Audience profile - media

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Audience profile - media

Audience profile. Target Audience The target audience has been heavily influence by the results of the horror surveyas it gives the best info abut those who like horror and other info, because of the genre of the film is a horror the original target audience is 15 – 30but due to the the vast majority of survey results that I had received the audience was changed so that it would better accommodate the audience that had replied to the survey the target audience had been changed to 15 – 25 so that it was closer to the results. Gender The target audience is also influenced by the survey results as a question was asked on a survey ‘which gender do you think horror films apply to?’ the larger percentage of the results were male, though male was our target gender to start with the fact that the survey results agreed to this strengthened the choice that we had made to make our target audience male. Social class Though the social class isn’t as big a factor as gender or age it is still useful for targeting a more specific audience, there are two groups with smaller one within them the first is ABC1 – the middle class and C2DE – the working class the different letters in the class demographic they are defined as A – upper middle class B – middle class C1 – lower middle class C2 – skilled working class D – working class E – low grade workers, non-earners or prisoners, a movie can be tailored to a social class by making that main character someone relatable to that social class like having a main character as a bank manager who can relate to ABC1 whereas a factory worker would tailor to C2DE. Occupation To tailor the main character to the audience knowing the target audience’s occupation helps to further define the movie tot eh target audience, the majority of the answers on the survey’s occupation question were student we can use this to make the main character relatable to students or make him/her one in the movie making similarities for them.