Assiem Executive Summary

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Assiem Executive Summary

Powerful leadership is not about having all the answers and

telling people what to do. It‟s about communicating in a way

that allows people to learn, think, create and to solve problems

effectively and quickly; inspiring better performance.

Providing solutions to resourcing problems or to resolve

corporate crises, including senior level departures, managing

departments or restructures, change management, leading

projects, and implementing cost and staff reductions.

This requires the ability to assess a situation, to successfully turn it around and to interact

with the client's own staff to gain their respect and support.

Examples of achievements to date:

Productivity: Contact Centre improved by 20%, whilst quality monitoring

scores increased from 66% to 86% and first time resolution to 92%

Efficiency: Quarterly report despatch timelines reduced by 14 business days and

production costs reduced by £53k pa

Staff Tenure: 26% improvement in one year

Risk management: Dealing errors reduced from 1.07% to 0.21%, saving c£224k pa

Client Satisfaction: Increased by 14% in one year, 92% satisfied/very satisfied

Analysis & Budgeting: Co-ordinated $203m budget process, Activity Based Costing,

Contact Centre forecasting model

Project management: Department offshoring, Customer Security programme, Account

Take On Process, Fund launches, FMCG Trade Pricing Policy,

Retail Market Research

Team management: 20 years‟ experience with teams up to 150 employees across UK,

Ireland and India, restructures, efficiencies, change management,

goal setting, competencies, Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Encouraging people to come up with their own ideas and solutions is highly motivating for

all involved. In so doing, one can begin to resolve many of the big challenges faced by

organisations: the lack of employee engagement, development of new leaders and continuous


Available as complementary coaching to an Interim Management assignment, as standalone

workshops and coaching programmes, or as one to one management coaching.

Examples include:

Team Building Workshops

Leadership Development Workshops

Inspiring Communication Between Sales, Marketing and Operations

Change Management Workshops

Excellence Modelling

Goal Setting (inc Business Visions or Team direction)

Communication Skills

Coaching Skills

Personal Development in Business


© Assiem Ltd 2009 MABNLP, MTLTA, MABH

Registered: England and Wales, Registration Number: 6988367

Further Testimonials overleaf

Contact: Karen Goold

P: 07540 724103



Karen has over 11 years‟ experience in operational management and client service, and 8 years‟ experience in management consulting.

Established across the Financial Services industry and with blue chip/FMCG companies, Karen has a proven track record of delivering high

standards of client service, productivity and efficiency improvements and operational risk awareness, as well as leadership and coaching skills.

Karen is a certified practitioner in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).


TESTIMONIAL: “Karen has a number of strengths, chief of

which is her ability to get the best out of people. She is an

excellent people manager but is also able to build powerful

business cases through the use of complex management

information and customer feedback.

Karen can see the bigger picture but understands the detail

and is an effective change manager as a result. Her breadth of

experience means that she is highly flexible and can tackle a

wide range of roles. Her enthusiasm and commitment make

her a safe pair of hands.”

TESTIMONIAL: “The long-term benefits are a fuller

understanding and appreciation of colleagues with whom we

may on the surface share little in common. As team leader, I

now feel less tense in my leadership role, as I now I have a

better appreciation of my colleagues’ working preferences.“

TESTIMONIAL: “Interesting, thought-provoking and shows

how we can combine our approaches to work effectively

together. We had frank and enlightening conversations about

behaviour and its effects on work ethics, as Karen created a

relaxed atmosphere, with constructive use of humour.”

“The workshop is non-confrontational and informative, giving a real insight into how

I work and how others work – not everything I had assumed was true! I think it will

help the team work “smarter” when tackling issues or projects as they arise.”

“I have worked for many people, for several different companies, in my working life

and only have very few I look back on with admiration but Karen is definitely one of

them. I have learnt many things from her and will really miss her honesty,

professionalism, attention to detail, loyalty and encouragement.”

“I have really valued and appreciated the time I get to spend with Karen each week,

and have been able to focus on the team building and communication aspects that

have been so daunting in the past. Karen has been challenging the way I approach

things, giving me ideas of things to try, and has been very supportive. For the first

time in several years, I feel as though I am learning again, and that is a wonderful

feeling! Karen was one of the best managers I've ever had the pleasure of working

with, and she really helped me understand more about myself and my role, and I can't

thank her enough for that.”

“The workshop gave me an insight into analysing my own and others personalities

from a different angle. It gave me an insight and acted as an “eye-opener” about

certain aspects of myself. Karen was very friendly and created a very relaxed

atmosphere, and was happy to answer our questions.”

“I have learnt more from Karen in 18 months than in 10 years with the other

companies I‟d worked at.”

“Karen‟s approach to our half-day INSET Workshop was perfect. She paced her

delivery just right, and interspersed visual activities with discussion, anecdote and

practical tasks, to maintain a brisk working environment. Karen‟s calm and highly

professional approach created the atmosphere of trust essential to the development of

a greater understanding of others. It is always challenging to deliver novel and

relevant INSET to teachers who spend their working lives disseminating information

and skills to others. The content of the INSET certainly achieved this, and stimulated

a great deal of debate and original thought both at the time, and subsequently over

the vacation and new term.”

“Performance orientated with the customer firmly at the centre of her drive for

continuous improvement, Karen had the vision to build and the drive to push the Contact

Centre senior management team to a 20% gain in productivity and 20% drop in required

headcount in less than 10 months. New management information was created to

accurately track and correct performance and as a strong advocate for the balance

between people and business goals the whole team was challenged and developed

throughout the changes.”

“Karen combines a thorough understanding of the detail, with a strong strategic vision.

Her energy and drive are considerable, resulting in a positive impact on those working

with and for her.”

“Karen is a great stakeholder / sponsor to work for as she understands project

methodologies and how her influence can result in successful deliveries. In addition to

directing the strategic objectives she is able, due to her outstanding knowledge of

business processes, to answer the most detailed of questions.”

“Karen managed to drive through many amazing changes, pushing the boundaries whilst

building a great working relationship between the Operational and Sales departments.”

“Karen is committed to investing in her people and spends alot of time thinking about

how to develop individuals, how to communicate effectively with them and how to meet

their needs within a business framework. She also looks at the impact of change on the

larger organization and looks at ways to manage the potential issues that change brings.

Karen is happy to allow her staff to be „experts‟ within their technical discipline and she

gives them space to use their expertise while guiding them from a management

perspective. This can be very liberating for individuals and allows them to flourish

under her guidance. She is very clear on what she expects from people and is balanced

in her feedback using a range of techniques to get the best from individuals.

Karen has a background of project and process management and she brings these skill

sets to all aspects of her work. She is methodical in looking at changes to the team,

business processes and at the introduction of new systems or products. She is able to

drill down into subjects and discover key areas of risk or concern. Karen then uses this

approach to plan for the future, putting together detailed plans for the business and

having clear goals and milestones for the team. Karen works hard to measure progress

in all areas of her work and reports back to senior management so that there is always a

sense of control and progress within her teams.”


© Assiem Ltd