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Freedom from Original Sin

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It’s not SIN It’s Repentance

Students Study Booklet

By Ian Traill D,Min

Dominus inluminatio mea

(The Lord is my Light.)

Psalm 27




It’s not Sin it’s Repentance

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Second Edition

Copyright ©2008 -11 Ian Traill Worldwide

All rights in this study guide are reserved world-wide

No part of the book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Ian Traill,

except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews and must be footnoted.

The Modern King James and the New International versions are used in the majority of references with a few

exceptions and all versions are credited when used.

ISBN 1-931178-4

"Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, Modern King James Version

Copyright © 1962 - 1998

By Jay P. Green, Sr.

Used by permission of the copyright holder."

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973,

1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.


This book is dedicated to my brother and dear friend the Bishop of Beaufort Ps. Peter Font who has

gone home to be with our Lord.

Peter showed me mercy and grace, when I was on my return journey from the wilderness.

A man of faith, hope and love!


I would like to give thanks to my God the Lord Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit who imparted

revelation for this book and my life.

I would like to thank younger brother Gordon Traill for his help in reading through this book. I would

also like to thank Marian Lawson for her work in the final proof reading of this book.

Finally I would like to thank my loving wife Weina for taking care of the home, our daughter and me

while I was at the keyboard. Without Weina, I don’t think I could have written this book, she has

constantly supported and believed in me.

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Table of Contents

Dedication 2

Acknowledgement 2

Assessment Requirements 5

Assessmeant Sheet 6 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 7 Please write your impressions from chapter one. 8

Chapter Two 9 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 9

Please write your impressions from chapter two. 9

Chapter Three 11 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 11 Please write your impressions from chapter three. 11

Chapter Four 13 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 13 Please write your impressions from chapter four. 13

Chapter Five 15 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 15 Please write your impressions from chapter five. 15

Chapter Six 17 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 17 Please write your impressions on the judgments. 17

Crowns 18 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 18 Please write your impressions regarding the crowns. 18

Chapter Seven 20 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 20 Please write your impressions from chapter seven. 20

Chapter Eight 22 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 22 Please write your impressions from chapter eight. 22

Chapter Nine 24 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 24 Please write your impressions from chapter nine. 24

Chapter Ten 26 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 26 Please write your impressions from chapter ten. 26

Chapter Eleven 28 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 28 Please write your impressions from chapter eleven. 28

Chapter Twelve 30 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 30 Please write your impressions from chapter twelve. 30

Chapter Thirteen 32 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 32 Please write your impressions from chapter thirteen. 32

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Chapter Fourteen 34 Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet. 34 Please write your impressions from chapter fourteen. 34

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Assessment Requirements Assessment for this study covers two areas. One is the multiple choice questions and the second part is a written section. Both parts need to be completed for full assessment.

The multiple choice questions and the written section must be returned to us for recording all results.

1. Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Please mark your assessment answer sheet square with an X.

Select; A, B, C, D or E

A for True

or B for False.

2. On a separate piece of paper please write your impressions from all chapters.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from each chapter.

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Assessmeant Sheet

This sheet must be returned to our office for assessment and for recording into our files.

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Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q1. A copy of a copy of a copy will become unclear. True or False

Q2. If theology is based on an incorrect preposition then it will cause a problem for some. True or False

Q3. Over man’s history there have been Kingdoms, Governments and people groups who believe they have had the right to have a tyrannical rule over another. True or False

Q4. Many have been rejected at first when they bring a new revelation from the word of God. True or False

Q5. The Bible is not everything God wants to say to us. True or False

Q6. The word of God is finished, complete whether a person believes it or not. We are blessed and chosen if we know it is the word of God and all matters are settled by it. True or False

Q7. Each believer should wait on the pastor to receive revelation about the word of God. True or False

Q8. In Genesis 2: 1 and John 19: 30 it says “it is not finished” one in the Hebrew and the other in the Greek, but both have the same meaning and that is simply everything is completed. True or False

Q9. We must be responsible for our own walk and our own desire to search through the mysteries of God found in the Bible. True or False

Q10. The Preacher is responsible to listen to God on our behalf. True or False

Q11. This needs the believer to take responsibility for his or her own walk: “one” to listen to the Holy Spirit and “two” to read the word of God. True or False

Q12. The infallible word of God is without error and without contradictions in its intent. True or False

Q13. God said, “It’s finished” and Jesus said, “it is finished,” True or False

Q14. Satan had fallen to his pride and sinned against God and therefore he was cast out of heaven. True or False

Q14. Satan is part of creation, as is man and therefore none of creation had fallen until after a hundred years. True or False

Q15. From the institutionalization of the Church in about AD 326 there appeared a centralized organization which controlled the freedom of the word of God to the people. True or False

Q16. It is time for the believer to read and study the word of God and not just to read, but question teachings that don’t seem to fit. True or False

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Q17. DNA, the new science, is finding that we are all related. The Bible has been telling us that this was the case for the last 6000 years. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter one.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.


































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Chapter Two

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q18. In some ways the Church has become brittle and is under great pressure from man to be made rigid and controllable so that man can maintain his control. True or False

Q19. Some doctrine has been developed by man to support certain plans he has for the Church. True or False

Q20. Crystallization of the Church by human hands comes about when you have to cover one truth with another. True or False

Q21. John Wickliffe, John Hus, John Knox, William Tyndale and Martin Luther, and many more men of God, you will find that they may have had some questionable Theology. True or False

Q22. Jesus’ disciples at the time of the Transfiguration on the mount wanted to build three tabernacles, structures. True or False

Q23. We need to resist and challenge crystallized thinking and continue to delve deep into His word and be open to changes ourselves. True or False

Q24. The term ‘paradigm shift’ relates to a significant change from a fundamental or usually accepted viewpoint to a different view. True or False

Q25. Each generation in Church History has gone through a paradigm shifts to remove one or more components that have caused errors in understanding the adaptation, evolution or revelation of scripture to the Church. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter two.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.















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Chapter Three

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q26. It is through conceptual thinking that the Holy Spirit can bring revelation to the believer. True or False

Q27. Man was created in God’s image and likeness, that is not to say he was complete but he has the full communicable attributes potential of God, though his thinking and reasoning still needed developing. True or False

Q28. The word of God is a set of pictures and concepts in words and as we stay in it we will develop Godly perspective. True or False

Q29. Man had become spiritually ill and his spirit had died. The war between the body, mind and spirit had begun. True or False

Q30. Conceptual thinking is not influenced by our perspective, which has not been influenced by our own experience. True or False

Q31. Our different perspective have been developed by the environment we have been brought up in. Not only is our perspective different because of our environment but our character has also been shaped in the process. True or False

Q32. Spiritual liberty to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and follow the teaching of the Bible will bring about a remarkable change of one’s thinking patterns, which is most commonly called regeneration. True or False

Q33. We are sojourning in this world to bring the love of Christ to a lost and dying World, so people cannot step from darkness into the wonderful loving light of Jesus Christ. True or False

Q34. We all come from different cultures and experiences which have influenced our perspectives and therefore our conceptual thinking differs in some way. True or False

Q35. God’s Word is the only constant in this world. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter three.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.









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Chapter Four

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q36. Before the fall of man there was no law and no need for the law. True or False

Q37. Once a person has violated the law and found guilty they will have the full weight of the law coming upon them in the form of a penalty. True or False

Q38. Paul in Romans 8 explains the victory, “There is no condemnation to those in Jesus”. We have been set free from sin and eternal separation. True or False

Q39. By the fact that God had created the two trees we can say that sin is not part of creation. True or False

Q40. We can walk freely, knowing that our flesh was going to sin and that we were already in sin like Adam and Eve, but that doesn’t mean we continue to sin. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter four.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.
























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Chapter Five

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q41. We know that the Law of Gravity holds an airplane to the ground but it can take a great leap into the realm of the Law of Aerodynamics when a greater law comes into play action. True or False

Q42. Man has been held to this world by the law of sin and by not repenting. True or False

Q43. This law force, or dynamic, of sin was not part of the creation of man in the Garden, it only happened after the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. True or False

Q44. Jesus was saying that He was the greater law, or the Superseder, and that if a person believed in Him and asked for forgiveness, he would be forgiven. Therefore, legally a person could re-enter into the Kingdom of God. True or False

Q45. What needs to take place is for a lesser law to be enacted, so that the law of sin has no power over us. True or False

Q46. Jesus did not come to bring a new dimension to man. True or False

Q47. This supreme sacrifice by Jesus paid the ultimate price for our redemption. True or False

Q48. If we are to take the word of God to the world, we need to be real in the confession of our faith. True or False

Q49. Those who believe in Jesus have a new legal position with the authority to use this new legal position in any given situation. So we need to use it. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter five.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.













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Chapter Six

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q50. As the term implies there is a judgment of God in every action and inaction based on the facts of any situation. True or False

Q51. To avoid the punishment all they needed to do was to take responsibility for their actions by the act of repentance. True or False

Q52. Judgment of the saints is to confirm our passage into heaven based on our confession of Jesus as our Lord and God, and with the act of a heartfelt repentance. True or False

Q53. It is the judgment on sin from God that had happened only 2000 years ago. True or False

Q54. Not every action big or small will be judged so don’t worry. True or False

Q55. We can see that there is the judgment of the unrepentant sinner is those who are unsaved people, those who haven’t called on the name of Jesus. True or False

Q56. Man could avoid the final judgment if he would only compare his life to the word of God and be his own judge and repent. True or False

Q57. A self judgment is for personal reflection and to help in the regeneration process. True or False

Q58. Is it good to place ourselves in the hands of God for a judgment or assessment?” True or False

Q59. We must judge ourselves and not leave it to another, for others don’t have to live with the outcome True or False

Please write your impressions on the judgments.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.













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Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q60. There are requirements to collect your reward from God and the main one is that you are a heartfelt repenting born-again believer in Jesus Christ. True or False

Q61. If we do not overcome temptation and persecution we will receive the Crown of life. True or False

Q62. Rewards are not here to motivate us to doing things. This should come from the love we have felt from God and the love we feel for Him, plus the desire to let others know about this love. True or False

Please write your impressions regarding the crowns.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.






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Chapter Seven

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q63. God shows no partiality. True or False

Q64. When Satan rebelled against God, God did not cast him down to the Earth. True or False

Q65. Yes it’s true to say that Satan sinned first in creation and that Adam and Eve were the first of mankind to sin in the Garden. True or False

Q66. Every scenario in the Bible which has restoration with God in it has the component of repentance except Adam and Eve’s story. True or False

Q67. Image deals with our outward appearance and likeness deals with the character and nature. True or False

Q68. What the serpent did was to not plant any doubt in Eve’s mind. True or False

Q69. They were going to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because they had no experience, knowledge or understanding of this matter. True or False

Q70. Adam demonstrated his change of position or his new defiled in the spirit, a sinful nature. True or False

Q71. God initiates salvation for Adam through the killing of the innocent animal (verse 21) God also initiates our salvation through the innocent blood of Jesus. True or False

Q72. God was waiting for a repentant heart from Adam, but it didn’t come because of their lack of responsibility for their actions. True or False

Q73. There is nowhere in our Bibles that says Adam was put out of the Garden just for the act of disobedience (Sin) of eating the fruit. True or False

Q74. By the act of repentance by man and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we have passed from spiritual death to spiritual life. True or False

Q75. God knew we were going to sin because He had His Son coming to save us right from the beginning (1Peter 1: 19-20 Hebrews 9:26). True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter seven.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.







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Chapter Eight

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q76. God’s purpose of creating man was so that He could have fellowship with him in the Garden to walk and to talk with Him. True or False

Q77. The mind-exploding experience of man gained through the act of disobedience, has brought about an inability to deal with his problems and the lack of taking responsibility. True or False

Q78. In looking at the redemptive work of Christ we will see the importance of the blood in Genesis 3: 21. We can see that the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed Adam. True or False

Q79. Stating what the word of God says in regards to the power of the blood as the purchased price for you. The blood of Jesus is a powerful defence against the works of the enemy. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter eight.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.






















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Chapter Nine

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q80. As we learn more about the knowledge of sin from our peers and as we grow, we learn about God’s grace. True or False

Q81. We are saints and we have the potential or the ability to sin in our flesh. True or False

Q82. Sin is an insidious thing, most people are not aware of the teaching of repentance. True or False

Q83. Sin is anything that exalts itself above or against God’s word. True or False

Q84. Forgiveness towards our fellow man will also bring into play a powerful dynamic of freedom. We are called to forgive so our heavenly Father can forgive us. Forgiving ourselves is to believe that God has forgiven us and we should agree with Him. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter nine.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.























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Chapter Ten

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q85. As grace implies, this is an action on God’s behalf towards man, but for us to be able to enjoy this gift requires an action on our part. True or False

Q86. The greatest hindrance to man receiving God’s gift of grace is the pride of heart brought about by denial, which leads to man not taking responsibility for his own actions. True or False

Q87. The word of God says that repentance starts someone else. True or False

Q88. Once grace is flowing, you are legally brought back into right relationship and literally you can have fellowship with God again. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter ten.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.
























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Chapter Eleven

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q89. We as Christians need to trust in God by the power of His Holy Spirit to bring the conviction upon the hearts of man. True or False

Q90. Repentance is necessary for man to activate the full dynamics of the Kingdom of God. True or False

Q91. Our legal position is that God has forgiven us. We need now to believe the word of God and realize what our literal position is now. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter eleven.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.



























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Chapter Twelve

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q90. The Christian should come from the Spirit first, then to the works. We do not have to do good works to get into heaven. It’s because we are legally there in heaven and we want to do good works. True or False

Q91. As Christians, we cannot say we are legally in a new position of freedom because we can say: I am not absolved of all my sins. I am not acquitted of all my sins. I am disapproved in Jesus Christ. I am not confirmed in Jesus Christ. Jesus is not my defence. I am established in Jesus Christ. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter twelve.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.



























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Chapter Thirteen

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q92. Augustine’s error was based on writings which failed to meet Biblical criteria and with the desire to gain or return to a state of more control over the people. It was simply bringing a teaching which is supported by what we know as tradition which is not supported by scripture. True or False

Q93. Augustine believed all children were stained with sin including the unborn child. In the zealousness of his teaching, if a woman died in childbirth, the child would be removed from the mother and buried outside the church cemetery so that the mother could be buried in the church ground. Either Jesus is wrong or Augustine. True or False

Q94. As we have read in this book we have seen that it is the absence of repentance from Adam which caused the expulsion from the Garden. True or False

Q95. Augustine’s teaching was to reinforce the concept of sin into the mind of man and not to bring about the freedom that can be found in Jesus Christ through regeneration. He had no concept of the New Creation in Christ Jesus. True or False

Q96. His teaching brought about the pinnacle of abuse in the Church with the condemnation of children. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter thirteen.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.



















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Chapter Fourteen

Please answer all multiple choice questions on your assessment answer sheet.

Q97. Satan sinned, Adam and Eve sinned and everyone in the world has sinned. True or False

Q98. Grace is not available to all.. True or False

Q99. An R.S.V.P. is required to receive what is there in the heavenlies (Acts 2:21). True or False

Q100. Repentance is the medicine to the ills of this world and Jesus the remedy. True or False

Please write your impressions from chapter fourteen.

Use key points that you found were beneficial from this chapter.

























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