At Last! Liverpool FC Discovers How To Win Titles With Just £159m

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At Last! Liverpool Discovers How To Win Titles With Just £159m Why LFC Needs An Almost Total Makeover

@fatmirhyseni #LFCSolution 23 May 2015

You’ll Never Walk Alone

Dear Friend, This letter is not going to be a short one and I’m asking for a bit of patience from you. It is going to reveal some stuff that most of you already know, so please bear with me. Please allow me to explain this and I think you will then understand why such a makeover is needed.

•  To begin with, last year we spent over £100m bringing in

8 players by selling Suarez. The new players include Lovren, Markovic, Bollatelli, Manquillo, Llallan, Lambert, Moreno, and Can. So the question is what is the return on investment so far? Absolutely zero! All together they did not sell more shirts than Suarez did by himself. You see, I’ve got a point.

•  However, a year before those new signings and with just Suarez we nearly won the title and qualified for Champions League. What about this year? We are not even in the top four meaning no champions league this year and we probably lost nearly $44 million. So Suarez was worth more than eight signings all together! Probably, more than anyone else

•  Here is how I would do it. Of course, if I were in charge

(which I hope to one day. My lofty goal is to buy the Reds which might sound too ambitious to you) this what I would do. I would have kept Gerard for another year because if you want to win trophies you need influential players and leaders who have experience to lead and empower young ones. If you don’t trust me, ask Mourinho if he would like to have Gerrard in his team! I bet he would.

•  We all agree, don’t we? When it comes to letting Suarez

go, I think we made a huge mistake that is costing us a lot. However, I’d invite him back because now see the value of the best striker and best number 9 in the world at the moment. If we can’t get Suarez, we could try someone who can score loads and who is looking to leave Real. That is Mr. Benzema who always wanted to play in Premier League.

•  Next, I think it is time for Rodgers to go, as it would be too risky to allow another season and see if he can replicate last season's form with this season's poor form that the club cant afford. There is lack of support among the fans, and without fans a football club cannot survive, can it?

•  As much as I like Rodgers, I’d prefer to go for someone like Guardiola who I am sure would love to manage clubs such as LFC. He is creative and willing to take risks, whereas, Rodgers goes a bit safe every time he changes the system. This tends to bring results but sadly he does that very rarely, so we need badly a creative and risk taker like Guardiola who can take us to the next level where we deserve to be. By the way, it was Guardiola not necessarily Messi that made Barcelona the best football club in past decades. The question is who doesn’t want to play attractive football and be the best and most successful football club worldwide?

•  Furthermore, we are not doing well, not wining titles and therefore this is affecting our brand performance as well as the football club. According to the annual report on the world’s most valuable football brands by Brand Finance, Bayern is on top followed by Real, Man Untied, Barcelona, Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea, and seventh place LFC. As a chartered marketer, I think it’s very important for clubs to understand the value of their brands and how to build a stronger and iconic brand.

•  Going back to the importance of having a winning manager: To be successful as a manager, one needs to have a unique philosophy like Guaridola have. The rest try to imitate him but no luck so far. This brings me to a crucial point, which is building an almost new team, which could bring results in.

•  Starting with a defender, we need a good and reliable defender who is crucial to help your team win trophies like Chelsea did this year. For that position, I’d bring in Mats Hummels, alongside Alves who is still the best right-winger. He is looking to end the contract with Barca. As for midfielders, Verratti, Thiago, Vidal, who all want to play at Premier League, and I am sure they will be willing to join us. Who doesn’t want to be part of the best club on earth? But, apparently, we don’t seem to have good scouters, do we?

•  And, what’s that, you ask? We need a creative player maker like Verratti who is also a destroyer/defensive just like Matic or even better and will make a perfect partnership with Coutinho. As for the one between Benzema and Sturridge, will be an interesting one, wouldn’t it? In addition, I think the best time to get good players is when they are not happy at their current clubs. This is what Juventus did with Pogba who is now the most demanded player of the year.

•  As far as Sterling goes, I would prefer he stay because he is in the right club. But if he wants to leave because he is not happy then you have to accept it because performance and happiness go hand in hand: if you are not happy, you will not perform well as simple as that. However, Barnes said: Sterling is a boy who has achieved nothing and stays at LFC. He is right.

•  That big clubs tend to ruin young players careers, if you doubt that, ask Gareth Bale. Not convinced yet? Here are some well-known players whose careers were literally ruined by Real, like: Kaka, Owen, and Huntelaar and many more. You wont’ want to play alongside players like Ronaldo, who is not happy when his teammates score like last time Bale scored. He was very unhappy (he said to himself, damn, I wish I had scored that goal). Many of you (perhaps most) agree with me that football is a team sport and not an individual one. I remember someone once said (was it Goethe?) that before you can do something, you must first be something. So, Sterling listen: stay and win something first.

•  I hear you saying, Fatmir what about the money? I’m glad you asked. Let’s do some number crunching and see what is the total estimated cost for this suggested makeover? The total cost is £159 million. Do you see the difference and the quality you can get with £159m compared to last year's signings of £100m and yet we won nothing?

•  All things considered, as a former footballer myself and future owner of LFC, I would argue that we need to analyse carefully where we are, where we want to go and how to get there because loyal fans cant wait for another year of not winning anything. Therefore, LFC needs to engage more with fans and hear their opinions. We have an iconic brand which we need to look after carefully by investing wisely in new players, managers and build a strong foundation for the future, for those reasons, a club like LFC, to stay relevant, needs an urgent makeover to compete successfully, win trophies and remain the iconic brand it is.

•  Last but definitely not least, I would be delighted to present this proposal to the management of LFC at an agreed time (I am kidding at any time for the Reds and I would even do it for FREE).

•  And, by the way, yes, I would like to hear your thoughts; even if you don’t happened to support LFC (which you should) and provided you are not a Man United fan.

What do you think?

•  P.S. I’ve run out of space. I'm sorry I wrote you such a long letter. I didn't have time to write you a short one.

Sorry. Yours in Red, Fatmir