Assignment Instructional slides

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Assignment Instructional slides


Cikgu Zul

Part 1


1. Identify the Nouns/Verbs/Adjectives in the given 3 pictures (wksheet 1 -3) Try not to repeat the words. (Examples are given in the worksheet).

2. Translate the word from English to Malay using Google Translate (

3. Click the sound function of the words to listen to how the words are pronounced.

4. Download & print the worksheets. Submit to me during class on the 24 March 2015(Wed).

Worksheet 1 : Kompang (Malay Drum)

Worksheet 2 : Silat (Malay martial arts)

Worksheet 3 : Tarian (Malay Dance)

Any questions, do feel free to pose your doubts in the WhatsApp Group.

Till then (Wed), happy translating