Assessment & Feedback Reflective Tool

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Screenshots and walkthrough of the Viewpoints Assessment & Feedback Reflective Tool

Transcript of Assessment & Feedback Reflective Tool

Assessment & FeedbackReflective Tool

Fiona DohertyInstructional Technologist

Viewpoints Project

30th July 2009


Aim A reflective tool for Ulster staff to be informed,

inspired and plan their assessment strategy, focusing on the student experience.

In practice, at Ulster New course design (accreditation), revise

assessment strategy, revalidation Other possible applications: staff induction, staff

probation, student orientation, student evaluation


Underlying principles REAP Principles of good assessment design (7 & 1)

Expected benefits Provides opportunity to reflect on practice Provides inspirational ideas Enhances understanding of A&F from the student perspective Provides a conversation piece for course teams Provides a structure for changing A&F Creates evidence to support change (panels, forms, etc)