At the start of each class, you will spend 5 minutes writing in your composition notebook in...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of At the start of each class, you will spend 5 minutes writing in your composition notebook in...


At the start of each class, you will spend 5 minutes writing in your composition notebook in response to the discussion prompt on the board. We will then share our thought, ideas

and feelings on the prompt in a respectful discussion.

These journal entries will count for your participation grade for the class. I will check your journal every Friday, and you will receive a grade based on completion.

Make up entries: I will post the prompts on my website daily. If you are absent it is your responsibility to find the prompt and complete the journal entry.


Over the course of the semester, you will be responsible for preparing 2 discussion

prompts for the start of class. Each prompt will be worth 30 points. Your prompt can be

based in current events, ethical/moral debates, etc, or a creative writing prompt. Typically, you will format your prompt as a question, but if it is creative in nature you

may not need to do so.


• Should children of illegal immigrants to the US be entitled to a free public education?

• Should schools provide cash bonuses for high test scores?

• Do violent video games make people violent in real life?

• Is graffiti art or vandalism?• Write a scene from a story which contains the following

line: “…but if anyone asks, tell them we’re fine.”


• Is this relevant to the lives of your peers?• Is the answer subjective? (Different for each person.)• Do you fore see your peers having opinions on/caring

about this topic?