Assignment Marketing

Post on 08-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Assignment Marketing

Answer 1:Valued customer-Chteau de Vallois hadvarieties of wine, priemier grand cru classe andChteau de Vallois. Both of the brands were high priced and exclusive wines. It had a small customer base. The people spent $999 per bottle for grand cru classe or 2000 euro per bottle forChteau de Vallois.Value proposition-Chteau de Vallois was a rare vintage brand which were prepared with 100% dedication to excellence.Value Chain-Chteau de Vallois was sold to specialist merchants called negociants. The people bought the wine from the merchants who sold theChteau de Vallois wine to different exclusive shops.Answer 2:Gaspard can either embrace the idea of Clarice to reach out the young mass by making cheap wines or he can go with Francois who did not wanted to tamper with the present reputation and exclusivity ofChteau de Vallois exclusive wines.Answer 3:if i were the Ceo ofChteau de Vallois, i would have gone with the idea of capturing the young people market by introducing a cheaper sub brand ofChteau de Vallois. i would have used theChteau de Vallois brand name and experience to capitalize the new brand in market because according to me the new generation wants two things 1) brand value in there product 2) cheap product.Answer 4:The core competence ofChteau de Vallois is the reputation and exclusivity of the wine product which it has gained over years. the reputation and exclusivity of theChteau de Vallois wines are very sensitive as a small change in the distribution channel of the product or association of the brand with some non-exclusive brand may be detrimental for the brand reputation in the minds of the present customer.