Athlete Training Formula Phase 1 Accumulation

Post on 15-May-2017

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Transcript of Athlete Training Formula Phase 1 Accumulation

Athlete Training Formula Accumulation Phase

Week 2 Day 1 Core: BB Bench Press Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BHPush BB Bench Press 3 10-12 2011B Plyo DB Hip Bridge Floor Press 3 5 201 50% intensity1C Mobility Wall Slides 3 52A UVPush DB Incline Bench Press 3 5 2012B BVPull Pull-Up Isometrics 3 5 10secs Overhand grip2C Core Push-Up Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, rotation

3A UVPushDB Half Kneeling Single Arm Vertical Press 3 12ea 201

3B UHPull DB Single Arm Row 3 12ea 2013C Shoulder Lateral Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Week 2 Day 2 Core: BB Hang Clean Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A Expl BB Hang Power Clean 3 51B Plyo Vertical Jumps 3 5 Individual Reps 1C Mobility Knee Drive Extension 3 5ea2A Expl BB Jump Squats 3 12 No more than 95lbs2B BHD DB Straight Leg Dead Lift 3 12 301 Partial reps to the top of the knee2C Core Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Goblet Split Squat 3 12ea 201

3B UKDDB Single Leg Straight Dead Lift 3 12ea 301

3C Mobility Half Kneeling Hip Flexor 3 10ea

Week 2 Day 3 Core: BB Push Jerk Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BVPush DB Push Jerk 3 12 2011B Plyo Explosive Push-Ups 3 51C Plyo Seated Arm Action 3 201D Mobility Prone Snow Angels 3 52A UHPush DB Bench Press 3 5-8 2012B BVPull Pull-Up Isometrics 3 5 10secs Underhand grip2C Core Quadriped Series 3 10ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Snatch 3 5

3A Pull DB Bent Over Single Arm Row 3 12ea 201 Complex with DB Single Arm Snatch3B Shoulder Front Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Athlete Training Formula Accumulation Phase

Week 2 Day 4 Core: BB Back Squat Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BKD BB Front Squat 3 10-12 2011B Expl DB Rotational Toss 3 5ea1C Plyo Broad Jumps 3 5 Invididual Reps1D Mobility Wall Lean Knee Drive 3 10ea2A UKD DB Goblet Lateral Squats 3 12 2012B Plyo Balance Drills 3 5ea2C Core Plank Series 3 30secs Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Goblet Reverse Lunges 3 12ea 2013A UHD Single Leg Hip Extensions 3 12ea 2013B Mobility Hip External Rotation 3 30secs

Athlete Training Formula Accumulation Phase

Week 3 Day 1 Core: BB Bench Press Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BHPush BB Bench Press 3 8-10 2011B Plyo DB Hip Bridge Floor Press 3 5 201 50% intensity1C Mobility Wall Slides 3 52A UVPush DB Single Arm Incline Bench 3 5ea 2012B BVPull Pull-Up Isometrics 3 5 10secs Overhand grip2C Core Push-Up Plank Series 3 30secs Arm lift, leg lift, rotation

3A UVPushDB Half Kneeling Single Arm Vertical Press 3 12ea 201

3B UHPull DB Single Arm Row 3 12ea 2013C Shoulder Lateral Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Week 3 Day 2Core: BB Hang Power Clean Sets Reps Tempo Weight Notes

Warm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A Expl BB Hang Power Clean 3 51B Plyo Vertical Jumps 3 5 Consecutive Reps1C Mobility Knee Drive Extension 3 5ea2A Expl BB Jump Squats 3 12 No more than 95lbs2B BHD DB Straight Leg Dead Lift 3 12 301 Partial reps to the top of the knee2C Core Plank Series 3 30secs Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Goblet Split Squat 3 12ea 201

3B UKDDB Single Leg Straight Dead Lift 3 12ea 301

3C Mobility Half Kneeling Hip Flexor 3 10e

Week 3 Day 3 Core: BB Push Jerk Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BVPush DB Push Jerk 3 12 2011B Plyo Explosive Push-Ups 3 51C Plyo Seated Arm Action 3 201D Mobility Prone Snow Angels 3 52A UHPush DB Bench Press 3 5-8 2012B BVPull Pull-Up Isometrics 3 5 10secs Underhand grip2C Core Quadriped Series 3 10ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Snatch 3 5

3A Pull DB Bent Over Single Arm Row 3 12ea 201 Complex with DB Single Arm Snatch3B Shoulder Front Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Athlete Training Formula Accumulation Phase

Week 3 Day 4 Core: BB Back Squat Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BKD BB Front Squat 3 8-10 2011B Expl DB Rotational Toss 3 5ea1C Plyo Broad Jumps 3 5 Consecutive Reps1D Mobility Wall Lean Knee Drive (3) 3 102A UKD DB Goblet Lateral Squats 3 12 2012B Plyo Balance Drills 3 5ea2C Core Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Goblet Reverse Lunges 3 12ea 2013A UHD Single Leg Hip Extensions 3 12ea 2013B Mobility Hip External Rotation 3 30secs