ATS and Production Issues January 11, 2013 · 1/11/2013  · ATS and Production Issues (Beginning...

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Transcript of ATS and Production Issues January 11, 2013 · 1/11/2013  · ATS and Production Issues (Beginning...

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


Item# Issue/Question Date Opened Resolution Environment

(ATS/Production) Status

1 Some companies are reporting that they have not received their Software ID.

11/5/2012 The e-Help Desk is looking into this and will continue to issue SWID as soon as possible. Software Companies that are experiencing problems securing a SWID can contact the e-Help Desk for assistance.

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

2 Form 1040, Scenarios 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 - The W-2 Social Security Tax Rate of 6.2% is incorrect.

11/5/2012 The correct Social Security Tax of 4.2% should be used. This has been added to the ATS Known Issues and Solutions.

ATS Closed 11/5/2012

3 Form 1040, Scenario 3 – The Year of Birth for Child 1 (1999) is incorrect.

11/5/2012 The Year of Birth for Child 1 should be 1999 and all boxes should be checked in this instance. This has been added to the ATS Known Issues and Solutions.

ATS Closed 11/5/2012

4 When will the 1065 and 1120 scenarios be issued?

11/5/2012 The scenarios have been provided to the e-Help Desk for distribution. SWD should contact e-Help Desk assistor.

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

5 When will the 990 scenarios and Publications be issued?

11/5/2012 See Item # 31. IRS Publication 4205 will be sent via e-mail to MeF stakeholders during the week of November 12th and posted to the MeF Publications page on

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

6 When will the 1041 scenarios and Publication be issued?

11/5/2012 Publications 1437 and 1438 are expected to post to on November 13th. ATS Closed 11/6/2012

7 Form 1120S, Scenarios 4, 5, and 6 has a misplaced entry.

11/6/2012 The entry for Return Allowances should be reported in Gross Receipts or Sales.

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

8 Maryland and Oregon have reported Login problems.

11/5/2012 This is a problem with coding on the IRS side. IRS is researching on how to fix the coding, but there is no ETA on a resolution. (11/8/12) Weekend fix has resolved this issue. (11/13/12)

ATS Closed 11/13/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


9 Maryland and Oregon have reported .net MTOM failure when no attachment is received in response.

11/5/2012 Users were pointed to a code patch to fix their client. ATS Closed 11/6/2012

10 Taxworks has reported authentication issues.

11/5/2012 Our research indicates that this problem is caused by an issue on the IRS side. IRS is researching on how to fix the coding, but there is no ETA on a resolution. Xan believe this has been fixed, but has not touched base with the Vendor to confirm. (11/9/12). Vendor has verified that issue has been corrected - Closed. (11/13/12)

ATS Closed 11/13/12

11 Some states have reported issues with Send New Acks and Get Reconciliation List.

11/5/2012 The Send New Acks Response problem (showing null because the wrong element is returned) is being fixed by IRS. We will let you know when the fix will be implemented in production. Fix has been implemented. (11/14/12) There is no Reconciliation List problem. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

12 New York reporting unable to get Server Configuration error


Caused by a bad gateway. Gateway was rebooted, which Xan feels has fixed this configuration error. (11/7/12)

ATS Closed 11/7/2012

13 Thomson-Reuters is reporting Internal System Error.


IRS is reviewing and researching this issue, we will provide a resolution as soon as possible. Xan suggested that the stakeholder continue to check on this issue. Xan thinks that it may be a line feed error that can be corrected by changing the input to a different line. Stakeholder will attempt the fix and send an e-mail to Xan and the MeF mailbox with the results. Thomson-Reuters confirms that this issue has been resolved. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/8/2012

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


14 Transmitter reported an issue with Form 1040 Scenario 1 with the Physical Presence Test and recommended that the date be changed from 1/1/2012 to 1/1/2011. Form 2555-020 error message.

11/6/2012 ATS indicated that the solution is that for Test 1 Form 2555, Part III, line 16, transmitters should use the year 2011 with the date, not 2012. This rule has been disabled in ATS. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/7/2012

15 Some transmitters are reporting Session/Server limit errors.


Xan stated the errors he has looked over are legitimate and requested if they are still receiving these errors to submit examples to the MeF mailbox. Xan suggested 2 solutions on the 11/7 call: Transmitters can set the Session indicator set to null, or log in, do a single service request, or don’t do more than 5, and log out. No ETA on a resolution.

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

16 Some transmitters are reporting Login Response Certificate errors.

11/6/2012 Xan states that this is a problem with coding on the IRS side. IRS is researching on how to fix the coding, but there is no ETA on a resolution. (11/8) Fix will be run this weekend. (11/9/12). Fix has resolved this issue. (11/13/12)

ATS Closed 11/13/12

17 Some transmitters are reporting host name not in MeFException node (WSDL 8 testing).

11/6/2012 IRS is reviewing and researching this issue, and will provide a resolution as soon as possible. IRS is still working on this issue as of 11/8. Xan is still researching this issue. (11/15/12) We are closing this issue as resolved per Xan. (12/19/12)

ATS Closed 12/19/12

18 IRS is noticing an increase in Get Ack Service Requests errors.

11/6/2012 We recommend transmitters look over the Service Request SLA. ATS Closed 11/6/2012

19 Java Class error message

11/7/12 Stakeholders need to check to make sure they are using the correct WSDLs on the port. There is additional functionality that is causing this error message. Software vendors need to use the new WSDLs on the la.alt URL for ATS transmissions. Vendors will need to use the old WSDLs for production. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/8/2012

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


20 Vertex reported that they get the session timeout even with one entry.

11/7/12 Duplicate issue to item # 15. Xan stated the errors he has looked over are legitimate and requested if they are still receiving these errors to submit examples to the MeF mailbox. Xan suggested 2 solutions on the 11/7 call: Transmitters can set the Session indicator set to null, or log in, do a single service request, or don’t do more than 5, and log out. No ETA on a resolution.

ATS Closed 11/6/2012

21 Issue for the individual apps. If you have a Schedule SE or Schedule C, it’s rejecting because the software is looking for version 4.0 instead of 3.0. Business Rule 1040-180-01.


The business rule that is causing this issue has been disabled in ATS. See listing of disabled rules in item 26 below. (11/9/12)

ATS Closed 11/9/12

22 F 1040 – 112 – 01 error message.


The business rule that is causing this issue has been disabled in ATS. See listing of disabled rules in item 26 below. (11/9/12)

ATS Closed 11/9/2012.

23 1120 issue. Version 1.2

is currently listed as a minor version change. Vendor feels that Version 1.2 had many changes that would seem to indicate a major version change. Does it need to be corrected?

11/7/2012 BMF reports that the major version change is slated to be issued on December 17th. BMF looked at its’ testing scenarios to ensure that the minor version change does not affect any software approvals. (11/8/12)

ATS / BMF Closed 11/8/2012

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


24 R000-932 error message. Message notes that Amended or Superseded return box is not checked, so it’s rejecting the transmission because the system assumes a return has already been submitted.

11/7/2012 IRS (BMF) is reviewing and researching this issue, and will provide a resolution as soon as possible. BMF has identified the problem, but no resolution yet. (11/9/12) Still working on getting this rule disabled. (11/13/12). Rule has been disabled and returns should not be getting the R000-932 error message anymore. (11/15/12)

ATS / BMF Closed 11/15/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


25 Urban institute. New submissions giving a R8-MeF error indicating that there is a conflict in submissions.


The specific error encountered is: “<faultstring xml:lang="en-US">IDP Rule 'R8-MeF Invalid WSDL IDP Rule' aborted processing. The root element {}GetNewSubmissionsRequest' found within the SOAP body does not match the name and namespace of any message defined in the WSDL file.</faultstring>” IRS Resolution: Urban’s request contained two parts and typical ones for this type contain one. The URL's local part was /a2a/mef/mtom/GetSubmissions, while the action ended with GetNewSubmissions matching the request. They must match. In other words your message body type isn’t valid for the URL you sent it to. Perhaps a better worded error message would have said something like: "The root element ... found within the SOAP body does not match the name and namespace of the operation defined for the request's URL in the WSDL file". The current wording is misleading since that element is proper for a message in the WSDL file - just not the one for that URL. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/8/12

26 F 1040-SS-PR-007. Error message states that Dependent SSN is invalid even though it’s a test SSN.


The business rule that is causing this issue has been disabled in ATS. See the list of disabled ATS rules in item 26 below. (11/8/12)

ATS Closed 11/8/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


27 Disabled Business Rules 11/9/2012 The following rules have been disabled in ATS: F1040-180-01 F1040-020 SD-F1065-063 F1040-112-01 F1040SSPR-007 F2555-020 F499R2W2PR-004 (This rule will also be disabled in x-Domain (PROD) environments)

ATS Closed 11/9/12

28 Oregon – Send New Acks returns a blank submission error message.

11/9/2012 IRS is working on a resolution for this issue (reopened – 11/9/12). Have not verified that this has been fixed. (11/13/12). This issue has been resolved (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

29 Vendor is having a problem getting a response from Get New Submissions using the WSE 2.0 application. They are trying to trace what’s causing the problem.

11/9/12 Solution: Software developers / transmitters should not use WSE version 2.0 because WSE 2.0 does not support MTOM. Vendors must use the WSE 3.0 or WCS versions.

ATS Closed 11/9/12

30 New Publications 11/13/12 This week, the IRS will be posting the following e-file testing packages to Pub. 4162 – for Forms 1120 Pub. 4505 – for Forms 1065 Pub. 1436 – for the 1040 Series Pub. 1437 – for Forms 1041 (procedures) Pub. 1438 – for Forms 1041 (file specifications)

ATS Closed 11/13/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


31 New Publication 11/13/12 Publication 4205 has been sent out via e-mail to E-file stakeholders. The publication will be posted on the MeF Publications page on later this week (

ATS Closed 11/13/12

32 Scenario Update 11/13/12 IRS will post an update in regards to missing forms in scenarios 4 and 6. Information will be posted in both the cover letter for Publication for 1436 as well as in the ATS Known Issues and Solutions file on the website.

ATS Closed 11/13/12

32 Kentucky reports

Invalid SOAP message when submission response comes back to them.

11/13/12 Xan advised the state to capture the message and submission ID and submit the information to him (or the IRS MeF mailbox) via e-mail. Kentucky reports that this issue has been resolved and this item can be closed. (11/19/12)

ATS Closed 11/19/12

33 Oregon – getting errors when attempting to open the zip files if there is an attachment. The un-zip utility loops eternally.

11/13/12 Xan advises Oregon to send him the submission Zip file for him to research the error message. State needs to work this issue with the software developer. This is not an IRS issue. (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

34 Vendor wants to know an update on the WSDL and the Send New Acks conflict issue.

11/13/12 Xan notes that the WSDL is correct, but what is getting sent back from the IRS is incorrect. Still working on a resolution to this issue. This is either a duplicate to item # 28 or may be the Multi-part label response error in the Acks portal (response should be Tech.hml). Fix has been implemented. (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


35 CCH Small Firm Services and Tax Technologies - no word on developer questionnaires and software IDs for 1120 and 1065 forms. No response from E-Help desk assistors to vendor inquiries.

11/13/12 The IRS E-help desk will research the issues and get back to the vendors as soon as possible. E-help desk is working on resolving this issue with the vendors. The E-help desk reported that they have resolved this issue. (11/16/12)

ATS / E-Help Closed 11/16/12

36 Vendor has been asking the E-Help desk about questionnaires and IDs for Forms 720 and 8849.

11/13/12 The IRS E-help desk will research the issues and get back to the vendors as soon as possible. The E-help desk reported that they have resolved this issue. (11/16/12)

ATS / E-Help Closed 11/16/12

37 Schema issue with IP address and the large TP indicator types.

11/13/12 Still internal discussions going on. Still a requirement in the schema, but IRS will be going back out with new information at a later date.

ATS Closed 11/13/12

38 Correction to ATS Test

3 - for Schedule C, lines 22 and 44a.

11/14/12 Will be updated on the ATS Known Issues and Solutions Log later this week. (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

39 Urban Institute is reporting a conflict in the change password function. Sent an e-mail to the MeF mailbox.

11/14/12 A fix for this problem has been identified. However, the fix will not be implemented until Sunday, Nov. 25th. (11/15/12)

ATS Closed 11/15/12

40 Urban Institute also reports e-mailing a problem with a state return in one of the test scenarios.

11/14/12 IRS acknowledges receiving the e-mail from Urban institute. We will research the issue and provide a resolution as soon as possible. (11/14/12) Xan is still researching this issue. (11/15/12) Xan confirms that this issue has been resolved. (11/16/12)

ATS Closed 11/16/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


41 Ultra Tax asks if answer keys are being developed for ATS Test # 3 and Test # 11.

11/14/12 The answer keys for these tests have been forwarded to the e-help group. Please contact the e-help group for assistance in obtaining the answer keys (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

42 New York AG office reports having trouble creating the proxy in regards to New WSDL file. Sent an e-mail to the MeF mailbox.

11/14/12 IRS acknowledges receiving the e-mail from the NY AG office. We will research the issue and provide a resolution as soon as possible. (11/14/12) Xan is still researching this issue. (11/15/12) The AG office has confirmed to the IRS that this issue has been resolved and the item can be closed. (11/19/12)

ATS Closed 11/19/12

43 RSI asks if State rule - 015 broken or turned off? Rule checks the manifest for the current or previous tax year. Sent to the mailbox, no response yet.

11/14/12 If an est. payment, it’s the processing year, if it’s a regular return, it’s the returnyear or prior year. Xan confirms that there is a separate place for estimated payments. Xan said it should have been in the most recent schema placement. IRS reports that the schema placement will post on Dec 17th. (11/14/12)

ATS Closed 11/14/12

44 RSI has a related question: 2014 manifest went thru, but it should not have gone thru.

11/14/12 Xan or the IMF team will check to see if the rule has been disabled. Still researching this issue. (11/14/12) The IMF team is making a request to activate or correct the applicable business rule so that it triggers to prevent Tax Year 2014 submissions. (11/15/12) Per Xan, the business rule trigger will not be activated in ATS this year, but the business rule trigger will be activated in production. (11/28/12)

ATS / Production Closed 11/28/12

45 State of Virginia. Having problems with sending / receiving receipts as an attachment.

11/15/12 Xan asked that Virginia send the log information to him via the MeF mail box. (11/15/12) Xan has confirmed with the State of Virginia that this issue has been resolved, so this issue can be closed. (11/16/12)

ATS Closed 11/16/12

46 NY State Tax 11/16/12 Xan confirms that the issue of validating the response on the new WSDLs reported by the New York State Tax Authority has been fixed.

ATS Closed 11/16/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


47 Taxslayer. 11/16/12 Some 44 rejects error messages appear to be caused by Schedule 8812 and Form 8867. New to PATS this year. IRS recommended that the vendor report the issues to the E-Help desk.

ATS Closed 11/16/12


ATS Scenario Updates 11/19/12 IRS has an update for scenario # 4: Testers should use Identity Pin # 876543. Also, scenario # 5 is being corrected to show scenario # 4. Both of these solutions will be posted to the ATS known issues and solutions spreadsheet on the ATS webpage. (11/19/12)

ATS Closed 11/19/12

49 PATS issues 11/19/12 There are 2 issues to report for Scenario # 9 – there is an issue with reject code 0010 setting incorrectly for Form 8863 and there is an issue with reject code 0044 setting incorrectly for Form 8867. IRS is working to resolve both issues. When they become available, the solutions will be posted to the PATS known issues and solutions spreadsheet on the website. (11/19/12) Jackson-Hewitt requested additional information on this issue, so it’s being re-opened. IRS. The PATS known issues spreadsheet on the website indicates that a workaround has been implemented for Form 8867, but there is not additional information to clarify, and there is no information on the reject code issue for Form 8863. IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (11/28/12) The IRS is posting several updates for these reject codes. All of the PATS reject codes have established workarounds. The workarounds are being coordinated with E-help assistors, who will manually validate the transmissions. Additional information will be posted to the Form 1040 – PATS Known Issues and Solutions sheet on (11/30/12)

PATS Closed 11/30/12

50 Oregon. Will the new took kit use the old web services framework or WSE?

11/19/12 IRS research indicates that the framework will be WSE 3.0. (11/20/12) ATS Closed 11/20/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


51 Vertex. No response to 4 issues submitted to the E-help desk in regards to business return test submissions.

11/19/12 E-help desk support personnel will follow-up on this issue. (11/19/12) Per the E-Help Desk, both SWDs have been contacted by the e-help Desk assistors and feedback of their testing has been sent to them. This issue has thus been resolved. (11/26/12)

ATS / E-help Closed 11/26/12

52 New York. Wanted to know if the Dec. 17th date for rolling out the 64 bit utility could be moved up. NY is implementing a Java upgrade and wants to test the utility as soon as possible.

11/20/12 Xan will check into the possibility, but it’s unlikely. Xan advised NY that a better solution may to send NY a zip file with the utility. NY stated that they would e-mail a request to Xan accordingly. (11/20/12)

ATS Closed 11/20/12

53 Kim from Virginia. Problem with the Send Acks function. Could not read the response back from the IRS and e-mail sent to MeF mailbox bounced.

11/20/12 Xan advised Virginia to send him an e-mail without the attachment and a separate e-mail with the attachment and he will research. (11/20/12) Xan researched the issue and states that this issue has been resolved. (11/21/12)

ATS Closed 11/21/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


54 Urban Institute (State of Washington). Problem with the Get New Submissions function. It doesn’t appear on the e-file client services application.

11/21/12 Xan states that he thinks this issue can be fixed by adding a service request role to the external’s account. Xan will research and provide a definitive resolution next week. (11/21/12) The Get New Submissions comes as part of the Get Submissions package. When software providers click on the Get Submissions package, they should be able to see the Get New Submissions function. Xan may have additional information to provide on the next conference call in regards to the State of Washington’s query. (11/30/12) A programming change to correct this issue is scheduled to be deployed on December 17th. Xan asked the provider to send an e-mail to the MeF mailbox if there were additional questions or concerns. (12/5/12)

ATS Closed 12/5/12

55 State of Indiana. Getting an error message of File Not Supported when transmitting Send Acks file.

11/21/12 Xan asked Indiana to e-mail him the error message and the message ID # and he will research the issue. (11/21/12) Per Indiana, this issue has been resolved. (11/28/12)

ATS Closed 11/28/12

56 State of NY. Having a problem with the reconciliation function. Sent an e-mail to the MeF mailbox indicating a problem with the Send Receipt, No Acks response.

11/28/12 Xan will research the issue and provide a solution as soon as possible. (11/28/12). Closing the issue as resolved since we have not heard anything further from the State of NY. (12/7/12)

ATS Closed 12/7/12

57 Taxwise. Had questions / clarifications about items 3, 23, and 24 in the ATS known issues and solutions sheet.

11/28/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (11/28/12). Item 3 will be removed since item 23 have corrected this issue. Item 24 Identity Theft PIN addresses Test Scenario 4. (11/29/12)

ATS Closed 11/29/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


58 Ultratax. On a production conference call on 11-27, the IRS indicated that a new schema version will be coming out on Dec. 11th. Ultratax wanted to know what schema version it will be and when will it be put in ATS & production.

11/28/12 The new schema version is Schema Version 4.1 and it will be operational in ATS on 12-31-2012 and in Production on 1-22-12. (11/29/12)

ATS / Production Closed 11/29/12

59 RSI had a question about 2012 Stylesheets. XML Transformer sheets with specific name spaces and functions have been posted to the MeF Stylesheet page on Want to know if standard transformer functions could be used in production as standard functions would be easier for state tax return filing.

11/28/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (11/28/12). IBM has discovered a few (6) stylesheets that contain non-standard functions that cannot be read by compilers. IBM is scheduled to remove the non-standard functions on December 24th. Additional research on 2012 stylesheets is still being conducted by the IRS. (12/5/12) No additional non-standard functions have been found by IBM, so this item can be closed. (12/12/12)

ATS Closed 12/12/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


60 Taxwise. The E-Help desk assistors currently have stylesheets based on the latest published schemas, not based on the schemas that are currently active in the ATS testing environment. This is causing information to be reported as mis-compares. Also, E-Help desk assistors’ answer keys (especially in the 1065 test package) are incomplete. Since the answer key doesn’t have an entry, but the actual return does, returns again are being labeled as mis-compares. When will these issues be resolved?

12/7/12 IRS asked Taxwise contact to send an e-mail describing the issue in detail to the MeF mailbox so that the MeF team can follow-up with the E-Help desk team. The Taxwise contact agreed to send the applicable e-mail. (12/7/12) IRS E-Help desk support and BMF analysts are currently working on a coordinated response to this item. (12/10/12) E-Help desk assigned an experienced examiner to this case, and BMF ensured that the latest schema version now matches the ATS version. This issue can be closed. (12/19/12)

ATS / E-Help / BMF

Closed 12/19/12

61 Corptax had a question about Version 2.2 schemas for tax year 2011 Forms 1065 & 1120. The links on the IRS website do not appear to be working.

12/7/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/7/12). There are problems with the system that the IRS uses to post to The IRS is working to resolve. (12/10/12) Corptax reports that the links have been fixed, so this item can be closed. (12/12/12)

ATS / BMF Closed 12/12/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


62 Corptax also wanted to know why the BMF ATS Known Issues and Solutions Page does not include information on the fix for Form 8586 (Low Income Housing Credit).

12/7/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/7/12). IRS needs additional information from Corptax in order to provide an accurate response on this issue (12/10/12). The latest schemas posted to correct this issue, so this item can be closed. (12/12/12)

ATS / BMF Closed 12/12/12

63 Corptax. Noted that the 1065 production date for version 2.2 is January while the 1120 production date is August. Recommend that the production date for both products be the same.

12/7/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/7/12). There are problems with the system that the IRS uses to post to that caused the IRS to use different dates (similar to the issue impacting item # 61). IRS is working to resolve. (12/10/12) IRS updated the applicable page on so that both production dates are showing as August.

ATS / BMF Closed 12/14/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


64 Vince from Petz Enterprises. Question regarding Form 8941 (Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums). Line 1b entry limits EIN numbers to one. However, taxpayers can have multiple EIN numbers. Will the production schema for this form be modified to allow for unlimited EIN numbers on line 1b?

12/10/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/10/12). The following response was sent out to the stakeholder via the MeF mailbox: Per the instructions for Form 8941, no more than one Form 8941 can be filed with a tax return even for taxpayers / employers who have multiple partnerships, proprietorships, etc., under a common control. (12/19/12) Re-opened. Petz Enterprises will send an e-mail to the MeF mailbox so that the IRS can research and provide a more detailed answer on this issue. (12/20/12) ACA implementation division of IRS indicates that it would be uncommon for business taxpayers to need to complete multiple EIN entries in filing for the SEHIP credit via IRS Form 8941. ACA feels that allowing for multiple EIN entries on line 1b would complicate the instructions for Form 8941, which would cause undue taxpayer burden. Thus, the IRS has no plans currently to update the schema or the instructions for Form 8941 to allow for multiple EIN entries on line 1b. (1/8/13) Will follow-up with analyst and Tax form specialist on 1-10-13 call. (1/9/13) IRS analyst suggests that providers input a general dependency EIN number on line 1b. IRS will add to the Known Issues and Solutions list in order to assist providers who have issues during the filing season. (1/10/13)

Production Closed 1/8/13

65 RSI. Will software providers be able to test State estimated payment functionality in the ATS testing environment on Dec. 17th (after the schema package is scheduled to be deployed by the IRS)?

12/10/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/10/12). Information has been provided to RSI, so this item can be closed. (12/12/12)

ATS Closed 12/12/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


66 Corptax. Can the ATS system status page on be updated or quick alerts issued on a more regular basis?

12/10/12 IRS MeF team committed to keeping the ATS status page as current as possible going forward. (12/10/12)

ATS Closed 12/10/12

67 Taxwise. A quick alert was issued informing external stakeholders that the schema for Form W-2G will change in Version 4.1. If elements are being removed in version 4.1, won’t it mean that submissions using version 4.0 will not be able to validate?

12/12/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/12/12). IRS is verifying that the schema changes in version 4.1 will not affect Form W-2G submissions using version 4.0. (12/18/12) Research conducted by the IRS indicated that the changes in version 4.1 should have been classified as a major version change. Therefore, IRS will issue a quick alert to advise software developers to look closely at the changes in version 4.1 and use version 4.1 as the standard instead of 4.0. (12/21/12)

ATS / Release 8 Closed 12/26/12

68 Corptax. Noted that the finalized BMF Schedule D and Form 8949 (Sales and other Dispositions of Capital Assets) have not been posted to the page for corporate e-file. When will the finalized documents be posted for taxpayers who refer to this page for the latest e-file documents?

12/14/12 IRS / BMF analysts will research to ensure that this page is updated with the latest information. (12/14/12) BMF provided updated information on the status of corporate e-file page on during the call to the stakeholder and indicated that this item can be closed. (12/20/12)

ATS / BMF Closed 12/20/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


69 State of New York. Is the Hub testing process in place?

12/14/12 IRS will follow up on this issue. Our plan is to have the FTA coordinate with the states on the hub testing process. (12/14/12) IRS verified that the FTA will coordinate this issue, so this item can be closed (12/17/12)

ATS Closed 12/17/12

70 Ultratax. On the Dec. 7th call, it was noted that Form 2350 (Application for Extension of Time To File U.S. Income Tax Return) was rejecting in ATS for payments. Has this issue been resolved?

12/17/12 IRS analysts noted on the call that the correction for this issue will not be available until December 28th. (12/17/12)

ATS Closed 12/17/12

71 Taxwise. Version 2.0 for Form 1065 series is causing the system to reject Form 1065 itself. System is invoking Business Rule 1.1

12/17/12 IRS noted a problem with the system on the morning of Dec. 17th and reposted the new version. IRS advises software developers to check to see if the schema versions reposted on the morning of 12/17/12 have corrected this issue. (12/17/12) Business Rules causing this issue have been disabled in ATS. (12/19/12)

ATS Closed 12/19/12

72 Urban Institute, State of Ohio, & State of Kentucky . Problem with the Zip files for Get New Submissions. Extra Data section is not allowing the Zip files to extract properly. Will send a detailed e-mail to the MeF mailbox.

12/17/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/17/12). The IRS has identified the cause of this issue and has a fix ready to go. IRS hopes to provide a date for the fix to be implemented on Friday’s (12-21) call. (12/20/12) Fix will be deployed on Sunday (12-23). Software developers should see that this issue has been resolved after 12 pm EST on 12-23. (12/21/12)

ATS Closed 12/21/12

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


73 Intuit. Noted that a Business Rule for Duplicate TINs is being erroneously invoked in the ATS testing system.

12/17/12 IRS is requesting that the business rule causing the issue be disabled in ATS. Will advise when the rule has been disabled. (12/17/12) IRS has disabled the Business Rule (R0000-902) causing this issue, Item can be closed. (12/20/12)

ATS Closed 12/19/12

74 State of Indiana. Getting an error message about wrong header in the current schema for 1040s that posted today (12/17).

12/17/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/17/12). Indiana reported that this issue was resolved by updating their software library. (12/19/12)

ATS Closed 12/19/12

75 Oklahoma Tax Commission. Recommend that the tool kit be made available in production prior to January start-up.

12/19/12 IRS noted that production tool kits cannot be made available before the January start date because they are based on tax year. However, IRS will attempt to make ATS tool kits available before the November start of ATS testing next year. (12/20/12)

Production Closed 12/20/12

76 Jackson-Hewitt & Online Taxes. Transmitting documents in PATS, but not receiving any acknowledgements.

12/19/12 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (12/19/12). Item has been resolved by the IRS. (1/4/13)

ATS Closed 1/4/13

77 State of Kentucky. Will the Zip file problem fix correct packages that have already received error messages?

12/21/12 IRS will research this issue and provide a response as soon as possible. If you have a message ID, you can probably use the corrected zip file package. However, developers may need to submit new packages. (12/21/12) Received confirmation that this issue has been resolved. (1/7/13)

Release 8 Closed 1/7/13

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


78 Quick-Tax. Request clarification on the quick alert posted to the MeF status page on Can any tax returns be filed using 2012 schemas?

1/7/13 No. Tax returns (either IMF or BMF) can only be filed if the vendor is using a prior year schema. IRS will post a clarification to the quick alert. (1/7/13) The IRS has posted a clarification to the MeF status page. Send an e-mail to the MeF mailbox if further clarifications are needed. (1/8/13)

Production Closed 1/7/13

79 Online Taxes. Receiving duplicate return error message when transmitting in the EMS system.

1/7/13 IRS analyst states that E-help desk personnel have indicated that this error message is issued when developers use the same EIN number when transmitting multiple test documents. IRS asked the developer to contact the E-help desk line for assistance in researching and solving this issue. (1/7/13)

Production Closed 1/7/13

80 Query about the FTA. Did the FTA complete the survey of the states on their readiness relative to Hub testing?

1/7/13 IRS will contact FTA to gather more details on this issue. An update will be provided as soon as the information is received. (1/7/13) FTA stated that 10 states have indicated that they would be ready on time: Idaho, Georgia, Oklahoma, Vermont, Virginia, Arkansas, Nebraska, Oregon, New York, and Wisconsin. Alabama also responded that they are ready. FTA felt that the other states that did not respond to the survey would be ready for start-up. (1/8/13)

Production Closed 1/8/13

81 Taxwise. Have a stand alone BMF payment voucher form for the state of NY that has a due date of 1-31-13. Can this form be accepted in MeF?

1/7/13 IRS will research these issues and provide a response as soon as possible. (1/7/13). IRS found out that BMF stand alone forms will be accepted, but IMF stand alone forms will not be accepted until the Jan. 30th start-up date. All IMF forms, including prior year returns and stand alone forms, cannot be filed until the Jan. 30th start-up date. (1/8/13)

Production Closed 1/8/13

82 Taxwise. Where will the list of IRS forms affected by the filing delay be posted?

1/8/13 The IRS does not know exactly when the list will be ready for publication. However, when the list is finalized, the IRS will post an information page on and issue a quick alert with a link to the page. (1/8/13)

Production Closed 1/8/13

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


83 Recommend that IRS consider staggering the volumes of returns during the first couple of days of filing at the end of January.

1/8/13 IRS will relay the recommendation to IRS executives. We will notify stakeholders if a change is made. (1/8/13)

Production Closed 1/8/13

84 Joe Golden. How do business rule changes get distributed?

1/8/13 The IRS will post a listing of business rule changes to Production Closed 1/8/13

85 Petz. In the ATS environment, test returns with sales tax deductions are being rejected due to a business rule (SAF-1040-017). Also is affecting test returns with other credits. When will the business rules in ATS be disabled so that software providers can finish testing?

1/9/13 Business rules affected by the late tax legislation signed on 1-1-13 will not be disabled until the IRS has finished analyzing the legislation and determines which business rules must be disabled in ATS and production. Once the IRS has determined which business rules to disable, the IRS will post an updated list to the ATS testing system page on We do not have a target date for disabling the business rules at this time. (1/9/13) IRS will disable business rule in ATS. IRS will also research BR SAF-1040-018 to see if it needs to be disabled as well. (1/10/13)

ATS / Production Closed 1/9/13

86 The IRS posted an information page for tax year 2011 on Will the IRS be posting a similar information page for tax year 2012.

1/9/13 IRS requested that the software provider send a link of the page in question to the MeF mailbox. IRS will research the issue and provide a response as soon as possible. (1/9/13) IRS will not post most of this information on the aforementioned web page for TY 2012 since the information pertains to Legacy, which is being phased out. However, the IRS plans to post a calendar for MeF to a page on (1/10/13) A TY 2012 due date chart will be posted to on 1-11-13 (1/11/13).

Production Closed 1/9/13

ATS and Production Issues

(Beginning November 2012 through April 2013)

January 11, 2013


87 Taxwise. Question about EMS & 1041. Startup is currently scheduled for 1-28-13. Will shared forms be restricted in order to prevent rejection?

1/10/13 IRS will research this issue and provide a response as soon as possible. (1/10/13)

Production Open 1/10/13

88 FileYourTaxes.Com. Will the rejected forms be delayed in ATS?

1/10/13 No. Schema changes affecting forms in ATS will be communicated to software providers to ensure that testing can be done in ATS. (1/10/13)

ATS Closed 1/10/13

89 FileYourTaxes.Com. Does the IRS have contingency plans or a communication strategy in case things go awry during start-up?

1/10/13 IRS executives are currently coordinating tax year 2012 start-up planning and strategy. Executives and Senior analysts will communicate as needed with software providers and other stakeholders regarding any contingency plans or modification to the January 30th start-up. (1/10/13)

Production Closed 1/10/13

90 Will the IRS require vendors to re-do scenario # 6 in ATS for Form 8958?

1/11/13 No, but the IRS does strongly recommend that software providers test Form 8958 in ATS again before production begins. (1/11/13)

ATS Closed 1/11/13

The next meeting will be on January 14, 2013 – Time: 4:00 pm EST 1 issue remains open - 87. *The latest updates are highlighted in blue. Note: We deleted item # 22 from the 11/7/12 log titled “IRS 1041 business rule issue” after determining that the entry was added to the log in error.