At a All Ah

Post on 20-Feb-2015

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Transcript of At a All Ah

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1.     In an audiogram speech frequencies are:

a.     125, 250, 500 Hz

b.     250, 500,1000 Hz

c.      500, 1000, 2000 Hz

d.     1000, 2000, 3000 Hz

2.     Following are the features of acute mastoidectomy EXCEPT:

a.     Earache

b.     Post-auricular swelling

c.      Conductive deafness

d.     Painful movements of the pinna

3.     All of the following statements are correct about facial nerve EXCEPT:

a.     It crosses lateral to styloid process

b.     Lies below horizontal semicircular canal

c.      Lies behind the pyramid in the posterior wall of the middle ear

d.     Chorda tympani branch arises from its tympanic segment   

4.     All of the following muscles are supplied by facial nerve EXCEPT:

a.     Masseter

b.     Buccinator

c.      Stylohoid

d.     Orbicularis Oculi

5.     All of the following muscles are supplied by VIIth nerve EXCEPT:

a.     Stapedius

b.     Posterior belly of digastric

c.      Platysma

d.     Tensor Tympani

6.     Ramsay Hunt syndrome includes all EXCEPT:

a.     Facial paralysis

b.     Vesicles in the external ear canal and tympanic membrane

c.      Vesicles on soft palate

d.     Pharyngeal paralysis

7.     Facial paralysis in acute otitis media is due to the following EXCEPT:

a.     Cholesteatoma

b.     Bony erosion of fallopian tube

c.      Pre-existing dehiscence of facial canal

d.     Infection of retrofacial cells

8.     All are true about otosclerosis EXCEPT:

a.     Onset is between 20 – 40 years of age

b.     Causes slowly progressive hearing loss

c.      Endolymphatic pressure is raised

d.     More common in white races

9.     Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning Meniere’s


a.     Other name for the disease is Hydrops of middleear.

b.     It is characterized by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and conductive

hearing loss.

c.      It is common in females

d.     With repeated attacks of vertigo, cochlear function gets


10.                        Main constituents of the nasal septum are:

a.     Quadrangular cartilage

b.     Vomer

c.      Perpendicular plate of ethmoid

d.     Perpendicular plate of palatine bone

11.                        Which of the following is NOT true to nasal synechia

a.     Often follows intranasal surgery

b.     Epistaxis is the presenting feature

c.      Can lead to sinusitis

d.     Recurrence is common after removal 

12.                        Following are the features of atrophic rhinitis EXCEPT:

a.     Crusting and bleeding from nose

b.     Offensive smell

c.      Anosmia

d.     Narrow nasal chambers

13.                        Purulent discharge in superior meatus is due to infection


a.     Maxillary sinus

b.     Anterior ethmoid sinuses

c.      Posterior ethmoid sinuses

d.     Sphenoid sinus

14.                        Septal performation is NOT seen in:

a.     Leprosy

b.     Wegener’s granuloma

c.      Tuberculosis

d.     Rhinoscleroma

15.                        Most common malignancy of paranasal sinuses is:

a.     Adenocarcinoma

b.     Adenoid cystic carcinoma

c.      Squamous cell carcinoma

d.     Malignant Melanoma 

16.                        Abduction of vocal cord is brought about by:

a.     Thyroarytenoid

b.     Vocalis

c.      Cricothyroid

d.     Posterior cricoarytenoid

17.                        External laryngeal nerve supplies which of the following


a.     Posterior cricoarytenoid

b.     Thyroarytenoid

c.      Oblique arytenoid

d.     Cricothyroid

18.                        The following laryngeal cartilages may show calcification


a.     Cricoid

b.     Thyroid

c.      Arytenoid

d.     Epiglottis

19.                         Contact ulcer of the larynx is caused by:

a.     Tuberculosis

b.     Syphilis

c.      Vocal abuse

d.     Fungal infection 

20.                        All are true about Plummer-Vinson syndrome

(Sideropenic dysphagia) EXCEPT:

a.     May be associated with carcinoma of hypopharynx or


b.     Dysphagia is due to cervical oesophageal web.

c.      Associated with iron-deficiency anaemia.

d.     More common in males.

21.                        Most common benign tumour of the parotid gland in an

adult is:

a.     Haemangioma

b.     Warthin’s tumour

c.      Pleomorphic adenoma

d.     Oxyphil adenoma

22.                        The most common malignant tumour of the salivary

glands is:

a.     Squamous cell carcinoma

b.     Muco-epidermoid carcinoma

c.      Malignant mixed tumour

d.     Cylindroma

 23.                        Which of the following is NOT true of Pleomorphic


a.     It is slow-growing painless tumour

b.     Local recurrence is common after enucleation

c.      Most of the benign mixed tumours occur in submandibular


d.     Treatment is wide surgical excision 

24.                        Which of the following is NOT true of Warthin’s tumour?

a.     Seen more often in men

b.     Affects age group of 40 - 60

c.      Rapidly growing

d.     Affects tail of parotid gland

25.                        All are true about Thyroglossal cyst EXCEPT:

a.     Presents as smooth, cystic swelling at or just below the hoid


b.     Should be removed because of danger of infection and

malignant change.

c.      Requires excision of mid-portion of hoid bone if recurrence is to

be avoided.d.     Originates from the 2nd brachial cleft.

 26.                        A cystic midline swelling in the neck can be result of

the following EXCEPT:

a.     Branchial cyst

b.     Dermoid cyst

c.      Thyroglossal cyst

d.     Sebaceous cyst





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1.  9 year old girl prevail with history of sleep apnea attacks associated with soar throat.

     A.  What is the radiological test called.


B.       Mention two absolute indication of tonsillectomy




A.    Lateral soft tissue of the neck

       Post nasal space tomy

B.     Sleep apnea (obstructive)

            Suspicious of mahfancy

2.  35 year old man came to OPD with since headache, nasal obstruction and loss of          smell.

 A.        Mention two obvious findings of the above radiological film.



B.         What is this film view called?



A.          Air fluid level of left maxillary opacification of the right maxillary.

B.           Water’s view (occepito mental)

3.  This is oral cavity picture of young lady carry to emergency room, unable to shallow     to 3 days with failure of medical treatment to relieve her condition.

A.          What is this condition called?


B.           What is proper management of such condition?


A.    Peritonsillar abscess

B.     Incision & drainage

4.      4 year old man presented in the clinic with history of complete right nasal obstrauction revert right epistaxis and neck mass for. 

A.       What is most appropriate diagnosis?


B.        What is your next step of management?



A.            Nasal Tumor (cancer)         

B.             Biopsy of the mass   

5.      This topographical picture of nasal septum anatomy.       

A.       Mention two bony components of septum.



B.        Mention two indication of septoplasty.




A.    Septum bony components – tanodal, maxillary / vomer , palatine 

B.     DNS – bleeding, deformity etc.

6.      63 years old man presented with this picture post total paracidectomy 1 year back.        

           A.      What is the most appropriate cause of his case?


  B.      Apart from motor function mention two natural function of facial nerve.




A.    Eugenic facial palsy           

B.     Sensory to concha of the auricle

                  --- function to auteus 2/8 of tongue.

                  Secretonotomy of lacrimal gland                       

7.      A. What is this audiological test called


      B. Mention two conditions which might show in the above findings.




A.       Pun tone audiogram 

B.        Pnesbycum

                        Noise induced Hl


8.      17 year old man presented two days post facial trauma with nasal obstruction.         

A.       What is the condition


B.        Mention two major complications




A.       Septal hematoma 

B.        Septal abscess, septal perforation

                        Spread of infection to brain

                        Cavernour sinus, etc. 

9.      This is anatomical draw of the lateral nasal wall.

A.       What is the structure 3, 4?


B.        Mention two sinus’ astia drawn in the middle meatus.




 A.          Superior turbinate (3)

         Agar Nose (4) 

B.           Ethmoidal, maxillary, frontal sinus




10.        A.     Mention 2 indications from this procedure?




B.     Mention two complications.






A.       Airway obstruction

         Major head & neck surgery

         Decrease dead space

         Elongated ventilation


B.        Airway obstruction


         Trauma to major structure      


11.    29 year old man presented to ENT clinic with this nasal findings.


A.       Mention two presenting symptoms.




B.        Mention two optional treatment






           A.     Bleeding - csentations

                    Obstruction - badsmell


           B.     Nasal wash (conservative)

                    Septal batton

                    Surgical closure   


12.    57 year old lady presented with history of right progressive hearing loss, right ear  tinnitus and dizziness attacks.


A.       What is the most appropriate diagnosis?



B.        What is the usual anatomical area affected?








A.          Acoustic neuroma (right)


B.           Cerebellopontime angle         



13.  This is laryngeal picture of 19 year old man presented with sudden aphonia after     he got involved in verbal fighting.


A.          What is the most appropriate diagnosis?



B.           What is your management?




A.          Angiomaton polyp (L)


B.           Ommation of ---



14.  17 year old lady presented with history of recurrent preauricular swelling.


C.        What is your diagnosis?



D.       What is the best management?





A.          Preauricular sinus


B.           Surgical excision


15.    13 year old boy presented to ENT clinic with neck swelling for 3 months.


A.          Mention two different diagnoses.




B.           Mention two most appropriate investigations










A.          Neoplasm of L.N., parotid

         Persistent lymphanoplasty


B.           CT scan with contract

         Fine needle aspiration


16.    11 year old boy complaining of sleep disturbance. This is his oral cavity examination picture.

A.          Define sleep apnea



B.           Mention another two major expected presentation in this case.




A.        Cessation of breathing at upper airway level (supraglottic) for 10 seconds.


B.         Swallowing disturbance, recurrent Ts, speech difficulty.


17.    2 years old boy was brought to emergency room with history of choking few hours ago. This is his two respiration phases ---.


A.          Mention your finding.



B.           Where is common site of foreign body in laryngotracheal tree.





           A.     Hyper inflation of right lung shifted menistinum to left side


           B.     Right main bronchus


18.    Diagrammatic draw of facial nerve course.


           A.     Mention two branches of facial nerve while it passes to intra temporal course.





           B.     What is the narrowest segment (part) of fallopian canal (facial nerve canal) 







A.            Stupedia brach, chorda tympany

          Greater perposal new


B.             Labyrithin segment                  


19.    33 year old lady presented with neck mass noticed to have for more than 20 years, it is recurrently swollen. She was diagnosed to have thyglosial cyst


          A.      If surgically planned to be managed, what is the most important step to be done prospectively? 



B.      What is the ideal surgical management (type of surgery)





A.            N/S neck to know the status of thymoid gland.


B.             Sistrunk operation



20.       A.      What is this radiological test?



          B.      Mention two abnormalities that could be detected by this test.






A.            Sialogram / sialography


B.             Sialolithiaris – filling defect

                        Chronic sialodenit, meucocele, sialosis


21.  27 years old teacher came to speech clinic complaining of dysphonic for few months.


A.            What is your diagnosis?



B.             What is first line of management?







22.   3 year old girl born with this picture on one side


A.          Describe your findings (name the deformity)



B.           What is appropriate non-surgical option for hearing management on that side.





A.        Miastia


B.         Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)         



23.        Otological view of left ear.


A.          Mention two indications of the procedure.




B.           Mention two possible long term complications of this procedure.






             A.     Recurrent otitis media

                      Otitis media with effusion


             B.     Resistent perforation

                      Failure to come out



24.        46 year old man has a history of motor vehicle accident 3 years ago, was brought to ER unconscious.


A.          Mention two possible laryngeal presentations.




B.           What is the radiological finding?





A.          Dysphonia – stridor


B.           Displaced fracture of thyroid cartillage         

25.        Audiology test

          A.      What decibel indication         



B.      Mention two objectives of audiological test to assess the hearing.






A.            Sound intensity


B.             ABR


                        Stapedial reflex


26.   32 year old man with the history of recent flu presented with severe earache after      long flight trip.


A.            What is your diagnosis?



B.             What is the possible surgical procedure to be done to relieve patient’s symptoms?




A.            Barotrauma (+/- OME)


B.             Myringotomy +/- ventilation tube


27.   5 years old boy came to E.R. with drooling of saliva for few hours but no complaint.


A.            What is radiological finding?



B.             What is your surgical management?





A.            F.B. in esophagus


B.             Rigid esophagoscopy + removal of foreign body






28.              4 year old girl came to the clinic complaining of severe earache, for the last two     days. The parents mentioned that she used to get more than 6 attacks annually in        both ears.


               A.     What is the diagnosis?


  B.    What is the appropriate surgical procedure?





A.          Acute Otitis Media


B.           Bilateral Ventilation Tubes


29.        7 years old boy was brought to ER with history of high fever, drooling saliva and stridor. This is his lateral neck x-ray.


A. What is your diagnosis?



B.  What is your first step of management?





A.      Acute epiglotitis


B.       Airway --- intubcation – tracheostomy.


30.   39 year old lady came to the clinic with history of recurrent ear discharge.


A.        Mention two possible complications of surgery could be done.




B.         What types of lining mucosa of middle ear?





A.        Bleeding, ossicular disruption



B.         Pseudostratified ciliated colluman epithelium