Attracting and addressing the audience

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Attracting and addressing the audience



Lauren Briers

• Menu strip: This provides the audience with other information they will be interested in, instantly providing them with factual information rather than text overload at a glance.

• With the issue number being high, it shows the audience that it is a successful magazine which has been running for years, so therefore must be of a good standard and quality.

• The USP provides uncertain readers with an extra reason in which to purchase the magazine. With iTunes being used by millions it is bound to appeal to the majority of the targeted audience.

•The font I used is relatively simple but this portrays a sophisticated image. The shadows on the text makes it appear quite harsh on the cover making it stand out to the audience. The white however doesn’t make the font look as though it is out of place. With the colours on the cover being relatively dull as well as colourful it maintains the sophisticated look.

• large masthead: Is bold and simple so it stands out to people, whilst on sale in a store. The purple also appeals to the females but isn’t a shade that looks really youthful and ‘tacky’.

• Idealised reader and a well known artist is used as the cover image in an attempt to attract the audience as they recognise the female and may aspire to be like her. I believe the model on my cover also projects the ethos of the entire magazine as it is friendly and quite youthful and colourful. The mise-en-scene of the image contains a floral print dress, which is appropriate to the summer issue and relates to the latest trends and fashion. The natural make-up also compliments the sophisticated appearance of the magazine.

•For each article there is a fragment of information below the title which provides a brief summery of what each article is about. This appeals to the reader as it provides them with a basic but informative statement about what the article will include, this further gives them the opportunity to navigate straight to the articles which appeal to them more.

• The images provide a visual aspect for the reader allowing them to make visual links to the articles. This works well as the style of the photographs are of those which will appeal to the audience also as they are quite sophisticated and are of dull colours like those used on the cover.

•I have kept to the typical conventions of a music magazine contents page with the articles split into categories. This benefits the reader as if they are looking for a article mentioned on the cover they can easily locate it on the contents to further read the brief summary and navigate to the page/s the article is featured on

•The photography and style of the main article is similar to that which is portrayed on the cover and contents. This attracts the audience as the magazine continues to appeal to them, maintaining the house style.

•The article is of a friendly and chatty tenor. This appeals to the reader as it makes the article seem more entertaining and as if they are having a casual chat with the star rather than just reading masses of formal, informative information.