Audio and Video for Blogging (See: Podcasting)

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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The basics beyond technical and distribution that no one else is going to tell you. It's all right here with quick questionnaires to ease the startup process.

Transcript of Audio and Video for Blogging (See: Podcasting)

welcome. i'm kris.

audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

this is audio & video for blogging.

audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

this is about producing.

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choosing a format: audio or video or both.

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audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

i like my voice. i sound awesome.


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i like my face. i'm delicious.


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i like looking at myself while listening to karaoke

recordings...of myself. both.

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now you've made a choice. nice to meet you,

executive producer.

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don't ask why you’re doing this.

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that is for after your first twenty-five episodes.

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let it get done.

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get the plan. get the tools. get the time.

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audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

1. my genre is __________.

2. my show is about ____________.

3. my episodes are around ____ minutes/hours in length.

4. my episodes are released ____________.

5. my episodes are available on a: website/apple/youtube/vimeo/

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audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

1. my show is recorded with ________________ gear and ______________ software.

2. my episodes are edited with ______________ software.

3. my episodes are in mp3/m4a/aac/flac/ogg/m4v/mp4/mpg/flv/ ___________ format.

4. my episodes are served by ______________ web host/cdn/aws.

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1. my episodes are recorded every/every other Su/M/T/W/Th/F/Sa after i ____________/before i ____________.

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best practices.

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1. form habit of producing.2. deliver on all of the above.

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{best practices.} | @kris_smith |

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audio and video for blogging2012-06-27

in the weeds are the answers.

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1. genre

choosing a genre can be difficult. maybe you are genre bending but you'll need to make a choice. whether it's comedy, technology or health . . . you have to choose one for the mother of all podcast catalogs - iTunes (Now Podcast App).

things to consider when choosing a genre: your personality, the information you're going to be sharing and the competition within that genre for an audience. a podcast produced by a bed and breakfast in new hampshire could easily be a comedy podcast if the producers are right.

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2. about

there is nothing wrong with having an idea of what your podcast is about and knocking out a couple episodes and not releasing them publicly. give yourself and opportunity to discover what genre you fit in by being honest about the quality of your work. meaning: don't have expectations that you're going straight from this to a cast member on snl or competing limbaugh for syndication deals.

be humble and accepting that you're going to get better the more you produce.

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3. episode length

this is a tough one. but can easily be chosen by the answer to the following question, "how long are your favorite pieces of media without commercials?" that is how long your episodes should be. if you like listening or watching five minutes dedicated to neuroscience or an hour about indie polka bands. choose a length that suits your delivery, content and taste. it's good form to be consistent for you audience - make it a goal to have episodes be roughly the same length.

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4. when to release episodes

there is no magic time to release episodes that will gain you a larger audience. frankly, i or your audience don't care. just do it when you say you are going to do it.

podcasting is about time shifting the user experience. the user is in control of when they consume your work. they're also in control of where they consume your work. that means a factory floor is as valuable to you as a commuter in a two door sports car.

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5. episode availability

don't give away our brand to other people. that needs to be said first. you own it. start by directing audience members to your site.

however, like television or radio it helps to use middlemen. you know, distributors. and in podcasting there is one king of kings to spread your productions across the globe - Apple.

following their guidelines for technical production and graphics it’s the gold standard. they are kings, after all.

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1&2. equipment

don't let equipment be a barrier!

remember, we are compelled to produce and we'll do it by any means.

my first month of podcasting was recording on free microphones that came with a refurbed eMachines tower that i bought from wal-mart. for windscreens we used baby socks.

see specifics on software and hardware on next couple slides.

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1&2. equipment (cont.)

Audio Hardware Microphones, wind screens, USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt audio interface (mixer or converter) and cables Video Hardware

Camera(s), lights, microphone(s) and cables

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1&2. equipment (cont.)

Audio Software Mac: Logic, ProTools, SoundBooth, WaveLab or Audacity PC: SoundForge, Acid, Vegas, SoundBooth or Audacity Video Software

Mac: iMovie, Final Cut Pro PC: Vegas, Avid, Pinnacle

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3. format

choosing a format for your media is most often answered by what device users will consume your media with.

increasingly that is mobile - and much of the time iOS devices. remember, Apple is the distribution king and they've trained users not to be afraid to get new media..some formats won't play on iPhones or iPads, like Flash. meaning that your flv file is dead on arrival.

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4. hosting your episodes

this becomes a quality issue. to be spread all over the world via the internet your original recordings need to be compressed into formats that compromise their quality for file size.

this is important because if you gain a large enough audience you either have to pay for the bandwidth that they consume or find sponsors or 'free' services to deliver the files. if you're popular a 200kb difference in file size can save you hundreds if not thousands in bandwidth charges. if you're audience is small and better quality matters to you, then crank up the quality. more this way >>>

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4. hosting your episodes

Audio Your web host, VPS, Dedicated, CDN, AWS, Libsyn, SoundCloud.

Video Your web host, VPS, dedicated server, CDN, AWS, YouTube, Vimeo, Blip.

for both audio and video there a number choices and sites thatare missing here. best advice: find one you like and use it untilit no longer meets your needs.

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