August 2010

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Transcript of August 2010

Grace & Peace to You… Steve Cobb, Pastor

This summer has been one of

staff transition. As Chris-

tians, God blesses us with the

ability to envision possibili-

ties rather than displaying the

woe is me attitude so often

encountered in the world. It

is our understanding of God’s

role in “all things” that allows

us to see the opportunity these

staff vacancies hold for our

future. Yes, we have sent

Chris Thomas to minister in

Tacoma, Washington and yes,

we are looking for new lead-

ership at the Grace Covenant

Child Development Center,

but God has given us an in-

credible blessing in being able

to see the big picture as we

move into the future.

We are in the process of call-

ing a Christian Educator, and

a Director for the Grace

Covenant Child Development

Center. Please do not miss

the blessing of a concurrent

search under God’s concur-

rent care. The Session and

“You intended it to harm me,

but God intended it for good to

accomplish what is

now being done, the saving of

many lives.”

Genesis 50:20

Joseph spoke these words to

his brothers when they finally

recognized him as the one they

had sold into slavery so many

years before (see Genesis 37,

39-50 to read this wonderful

story). In the years since this

betrayal, Joseph had risen to

the role of prime minister of

Egypt. Now as one of the

most powerful men in the

world, and as his brothers

stood before him in fear, Jo-

seph clearly recognized God’s

providential care through each

event leading up to that mo-

ment. This is but one example

of the doctrine of concurrence,

which is defined;

Concurrence: an aspect of

God’s providence whereby he

cooperates with created things

in every action, directing their

distinctive properties to cause

them to act as they do1; God’s

working in all things to ac-

complish his will in all events

“without violating the nature

of things, the ongoing casual

processes, or human free


Scripture is filled with other

examples of God’s care in the

lives of his people. To his

exiled people God spoke

through the prophet Jeremiah,

“For I know the plans I have-

for you," declares the LORD,

"plans to prosper you and not

to harm you, plans to give you

hope and a future” [Jeremiah

29:11], and the promise deliv-

ered by Moses to the people

of Israel was, “I have come

down to rescue them from the

hand of the Egyptians and to

bring them up out of that land

into a good and spacious

land, a land flowing with milk

and honey… “ [Exodus 3:8].

Writing on the unique view

we as Christians have of

God’s involvement in the

events of the world, James

Montgomery Boice asserts,

“There is probably no point at

which the Christian doctrine

of God comes more into con-

flict with contemporary

worldviews than in the matter

of God’s providence. Provi-

dence means that God has not

abandoned the world that he

created, but rather works

within that creation to manage

all things.”

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

August 2010

Volume 40, Issue 8

Page 1Page 1

Board will be able to call two

gifted people who will comple-

ment one another, who can work

together, and who will create

synergy never before seen be-

tween Grace Covenant and our

ministry to children, and their

families, carried out through our

school. In seeking to call two

people so crucial to the ministry

of our church, we stand at an

exciting crossroad. A number of

gifted candidates are already

coming forward, and our prayer

is to identify the two individuals

best equipped for these minis-

tries by our September 12 Rally


As we move further into the

twenty-first century, let us recall

the truth we hold so dear as

stated by the Westminster Di-

vines, "God's works of provi-

dence are his most holy, wise,

and powerful preserving and

governing all his creatures, and

all their actions.” 3 Please pray

for those involved in the search,

for our congregation. And for

renewed recognition that, “God

is completely in charge of his

world. His hand may be hidden,

but his rule is absolute.” 4

Thanks be to God,

J. I. Packer: Providence

2. James Mongomery Boice: God’s


3. Westminster Shorter Catechism


4 .J.I. Packer: Providence

Well, by the time you read this we'll be well on our way to Tacoma. We're not yet done with our transition, but we've seen God do great things in the middle of all the madness, & we're confident he'll continue to show how faithful He really is. Thank you for all the ways you have cared for us and partnered with us in ministry. We pray & trust that God will continue to use all of you to re-veal the good news of Jesus to your neighbors in the Fan, around Richmond, and throughout the world. For those interested, we will be sending periodic updates about my training & our new life in the Pacific northwest to Grace Covenant; if you would like to be included in our mailing list, just drop us a line at and we'll keep you up to date. We love you as brothers & sisters in the Lord! Godspeed. -The Thomas Family

John Lootens wishes to thank everyone for their concern for his mother, Albirta Lootens. She is recovering from 2 breaks in her pelvis. She looks like she will bounce back from this, too. She is in physical therapy and doing well. Thanks again for all the sympathy and prayers. -John Lootens

I appreciate so much the prayers, cards, phone calls, vis-its and delicious goodies that you have shared with me. It truly has lifted my spirit and now I am feeling better and even driving. Thank you for being the caring Christian community you are. -Jean Appich

To Grace Covenant Friends and Members

Dear Church Family, As Chris Thomas so aptly said it, the members of this congregation take care of their own. For the last twelve months, George and I have certainly experienced it and we want you to know just how much we appreciate the opportunity to be members of this fam-ily. Sinners we are, but your words and caring comments have given us the faith and support to help us through trying times. May the Lord be with us all. Grace and peace –George and Anne Norris

The month of September is

fast approaching and we have

some exciting things for you

this fall. Grace Covenant’s

Rally Day is Sunday, Septem-

ber 12, 2010. Stay tuned for

details on Rally Day, Wednes-

day Nights, and the Sermon

Series, Gospel in Life.

Adult Sunday School Classes:

Extra, Extra! Congratulations!

August 1– Steve Cobb- “Gentleness

and Self Control”

August 8– Dr. Donald D. Denton

“Naming the Pain and Guiding the


August 15– Donald Marsden

August 22, 29 & Sept. 6 will be Steve

Cobb on the Book of Titus

During our Summer Sunday

School Classes we mix it up a

bit! We meet at 9:45 a.m.

every Sunday in the Chapel.

You will not want to miss this

opportunity as we dig deeper

into the Word of God. August

is featuring some great topics:

Invite a friend to Rally Day– Sunday, September 12

Page 3 Volume 40, Issue 8

Congratulations on the engage-

ment of Sam Lowe and Denise Kockler!

A November

wedding is


Please pray for

them in this new

phase of their

life together.

Page 4

As we together approach our September 12 Rally Day please consider these truths.



Whenever you become less than God meant you to be…

Whenever you allow yourself to be manipulated…

Whenever you engage in mindless submission either to

the world or to other Christians…

Whenever you universalize someone else’s experience and try to make it

your own…

Whenever you refuse to laugh or to speak or to weep because you are afraid

of what “they” will say…

Whenever you allow fear or guilt or worry to be the primary motivating

factors in your life…

Whenever you define humility, love or servanthood in a way other than

God’s way…

Whenever you quit thinking and feeling…

Whenever you allow yourself to be bound up in human tradition…

Whenever you bow to any other god than the One who created you…





“When the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed…”

John 8:36

It’s easy to give

Stewardship Corner and Five Cents Per Meal June’s contributions of $32,100 were down 29% from May, a month with five Sundays.

For the first half of this year contributions of $201,500 are running 12.6%

below the same period last year. Expenses in June were up sharply due to the payment

of about $16,000 in property taxes on the Stuart Circle Building. For the first six

months General Fund expenses totaled $327,700, an average of $54,600 per month com-

pared with $52,800 for the same period last year, with the increase due largely to higher

personnel costs. June’s expenses exceeded income by $31,100 bringing the first half’s

operating deficit to $95,800 compared with $53,300 at this time last year.

After a 2.4% increase in market value in the first quarter, the Radio Fund declined 10.2% in

the second quarter and stood at $142,700 on June 30.

Our Five Cents per Meal offering in June was $250

Also in June the church received a bequest from the estate of Jean P. Thomas.

Next time you go to the grocery store pick up a couple extra canned goods. Food dona-

tions are needed for the William Byrd Community House. A few suggestions are canned

fruit, tuna, boxes of macaroni and cheese, boxes of pasta, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter,

jelly, cereal, and other non-perishable food items. Donations may be left in the basket in

the Glass Office (near the back doors, on the main floor of the Education Building).

Please consider giving and being a blessing!

Page 5

Hey everybody, KidShine is just a few weeks away, and it's shaping up to be a great one! Be sure to get the

word out about this great camp. We want kids from all over Richmond to get to enjoy it, and we need to reach

out to new families as much as possible. So please make a concerted effort

to invite neighbors, friends, and family members.

When: August 16-20, 9am-3pm, final performance Friday at 7 pm

Where: Grace Covenant Fellowship Hall

Who: All rising 3rd-6th graders

What: A whole barrel of fun!

KidShine is committed to helping developing self-confidence, creativity and character. One way this happens

is by allowing camp participants to choose what they want to do in the final performance. Whether it’s a

speaking part, solo, dance, instrument, puppet, or scenery painting, we want each individual to experience the

joy of using his/her gifts to praise God. The atmosphere of the day camp is fun, high-energy and encouraging,

and the experience ends in a final performance on Friday evening that is truly amazing. For more information,

visit KidShine’s website at Also to sign up you can find registration forms through-

out the church in the church office, the Glass Office or in the Narthex.

KidShine—Performing Arts Day Camp—Just around the corner

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 God has called you to Grace Covenant to share your gifts for ministry. Please contact the church office to serve on one of these ministries below. Clerk of Session– Kaete Unterzuber , '10 Mission– Elders: Kent Cardwell '12, Joy Nevin '10; Dea-cons: Susan Farrell '12, Betty Appich '11; Members: Jack Corley, Cherry Corley, Patrise Sears, Susan Pillsbury, Dawson Watkins; Ex officio: Steve Cobb Evangelism– Elders: Steve Clarke '10, Brian Baird '11; Deacons: Sam Lowe '10, Lauren Corby '10; Members: Matt Gillis, Ashby Price, Carol Wood, Elizabeth Russell; Ex officio: Steve Cobb Christian Education– Elders: Jean Appich '11, Tom Miller '12; Deacons: Julia Poppell '11, Cherry Corley '12; Mem-bers: Carson Price, Mary Gray, Bill Jacobs, Erika Tabor; Ex officio: Steve Cobb Property– Elder: Cal Gray; Deacons: Pat Ball '12, John Lootens '10; Members: Logan Moorhead, Rob Rosebro; Members & Caretakers: Bob Brooks, Dick Cardwell; Caretakers only: Hampton Harris, Pete Sizemore; Ex offi-cio: Steve Cobb Finance/Stewardship– Elders: Dana McKnight '11, Everett Reveley '12; Deacon: Dawson Watkins; Members: Jordan Ball, Ashby Price, Jack Corley, Jim Londrey, John Nevin; Ex officio: Steve Cobb

Administration– Elders: Laura Leigh Savage '10, Kaete Unterzuber '10; Deacon: Derek Rogers '10; Members: Bob Copeland, Candace Piepgrass, David Martin; Ex officio: Steve Cobb Worship– Elders: Caroline Leith '11, Cheryl Jacobs '12, Stephen Piepgrass '12; Deacons: Pat Aldridge '11, Sid Yates '12; Members: Dana McKnight, Wayne Casey, Dottie-Ray Koch, Charlene Mahurin, Jane Londrey, Phil Coltrain; Ex officio: Chris Martin, Steve Cobb

Jane Roberts, Circle Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Trustee, Elder and a Deacon at Grace Covenant Pres-byterian Church also found time to impact others for good. Westminster Canterbury recently announced the Jane Martin Roberts Wellness Center has been named and dedicated. The named space encom-passes the clinic, the pharmacy, physicians’ services, and the rehabilitation department, and honor the memory of former Courtyard resident Jane Roberts. Mrs. Roberts was a Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans Award recipient as well as past trustee of both West-minster Canterbury’s corporate and Foundation boards. She and her husband John, a resident, gen-erously supported health services innovations. We are very grateful for an endowment established in her memory to provide annual support for en-hancements in wellness center departments and pro-grams. Jane’s dedication, generosity and support for Westminster Canterbury community will live on for decades to come!

John Roberts and his family, including 10 great grand-children, gathered Saturday morning for the dedication of the Jane Martin Roberts Wellness Center.

Our Ministries, 2010 Jane Martin Roberts

Page 6

PW PRESS Presbyterian Women News

Do you want to use your time in meaningful ways? Maybe you want to meet new people and make new friends? Or you want to enjoy the fellowship and fun of working with others to serve God. These are only a few rea-

sons for becoming involved with the Presbyterian Women of Grace Covenant.

The PW is divided into circles, small groups of women who meet once a month to nurture their faith through prayer and Bible study, fellowship, and outreach. The Bi-ble study this year is Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today, by Barbara R. Rossing. There are 4 circles which will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of September and the 2nd Tuesday of the months October through May. Circle 1 meets in the evening to accom-modate working women’s schedules. Circle 3 provides a babysitter and meets at church to encourage mothers with young children to participate. All women of Grace Covenant are invited to attend.

We kick off the year with a Salad Supper on Tuesday, Sep-tember 14 at 6:00 p.m. All who attend are asked to bring a salad dish to share. We are very excited this year to have a representative from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Gail Gilmore, who will present a slide show and discussion on the new renovations to the museum and some of the new art. Please mark your calendars and BRING A FRIEND!

I am looking forward to a fun and rewarding year as the Moderator of PW of Grace Covenant. I would like to say ―Thank You‖ to all who continue to support the PW and a ―Big Welcome‖ to those who may become new active members- you’ll be glad you did!

Any questions, please call 750-1537. Mary A. Gray, Moderator


The time is quickly approaching for the leader-ship Training event on Saturday, August 21, 2010, at Hartwood Presbyterian Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia. PW Leaders will find this information helpful to prepare for the Fall Session. The Rev. Shawn J. Smith, Pastor of Hartwood Presbyterian Church will present the Bible study overview 2010-2011 ―Journey through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope For Today.‖ The Schedule for that Saturday is: 9:00-9:30 a.m. Registration 9:30– 10:30 a.m. General Meeting with overview of 2010-11 Bible Study 10:30-Noon Breakout Sessions for Moderator, Vice Moderators, Treasurers, His-torians, Search, Circle Leaders, Bible Study Leaders, Mission, Justice and Peace. Directions to Hartwood Church is posted on the PW Bulletin Board. For more info or car pool arrangements call Betty Appich at 804-741-2666 or cell at 804-484-4549

Page 8 Volume 40, Issue 8

August Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

12:00 Congregational meeting


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Steve Cobb Vacation

3 10:00 Staff Meeting

Guy’s Group– The Fan/Baird’s


6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study


10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Deacon’s Meeting at 5:30

Christian Education Meeting at


10 10:00 Staff Meeting


6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study


10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

Steve Cobb Vacation

16 12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Worship Meeting at 7:00


17 10:00 Staff Meeting

Evangelism Meeting at 6:45

Finance Meeting

Guy’s Group– The Fan/Baird’s



All Day Staff Retreat 9-4

6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study



10:30 am Children’s Chapel

SESSION 7:00 pm




Group 5:45

KIDSHINE and Evening

Program at 7:00 p.m.



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Grace Notes Due!

24 10:00 Staff Meeting

Property Meeting at 7:00 p.m.



10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45


6:30 p.m. PEOPLE GROUP

at Betty Appich’s River House


9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

Missions Meeting at 12:30 p.m.


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch



10:00 Staff Meeting


September 6

Labor Day-

Church Office will be closed

August Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

12:00 Congregational meeting


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Steve Cobb Vacation

3 10:00 Staff Meeting

Guy’s Group– The Fan/Baird’s


6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study


10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Deacon’s Meeting at 5:30

Christian Education Meeting at


10 10:00 Staff Meeting


6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study


10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

Steve Cobb Vacation

16 12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Worship Meeting at 7:00


17 10:00 Staff Meeting

Evangelism Meeting at 6:45

Finance Meeting

Guy’s Group– The Fan/Baird’s



All Day Staff Retreat 9-4

6:00 Women’s Yoga Class

7:00 Men and Women’s Yoga

Bible Study



10:30 am Children’s Chapel

SESSION 7:00 pm




Group 5:45

KIDSHINE and Evening

Program at 7:00 p.m.



9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch

Grace Notes Due!

24 10:00 Staff Meeting

Property Meeting at 7:00 p.m.



10:30 am Children’s Chapel



Group 5:45


6:30 p.m. PEOPLE GROUP

at Betty Appich’s River House


9:15 Prayer ministry

9:30 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

Missions Meeting at 12:30 p.m.


12 noon Presb. Men’s Lunch



10:00 Staff Meeting


September 6

Labor Day-

Church Office will be closed

Page 9

Page 10 Volume 40, Issue 8

One of the fastest growing ministries at Grace Covenant is occurring in the music ministry: The

Carol Choir (ages 3-K). What began several years ago as a group of only four children has now

grown to over forty! Last year we had to divide the children into three classes, and we had the support

of several assistants to help with the activities.

The music curriculum we use at Grace Covenant for these young choristers is called MusikGarten.

Through this program children participate in structured music classes which include singing and

movement. When music and movement are a natural, joyous part of childhood, children benefit

greatly in many areas of life.

Language development, self expression, memory

skills, concentration, social interaction, fine motor

skills, listening, problem solving, teamwork, goal

setting, and coordination are all impacted by early

music and movement education.

What is involved in a typical rehearsal? Look

through the choir room doors sometime during one

of our lessons, and you will see the children sing-

ing, dancing with scarves, moving with hoops, and

keeping time with jingles and rhythm sticks. Be-

lieve it or not, almost every child leaves the pro-

gram knowing the difference between quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, and rests! Through the

MusikGarten curriculum children learn basic music theory which provides a strong foundation when

beginning to learn a musical instrument or when continuing to sing in a more advanced choir.

Music is vital to life. Music brings people together. Through music, children take an inner experience

and move it into a shared creative experience. Group music-making releases energy which can be

channeled in creative and productive directions.

Grace Covenant’s MusikGarten program is FREE and open to all members and friends of Grace

Covenant. We schedule the Carol Choir to sing three times throughout the year on Sunday mornings

and at the annual Candlelight Carol Service in December. The program runs from September through

May with the following schedule:

Wednesdays (Child Development Center Children) 4:00 p.m.

Wednesdays (Grace Covenant Children) 4:30 p.m.

Thursdays (Mothers Together Children) 10:00 a.m.

For more information about our Carol Choir, contact Chris Martin, Director of Music, at the church

office, 359-2463. We hope to see your young chorister at one of our rehearsals!

MusikGarten —a closer look into Grace Covenant’s Carol Choir (ages 3-K)

Worship Support Duties and Dates

Openers/Closers August 1 Pete Sizemore August 8 Lloyd Bostian August 15 Charlie Appich August 22 Charlie Appich August 29 Cal Gray Nursery Volunteers August 1: Gay Moss

August 8: Nicole Hazlegrove

August 15: Judy Martin

August 22: Lewis Rosebro

August 29: Nicole Hazlegrove Greeters August 1: Bob Copeland, Everett Reveley, Leslie Hartman August 8 Lewis Rosebro, David Martin August 15: Kent Cardwell, Everett Reveley, Leslie Hartman August 22: Brian Baird August 29 Bob Copeland Children’s Worship Kits Caroline Leith Host/Hostess for The Fellowship Time August 1: Kaete Unterzuber and Judy Waldron August 8: Elizabeth Russell August 15: The McCullough’s August 22: Rebecca Reagan

August 29: Laura Leigh Savage Guest Register Attendants August 1: Betty Appich August 8: Dawson Watkins August 15: Everett Reveley August 22: Lisa and Cal Gray August 29: Jo Garber Fellowship Hour If you would like to volunteer to host the Fellowship Hour one Sunday, please sign up on the calendar in the Glass Office. Deacons Fund Grace Covenant has a Deacon’s Fund to assist members who are in financial need. Contact Pastor Steve Cobb, to make a request. All requests are kept confidential. Volunteers for Grace Notes are needed to help prepare our monthly newsletter for bulk mail from 9:00 a.m.—12 noon on Monday, August 30 . If you would like to help for part of, or all of that time frame, simply come to the church library and enjoy some fellowship with other members as you volunteer in this ministry. Grace Notes Deadline: Monday, August 23, is the deadline for submissions for our Au-gust edition. Flowers: If you are interested in donating flowers for the sanctu-ary for Sunday mornings, please contact Lisa Gray at 673-0587. We still have an opening for Sunday, August 22, anyone wishing to donate can call Lisa.

Page 12

A Special Invitation to the Whole Congregation at Grace Covenant

What: Please come to a SALAD SUPPER

When: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

Where: In The Fellowship Hall

Who: Speaker: Gail Gilmore is coming from the Virginia Museum of

Fine Arts and will be presenting the new renovation of the museum and the

new art displays.

Given By: The Presbyterian Women

Bring: Yourself, a friend and a Salad to share!

*Coordinating Team of PW to meet Tuesday, September 14 at 5:00 p.m.

Reserved for PEOPLE Group article

Page 13 Volume 40, Issue 8

PEOPLE Group map



Rev. Mr. Charles E. Sutton

On June 20th one of our Older Adults, Mr. Ed

Adams, celebrated his 90th birthday. Ed was, in

a sense, born into Grace Covenant Church. His

mother was a member of Grace Presbyterian

Church before it united with Covenant Church.

About the age of 13 he became a baptized mem-

ber. Ed has served Grace Covenant as a deacon,

and as an elder. He has been a strong supporter

of the Endowment Fund and the Building Fund.

His commitment is a great example of the valued

ministry of many of our Older Adult members at

Grace Covenant.

The presbytery Older Adult purpose group has

developed a brochure announcing the 2010

retreat at Camp Hanover on October 14. Copies

are available from Charles Sutton and have been

mailed to our church office. This year’s theme is:

Spiritual Living For Older Adults. The featured

speaker will be Rev. Kathy Berry, Chaplain at

Westminster/Canterbury, Richmond. The fee

remains at $14.00 and things to enjoy are the

natural beauty of the camp setting, the fellow-

ship with those from different churches, a sit-

down lunch served by the camp staff, and break-

out groups that share discussion on spiritual liv-

ing in the later years of life.

Sometimes it is difficult to find meaning in our

lives, and this can lead to feelings of depression.

Victor Frankl was able to find meaning even in a

Nazi concentration camp. He wrote that mean-

ing can be found in three ways: (1) by what we

give (in terms of creative deeds), (2) by what we

take from the world (in terms of our experienc-

ing values), and (3) by the stand we take toward

a fate we can no longer change (such as an incur-

able disease or inoperable cancer).

“A person is not old until regrets

take the place of dreams.”

- unknown

August Birthdays 2- Clara Ling 3- Bob Copeland 4- Thatcher Hartman 7- Faye Hayes 7- Michael Douglas 7- Eva Chenoweth 7- Nina Chenoweth 8- Ray Davis 9- Dottie-Ray Koch 10- Charles Horner 11- Nell Dickenson 11– Charlie Appich 12- Rob Turner 13- Berke Bates 13- Ashley Painter 13– Corbin Rogers 14- Michaella Cathey 15- Phil Coltrain 16- Taylor Reveley 17- Everett Reveley 18- Evelyn Turner 18- Billy Koch 18- John Cole 19- Dennis Noll 19- Scott Boze 20- Nancy White 22- Anna Mustanski 23- Helen Whaley 23– Chris Martin 23- Beth Nochta 23- Megan Rogers 26- Walter Lumpkin 28- William B. Morris 28- Jim McCullough 28- Conrad Hackett 29- Virginia Sommers 31- Nate Frost

Phone: (804) 359-2463 Fax: (804) 278-6298

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages in the Education Building

11:00 a.m. Worship Service in the Sanctuary

12:00 p.m. Congregational Fellowship in the Social Room


Pastor: Steve Cobb

Director of Music and Organist: Chris Martin

Administrative Assistant: Vanessa Strait

Bookkeeper: Martha Rubin

Sexton: Willie Alford

Grace Covenant Child Development Center

Interim Director: Jennifer Ball

Church Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

1627 Monument Avenue

Richmond, VA 23220

Address Service Requested

Non Profit Org.