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Anushaktinagar, Mi.rrrrb a.i

Summative Assessment-2Academic year- 2013-14

Subject - Science Class - VIII

Time - 3 Hours Maximum Marks - 90


1. Marks for questions are indicated against each.

2. Answer should be brief and to the point and word limit be adhered to as far aspossible.

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Roll Number: Class: Section: _

No of printed pages - 3


CCE-14-SA-Il-CLASS- 8-Science-Question Paper

SECTION·A (1 X 15 = 15 Marks)

Choose the correct option :1. Iodine is essential for the production of the hormone

A) Thyroxine 8) InsulinC) Growth D) Testosterone

2. An example of non-contact force isA) Magnetic force 8) Muscular forceC) Frictional force D) All of these

3. When a woollen cloth is removed in the dark, we see sparks and hear a cracking sound.Th is is due to

A) static electricity 8) refraction of lightC) current electricity 0) both 8 and C

4. If I=static friction, lI=sliding friction and III=rolling friction, then which of the following iscorrect

A) III> I> II 8) II >1>111C) I> II> III D) I> III >1\

5. The tremors during an earthquake are caused by the disturbance deep down inside theearths

A) Inner core B) Outer coreC) Mantle D) Crust

6. A simple device used to test the presence of charge on an object isA) a telescope 8) a microscopeC) an electroscope . D) an endoscope

7. Identify the OUTER PLANETS from the following(i) Neptune (ii) Mars (iii) Mercury (iv) Saturn

A) Both (i) and (ii) B) Both (i) and (iv)C) Only (iii) D).Only (i)

8. The number of nuclei present in a zygote isA) Zero B) OneC) Two D) Four

9. The force that is responsible for the rotation of the planets around the Sun isA) Magnetic force 8) Frictional forceC) Gravitational force 0) Electrostatic force

10. INDIAN GIANT SQUIRREL is an example ofA) Endangered species B) Extinct speciesC) Endemic Flora D) Endemic Fauna

11. The smallest planet of our solar system that has NO NATURAL SATELLITE of its ownA) Earth B) JupiterC) Mercury D) Neptune

12. WATER which is suitable for drinking is calledA) potable water 8) drinkable waterC) enriched mineral water D) pure water

13. The production of an exact copy of a cell, any other living part or a complete organism isknown as

A) cloningC) sexual reproduction

8) asexual reproductionD) regeneration


14. To which terminals of the battery the longer and the shorter lead of an LED arerespectively connected in a circuit?

A) positive and negative B) negative and positiveC) positive and positive D) negative and negative

15. The constellations which are otherwise called HUNTER and GREAT BEAR respectivelyare

A) Ursa Major and OrionC) Orion and Ursa Minor

8) Ursa Minor and Ursa majorD) Orion and Ursa major

SECTION - B (2 X 11 = 22 Marks)

1. "GLOBAL WARMING is a serious threat."Justify.2. What is fluid friction? How can it be minimised?3. What is Metamorphosis?4. Write any two measures that you would take to protect yourself from lightning when you

are outside your home.5. Why some glands are termed ductless?6. What is ELECTROPLATING?7. List out any four effects of force.8. What is GANGA ACTION PLAN?9. An object weighing 348 N is placed on a table and the pressure exerted by it is found to be

29 N/m2. Find out its area of contact.10. What is the objective of PROJCT TIGER?11. What is Reforestation? Mention its importance (in 2 points).

SECTION: C (3 X 11 = 33 Marks)

1. Give reasons how distill water is a poor conductor whereas water from tap, hand pump,well etc are good conductors of electricity?

2. Who launched "Project Tiger"? What is the objective of this project?3. Draw a diagram of female reproductive organs.4. What are the various ways in which water gets contaminated?5. Write three practical applications of an artificial satellite.6. Sometimes a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winter. Explain.7. Draw a diagram of spring balance.8. What are lubricants? Name two lubricants which reduce friction.9. What are sex hormones? State their functions.10. Explain why the beauty of Taj Mahal is in danger?11. What is the difference between electrostatic force and gravitational force?

SECTION: D (4 X 5 = 20 Marks)

1. Define electroplating? Why chromium ,is used for electroplating bicycle handle,wheel rims, burner etc. Draw a simple circuit showing electroplating.

2. How are test-tube babies born?3. Describe "Global Warming" in your own words.4. Explain with example that friction is both a friend and a foe.5. Show with an activity that pressure exerted by water at the bottom of the

container depends on the height of its column.