Audience Research Gender And Disney/Action

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Audience Research Gender And Disney/Action



Target Audiences/GenderROMCOMS/ACTION FILMS

The females posture(hands on her hips) and facial expression (grin) suggest that she is a leading character within the film which will appealed to the female target audience

The leading female character I visual coding is a smart red dress which indicates that she is a working class woman who is intelligent this will appeal to the female audience ad they can relate to the story line and would like to see how they are represented within the media

The colour red connote love and passion which means which mean that this film is more targeted at the female audience.

This film poster widens the target audience with with a hansom leading man within the poster this suggest that more women will come to see this film.

This poster has a romantic but comedic aspect to as the leading man has got his heart over this private area which suggest that men are not that intelligent this will appeal the the female audience as they as they can relate and understand the storyline

This film post target the female audience as there is a barrier between the male and female this suggest that there is a power struggle between the two this will appeal to the female audience as they can relate to the story

One technique that the movie make have used to appeal to the male target audience aged 15 to 35 is by the main character costume this presents him as a intelligent working man by his clothing this will help widen the range of the audience as working men would like to see this as they would like to know how they are represented within the media.

The use of male characters attracts the male audiences as they what to see how they are represented within the movie and see how they can relate.

The characters posture and facial expressions that they are suggest that they are domain characters within the film . The characters posture and facial expressions suggest action and seriousness which which automatically attacks that male audience as they would be entreated by the action aspect of the movie.

The colour black and red connotes death, danger, action and evil this suggest that that the two characters have a hateful relationship towards each other which appeals to the male target audience because of the action aspects of the film

the colour used within the poster black and white connotes good and bad /peace and disruption.

One smart technique used by the film makers used to widen the target audience was by representing two different types of men as seen on the poster for e.g. smartly dressed working business man and a unemployed out of controlee facial hair man. This help the widen the target audience as more men would want to see this film.

Another thing that action movies do to widen there audience is to add iconic building in the background of where the movie was filmed as there secondary image this helps widen the audience as people from the location would like to see the film and how the city is represented.

One way the film makers targeted the male audience with this poster was but with the use of guns and other weapon this give the film an action aspect which helps target and attract the male audience

The use of the tagline help attacked the male target audience as it give the film a somewhat more a an action Feature

Target Audiences/GenderDISNEY/ACTION FILMS

DISNEY MOVIESNarrative- within Disney movie to appeal to the target audience there is a consistent use of Todorov's narrative theory is fare common for e.g. Within Cindarella there is an equelibrium then a diruption with conflict then ends with a happy ever after (new equelibrium)

Characters-within Disney Films the characters are fairly similar with the use of Props character Theory for e.g. Cinderella (the Hero) Villain (Evil step mother) The Donor/Dispatcher (Fairy God Mother) The False Hero(Evil Step Sisters) The Helpers (The Mice) The Prince(acts as a reward for the hero) The Father (The King)

Settings-Within most Disney Films to appeal to the target audience the setting is usually within a similar background as the audience for e.g. High School Musical as the setting I within the school and the target audience consist of Kid that attended school .

Use Of Violence- as most Disney films are U or PG rating by the BBFC there is usually no violence but when violence dose occurs it is frailly miner.


ACTION MOVIESNarrative- Within most action movies the use of Levi Strauss Narrative theory is common for e.g. within Mr. and Ms. Smith with good VS bad/ Male VS Female

Settings-Within most Action films the setting usually differ to aid the film makers to target and wider the target audience for e.g. Fast and Furious was set in in London and Taken 2 was set in Albania.

Use Of Violence-As action and violence is key within the convention of an action film there is no limitation on the violence in action film but depending on the film certificate the violence is toned up or down.

Characters-within action Films the characters are fairly similar with the use of Props character Theory for e.g. Taken 2 Bryan Mills (the Hero) Murad (Villain) The Donor/Dispatcher (Sam) The False Hero The Helpers (Sam) Kim (acts as a reward for the hero) The Father (Bryan Mills)