Audience Feedback

Post on 05-Oct-2015

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Audience Feedback

Transcript of Audience Feedback

Abigail Gumery Media

Audience Feedback1) How was your overall reaction when you first saw this magazine? Looks interesting Masthead grabs my attention Reasonably priced Includes articles that I would be interested in 2) Do you feel that the articles are relevant to you? Yes No Partly

3) What do you think of the layout of my magazine overall? Is it easy to understand? What changes would you make?

4) How does the layout attract you? Easy to navigate Colour scheme Main image Fonts Other*If other, please specify: ..

5) What do you think of the images I have used, do they appeal to your age range? Is there anything you would change?6) Do you feel my logo is suitable for you as my target audience? Yes No Sort of If no, why not? .

7) What do you think was the most striking element of my magazine? Main image Fonts Overall layout Articles Other*If other, please specify: ..

8) Looking at my magazine, can you tell who my target audience is? Yes No Sort of Why? .

9) Would you buy my magazine and why?10) Do you think there is anything I could improve?Thank you for taking your time to complete this questionnaire, it is much appreciated.