Asthma and You Work Simplification and Energy

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Asthma and You Work Simplification and Energy

Work Simplification & Energy Conservation

Balancing Work, Rest & Play


The following are suggestions onlyThey are strategies for reducing effort required for completing tasksThey are not excuses for ignoring asthma symptoms and pushing on regardlessCan also be used for a variety of other conditions including arthritis, back pain, deconditioning, COAD and fatigue.

What Is Work Simplification & Energy Conservation?

Work simplification and energy conservation is about completing a task in:

• the most effective and easiest way• using the least amount of energy• the shortest possible time.

It means being aware of the easiest ways of doing your everyday work.It involves achieving a balance between work, rest and play.

Work Simplification and Energy Conservation Principles

1. Limit the amount of workLearn to limit the steps of a job, or leave out jobs that are not essential.

Ask yourself:Is this necessary?Is it worth using that much energy?What if the task was not done?What alternatives exist?


Wash the dishes then let them air dry

Ask someone else to mowyour lawn.

Recognise what jobs you can handle and which jobs are too difficult to manage.

Asking someone to help with a job that is too difficult helps to conserve your energy and reduces the risk of an asthma attack.

2. PrioritisingPrioritising tasks ensures that the most important jobs get done before running out of time or energy.

Setting priorities means taking a look at your activities for the day and putting them in order of importance.

Be sure to include self care, work, and leisure activities.

Examine your list and eliminate which activities are unnecessary and which are too difficult and can be delegated to someone else.

You will then be left with a list of tasks which you need to do and like to do.

3. Plan aheadOrganise your list of essential activities into daily/weekly schedules

Space heavy tasks evenly throughout the week rather than doing them on the same day

When planning ask:How am I going to do this activity?When is the best time to do this activity?Can the activity be broken down into smaller steps?

It is important that each day’s activities are carefully planned to alternate heavy jobs with light ones.

Plan ahead for individual activities.

Make sure that you have all of the necessary equipment within easy reach before beginning.

This will prevent unnecessary walking, carrying, bending, and reaching.

It is essential that your schedule is flexible so you can accommodate the unexpected.

4. Incorporate rest breaksRegular rest periods should be incorporated into your day

A 10 minute rest each hour will help prevent fatigue.

Don't involve yourself in a task that you cannot stop when you become tired/breathless

Working at a moderate pace consumes the least energy.

Playing slow music can help you maintain your pace.

Pay attention to signals such as trembling, perspiration, shortness of breath, chest tightness stop to rest before you become fatigued.

Be kind to yourself on days when your symptoms are increased.

Do not let others or yourself place extra demands on you and your body.

5. Consider your environment

Extreme temperatures can affect asthma

Try to avoid being outside during very hot or cold temperatures.

Avoid asthma triggers

Be prepared – have your asthma medication readily available

6. Organise storage

Plan and organise work spaces to eliminate unnecessary steps, save time and energy, and reduce fatigue.

Store supplies and equipment close to the work area and within easy reach.

It may also be helpful to store duplicate sets of equipment in the areas in which you use them.

Eliminate clutter, remove unnecessary and infrequently used items from shelves and bench top.

7. Sit when workingYou save 25% more energy by sitting down.

Tasks such as folding laundry, doing dishes, preparing food,bathing, and dressing can all be done while sitting.

8. Use the right equipment

Conserve energy by using equipment or utensils that are lightweight, appropriate for the task, and in good condition. For example: dishwasher, microwave oven, electric can opener, jar opener.

9. Use efficient methods

Use larger muscle groups and joints rather than smaller ones

Use leverage – by increasing the length of handles and equipment, much less force is required which conserves energy and reduces the effort required.

Work with gravity rather than against it –this involves sliding or wheeling objects rather than lifting or carrying them.

10. Use correct body mechanicsThe position of your body affects how quickly you tire. Good posture allows muscles to work within their best range and takes the least amount of energy.

When it is necessary to bend to reach the floor bend at the knees not at the waist.

Changing positions puts different sets of muscles to work and reduces the effort required

If possible - push rather than pull- pull rather than lift an object.

The better the body is aligned, the less strain there is on the muscles and joints, and the less chance of over-exertion.

Always plan ahead!

Remember to simplify tasks and save energy so you can enjoy life!