Asian Architecture Topic Proposal

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Transcript of Asian Architecture Topic Proposal

Asian Architecture (ARC 2234 / ARC60403) Project 1: Case Study PaperTopic & Issue Proposal (10%) Due Date: 29 Sept 2015Preparea two-page type-written proposal, including a concept mapping, a summary of the topic and/orissue to be explored, some of the questions you hope to address, along with a title, and an annotated bibliography of sources.

Student name and ID: TEOH HUI YU 0313701Tutor: PN. YATI



Research Question(s):

1. Why open layout plan is consider as nature driven approach when designing a house in tropical climate?

2. what are the strategies implemented by Deck House to reduce the negative impact on the site context?

3. How does the design elements act as a solution to help in solving heat gain problem in Deck House?

Summary of the topic (300 words):

Deck House Janda Baik is a modern interpretation of Malay Vernacular House. it is a light-looking structure build on the hill using mainly steel and glass. Deck House are designed based on the surrounding context, climate and culture, and these factors will influence the design, layout and materials of the building. One of the main features that can be seen in Deck House is the open layout plan.

Build in the middle of rainforest, Deck house uses open layout plan, which have minimal partitions wall to allow good ventilation to occur. The traditional open layout plan let the air to circulate throughout the interior spaces and remove the heat in the room faster. Based on the semi-outdoor concept, the open space living, dining and kitchen areas are connected to the deck which can enjoy the view of nature. To further remove the heat gain, there are few solutions that used in the Deck House. The first solutions is the openings(ventilation) in buildings. The aluminums louvers at ceiling height level allow the air flowing throughout the days. The windows can be open at the day time as the large overhang roof had help to decrease the exposed facade and cool the interior space. For the material, Deck House used light weight materials such as steel, glass, and timber. The building design are focus on ventilation and shading. Deck House elevated on the site, without changing much on the contour. It have large overhangs roof, many openings, and blending in with the nature. The orientation of Deck House are design according to the sun path and wind pattern in the site. (Vernacular Architecture, 'Malay Houses'. N.p., 2011)

In conclusion, this paper will discuss about the integration between modern Deck House with Malay Vernacular architecture to achieve thermal comfort in tropical climate.

Annotated Bibliography

Admin, Habitat. 'Deck House In Janda Baik'. N.p., 2015. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

Retrieved from:

This website talked about the Deck House's materials used and how the building design

interact with the surrounding context.

Chan, M. 'The Deck House - Malaysia Premier Property And Real Estate Portal'. Malaysia Premier Property and Real Estate Portal. N.p., 2012. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.From:

This website provide the information about the Deck House building layout, spaces poetry and

the concept of Deck House.

S.K., Kamarul. Climatic design of the traditional Malay house to meet the requirements of modern living. N.p., 2015. Web. 21 Sept. 2015. From:

This paper provide the information about the traditional Malay vernacular house element, and

how modern house design apply the vernacular elements into the building.

.Sahabuddin, F. 'Chapter 2: Malaysian Vernacular Architecture And Its Relationship To

Climate'. N.p., 2015. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. From:


This reading contains the construction of Malay Vernacular, its building layout and materials

used in different parts of the house.

Vernacular Architecture,. 'Malay Houses'. N.p., 2011. Web. 23 Sept. 2015

Retrieved from:


This paper discussed about the introduction to Malay House's construction, layout plans and

functional designs.