Attitude of Gratitude · 2020. 9. 18. · Do you have an Attitude of Gratitude? Happy people are...

Post on 05-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Attitude of Gratitude · 2020. 9. 18. · Do you have an Attitude of Gratitude? Happy people are...


Attitude of Gratitude

Do you have an Attitude of Gratitude? Happy people are thankful for what they have. To help you

be grateful think of the things and people that you are grateful for.

Principal’s Message

As we work towards the end of the Term we reflect on our successes while also reflecting on the challenges we have faced. These challenges focus around the adjustments that parents, teachers and students have worked through during COVID. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and caregivers who have been extremely patient and supportive with all the restrictions. Unfortunately we have seen events postponed or even cancelled. Working with CEWA and the Health Department, our priority has always been and will continue to be the health and safety of our staff, students and parents. I would also like to thank the parent body for the positive feedback on various issues, whether it is through conversations with parents or through email. This signifies the strong connection we have with the school community. As a school community, let us continue to pray for family and friends who have been affected in any way by COVID.

Our Year 6 students are approaching the final stages in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. On Wednesday the students participated in an all-day retreat lead by the youth group 24/7. This was an opportunity to consolidate all they have learnt about the sacrament through various activities. Students valued this time as they have begun to understand what it means to be initiated into the Catholic Church.

Free School Holiday Program

School Holidays are fast approaching! The City is excited to present the Junior Kitchen program available to Rockingham families. Please see flyer attached to share with your network of


There are four workshops over two age groups available: Primary Schoolers (ages 6 – 10 years)

Tuesday 29 September Baldivis South Community Centre

Workshop 1: 10am – 12pm Workshop 2: 2pm – 4pm

Pre - schoolers (ages 3 – 5 years)

Tuesday 6 October Child and Parent Centre – East Waikiki

Workshop 1: 10am – 12pm Workshop 2: 2pm – 4pm


Thank you Tannar Staszewski for showing the SPIRIT OF JESUS and donating $50 of his own

pocket money to Flores. What an amazing Attitude of Gratitude to have Tannar.


Cook root to tip.

Cauliflower leaves,

beetroot leaves

and stalks, carrot

top stalks,

coriander stems,

pepitas and potato

skins can all be



Keep your haircuts

low waste by

choosing a

sustainable salon



Make your own pet

food. Visit your local

library for books

that teach you how

or look online for



Avoid the

temptation of


snacks and take

your own

snack– fruit, cut

up vegetables,

nuts an

sandwiches from





25th September 2020

Eamon, the son of my editor, Allyn Johnston, has the opportunity to ‘talk back’ about postcards.

Allyn travels a lot for work and sends him postcards from the places she goes. Eamon looks for

hem in the mail, and he and his dad read them together for comfort while she’s gone. The

postcards become a topic of conversation. His dad talks about them ands Eamon talks back to

him. From the postcards he is also learning why we read: as he sees the print he realises that its

purpose is to send a real message from one person to another.

Reading Magic– Mem Fox



Our Playgroup is facilitated by a qualified Aboriginal Teacher and Aboriginal Liaison Officer. We

practise Enriched Caregiving, Language Priority, Conversational Reading and Learning Games.

These are facilitated through parent to child learning. Come and join in the fun.

When: Tuesday and Wednesday’s from 9.30am -11.15am during the school term.

Where: Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, Rockingham WA 6168

Enquiries: 0497678051

Email: Tamara –

Proudly funded by the Australian Government

Fri 18/9 Athletics Carnival

Mon 21/9 Online Assembly (until further notice)

Tues 22/9 Gardening Club

Wed 23/9

Thur 24/9 Last Day Term 3


12/10 First Day Term 4

Online Assembly (until further notice)



Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am & 6.00pm

Monday – Saturday 7.30am

Friday 8.00am – 9.00am Holy Hour

Saturday 8.00am intercessory Rosary


A friendly reminder to all families that a Family Suggestion Box has been placed in the front foyer of the OSHC and by the entrance of the ELC for

any suggestions and feedback regarding the Centre. We are always looking at how we can improve and we value your input.

Early Learning Centre News

18th September 2020

This Month’s Community Networks Triple P Seminar – Power of Positive

Parenting Find out why kids do what they do and what you can do about it.


Relationships Australia

Provides resources to couples, individuals and families to help enhance and support relationships.


Toddler Time Songs, rhymes, finger plays and stories are shared in a group environment. Library staff can also assist you in finding resources to suit your needs,

such as board books for babies, nursery rhyme books and parenting resources. Website:

If you would like further information regarding local services that assist, please see the Parent/Families Community Link folder kept in the OSHC Foyer and ELC This folder is update Monthly and we welcome families input in services that may be of assistance to add to this folder.

Did you know?: The Federal Government’s top Great Barrier Reef officials have warned our natural icon will virtually

collapse if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees. Up to half of the Great Barrier Reef’s coral died in back-to-back mass

bleaching events in 2016 and 2017. https://

Coming up in our ELC room we will be looking into the negative impact climate change has on our planet and what

positive actions we can take to help improve our carbon footprint. We will make a chart together of things we can do

within our service such as simple actions like turning the lights off when we don’t need them.

Climate change in Australia has been a critical issue since the beginning of the 21st century. Australia is becoming

hotter, and more prone to extreme heat, bushfires, droughts, floods and longer fire seasons because of climate change.

It is every Individuals role to take part in changing the planet for our future

generations. Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef has been hit exceptionally

hard by both factors. Stressed by warmer and more acidic waters, coral expels

the colourful algae it depends on to survive. Unless the coral has a chance to

recover and the algae can return, it can die, upsetting entire marine


A friendly reminder to all families that a Family Suggestion Box has been placed in the front foyer of the OSHC and by the entrance of the ELC

for any suggestions and feedback regarding the Centre. We are always looking at how we can improve and we value your input.

Outside School Hours Care News

18th September 2020

OSHC is fast approaching Vacation Care and our most recent planner has recently been released to our families. This

planner is filled with all of the exciting activities that OSHC children will be taking part in during this Vacation Care

period including: A visit from the zoo, Scitech programs, dodgeball events and much more! If you would like to book

into our Vacation Care program, please do so through the Enrol or My Family Lounge app. If you need assistance with

the app or bookings, please speak to a member of the team.

We are also welcoming Chloe Varndell to our OSHC

team as our new Nominated Supervisor. Chloe has

come onboard from our Early Learning Centre to work

with us all here at OSHC. She is very excited to get

stuck in! If you have not met Chloe before, she would

love for our families to introduce themselves as she

gets to know all of our OSHC children and their

families. Violet Kipsaina is also joining the team here

at OSHC assisting Chloe with the day to day opera-

tions of the Centre and professional development of

staff. Violet is another member of staff from our ELC

who is excited to begin her journey here at OSHC too!

This Month’s Community Networks Triple P Seminar – Power of Positive

Parenting Find out why kids do what they do and what you can do about it.


Relationships Australia

Provides resources to couples, individuals and families to help enhance and support relationships.


Toddler Time Songs, rhymes, finger plays and stories are shared in a group environment. Library staff can also assist you in finding resources to suit your needs,

such as board books for babies, nursery rhyme books and parenting resources. Website:

If you would like further information regarding local services that assist, please see the Parent/Families Community Link folder kept in the OSHC Foyer and ELC This folder is update Monthly and we welcome families input in services that may be of assistance to add to this folder.