Assignment 2:Preliminary Task

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Assignment 2:Preliminary Task

Anicia Brown& Ursula OtienoPreliminary Task

The180 degree rule

The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other.

We will consider this by following the same rule and making sure that we don’t cross the line It would be important for us to use this rule in our filming conversation because

if we were to cross the imaginary line then the characters in the conversation would change sides on the screen which would in turn confuse the audience.

Reverse Shots

Reverse shots is when 1 character is looking at another character, whist at the same time the other character is looking back at them.

Over the shoulder Shots

Over the shots are when the camera is focusing on a character but at the same time in the shot you can see the person the camera is behinds shoulder or back of head

Two Shot

Two Shot - When two characters are in the frame.

We would use this in our conversation when two of our characters meet and are actually in conversation

Match on action

Match on action is when you cut during an action in a shot to another shot that shows the same action

E.g. from a low angle shot to a over the shoulder shot.

We will consider this in our planning when we creating an action scene and want to change the shot

Example Preliminary’s

Good Example ‘Rage’

We thought this was good preliminary because it used a variety of shots and angles such as two shot, POV (point of view), long shot, pan etc. which made it very effective, also it had good framing and no jump cuts so the filming was quite smooth.

Bad Example

We thought this was bad preliminary because it did not use a variety of shots or angles also some of the words were cut off when the shots were changing.