Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in the Shire Valley of Malawi

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Transcript of Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in the Shire Valley of Malawi

  • 8/3/2019 Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in the Shire Valley of Malawi


  • 8/3/2019 Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in the Shire Valley of Malawi


    Outline of PresentationIntroduction

    Statement of Problem

    ObjectivesLiterature Review

    Methods and material

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    Chapter One1.0 INTRODUCTION

    Cereal production is a major component of small-scale farming in Southern Africa.

    Sorghum is one of the major staple food inMalawi, contributing 60 % of calories to the diet inShire Valley(

    Decreasing trend in sorghum and others cerealyields due to droughts, floods and prolonged dryspell.
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    Comparison of rainfall onset and

    crop performance in 2011/2012

    seasonPictures taken by Vanya, 28.12.2011

    Wilting Maize, in the

    peripheral of Shire Valley andShire Hi hlands

    Maize flourishing in good

    rains, Shire highlands,outskate of Blantyre .

    Delayed onset

    Dry spells Normal rains

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    Agricultural activities have become a focus ofmodeling the impact of climate change on povertyand people livelihoods

    As farmers battle climate change and variability,

    poverty is another major threat to food security.Frequent and intense extreme weather events has

    disrupted the country both socially and economically,

    since 1970, six major droughts occurred (i.e., 1978/79,1981/82, 1991/1992, 1994/95 2001/2002 and 2004/2005)

    Extreme exposure and limited adaptation capacity ofthe rural farmers is a major threat to food security.

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    1.2 Statement of the problem and

    Research question

    Statement of the problem

    Little has been done on the use of crop models (eg. APSIM)to assess influence of climate change on sorghum yield.

    Little is known on the impact of climate change onsorghum yield in Shire Valley using Climate A1B and B2scenarios.

    Research questionWhat impact will climate change have on future sorghum

    yield in the lower Shire Valley of Malawi?

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    1.3 OBJECTIVESMain Objective:

    The main objective of this research is to assess theimpact of climate change on sorghum yield underrainfed condition.

    SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESTo assess the effects of long term climate variability

    and climate change on sorghum yield under presentand future scenarios in the Lower Shire Valley.

    Evaluate the capability of APSIM-sorghum model tosimulate growth, development and yield of sorghum.

    Quantify the impact of climate change on sorghum


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    1.4 Justification Agriculture remains the only major source of

    income in terms of employment and foreignexchange in Malawi (FAO, 2007; Deloitte, 2011).

    Climate variability has been significantly

    destructive and disruptive to crops growingcommunities(ActionAid, 2008) threatening foodsecurity in the areas (World Bank, 2010; NSO2008).

    Most studies were on other crops such as maize,rice and cotton, on cultivars, pests and diseasesand very little on sorghum in relation to climate .

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    1.4 Justification APSIM has been tested extensively used sorghum,

    maize and wheat growth and yield, soil water balanceand summer soil water dynamics in the WesternAfrica, China, India and Australia wheat belt (Assenget al. 1998; Dolling et al. 2006) and found robust

    Proposed research addresses one of the corechallenges as identified by the Governments MalawiGrowth and Development Strategy (MGDS) 20062011aimed at making Malawi a hunger free nation

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    Chapter two2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW

    UNDP, 2010, MDGS 2006-11, NAPA, 2006 noted thatclimate change is a socio-economic and environmentalissue that threatens the achievement of MillenniumDevelopment Goals aimed at poverty and hungerreduction, health improvement and environmental

    sustainability.Semenov, 2009, Solomon et al. 2007 observed that

    various studies have predicted an increase in frequencyand magnitude of extreme weather under climate

    change.Barnett et al. 2006 also observed that most global

    climate models (GCM) simulate increased summerdryness and winter wetness over most parts of the global

    and sub Sahara Africa.

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    Over southern Africa an increased chance ofintense rains due to the greater water-holdingcapacity of a warmer atmosphere, and would resultinto flooding was noted.

    Prediction by IPCC shows that by 2100 a globalaverage surface temperature increase may bebetween 1.8 and 4.0 C while with a global averagetemperature increases of only 1.5 2.5C degrees,there is high extinction risk of animal and plantspecies by approximately 20-30% (FAO, 2007).

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    The 2002 Vulnerability and Adaptation AssessmentReport indicated that Malawi is experiencing a rangeof climatic hazards, which include extreme rainfall,floods, seasonal and multi-year droughts, dry and coldspells, strong winds, thunderstorms, landslides,hailstorms, earthquake and mudslides, heat waves,and many others.

    J.C.R Hunt, et al., 2010 found out that resolutions of

    regional climate models (RCM) are finer compared tocoarse GCMs such that they can resolve climaticchanges over spatial order of 10 km so that impacts ofclimate change on agricultural fields can be studiedonly qualitatively at this time,

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    Study site and ClimateShire Valley composed of Chikwawa and

    Nsanje Districts, located in southern Malawi(32 180 m). A major cereal producing area, semi-arid

    climate .It lies between 34.27 to 35.32E and 15.84S to

    17.14S and span across two districts fromKapachira falls (Chikwawa) to Nsanje at thebottom of the country where the valley is itsunique feature

    Chapter Three


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    1.4 STUDY AREA

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    3.0 Study site and Climate /..

    The area has two seasons: Wet and dry ,where wet

    season start from November to April

    Dry period is divided into two.

    Hot period between September till rain starts

    Cool period from May to August

    Temperatures in the Valley, are hot, with maxima of

    around 36 C and minima of 20 C.

    Main rain bearing systems apart from, Inter-TropicalConvergence Zone (ITCZ), Congo(Zaire) Air mass,

    Tropical Cyclones and Easterly waves also contribute to

    rainfall in the area.

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    3.2 Data Source and Crop Model

    APSIM Parameterisation and Evaluation Two sites will be used with a single summer season Two levels of fertilizers(0, 50 kg ha-1) and three levels of P (0, 25 kg ha-


    Climate scenarios: Rainfall, 16% increase, 16%+CO2, Temperatures: andCarbon dioxide: 250 ppm, 625 and 750ppm

    Two sorghum Varieties to be used Thengalamanga (Local variety, alate maturing), Pirira (early maturing) from (SVADD)

    Management system employed:

    Sowing dates range: 15 November- 10 January

    Planting density: 30plants/ Space between rows: 1m

    Planting depth: 30mm

    Soil type: Makande ( black vertosols- clay loam soils)

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    3.3 Methodology3.4.1 Estimation of Missing Dataand Data Homogeneity. Arithmetic mean method, the simplest and most objective

    method of estimating missing data will be use. It involvesreplacing the missing data with the average or the mean fora given station.

    Cumulative annual totals of rainfall, temperatures andsorghum yield data will be plotted against theircorresponding years for all the stations considered in thestudy.

    3.4.3 Time Series Analysis and Correlation Analysis. Time series analysis will be used to study the variability of

    rainfall, temperatures and sorghum yield characteristics inthe study area during the period under consideration bydetecting trends within seasons.

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    3.4Output verification methods The performance of APSIM will be statistically evaluated based

    on the observed yield records for 1994-2010 and simulated yield

    using root mean square error (RMSE) and Bias, the index ofagreement, din equations 1 and 2 (Willmott et al 1985; Loagueand Green, 1991).

    They will be used as indicators for establishing the accuracy ofclimate model outputs.


    The index of argument of the observed and simulated models (0),


    where Si and Oi are the simulated and the observed yields, n thenumber of observations, and the mean of the simulated andobserved yields respectively. For a good simulation, it is expectedto have values of RMSE and das close as possible to 0 and 1respectively. High values ofdclose to 1 indicate good modelperformance and better relation of observed verses simulated.

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    It is expected that this research will result in thefollowing outcomes;

    projected changes in sorghum yield under different

    climate scenarios. Identification of areas where sorghum production

    may be particularly vulnerable to climate change

    Identification of climate scenario or, and

    management technique that will likely optimize orreduce crop yield in in future.

    Dissemination of the above information by published

    papers in both local and academic journals.

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    PROPOSAL WRITTING October-November 2011

    PROPOSAL PRESENTATION November 2011 January2012

    DATA COLLECTION Nov- January 2011

    DATA ANALYSIS Jan-Feb 2012



    May 2012


    JUNE 2012

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    Its Question time