Assignment 3 notes

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Assignment 3 notes

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Contrasting colours

The contrast of the blue wreaths to the red breaks up the line of colour which itself acts as an accent to the stone background of the cobbles and cenotaph platform. Shot landscape to emphasise the length of the line of wreaths and placed at a slight diagnonal to increase the feeling of perspective.

Harmony, similar colours

The colours of the guitars are all similar with the edge colours contrasting slightly but being in harmony with the fifth guitar in the line. Cropped to emphasise the curve shape of the guitar bodies.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Colour contrast

The green plant leaves merge into the green foliage background with the yellow flower heads contrasting strongly. The contrast of yellow to green is in a 40:60 ratio.

Harmony, complementary colours.

The maroon flower petals on the red background flower beneath complement each other. Shot on a diagonal to emphasise the spike shape of the flower head.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Colour accent

The large green foliage mass is broken up dramatically by the red apples some of which are almost completely covered by leaves. The red is out of proportion to the green (10:90) but the strength of the colour contrast makes the apples more striking than the leaves.

Harmony, similar colours

The reflection on the water gives a blue tinge in harmony with the foam formed as the water passes over the stones. Shot at ¼ sec f29 to soften the water (iso 800).

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Similar colours

The grey background of the buildings and passing car merges with the mans grey fleece. Slight accent of the safety vest, but tightly cropped to de-emphasis effect.

Colour accent using contrast

Simple close up of plant on grey wall gives a wash of grey background with green contrast. More of the plant is featured (30:70) as the colour contrast is not strong.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Harmony, similar colours

Grey green background with grey brown plant in foreground. Short depth of field and curved shapes serve to bring out plant.

Colour contrast

Green background and forground leaves and steps contrasted with flower petels. Angular shape of buds and steps also contrasts smooth shape of purple leaves.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Colour accent using contrast

The white rope on the off white wall would have created an anaemic effect. The red and smaller blue rope threads create a contract accent which draws the viewer eye. By using a shallow depth of field (f2) the red accent of the forward most fold are emphasised.

Colour harmony

This image uses blue and its complementary opposite orange in harmony. The blue sky links to the furthermost sea while the sea in the foreground takes on some of the sand colour beneath it. This in turn links to the sand beach in the lower half of the picture. I decided not to crop out the green in the bottom left corner of the shot as it contrasts with the sand and, with the shadow created by the bird footmarks, frames the lower part of the image.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Colour harmony

Shot using one on camera speedlite positioned to the manequins left side and one off camera speedlite with red gel cover to the left side pointing to the wall. The pink / red background emphasises the skin tones while the white front placed flash brings out the blond hair highlights.

Colour contrast

Macro shot using 18-105 lens set at 32mm with a +2 close up lens. Focussing on the yellow flower centre contrasts with the darker pink flower centre petals and lighter outer petals. The shallow depth of field (f4.5) puts the yellow centre in focus allowing the surrounding flower structures to soften out of focus.

The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3

Colour harmony, similar colours.

Red brick background in harmony with rusted metal and rust stained paper roll.

Colour contrast

Gold colour pillar and honey coloured wood are in harmony and both starkly contrasted by red wall. Ratio is roughly 15% contrast of the red but the wall colour still catches the eye first.

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The Art of Photography Christopher Norris 397682 Assignment 3