone drastically changing - different failure modes or shrink face - may indicate fear of old age. For loss of sexuality or attractiveness, it may mean that we handle a situation likely to lose, or the need to maintain the facade that we show to others to let go, or even that we might have nar dentist. When we are witnesses of an attack or murder, or within the dream scenario that we like to do, it usually means that an aspect of ourselves we should abandon that struggle, or that we no longer need to grow and our to develop or that we should remove such a parent or teacher who exercises an influence which we should block Dream symbols Dream Symbols, alive or dead, we can study in much the same way as other parts of the dream. If there is a hat, a metal clothes hanger and a pair of scissors as objects appear in your dream, remember or even in the general theme of the dream modify or not to appear to hear. Why? What associations do you have in waking life to these objects? Are you using them, always or only occasionally? A "hat" would be frivolous if you think of a day at the horse, or a picnic with champagne. If you have a hat in context, with skiing or religious marriages and funerals, it means something very different. A metal hanger for you might be insufficient or inferior if you prefer to hold hangers have, or perhaps has to do with dry cleaners or hotel rooms. Scissors may indicate operations, sewing, cutting, hairdresser, toe nails and so on.

  • In general pay living symbols such as animals, flowers and plants refer to innocent, naive, natural childlike parts of ourselves and connect us deeper with our emotional side. Flowers symbolize purity, beauty, truth and perfection, and ensure that we feel happy. Animals symbolize the animal, instinctive, wild game or domestic side of our nature, look at what the animal, means for you.. Dream Dictionary Many people prefer to use a dictionary of dream interpretations instead of taking the time to work out their own symbolism. It is not logical to think that dream symbols precise and unvarying meanings. The meaning that we give now to a word, can be very different next year. People who interpretation dreams in this way will therefore get a superficial meaning of the dream, and do not that the personal material from their waking life is the basis of the actual message of the dream The importance of personal interpretation Freud once said: The dreamer knows what his dream means, but he knows not that he knows, and why does he think he does not know. Many people will recognize the description. To understand our dreams, we prefer to listen to a dream specialist, the local psychic, a friend or a book - everything and everyone except ourselves. However, only a dreamer can translate and understand the message of his own dream Because a dream is an intimate message of the soul to the personality. Understanding gives a new and deeper understanding of our self, The translation of others are always colored through own experiences, observations and prejudices A dream is a coded message that belongs to only one dreamer, we should never rely exclusively on interpretations of another. How universal dream symbols appear to be, they are exclusive expressions of the person that dreams them, and must be interpreted as so. Black and white dreams are mostly sober - intellectual - and colorful dreams suggest emotions and creativity. Notice always numbers, style figures, colors, strange words and names in a dream Remember that every dream can have 2-3 or more interpretations or messages. When you look with different views to a dream you can enhance their understanding.. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in the exercises. Say to you: On this way I understand my dream at the moment. Maybe I understand it tomorrow, next month or next year otherwise. Copyright @2005 , Chayenna

  • Seven Mudras to Unlock Your Seven Chakras

    Posted by Anam Cara

    Mudra is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning, "gesture." We use mudras in yoga to cultivate a greater sense of awareness to certain energetic fields within the subtle body. In other words, we can use them to help us meditate and open up our chakras. And there are literally hundreds of mudras each with its own unique symbolism and placement of palms and fingertips. Many of us are already accustomed to Anjali Mudra (aka "Namaste"), where the hands are positioned in a prayer in front of the heart. This mudra is used in the beginning of most yoga classes to invoke spirit and intention, or at the end to seal the practice. There's also the common Gyan Mudra the placement of index fingertips to thumbs used in many meditation practices. Here are seven lesser-known mudras I've chosen to give your seven chakras a little boost. You can also incorporate the mantra and color associated with each chakra to help enhance your meditative experience. 1. Root (Muladhara)

  • Muladhara Mudra The Root Chakra is the foundation for the other chakras, with emphasis on survival and grounding. Color: Red Mantra: LAM Element: Earth Bring your palms together in a prayer at your heart, then interlace the pinky and ring fingers so they fold inside of the palms. Extend the middle fingers so the tips touch and then interlace the thumbs and index fingers so they form rings around each other, with the fingertips touching. Optional: Flip this mudra upside down and lower your arms slightly, so the middle fingers are pointed downward at your pelvic region. 2. Sacral (Svadhisthana)

    Shakti Mudra This feminine mudra works to harness sexuality and sensuality. Color: Orange Mantra: VAM Element: Water

  • With your palms in front of your chest, press your pinky and ring fingertips together. Fold your thumbs into your palms, inside of your index and middle finger. You can then press the knuckles of these two fingers together (pictured) or keep them separate. Optional: Lower the hands to just below the navel. 3. Solar Plexus (Manipura)

    Rudra Mudra This mudra brings forth the power of Shiva, the Hindu god of all yogis. Color: Yellow Mantra: RAM Element: Fire Place your palms face up on your thighs. Touch the tips of the thumbs, index and ring fingers together, straightening through the pinky and middle fingers.

  • 4. Heart (Anahata)

    Padma Mudra - This lotus-inpired mudra calls forth new possibilities and invites in love. Color: Green Mantra: YAM Element: Air With your palms at your heart, touch the outer edges of both pinky fingers and thumbs together. Keep the heels of the palms pressed together as you blossom open through your hands. Extend through the tips of all 10 fingers. 5. Throat (Vishuddha)

  • Granthita Mudra You can use this mudra at your throat to help clear the way for expression of your authentic self. Color: Light Blue/Turquoise Mantra: VAM Element: Sound/Music Interlace your last three fingers (middle, ring and pinky) together inside of your hands. Interlock the index fingertips and thumbs to form two rings and hold this mudra in front of the base of your throat.

    6. Third Eye (Ajna)

    Mudra of the Great Head - To tap into the wisdom and power of your intuition, use this mudra to channel deep into your third eye. Color: Dark Blue/Purple Mantra: AUM Element: Light Take your right hand just in front of the space between your eyebrows and curl the ring finger into your palm. Bring the tips of the thumb, middle and index finger to touch and keep the pinky finger extended long. Place the tips of the three fingers that are touching to your third eye focal point. The left hand can remain on top of the left thigh, palm face up or in Gyan mudra.

  • 7. Crown (Sahasrara)

    Mudra of A Thousand Petals Holding this mudra high above your head can open the gateway to universal consciousness, divinity and transcendence. Color: Violet/White Mantra: Silence Element: Divine Consciousness Place the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together to touch, forming a pyramid shape. Allow the remaining fingers to extend upward, keeping them straight. Raise this mudra to about 6-7 inches above the crown of your head. Perform the mudras in a comfortable seated position for 1-5 minutes each. If you're only focusing on one mudra at a time, extend the time frame as long as you would for your regular meditation practice. There are no right or wrong ways to do mudras enjoy these as part of your regular yoga routine to cultivate higher awareness. Gallery courtesy of Beth Kessler Photography, graphic design by mbg creative


    Posted by Kate

    Seeing Beyond Fearful Delusions One of humanitys biggest fears is losing what we have. It is healthy when fear of loss helps us take steps to protect what we have worked hard to attain, but it is unhealthy to continue to fear something we can do nothing about. We need to remember that focusing our energy on fear can actually create what scares us, and holding tightly to what we have keeps us from participating in the universal flow of abundance and instead creates stagnation. Since we can only really control our thoughts and our responses, gaining proper perspective may be key to conquering such fears. The letters of the word "fear" can be used to stand for "False Evidence Appearing Real." Fears of being separated from something or someone we feel we need for our security or happiness comes from a delusiona distorted way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. When we understand that possessions are only representations of the energy at work in our lives, we can shift our attention to the right and proper place. We can stop fearing loss of money or success because when we understand how it is created, we can always create more. We can stop fearing loss of possessions when we realize that they are not the source of our joy or well-being but only icing on our cakes. And when we understand the energy of love, we need not hold anyone too close for fear of losing them for we know that love does not diminish when it is given or shared but expands beyond boundaries of time or space. By focusing our light on our fears, they are revealed as mere shadows that disappear in the presence of mind and spirit. We can choose instead to direct our thoughts and creative power toward things of true valuelove, abundance, peace, passion, and joy. These are energies that are always available to us when we place ourselves confidently in the universal flow of abundance.


    Posted by Kate

    Contracting before Expanding Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. We may be working +!@#$ ourselves spiritually, doing good in the world, following our dreams, and wondering why we are still facing constrictions of all kindsfinancial, emotional, physical. Perhaps we even feel as if weve lost our spirituality and are stuck in a dark room with no windows. We may be confused and discouraged by what appears to be a lack of progress. But sometimes this is the way things work. Like a caterpillar that confines itself to a tiny cocoon before it grows wings and flies, we are experiencing the darkness before the dawn. When things feel tight, its easy to panic or want to act in some way to ease the feeling of constriction. We might also spin our wheels mentally, trying to understand why things are the way they are. However, there is nothing we need to do at this time other than to be patient and persevering. We can cling to the awareness that we are processing the shift from one stage to another, and the more we surrender to the experience, the more quickly we will move through the tightness into the opening on the other side. Just like a baby making its way down the birth canal, we may feel squeezed and pushed and very uncomfortable, but if we remember that we are on our way to being born into a new reality, we will find the strength to carry on. Even as we endure the contractions, we can find peace within ourselves if we remember to trust the universe. We can look to the natural world for inspiration as we see that all beings surrender to the process of being born. In that surrender, and in the center of our own hearts, is a willingness to trust in the unknown as we make our way through the opening.

  • How to Heal Toxic Thoughts Posted by Whispr

    by Sandra Ingerman (copyright 2007) One night I had a powerful dream. I was standing around a water cooler with a group of coworkers. Our conversation seemed to be cordial, but I became aware that some of the workers were sending psychic/invisible "punches" to the others. I would say to one who'd been punched, "Are you okay?" And then to the other, "Did you see what you just did?" I was shocked by how unconscious people were of their behavior. My dream showed the power of our invisible interactions. When we observe how people behave, there may not seem to be any hostility. We may see a smile on the face of someone listening to us. But what is happening on an invisible level? What feelings are we triggering in him or her through our conversation or our presence? We have an invisible dimension that we call spirit - an aspect I call "who we are beyond our skin". We can't see this part of ourselves, but together with body and mind it makes up our whole being. Whenever we interact with others in the physical world an invisible exchange of energy is taking place too. Here are some common phrases we use to describe the behavior of others: He's being pushy. She's invading my space. I felt beaten down. He was kicked when he was down. She stabbed me in the back. I felt like there were daggers coming out of his eyes. The group was held hostage by his behavior. The room was filled with explosive energy. I made a suggestion but I was shot down.

  • The energy of violence acts on an invisible, psychic level, but it impacts both our physical health and our psychological well-being. The energy is palpable. We simply do not feel well on any level when we live and work in an environment that is filled with negative energy. All indigenous cultures understand that there is a difference between sending negative energy, such as anger, and merely expressing it. When someone expresses anger without sending out that "poison arrow", he or she is simply acknowledging the feeling of anger, but the anger has no force or movement that could cause harm to another. In our culture, where we only acknowledge what is happening on a visible level, we deny this other level of awareness, so we send our "poison arrows" unconsciously, not realizing the harm we do. It is important to understand that having emotions and expressing emotions is part of the human condition. We know from research conducted that when we don't express our emotions illness can occur. At the same time it is important for us to look at what kind of situations and interactions trigger us. We must stop the reaction and learn how to express our thoughts and feelings while at the same time transforming the energy to positive energy that is healing energy for the planet. For thousands of years spiritual teachings have taught that our outer world is a reflection of our own inner state of consciousness. When we look at the environmental pollution and the state of the world today we are seeing a reflection of our own inner world. If we want to change the world we need to focus our intention on changing ourselves. It is time for us to bridge spiritual practices into the outer work that is being done to heal the environment and to bring peace into the world. All spiritual traditions teach that everything manifests on the spiritual level before it manifests on the physical. By bringing spiritual practices into our lives is a place where we all have power to create personal and planetary change. It is possible transform who you are in the world so that you can become a true expression of peace.

  • In November, 2007 I wrote 10 Ways to Transform Toxic Thoughts for a website called Here are some ways to try to work with the energetic around your problematic thoughts and emotions. In this way you begin to radiate love and light in the world creating change for all of life. Breathing is one of the simplest ways to transform energy. This is an exercise you can do throughout your day: Place your hands on your heart and feel your heart moving as you breathe. This is calming, and feeds the energy of love, peace, and harmony in the world. Before reacting to a challenging situation, try emoting as you watch your reflection in a mirror. No one wants to see herself acting out in a toxic way. You may feel silly, but don't let this stop you. Taking ourselves too seriously is one of the causes of negative thoughts. Stress can make us act in ways we might regret later on. It is OK to have problematic emotions, and it's important to acknowledge your feelings. Just be careful not to send the energy as a "poison dart" to yourself, others, or into the world. The energy behind your emotions goes to all living beings. If confronted by someone who triggers problematic emotions for you, think of a loved one and impose his or her image on the face of person challenging you. For example, you might work with the face of a baby kitten, puppy, or your favorite flower. Your words, like thoughts and emotions, have the power to change your experience and the world we live in. This applies to both the words we say out loud to others as well as self-talk. If you tell yourself that you're not a good person, you begin to manifest this reality. Fill your mind with positive words and this is how your life will unfold. "Abraq ad habra" is Aramaic and means "I will create as I speak". We said this phrase many times as children as "abracadabra" without knowing what we were really saying. Never pity others who you perceive as suffering - this only pushes them deeper into a hold. When you see people in their divine light and perfection you help give them the strength they need to deal with their troubles. Remember that your perception creates your reality. We are part of nature. When we are in a state of stress we are cut off from the nurturing we receive from the elements - earth, air, water, and fire (as in the sun) - and we can actually become ill. Nature is a great healer. Take time out and connect with the natural world whenever you can. The life-force of water can wash away your pain, and the simplest activities can have a healing effect. As you wash your hands, take a shower, or stand in the rain, visualize negative energy flowing from you and being transformed into light.

  • A New Beginning Posted by Sunshine-Chayenna

    I cant tell you any longer who you really are. Every word is just a tip

    so you can touch me NOW

    I feel your deeply pain, your deeply grief Now you recognize what was once. I feel your confusion and your fears But know that you were never alone

    Just know that I will always be there

    Every time you look into my eyes you remember the time we were the first time together.

    You feel how time and space disappear,

    and sees all that you were before, but now you recognize me also in it

    Never we were really separated

    Always we were ONE by all those many lives

    This is not the end,

    but the start for a new beginning Come take my hand, let everything go and jump

    What you experienced as reality

    disappears around you There is no time and space Only this new beginning

    Copyright @ Nederland 2009 Gerda Verstraeten

  • A Verse I found going through one of my books,

    I think it is so true Posted by Gaia Enola

    Don't tell me Dragons are now out of date,or that Unicorns don't

    exist Don't say Santa claus is a fairy tale surrounded by mythical mist.

    Don't tell me that clouds can't make faces or shapes, of castles that rise to the sea

    Don't say that rabbits can't talk to each other, when they are out on the grass having fun.

    Don't tell me the leprechauns fairies and such, no longer in Ireland run wild.

    For then I will tell you my cynical friend To look through the eyes of a child.


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