Astrology Medicine

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Medical Astrology

Transcript of Astrology Medicine

VedicAstrology & MedicineTRS IyengarWARNING: This article is presented in good intention just only for information purposes. Every reader should know to balance between this article and any specific ailments; one should not fail to consult his/her Medical practitioner or an highly experienced Astrologer, Gemologist before deciding on any matter related to this article. In those olden days an astrologer used to profess Medicine and the Ayurvedic &Siddhapractitioners used to read the horoscope of their patients to find a remedial solution, just not only with medicine but also with Gem and Mineral therapy. Why, even today this is practiced in India widely; manyNadi Jothishascripts are almost combined with Astrology, Gemology and Medicine! What they call these portions as Prediction of Each sign, then suggesting the Remedial measures asShanti Gandam,then recommending Medicine to any specific illness or ailments from theAushatha Gandam(Medicinal Cure).Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health. The 12 Rasis known as Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body. The Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House, the Feet. Let us, at the first place see the houses of Zodiac Chart and its allocated parts of human body within the Astrological perspective: Lagna known as Ascendant - i.e. the First house : Control Head, Body heat mechanism & overall physique. The 2nd Table below shows each house and its significance and the connectivity to human organs. TheLaw ofCorrespondences of Classical Philosophy hasanother term" TheDoctrineof Signatures". This doctrine states that objects - animate and inanimate - are governed by planets and Classical Astrology has taken this concept beyond " The Law of Cause and Effect " and has defined it as Archetypal or Psychological.Reflections of the intrinsic qualities of the planets can be seen inpeople, plants, animals & minerals. All that we see, touch, consume & harvest has a correspondence. By knowing our own planetarysignature, we can consumethose materialswhich correspond toour planetary signature & thus a healthy balance can be maintained. for an example, if in anyone's horoscope,Jupiter is posited in Cancer and then the powerful positional as well as directional strength it holds. If the person is afflicted by any sort of disease, the escape route is the Jupiterian Way - viz consuming more vegetables& fruits, as he rules fruits & vegetables. If the native do that, he will be implementing what the Great Seers said long ago ( " Naturopathic food is medicine and medicine is food " )! Since the Zodiac Signs represent theFive Basic Elements known as Ether, Fire, Air, Earth & Water, the ancient astrological savants assigned everythingin the Universe to a planetaryruler,& considered all as the manifestation of the Elemental Five & their respective qualities - hot & dry, cold and dry, hot and humid , cold and humid. Jupiter rules "Kapha" & the Sun "Pitta' ( the three humors of Ayurveda ). These elements were understood in a physical & metaphysical sense, as per the principle "As Above, So Below". Many body constitutions are definedin Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic ( predominance of Kapha), the Bilious ( preponderance of Pitta ) & the Windy ( predominance of Vata ). There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine - Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric &Melancholic. The Ayurvedic Therapy The Seven Planets (leaving aside the two shadow planets known as Rahu & Ketu, and of course, the newly found Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which are not considered in this article) correspond to the 3 humors ( Doshas ) in Ayurveda In the Ayurvedic Model, the Seven Revolving Heavens are classified thus The seven planets correspond to the Seven Gross Tissue- elements, called Dhatus (Mineral composition & the planets influence or ruling part of human body mechanism. The table below illustrate the planet and its connectivity to the human body system.


SunPittaBonesThe Bone System

MoonVata & KaphaBloodThe Circulatory System

MarsPittaBone MarrowThe Muscular System

MercuryPitta, Vata & KaphaSkinThe Veins

JupiterKaphaFatThe Digestive System

VenusVata & KaphaSeminal EnergyThe Reproductive System

SaturnVataVeinsThe Excretory System

By analyzing a horoscope, an experienced astrologer can judge the badly placed planet& the corresponding Dhatu which has caused the problem and can prescribe Ayurvedic remedial measures.

HouseConnected OrganSignifying

Ascendant / Lagna/ 1st HouseHeadSoul, Mind & Thoughts

2nd HouseFaceRight Eye sight, Family & Cash flow, Vocabulary

3rd HouseThroatBrothers

4th HouseHeartMother, Vehicles, Education & comforts

5th HouseLungs, AbdominalChildren, earlier birth

6th HouseStomachDisease, ailments, distant cousins

7th HousePrivate Generative organsMarriage, opposite sex, life partner

8th HouseUpper thighLongevity

9th HouseThighLuck, benefits, gains

10th HouseKneeFather/Husband, profession, job etc.

11th HouseCalfBenefits, gain, second marriage etc.

12th HouseFeetLeft eye sight, Sleep, Moksha,

If the 6th house is afflicted, there can be digestive tract disorders. Natural malefic in the 6th house, may create hyperacidity and gas trouble. Affliction either to the 7th house means disorders of the digestive tract, hyperacidity & gas trouble .The same holds good for the 6th house. If the 6th house or the 7th house is afflicted, one should be very careful about the body's acidity level. The body's PH value should be kept at 7. Anything less than 7 is dangerous. The 80% alkaline nature of the body should be kept up & acidity should not be above 20%. The best foods to be taken are Vedic Foods, which arelow acidity, low cholesterol diet. The Acidity- Alkalinity ratio should be kept at 80% -20%. That ratio can be maintained if you consume100 grams fruitsand 300 grams vegetables daily andavoid non-natural food. Natural foods are alkaline & non-vegetarian basically acidic.From experience, it can be discerned that not only malefic planetsbring in problems from enemies, butalso problems to the stomach.If the 12th house is afflicted by malefic planets, there can be affliction to the feet. We have seen many a patient sufferingfrom 12th house affliction and which manifests as problems on the feet.Similarly, 4th house affliction means trouble to the Heart. There are some astrologers who take this from the Horoscope of the Cosmic Man, (Kaala Purusha) that is from His AscendantAries. This method also yields results but from the experience, we follow the dictum of NatalAstrology that it is theAscendant of the native which is the head & the Descendant the stomach region. I know many an Astrologer who follow thisfrom Aries Ascendant (Lagna) & if a malefic is posited in Virgo, in the 6 H ofKalapurusha (Cosmic Man),he predicts stomach problems for the native. Or if a malefic planet is positioned ed in Taurus, he predicts wounds on the face for thenative. Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding part of the body. North Node or any other malefic in the Sixth is indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house affliction means that the heart is afflicted andfirst house affliction means that the head is afflicted.The planets correspond to the different systems of Man thusfrom experience,Vedic Medical Astrology is found tobe very accurate.Gem TherapyIn AstrologyHow can therapeutic gems can cure your ailments? Can this be true? Just let us look at the Modern Science. Physicists tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. All the particles, be it human or otherwise, it is Crystal. Gemstones are certainly no exception. Formed over eons, often at high pressure of the Earth's rotation, the Earth's gemstones embody intense concentrations of energy. The energetic and physical properties of gemstones are already employed in many aspects of today's technology. The ability of crystals to conduct and transform energy is no longer a foreign idea to us. For example, every television, quartz clock, mobile phone, and computers, laptops etc. runs smoothly thanks to Quartz crystals. Today the energetic properties of gems are also being used to improve people's health at a fundamental level.

Efforts to use gems for healing have a long history. In India as well as in many other places, people have sought to uncover the abilities that lay hidden within the intensely compressed crystalline structures of gemstones - particularly the ability to heal. Over the centuries, our attempts have met with varying degrees of success and failure. Yet, when using gems for health, something was always missing - for, until recently, we have been unable to discover a systematic way to unlock the full therapeutic powers of gems and to achieve consistent, long-lasting results. But what they found to be more energetic ones are the real nine Gems named, Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Diamond, Blue sapphire, Zircon and Cat's eye. In the Indian and Hindu system of Astrology, though they found many other semi precious stones, they count only these nine Gem stone as Medicinal and Cosmetic radiation value.

When one finds there is a total failure in this therapy, then he/she should check for the genuineness of the stone that is used. The most essential to the success of any form of medicine is the nature of its therapeutic tools. To be most effective and reliable, medicine must be pure and high in quality. The purity and quality requirements of the gems used for healing parallel those of any other form of medicine. Meeting these strict requirements can make or break a gem's therapeutic worth. For gemstone energy medicine to be effective and consistent, the use of only therapeutic-quality gemstones is required. To find out the purity of any Gem, you just can walk into any Gemologist or Gemology Laboratory for a Gem Test.

It is found from the past experience, that a gem's shape profoundly affects the way it can express its energy - and thus its ability to deliver its healing properties. The ideal shape for a therapeutic gem is the sphere. The spherical shape unleashes a gem's potential to reach and heal the deepest energetic aspects of our being, where the root causes of disease and distress lie. Therapeutic gemstone spheres radiate an incomparable energy that can affect all our dimensions, physical and subtle, and hence heal and transform our entire being. This is what the Vedic Astrology relate to.

With these two concepts - the selection of only the highest quality gems and the use of gems cut into the proper shape - represent a simple, yet seismic, shift in the understanding of how gems can work therapeutically. Proper selection, shaping, color and use of gemstones can transform them into therapeutic power tools. The potent healing energy of therapeutic gems can deeply heal and nourish every aspect of the human form.

Luckily, enjoying the health benefits of gemstone spheres is exceptionally easy and straightforward. Albeit costly. Based on this information, many therapy protocols using gem spheres have been developed. However, powerful benefits can be obtained simply by wearing therapeutic gems around the neck. Wearing a therapeutic gemstone necklace allows the gems' healing energy to penetrate the deepest levels of the wearer's physical and energetic dimensions. There, the gems' energy goes to work dissolving energetic blockages and producing beneficial changes in the body, mind, and emotions.

The experiences of many persons have proved that the information presented here in are quiet agreeable in the healing Gemology therapy.. These experiences of healing provide our first glimpses of what becomes possible when we put this new form of energy medicine into practice. These Gem stones do work, giving an ample scope for alternate medicine. But one should be very cautious and careful in choosing the right stone and Gem.The following stones are suggested in Astrology and also prescribed in Ayurveda for specific disorders; but how far has achieved permanent cure is a question to ponder! However, if predicted earlier and as a preventive step, if one wears the recommended gem, then certainly the results are encouraging. Say, instead of sufferings for 100%, it should reduce to fifty percent or even less.RUBYis recommended for : Rheumatism, acute chest pain, Rib & Lungs weaknesses.Pearlis suggested for Insomnia, Migraine, and severe headache.Coralis recommended for Blood Anemia, Liver problems, Jaundice and for women who suffer with stomach pains during their menstrual course period and impotency in both genders.Emeraldis recommended for : Cancer, Dysentery, Jaundice, Abdominal irregularities, Chest pain & nail distortions.Yellow sapphire Known as Guru (Pushparagam or Pushkaraj) is suggested for impotence, cholera and gas trouble and stomach pains.Diamondis recommended for Diabetes and heart problems and Pneumonia.Blue sapphireis recommended for those who suffer from Neurological problems, Rheumatism, Arthritis,Gastric Ulcer, Tuberculosis, and bowel system defects.Zircon(Gomethakam or Gometak) is suggested for skin ailments andCat's Eye (known as Vaidoorya or Vaiduryam) is recommended for blood purifications.On what basis a gem stone is recommended? How the size and color is considered? What if one no longer needs the specified stone?Oh, it all depend upon your astrologer's expertise and experience! The most specific method is based on the prescription by a well qualified Astrologer. It is the system and reading of a native's horoscope that is taken into account, with various astrological factors before prescribing the gemstone. This recommended system leaves almost nothing to chance and tries to factor in all aspects before prescription. The steps involved in this system are discussed below, but it should be kept in mind that a qualified Astrologer alone is capable and a prerequisite to make use of this gem stone therapy.First, The Ascendant known as Lagna is studied and looked into and then the Lord of Ascendant/Lagna is checked for its strength, weakness and auspiciousness in the Rasi (Moon sign) and Navamsa chart.Then the the current running & ruling Mahadasha period (Major Planetary ruling Period) is checked. Sometimes the ruling planet of antardasha (sub-division period) is also factored in.Thirdly, the Moon sign is checked and the lord of Moon sign's placement is checked for its strength and weaknesses.Then the birth star known as Janma Nakshatra is checked including the lord and its dispositor for auspiciousness.Then, all the nine planets are examined in Moon sign Rasi chart and checked for its strength and weaknesses, if any.Next the strength and weaknesses of each sign with its owenership, Kendra Bhala, Trikona Bhala and sthana Bhala are judged; this is to consider various aspects of the native's immediate threat or benefit.Simultaneously, the Navamsa chart has to be studied for all the factors as it will pinpoint many other facts which are overlooked in the Main Rasi Chart.Lastly, the chalit chart should also be examined to verify if a planet changes its position or motion house-wise. If any planets move, retrograde, exaltation or debilitation does vary because of the cusp changes, then it should also be considered before recommending any gem stone.If the above factors are properly judged and used by a well qualified Astrologer, surely it will give a clear indications about the type of gemstone, size and mode (whether a pendant type or a ring) to be prescribed for a native. Normally the stones are prescribed for strengthening the planets which results in beneficial effects. Thus, in general a gem stone is suggested where a planet's positioning is weaker or, when the Ruling Mahadasa period warrants. The native who remain in touch with their astrologers as a counselor, derive more benefits, as by then your Family Astrologer remembers everything that is plus and minus in your birth chart known as Janma Kundali. In such cases, the astrologer is able to recommend a specific gemstones for a particular period only to derive the maximum benefits of it.Once the ill effect period is over, or when no longer the recommended Gem stone is needed, it is to be removed and never to be used by another person. When the stipulated period is over, and the need arises for a change in a gemstone then it is recommended by the counseling Astrologer for a further period. This dynamic way of prescription is actually very beneficial and is gaining momentum in modern times. Logically, some of the gemstones interfere with the cosmic effects of other gems also and thus are in conflict. Under such circumstances, this dynamic prescription of gemstones is very useful as the astrologer can derive benefits for the native from various gemstones at different points of time, without any negative effect of the conflict of gems. Here too, one has to be a regular customer/client of a particular Astrologer, who can guide you throughout your life, as is your family doctor!And most importantly, one should be very careful in choosing the stone, as normally a used gem stone might not be giving the full effect as that of a new one. Also, once the period of its effectiveness is not felt, then too you should remove it, as your Astrologer will guide you next. Here too, all the gem stones that are once used, has no resale value at all, irrespective of its cost and weight- age!

In some complicated conditions of a native's horoscope and if multiple remedy is to be found for some specific weak planetary alignments, there are many other remedies and combinations are listed even for common cold, allergy One has to study the horoscope in detail, find out the weaker planet and its current influence on the native and then to see the running Dasa Period for current, before recommending any remedy. Quite apart from the recommended stone therapy, the olden days people used to take remedial treatments with Basmams (the ashes of specific stone - such Thangabasmam as Gold metal ash, Chandiya Basmam for Silver ash etc). Only an experienced Astrologer & Gem therapist can guide you to proper Gem or an Experienced Astrologer with Ayurvedic knowledge too can get you some solutions for aforesaid ailments. Thenava ratnamknown as Nine precious Gems in itself is very poisonous; however, if the same is utilized in a methodical way as listed in the Vedic scripts, it helps one to come out of the ill effects of any malefic placement of planets in one's horoscope. But tofind an Astrologerwho also has the knowledge in the Vedic Medicine proposition is become like some what find a needle in the hay stack!

Nakshatra Porutham known as Star Matching.Is it necessary at the first place to match the Horoscopes of prospective couples?NO, not at all!In those olden days, when the child marriage marriages were rampant, it was essentially necessary for checking the compatibility of horoscope. To check for the boy's longevity, health, finance, social status of his future etc. Since the couples would be too young to judge about the future, it was devised to check the horoscope. So the arranged marriages were, mostly after checking the horoscopes of the boy and girl, to understand their future based on the natal charts. Since it was at different era that the horoscopes were compared and matched, whence thebalya vivaha(child marriages) took place. But for the present generation, the marriages are solemnized after the eligible persons attaining generally after 20 years of age, fairly grown and matured, it is not a must or essential at all to match the horoscope. And this holds good for the Love marriages, where the horoscope matching is a nightmare for many, as the many elders still insisting on matching the natal charts. Where it is not at all pertinent or necessary, still there are many blind followers of the astrological myths, or to be precise, I can blatantly state it as a mirth! In a civilized society, these blind faith are something causing a lot more trouble than soothing analysis from the subject - Astrology. In this article, I discuss the general conditions and planetary alignments that effects or affects the persons married life. But for the general view, this cannot be taken as a final verdict. And in many cases, this judgment too fail, if any one's horoscope is with wrong calculations or birth timings. Please remember, fate supercedes everything and it is left to the destiny that rules. No, not the Astrologers or their predictions.If you truly love some one, then go ahead, get married and be happy for ever. Never even look at this article as this is not meant for you. Marriages are made in heaven, and surely not by matching the horoscopes or by astrologers. Remember this, you will be happy, that you avoided the horoscope matching.What isStar Matching? How relevance is thisstar matchingin theHindu system of Astrology? Does it necessary to go for aStar Matchingand compare the horoscopes before finalizing an alliance? What are the implications and benefits in the Marriagestar matchingand Horoscope Matching? In what way thisStar Matchingwill benefit the couples? Read on the values ofStar Matchingin the other page. ThisStar Matching Table & ChartProvides you with near matching Nakshatra (constellations know as Star) are ofBoy's. Though this table provides the best possible results, please consult yourAstrologerfor other aspects such as longevity, health, wealth & MangalikDoshams i.e. Kuja or Chevvai dosham etc.#Girl's Birth star or Sthree NakshatramSuitable boys Stars(Matching Purusha Nakshatram)

1Aswinee - Aswini - AshwiniBest:Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Pooram, Uthiram, Hastham, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Pooradam, Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi.

2Bharani- BaraniBest: Aswinee, Kruthikai, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam, Makam, Uthiradam, Chithirai, Swathi, Thiruvonam, & Sathayam

3Karthikai / KiruthigaiKruthikai/KiruthikaiKrittikaaFor Mesha RasiBest:Aswinee, Bharani, and For Rishabam-Rohini, Thiruvonam, Poosam, Makam, Pooram, Chitirai, Swathi, Anusham, Thiruvonam, Avittam.For Mesha & Rishabam: Aswinee, Kettai, Moolam, Pooradam , Revathi.

4Rohini/ RohineeBest: Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam, Pooram, Uthiradam, Chithirai, Visakam Avittam, Poorattadhi.

5Mrigasiram /MrigaseershamBest:Rohini, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam, Pooram, Uthiram, Vishakam, Kettai Sathayam.

6Ardra Or ThiruvathiraiBest:Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam, Pooram, Chithirai, Kettai, Poorattathi, Revathi.

7Punarpoosam/PunarpusamPunarvasuBest:Aswinee Rohini, Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Sathayam, Uthirattathi.

8Poosam / PusamPushyamBest:Thiruvathirai, Ayilyam, Hastham, Swathi, Visakam, Kettai, Thiruvonam, Revathi.

9Ayilyam.AsleshaBest:Aswinee, Uthiram, Visakam, Uthirattadhi, Avittam, Uthiradam.

10Makam / MagamMakhaBest:Bharani, Kruthikai, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam, Makam, Pooram, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Pooram, Thiruvonam, Sathayam.

11Pooram / PuramPoorva PhalguniBest:Aswinee, Kruthikai, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Makam, Sathayam, Kettai, Moolam, Avittam.

12UthiramUthraphalguniBest:Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi,

13HasthamBest:Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Chithirai, Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Avittam.

14ChithiraiChithra-ChitraBest:Same sign or Rasi: -Chithirai, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Uthiram, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi.

15Swathi- SvathiBest:Bharani, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Chithirai, Swathi- (same sign).Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Poorattadhi, Revathi.

16VisakamVishakhaBest:Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Anusham, Moolam, Avittam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi.

17AnushamAnuradhaBest: Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam Ayilyam. Kettai, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Poorattadhi, Revathi.

18KettaiJyeshtaBest:Kruthikai, Uthiram, Moolam, Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi, Uthirattadhi, Rohini Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam.

18Moolam/ MulamBest: Bharani, Thiruvathirai, Pooram Hastham, Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam.

20Pooradam / PuradamPoorvashadaBest:Uthiram, Chithirai, Visakam, Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi, Revathi

21UthiradamUthrashadaBest:Aswinee, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Pooram, Hastham, Swath,i Anusham, Moolam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam.

22ThiruvonamSravanamBest: Bharani, Kruthikai, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam, Pooram, Chithirai, Visakam, Kettai, Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi, Revathi.

23AvittamDhanishtaBest:Aswinee, Kruthikai, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Uthiradam, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Uthiram, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi.

24Sadhayam / SathayamSathabhishaBest:Bharani, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Makam, Uthiram, Pooram, Chithirai, Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi, Revathi.

25Poorattadhi / PurattathiPoorvabhadrapadaBest:Aswinee, Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Uthirattadhi (Same sign the best).

26UthirattadhiUtharabhadrapadaBest: Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam, Makam, Hastham, Swathi, Visakam, Kettai, Thiruvonam, Revathi.

Names from Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam given at the end of this TRS IyengarWhat is in a name ? Any person may be wondering. In order to carry on the social, cultural and business activities, we need an identity. But the ancestors tried to make this identity purposeful unlike the present situation. The name was given to enable attaining fame! The naming of a new born therefore has significance and the SamSkAram is known as nAmakaraNam (in fact the English word 'Name' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'nAma')! Either the name was after a God/Goddess, or that of a Rishi, that protects the child, uttering whose name benefits those who utter or that of a sage or saint to turn it as famous as that person as well as getting blessed. Besides, there were practices to name with secular motive, use names of the elders, secret names to maintain personality and to withhold them from enemies, family names for remembrance and pride etc. During the naming ceremony amongst the Brahmins, they used to give three different names or more, one from their paternal elders, another from the maternal side and the third is that of their family diety (kula Devatha).But according to Vedic Sastra, a persons name and the pronunciation is likely to influence much of a character and growth. The vibrations caused by calling frequently a person with his/her name, is surely linked to one's mind and thoughts. If a persons name influences a negative factor, the person is most likely to be down with inferiority complexion. Likewise, if a persons name that sounds something like hero or God, then the named persons behavioral pattern is much better than one can expect. That's why, in those days, people used to name their child after their Family Deity (Kula Devatha) or one or other God's Name. So that. by frequently calling the child with that specific name. the phonetic vibrations increases the level of relationship between the caller & the called one! So, please name your baby with most suitable words, that will grow in a positive way with the child. Given below are the stars and suitable first two or three letters of alphabet as starting name and you can find full name based on these guidance. This is according to Indian Astrological pattern, which you can find in any Almanac known as Panchang Or Panchangam. The most significance & effect is definitely felt by experience. Each Nakshatram (Nakshatra or Star) is divided into 4 parts and each quarter known as Charan or Padam. The representing Alphabet for each quarter or Padam is given hereunder :

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Correct Name and its vibration, keeps one pretty happy -Name your child according to Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra)

Star (Nakshatra)1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter

Aswini(Asvini - Ashvini)SuCheChoLa


Krittika(Karthikai - Kiruthikai)A (as in accent)EOo (U)Aa(as in Airport)







Makam(Magha - Magham)MaMiMuMe

Pooram(Purva Palguni)MoTaTiTo

Uthiram(Uthira Palguni)DeDaPaPi




Visakam(Visaka - Vishaka)ThiThuTheTho



Moola(Mulam, Moolam)YeYaBhaBhi

PoorvashadaPuradam - Purva Broshtapatha)BhDaFaTa

Uthrashada(Uthiradam - Uthra Broshtapatha)BhuBhoJhaJhi

Abhijit (Abhijeet)**----



Sadabishak(Sathayam. Shathatharaka)GoSaSiShu

P. Broshtapata (Poorattathi, P.Bhadra)SoSheDhaDhi

U. Broshtapatha (Uthirattathi, U.Bhadra)DhuShaChaDha

Revathi, RevathyDheDhoSaChi

**Abijit (Abhijeet) Nakshatra is an existing constellation (Star - Nakshatra) in the stellar system. But the same is said to have been de-activated by the Lord Sri Maha Vishnuduring after the Mahabharatha War. However, persons born after four hours of Uthrashada (Uthiradam) nakshatra are said to be part of this Abhijt (Abijeet) nakshatram.It is considered that Last part or end of 4th quarter in Uthirashada and two hours in the first part of of 1st Charan or Quarter of Shravan are considered as Abhijeet Nakshatram.The alphabetical names for a Boy & Girl with the Sanskrit meaning will be provided shortly for the readers benefit. Please bear with me till then. The recommended Name and its values are surely to benefit,if a child is named after the representing alphabets of their Birth Star (Nakshatram).In thenext article,you willll find the exact star and its quarter, its placement in the moon sign (Rasi), the total year of Running Dasa at the time of birth and also in which Rasi they are placed. Also the beginningalphabet for each name representing the phonetic sound is listed again. Readers can easily pinpoint their quarter and moon sign easily with this chart.Given hereunder are some of the names for boys of Lord Sri Mahavishnu ( Sriman NArayaNa) for boys. These names and it's phonetic vibrations are said to create an overwhelming confidence for both callerand called person of these names. These are taken out from the Vedic slokha known asSri Vishnu Sahasranamam.Namefor boysMeaning

AbhavBirthless, Vishnu, Shiva, Jina

AbhijayVictorious, Vishnu

AbhijitVictor, Vishnu, Name of a star

AchintyaInconceivable, Shiva, Vishnu, God

Achyut/ AchuthanPerfect, whole, Vishnu

Adinarayan (Aadinarayan)Vishnu

Adipurush (Aadipurush)Paramatma, Vishnu

Adishesh (Aadishesh)Serpent God, Anantha

Adisura (Aadisura)Vishnu, Name of an ancient king

AganitCountless, innumerable, infinite, God, Vishnu

AhishayanVishnu who sleeps on serpent

Ajanubahu (Aajaanubaahu)Vishnu, Name of an ancient sage

Ajath (Ajaath)Birthless, Shiva, Vishnu, Jina

AjayOne who cannot be conquered, Vishnu

AjeyaOne who cannot be conquered, Vishnu

AjitUnconquerable, Vishnu, A theerthankara


AkshathUnscathed, whole, Vishnu


AmitLimitless, Vishnu

AmitabhLimitless, lustre, Vishnu

AmitavikramLimitless power, Vishnu


AnandamohanSri Krishna

AnandaramSri Ram

AnanthWithout an end, God, Adishesha





AnantyaWithout an end, eternal, God

AniruddhaKrishna's grandson

AnuvindOne who receives, Cousin of Sree Krishna

Aparajit (Aparaajit)Who cannot be conquered, Vishnu Shiva, Jina A son of Sri Krishna and Lakshmi

AravindakshaLotus eyed, Vishnu

ArijitConqueror of enemies. Son of Sri Krishna and Bhadra.

ArinjayConqueror of enemies. Son of Sri Krishna and Bhadra

Ashamber (Aashaamber)The Sky, the univrerse, Shiva, Vishnu, Jina

Ashwathanarayan (Ashwatha Naraayan)Lord Vishnu

AthithiRama's grandson

Atmavan (Atmavaan)Vishnu

AvanimohanSri Krishna

AyodhyanathSri Rama

AyodhyaramSri Rama

Ayukumar (Aaya kumar)Son of Urvashi an Puroonava son of Sri Krishna and Bhadra

BadariprasadA gift of Badarinarayanan

BaladevStrong person, Sri Krishna's brother



Balakrishna (Baala Krishna)Young Krishna


Balamurali KrishnaYoung Krishna who played on flute

Balaram (Balaraam)Sri Krishna's brother

BalasunderHandsome boy, Sri Krishna

BalendraKing among children, Krishna

BansidharSri Krishna

BanvariName of Krishna

BhesajVishnu, the healer, who cures the disease of borth an death cycles.

BhishajVishnu, the healer, who cures the disease of birth and death cycles.

BhishakVishnu, the healer, who cures the desease of birth and death cycles

BhriguA sage, father of Lakshmi

BhrihadbanuSon of Krishna and Satyabhama

BhuvanamohanMost attractive person on earth, Sri Krishna

BiligirirangaLord Ranganath on Biligiri hills in Mysore district

BindumadhavDiety of Vishnu of Kashi

BrihadbalUddhva's brother Sri Krishna's cousin

BrijanandSri Krishna who lived in Brijbhoomi

BrijbhooshanSri Krishna

BrijeshSri Krishna who lived in Brijbhoomi

BrijmohanSri Krishna who lived in Brijbhoomi

CauverirangaLord Ranganatha at the temples on the bank of the river Cauvery



ChalapathiVishnu as Lord of "Chanchala"

ChandrabanuSon of Sri Krishna and Satybhama


CharuchandraSon of Rukmini and Sri Krishna beautiful moon

CharudehiSon of Rukmini and Sri Krishna

Charudesna (Chaarudeshna)Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna

CharuguptaSon of Rukmini and Sri Krishna


ChaturvyuhOne who personifies in four arrys, Vishnu

ChitraketuUddhava's brother Sri Krishna's cousin

GadhadharVishnu, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's' former name

GarudaVishnu s Vehicle (Vahana) kite

Garuda VahanVishnu

GavirangaLord Ranganath


GopalSri Krishna, the cowherd

GiridharSri Krishna

GiridhariSri Krishna

Gita KrishnaSri Krishna

GokulHerd of cows. The place where Krishna lived as a boy

GokulanandSri Krishna

GokulanathSri Krishna

Gopa KumarSri Krishna

GopalakSri Krishna, the cowherd

GopikrishnaLord of Gopis, Sri Krishna

GopinathLord of Gopis, Sri Krishna

GopipriyaLord of Gopis, Sri Krishna

GopishLord oif Gopis, Sri Krishna

GopivallabhLord of Gopis, Sri Krishna

GorakshakProtector of cows

GovardhanA mountain near Gokul

GovardhanadhariSri Krishna who lifted the mountain "Govardhan"

GovindWho possesses cows, Sri Krishna

Govindapad (Govindapaad)Guru of Sri Shankaracharya


Halayudh (Halaayudh)Balaram


Hari dayalMerciful Vishnu

Hari omHari mantrakshara

Hari ShankarShiva and Vishnu combined

HaridasServant of Vishnu

HaridutGiven by Vishnu

HariharHalf Shiva and half Vishnu diety at Harihara temple

HarihareshwarHalf Shiva and half Vishnu diety at Harihara temple

HarikripaGift of Vishnu

HarikumarHari's son, Bhramha

Harinarayan (Harinaaraayan)Vishnu


HariprasadGift of Vishnu


HarishchandraAn ancestor of Sri Rama Son of Trishanku known for his love of truth

HarivathsaHari's son, Bhramha

HayagreevNeck of a horse, An incarnation of Vishnu with face of a horse

HayavadanNeck of a horse, An incarnation of Vishnu with face of a horse

HemamberWho wears yellow cloth, Sri Krishna


HonnamberSri Krishna

HrishikeshBeyond the reach of five senses, Vishnu controller of senses



Jagadatma (Jagadaatma)Soul of the world, Vishnu

JaganmohanSri Krishna


JagmohanSri Krishna

Jairam- JayaramVictorious Rama

JaithraVictorious, Vishnu, Shiva, Jina, Arjun

JanakinandanSon of Janaki

Janakiram - JaanakiraamanSri Rama

Janardhan - JanaardhanVishnu

Jayadev- JayadevanA poet who composed 'Gita Govinda'

JayagopalVictorious Krishna

JishnuVictorious, Vishnu, Shiva, Jina, Arjun

KaivalyaVaikunta, Vishnus abode


KamalakshHaving lotus like eyes, Vishnu




Kasturi RangaLord Ranganath

KathanNarration, story telling

KausthubA gem worn by Vishnu


Kaveriranga - KaaveriranganLord Ranganath at temples on the banks of river Kaveri

KeshavVishnu with beautiful hair

KevalAbsolute, pure, Vishnu

KishanSri Krishna

Kishorachandra- KishorchandranRising moon, Balachandra

KishoreA small boy

Kodandaram- KothandaramanSri Ram with his bow called "Kodanda"

Krishna- KrishnanIncamation of Vishnu

Krishna ChaitanyaName of a Vaishnava Saint of Bengal

Krishna dev- KrishnadevanSri Krishna

Krishna KanthGlow or brightness of Sri Krishna

Krishna KumarKrishna's son

Krishna meghBlack cloud

Krishna prasadSri Krishna's gift

KrishnadwaipayanName of sage Vedavyas

KrishnamohanAttractive Krishna

KritivarmaKrishna's friend, A Yadava warrior



Kunal (Kunaal)A devotee of Vishnu

KushRama's son

KushrajRama's son


LakshmeeshGoddess Lakshmi's Lord, Vishnu

LakshmikantGoddess Lakshmi s Lord, Vishnu


LakshmiramanGoddess Lakshmi s Lord, Vishnu

Leela KrishnaPlayful Sri Krishna

LokatmanThe God, Vishnu

Madhav (Maadhav)Sri Krishna, the spring season

MadhuramohanSri Krishna

MadhuranathSri Krishna

MadhusudhanSlayer of the demon Madhu, Sri Krishna

MadhwarajMadwacharya founder of Dwaitha philosophy

MadhweshSri Madhwacharya

MahidharAdishesh, Vishnu

ManobhiramPleasing Sri Rama

MathsyendraIncarnation of Vishnu as a fish

MathsyendranathIncarnation of Vishnu as a fish

MukundSri Krishna



Murali (Muraali)Enemy of a demon called Mura, Krishna

Muralidhar, Muralidhara, MuralidaranSri Krishna

Muraligan (Muraligaan)Song of the flute

MuraligopalSri Krishna

MuralikrishnaSri Krishna

MuralimadhavSri Krishna

MuralimohanSri Krishna

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Preventive Health Care Article - Simple & Easy Health care tips one can follow.Following are the most simple & practicable, that everyone can afford to keep in good health and spirits! These are the collections of articles from many sources that are reproduced here in good faith and interest for the benefit of the net surfers. Yes, your daily intake of good and healthy food itself act as a preventive medicine for many ailments and health setbacks! Regular timing for your daily intake - breakfast, Lunch & supper plus avoiding eating in-between would itself make you fit and healthy. The following tips should give you a good idea, how we can maintain your health. And a minimum of six hours undisturbed and sound sleep should add to your longevity! A refreshed mind, freshness in your look and feel you can get, if you're a early raiser. All the best.Warning:Neither I am a Doctor nor a physician. The suggestive methods that are practiced in India and for generations these methods are carried to the younger ones by our grandmas'. Some of these tips are availed from other sources and many of these I got by hearsay. Some of the tips given here below are of with items that are objectionable to Srivaishnavas & Jain community. However, the same can be taken as medicine without giving much importance to religious feelings. And for the sake of my legal protection, please visitthis page, before you practice!And the saying is, Prevention is better than cure!

ApplesProtects your heartPrevents constipationBlocks diarrheaImproves lung capacityCushions joints

ApricotsCombats cancerControls blood pressureSaves your eyesightShields against AlzheimersSlows aging process

ArtichokesAids digestionLowers cholesterolProtects your heartStabilizes blood sugarGuards against liver disease

AvocadosBattles diabetesLowers cholesterolHelps stops strokesControls blood pressureSmoothes skin

BananasProtects your heartQuiets a coughStrengthens bonesControls blood pressureBlocks diarrhea

BeansPrevents constipationHelps hemorrhoidsLowers cholesterolCombats cancerStabilizes blood sugar

BeetsControls blood pressureCombats cancerStrengthens bonesProtects your heartAids weight loss

BlueberriesCombats cancerProtects your heartStabilizes blood sugarBoosts memoryPrevents constipation

BroccoliStrengthens bonesSaves eyesightCombats cancerProtects your heartControls blood pressure

CabbageCombats cancerPrevents constipationPromotes weight lossProtects your heartHelps hemorrhoids

CantaloupeSaves eyesightControls blood pressureLowers cholesterolCombats cancerSupports immune system

CarrotsSaves eyesightProtects your heartPrevents constipationCombats cancerPromotes weight loss

CauliflowerProtects against Prostate CancerCombats breast cancerStrengthens bonesBanishes bruisesGuards against heart disease

CherriesProtects your heartCombats cancerEnds insomniaSlows aging processShields against Alzheimers

ChestnutsPromotes weight lossProtects your heartLowers cholesterolCombats cancerControls blood pressure

Chili peppersAids digestionSoothes sore throatClears sinusesCombats cancerBoosts immune system

FigsPromotes weight lossHelps stops strokesLowers cholesterolCombats cancerControls blood pressure

FlaxAids digestionBattles diabetesProtects your heartImproves mental healthBoosts immune system

GarlicLowers cholesterolControls blood pressureCombats cancerKills bacteriaFights fungus

GrapefruitProtects against heart attacksPromotes weight lossHelps stops strokesCombats prostate cancerLowers cholesterol

Grapessaves eyesightConquers kidney stonesCombats cancerEnhances blood flowProtects your heart

Green teaCombats cancerProtects your heartHelps stops strokesPromotes weight lossKills bacteria

HoneyHeals woundsAids digestionGuards against ulcersIncreases energyFights allergies

LemonsCombats cancerProtects your heartControls blood pressureSmoothes skinStops scurvy

LimesCombats cancerProtects your heartControls blood pressureSmoothes skinStops scurvy

MangoesCombats cancerBoosts memoryRegulates thyroidAids digestionShields against Alzheimers

MushroomsControls blood pressureLowers cholesterolKills bacteriaCombats cancerStrengthens bones

OatsLowers cholesterolCombats cancerBattles diabetesPrevents constipationSmoothes skin

Olive oilProtects your heartPromotes weight lossCombats cancerBattles diabetesSmoothes skin

OrangesSupports immune systemsCombats cancerProtects your heartStraightens respiration

Peachesprevents constipationCombats cancerHelps stops strokesAids digestionHelps hemorrhoids

PeanutsProtects against heart diseasePromotes weight lossCombats prostate cancerLowers cholesterolAggravatesdiverticulitis

PineappleStrengthens bonesRelieves coldsAids digestionDissolves wartsBlocks diarrhea

PrunesSlows aging processPrevents constipationBoosts memoryLowers cholesterolProtects against heart disease

Rice***Protects your heartBattles diabetesConquers kidney stonesCombats cancerHelps stops strokes

StrawberriesCombats cancerProtects your heartBoosts memoryCalms stress

Sweet potatoesSaves your eyesightLifts moodCombats cancerStrengthens bones

TomatoesProtects prostateCombats cancerLowers cholesterolProtects your heart

WalnutsLowers cholesterolCombats cancerBoosts memoryLifts moodProtects against heart disease

WaterPromotes Weight lossCombats cancerConquers kidney stonesSmoothes skin

WatermelonProtects prostatePromotes weight lossLowers cholesterolHelps stops strokesControls blood pressure

Wheat germCombats Colon CancerPrevents constipationLowers cholesterolHelps stops strokesImproves digestion

Wheat branCombats Colon CancerPrevents constipationLowers cholesterolHelps stops strokesImproves digestion

YogurtGuards against ulcersStrengthens bonesLowers cholesterolSupports immune systemsAids digestion

*** According to some, Rice is to be limited as sub dish rather than whole meals or main one. The reason for suggesting this is, it contain more sugar than sugar itself!But western people notably in N. America have quite a high incidence of Diabetes Type II but the incidence is comparatively much less than in Tamilnadu where the percentage of diabetics in the total population is highest in the world. And in the whole of Tamilnadu, Rice is consumed as a main food item!When wheat or other fiber is eaten water consumption increases. This flushes the body well. Rice eating slows down water consumption which is not good for the kidneys in the long run. The human body is also NOT DESIGNED to digest meat in any form. The cave man ate meat raw because he did not have the facilities of cooking. Almost 95% American children have dental caries due to high candy intake. In India less than 50% children have dental caries.In urban area, where children consume more of soft drinks, is more predominant. Aerated water known as soft drinks like coke, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi etc. all damage the teeth enamel and spoil the nephrons in the kidneys. There isNO tangiblebenefit in these drinks. True, these artificially flavored drinks also spoil the digestive system and makes one feel not so hungry to eat main foods. In the longer run,i it might even affect your eyesight and nerve system, if taken often.Also avoid taking junk and fast food, would help your digestive systems. A brisk morning walk also increases digestive system which burns the fat and excessive sugar level in the blood.Now, for Eye-care, a preventive course of action could save your eye sight and from blindness at a later age. Here are few simple but easy methods to prevent blindness in old age:For persons over the age of 55, it is common to get color blindness, eye strains, less visionary and headache due to these disorders. To make good the deficiency of ageing, rely on four special nutrients to help reduce your risk of a common eye problem by up to 35 percent. Diets that contain ample amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and zinc are associated with a greatly reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration,(AMD) an eye disease that is common with aging and can lead to blindness. Good sources of these nutrients: fresh produce, nuts, fortified cereals, and supplements.Diet plays a role in many disease processes, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 55. A recent study of people in this age group proves, that those who reported the highest intake of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and zinc were significantly less likely to develop AMD than those who had the lowest intake. Fill up on oranges, mangoes, lemon, guavas and strawberries for vitamin C.Fortified cereal are great sources for zinc. Almonds and peanut butter, or a supplement, can help boost your intake of vitamin E. Sweet potatoes, apricots, carrots and peaches are excellent sources of beta carotene. Other nutrients that appear to be beneficial for eye health include lutein and zeaxanthin. Like beta carotene, they are carotenoids found in various kinds of fruits and vegetables. Good sources of lutein include spinach, peas, and green bell peppers. Good sources of zeaxanthin include corn, spinach, orange bell peppers, and tangerines.