ATAS Amsterdam Social Media & Tourism Support

Post on 09-May-2015

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Keynote presentation held at hte 20th anniversary of Amsterdam Tourist Assistent Services in June 2011

Transcript of ATAS Amsterdam Social Media & Tourism Support

How to deploy

Victim Support in Tourism

in „the digital sphere of todays reality“

aka „The Internet“

In its short life the Internet had several names

Mainly it became another layer of our reality and

of our shared experience.

To show the importance of the Internet often numbers are used

48 hours of video uploaded every Minute on

150.000 photos uploaded500.000 status updates posted every minute on

1500 Tweets send every second on

Don't care about numbers.

Care about results.

Care about human beings.

Care about what really can happen

When we use the tools of the internet wisely.

1: Tracking Stolen Notebooks

After not getting any help from police Joshua Kaufman decided to publish photos taken by

with Hidden on a tumblr blog he started within minutes.

Within hours the blog went viral.Press was calling the police.

The thief was arrested 48h later.

2: Realtime Tracing

Police and other law enforcement units are using Twitterto include the public into realtime hunt for stolen goods

especially cars, bikes and motorbikes

From Austin, Texas to Duisburg, Germany – police is working successfully with this tool.

3: Finding People

Police in Hannover Germany is running its own „Fanpage“ on Facebook.

They successfully integrate the community to solve cases.

Integrating people carefully into the fight against crime

Creates a responsible enviroment online and locally.

4: Prevent Suicide

In several cases in the last years by mindful twitter user.Often the person who wants to commit suicide

and the helper are only connected by „weak ties“

In march 2011 a Person in Cologne, Germany saved somebodies life in Graz, Austria only knowing him by

skype, MMORPG and under a pseudonym

5: Finding Stolen Cameras

Database is mapping camera serial numbersby extracting EXIF-data of online-published photos

Support the Crowdsourcing by spreading the wordMore scrapers – more chances to be found

The Internet changing the way we communicate,

sharing information and data

to create common and individual value.

You will have no control about what & who talks about you.

So join the flow of information.

Be a professional filter,

take care of your online reputation.

By doing this

You show directions,

You give advise.

You give good example.

You create relevance for your position in online-related

human communication.

Add established and trusted tools of communication

When suppling communication structure to the victim

Guest can call home

Guest can fax home

Guest can mail home

Guest can contact her/his friends via facebook

Increase your knowledge about holiday-related online crimes

Focus on all questions of identity theft/identity fraud

Make Checklists to increase awareness in tourists mind

and to make necessary steps needed immediately

Offer ATAS as a Trustee to verify victim's identity in

conversations in social networks

Start a „Fanpage“ on Facebook

Facebook with its 600 Million people is relevant

As a place to give advise, say/receive thanks

to tell stories so others can learn

Get more involved

in other Amsterdam (tourism) related Facebook Fanpages

ATAS is a special interest NGO, but the knowledge of you

should be dispersed more widely.

Enhance your helping hands...

...start a group of active couchsurfers in Amsterdam

who are willing to give support to young victimized travellers

Local Couchsurfing Ambassadors can help

In many fields of human interaction the web can create

new levels of empathy

new fields of human-to-human help

new areas for sharing thoughts, opinions, things and a smile

2013/2014Mobile Devices globally becomes the main way

to access the web and its tools

2010/11Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Products, Services and help starts to become

mainstream and hyper-local

2009Elinor Ostrom wins Nobel Prize for Economic

First to win with a theory in the efficiency of commons-based societiesJeremy Rifkin, world-known thought leader publishes

his Book „The Empathic Civilization“

2007The era of the Smartphones starts

2003- 2006The blossom of uncounted Social Media Sites for

peer-to-peer collaborative & sharing informatio and media - sharing the ways to find free fruits People-to-People money lending - Online Donation connecting both sides Save money & ressources by sharing with


Empathy is an important Survival Skill of the 21st Century!

The internet creates a new understanding of privacy and

- mostly ignored in common discussion -

a new understanding of publicness.

Openess especially when it comes to Crimes

are not easy to handle at first.

Data needs contextualization.

Openess sometimes feels culturally unfit.

The web doesn't know borders, habits do.

Openess when combined with a campaign

Carried by civil society and governmental organisations

are improving the situation of the community

Making it easy to find common decisions

based on openly shared information.

Crowdsourcing for public accountability

Ushahidi combines social activism, citizen/tourist journalism

& geospatial information

Election in Kenia,

Desaster Control in Haiti,

Rescue Coordination in Japan

Crime in the Citiy

Crime against tourists

Is no longer an


ATAS realized this 20 years ago

Only by reacting on a drawback

You - as a community – can change the situation

Only by reacting on a grievance

You – as a city – stay in control of keep the upper hand

In a never perfect, but always evolving thing called human society

Trust is created by acting, not by hiding.

It could have happened anywhere...

...fortunately it happened in Amsterdam

Pass on your 20 years of experience...

...start a closed group on facebook

to share with tourism victim supporters globally

No more OPEN SECRETS in Europe.

ATAS should become a rulemodel for every city community.

The Web can help to spread the word.