Assignment Operator Software Design 2-19-2013 › ~jsearlem › cs142 › sp13 › slides ›...

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Transcript of Assignment Operator Software Design 2-19-2013 › ~jsearlem › cs142 › sp13 › slides ›...

Assignment Operator

Software Design


Assignment Operator

Software Design Methodology

Introduction to Algorithm Analysis

Project #1: MiniMusicPlayer

Quiz Thursday, February 21

destructor, copy constructor, assignment op

Exam#1 – Wednesday, February 27, 7:00 pm, SC356

template <class T>

class Vector {



/* destructor – delete the dynamic array */

~Vector( ) { if (buffer_ != NULL) delete[ ] buffer_; }

/* copy constructor – requires a deep copy */

Vector( const Vector & v );

/* assignment operator */

Vector<T> & operator=( const Vector<T> & v );



When does a class need

a destructor, copy

constructor and an

assignment op?

// the new vector is independent of the original vector

template<class T>

Vector<T>::Vector( const Vector& original ) {

buffer_ = create_new_buffer( original.size( ) );

for (int i = 0; i < original.size( ); i++)

buffer_[i] = original[i];

size_ = original.size( );


Vector<int> v1(2);

v1[0] = 36 ;

v1[1] = 24;

Vector<int> v2;

v2.push_back( 12 );

v2 = v1; /* v2’s old value (12) is replaced by a new value (36, 24) */

If a class doesn’t contain an assignment operator, the compiler will automatically generate one, and it will be a shallow copy.

Assignment is an operator in C/C++, and it does two things:

1. Stores the value of the source (right-hand side) into the target (left-hand side). This is called a side-effect.

int x = -7; /* x’s value changed to -7 */

int y = 5; /* x’s value changed to 3 */

x = y - 2; /* x’s value changed to 3 */

2. Returns the value that was stored

cout << (x = y – 2); /* prints 3 & changes x*/

Also note that assignment is right-associative:


int x, y, z;

x = y = z = 0; is the same as

x = ( y = ( z = 0) );

implies that the assignment operator stores a value of some type T (in the above case, integer), and returns that value (so the above returns an integer)

Vector<int> v1; /* add some values to v1 */ Vector<int> v2; /* add some values to v2 */ Vector<int> v3;

v2 = v1; /* v2.operator=(v1) */

v3 = v2 = v1;

/* v3.operator=( v2.operator=(v1) ) */

thus, Vector::operator= returns a reference to a vector

Vector<T> & operator=( const Vector<T> & v );

// overloads the assignment operator =

template<class T>

Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=( const Vector<T>& v ) {

T* new_buffer = create_new_buffer( v.size( ) );

for (int i = 0; i < v.size( ); i++) new_buffer[ i ] = v[ i ];

if (buffer_ != NULL) delete[ ] buffer_; /* prevents a memory leak */

buffer_ = new_buffer;

size_ = v.size( );

return *this; /* returns the receiver itself */


From a user’s perspective, quality software should be:

easy to use





(would you add other qualities to this list?)

From a software developer’s point of view, software should be easy to understand, code, test and modify.

modularity and abstraction help to achieve this

Many flavors:


Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Xtreme Programming (XP, an agile methodology)

User Centered

Iteration is done throughout

Guides you through steps in development of technology

Sometimes institutionalized

Mother of all models

Outdated but variations are still widely used

Five stages




Test & Verification



IBM Software Group

© 2007 IBM Corporation

Agile Software Development (ASD)

What is ASD?

How it’s different


Why does ASD Work?

Some Common Practices

IBM Software Group | Rational software


What is Agile?

An iterative and incremental (evolutionary) approach performed in a highly collaborative manner with just the right amount of ceremony to produce high quality software in a cost effective and timely manner which meets the changing needs of its stakeholders.

Core principles

“Fits just right” process

Continuous testing and validation

Consistent team collaboration

Rapid response to change

Ongoing customer involvement

Frequent delivery of working software

In many cases software development has been a “Code – and – fix” process

insufficient for production-level projects

Classic Engineering methodologies



Lightweight methodologies (agile)



Most prominent of the Agile methodologies

Developed in late 1990’s

Adaptability emphasized over predictability

expect requirements to change, so must adapt to them

different from methods which attempt to define all requirements early in the life cycle

Communication: frequent verbal communication to ensure users and developers are on the same page

Simplicity: Start with simplest solution & increase complexity as needed

Feedback: Unit tests, acceptance tests (testing utility), quick estimates


divide project into iterations




use standards & conventions

pair programming (two people working together)


unit test every module

then do integration tests

A Unit test is a test of a small functional piece of code

Easier to find bugs

Easier to maintain

Easier to understand

Easier to Develop

for example, in HW#1 a unit test was written for the Song class

To Learn More:

CS350 Software Design & Development

EE368 Introduction to Software Engineering

CS459 Human-Computer Interaction

CS458 Formal Methods for Software Verification

cf. Chapter 1, Maciel, Pay Calculator

specification of the software

what does the software do from the point of view of the user

a good specification is clear, correct, complete and concise

iterative development (incremental)

develop a working prototype of a simpler problem

then successively build more complete versions

specification of the software

iterative development (incremental)


large programs are designed as a collection of smaller “software components”

● must identify the components

● decide how to store data

● decide which algorithm to use to perform major tasks

this “modular” approach has several advantages

● easier to implement

● can be divided among several programmers

result: precise specification for each component of the software along with notes on major implementation details



This program computes what each employee of a company should be paid for a day of work. The program reads a file containing start and stop times for each employee. The program prints the pay amounts in another file.

see Figure 1.2, Maciel, pp. 2 - 3


DETAILS The input file is called “times.txt” and located in the same folder as the program. The file contains one line for each employee. Each line contains an employee number, a start time and a stop time. These three items are separated by blank spaces.

The output file is called “report.txt” and located in the same folder as the input file and program. The output file contains one line for each employee. Each line consists of an employee number followed by the start time, stop time and pay amount for that employee. These four items are separated by a single space. The times are printed in the same format as in the input file. The pay amount is printed with a dollar sign and exactly two digits after the decimal point. The lines in the output file are sorted in increasing order of employee number …


Components of the program:

A function that runs the calculator

● implementation notes: delegates the execution of the operations on times to separate functions

A structure that stores each time as two integers, one for the hours, one for the minutes

Functions for operations on times

● initializes a time to 99:99.

● reads a time from an input stream.

● prints a time to an output stream.

● computes the difference, in hours, between two times.


Global constants:

const float kPayRate = 12;

const char kcsTimesFileName[] = “times.txt”

const char kcsReportFileName[] = “report.txt”


void run_pay_calculator()

Data types:


A structure that reporsents a time as two integers: hours and minutes


Figure 1.5, pp. 6-7, Maciel

specification of the software

iterative development (incremental)



write and test the code

● unit test each component

● then test the entire program

preface.txt -------------------------------------------------- 1 After a few computer science courses, students may start to 2 get the feeling that programs can always be written to 3 solve any computational problem. Writing the program may 4 be hard work. For example, it may involve learning a 5 difficult technique. And many hours of debugging. But 6 with enough time and effort, the program can be written. 7 8 So it may come as a surprise that this is not the case: 9 there are computational problems for which no program -------------------------------------------------- next previous open quit ---------- command: o file: introduction.txt

Figure 5.1: Sample interface of the file viewer

void run_file_viewer()

main function of the file viewer

● displays the given number of lines

● asks user what to do next:

►‘q’ quit

►‘o’ open a text file

vector<string> v_document_lines

● data structure for storing the document’s lines

void run_file_viewer() {

vector<string> v_document_lines;

string file_name;

open_file(file_name, v_document_lines);

while (true) { // while command is not 'quit'

display(file_name, v_document_lines);

cout << "command: "; char command = '-';

cin.get(command); cin.get(); // '\n'

switch (command) {

case 'q': return;

case 'o': {

open_file(file_name, v_document_lines);

} // end case ‘o’

} // end switch

} // end while

} // end run_file_viewer

void display(const string & file_name,

const vector<string> & v_document_lines) {

cout << endl << file_name << endl;

string long_separator(50, '-');

cout << long_separator << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < v_document_lines.size(); ++i)

cout << setw(3) << i+1 << " " << v_document_lines[i] << endl;

cout << long_separator << endl << " open quit" << endl;

string short_separator(8, '-');

cout << short_separator << endl;

} // end display

This project is to create a mini music player (along the lines of iTunes or Spotify). Your music player will allow a user to create and modify playlists, and display songs in a playlist. A user will also be able to select and play a song.

User interface: top level

Music Player ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Favorites

2 Skating Mix

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C)reate a playlist (I)nitialize a playlist (S)elect a playlist (D)elete a playlist (Q)uit the music player

User interface: Playlist screen resulting from user typing in 1 from the top level screen

Playlist: Favorites


1 Deja Blue Charlie Farren 4:02

2 Mad World (Alternate Version) Michael Andrews & Gary Jules 3:38

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (A)dd a song (D)elete a song (S)elect a song (R)eturn

Characteristics of good software:

easy to understand, construct, test, debug, modify

efficient (fast enough)

How do we measure efficiency?

Two possible contexts:

1. Compare to desired target

measure the precise time, in seconds, on a particular computer for a particular input

2. Compare two possible algorithms

Question: How can we characterize the performance of an algorithm ...

Without regard to a specific computer?

Without regard to a specific language?

Over a wide range of inputs?

Desire: Function that describes execution time in terms of input size (time efficiency)

Another measure might be the amount of memory required (space efficiency)

consider the following code:

for i = 0 to n-1

print a[ i ]

i = 0 cassign is the time it takes to assign a value

i <= n-1 ccompare is the time it takes to compare

a[ i ] cindex is the time it takes to access the ith element

print cprint is the time it takes to print a value

i = i + 1 cincr is the time it takes to increment i

how many times

is each of these


for i = 0 to n-1

print a[ i ]

The running time of the above loop is:

t(n) = cassign +ccompare +(cindex+cprint+cincr+ccompare) ∙ n

Simplify the expression by letting

a = cindex+cprint+cincr+ccompare

b = cassign +ccompare


t(n) = an + b

So the running time is a linear function of n.

What happens if n is doubled? quadrupled?

suppose that algorithm 1 has a linear running time, i.e.

t1(n) = a1n + b1

and algorithm 2 has a quadratic running time:

t2(n) = a2n2 + b2

Eventually, when n is large enough, t2(n) will be larger than t1(n)

Analysis of Algorithms

Maciel: Chapter 8, sections 8.4 – 8.5