Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Post Evens

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Post Evens

Transcript of Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Post Evens

















Presents the 10th Asian Achievers Awards

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In the past ten years the Asian Achievers Awardshas gone from strength to strength, from publicappreciation reflected in growing attendenses.

This year, as ever, it was a great challenge to choosethe winners from unusually vibrant and diversefields. The panel of judges, which was chaired bysolicitor Naynesh Desai, and comprised the best-selling author Jeffrey Archer, dynamic barristerUsha Teji, award winning journalist Mihir Bose andformer England Test cricketer Mark Ramprakash,were pushed to select the successful winners.

Asian Achievers Awards (AAA) has becomemore and more a people's award. We received arecord number of nominations this year. It hasadded variety and vibrancy to the selection process.There have been people from business, education,culture, art, media, public life and the armed forces-who have been honoured for their inspiring contri-butions to society.

As Naynesh Desai rightly pointed out in hismessage, we must acknowledge that these winnerswill not only serve as role models today and tomor-row to the younger generation, but also to Asiansociety as a whole, especially during these difficulteconomic times. AAA is an event for the achievers,of the achievers and by the achievers.

We have already been receiving enquiriesregarding next year's AAA and suggestions arepouring in about categories that could be added tothe list. If you have any suggestion, please feel freeto share them with us. We must remember thatAAA is meant to honour the torch bearers of Asiancommunity progress.

This year the Chief Guest was Rt Hon Lord

Tom McNally,Minister of State,Ministry of Justice.He highlighted themassive contributionof the Asian com-munity in the field oflaw. He said therewere about 8,000practicing solicitorsin England andWales of Asian ori-gin, emphasisingthat their presencehad made an essen-tial contribution toproceedings in the courtroom. Which proves that,whether they are businessmen or professionals,British Asians have made a significant difference toevery walk of life in Britain.

This special issue is a salute to those unsungheroes who have made us proud with their mani-fold contributions. I am thankful to the judges, spon-sors, nominees, nominators, readers, contributors,guests and last but least my colleagues for makingthis award a phenomenal success. My most sincerethanks to all of you for participating in the 10thAsian Achievers Awards.

Best Wishes

CB PatelPublisher/EditorAsian Voice and Gujarat Samachar

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 - the 'People's Awards'

Rt Hon Tom McNally is Leader in the House of Lords. A formersenior Downing Street adviser, MP and founding member ofthe SDP, Tom McNally enter the House of Lords in 1995.In 1995, he was appointed a Life Peer and became deputy-

spokesman on broadcasting. Following the 1997 General Election,he became spokesman on Home Affairs and in 2001 was electedDeputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the Lords.

In October 2004 Lord McNally was elected unopposed to bethe leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, succeed-ing Baroness Shirley Williams when she retired from that position.

He was appointed a member of the Privy Council in February2005. He is a spokesman for Constitutional Affairs, with a brief thatincludes reform of the House of Lords. He is the current Leader ofthe Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and the UK Minister ofState for Justice.

Chief Guest AAA

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Asian Achiever's Awards for the year 2010marked an important milestone in its journey asit concluded its first decade of acknowledging

the essential contribution made over the years by theAsian community in the UK. From almost fifty years,Asian community has been prevailed on the British soiland since then flourished in its stable socio-economicand political environment and to say the least made avery strong positive contribution to the development ofBritain in every known walks of life.

The 10th Annual Asian Achievers Awards tookplace at The Great Hall in the heart of the world famousWembley Stadium where approximately 1000 peoplefrom different walks of life got together to witness aceremony that was not to be missed. Mr. L George,Business Development Manager of Asian Voice andGujarat Samachar inaugurated the evening that soontransformed into a spectacular night which gawkedalmost everything from intensive speeches by some

leaders of the society to various stunning performanc-es, from audience participation to the award ceremonyitself.

Once the guests settled in The Great Hall, Georgeinvited two charismatic hosts for the night; the beauti-ful Tasmin Lucia Khan, ITV News presenter and formerBBC News reader and also actor Ameet Chana. Theduo started to heat up the event after taking control ofthe dias and then invited the well-known singer andactor Karen David to the stage, who has worked withA.R. Rehman in movies like Bombay Dreams andProvoked and also has been a female lead in the movieThe Scorpion King 2:Rise of a warrior. Her heavenlyvoice surely got the audience in the mood and gavethem a gist of the stunning night that lie in front ofthem.

Right before going into the awards ceremony theaudience got a chance to briefly understand the jour-ney of Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice, the host ofthe evening. The focus of attention was then broughtto Oxfam, the charity of the year. Oxfam is a globalorganisation that works against poverty and education.

■ Kartik. S Raval

Britons celebrate a decade ofBritish Asian contributions

at Wembley Stadium

CB Patel (Left), Lord Archer (Centre) along with Chief Guest Rt Hon Lord Tom McNally

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The money raised from the auction will be used to edu-cate poor children in India.

The stage was then set for the first speaker, a self-made personality who initially nurtured the idea ofrecognising the contribution of British-Asians to thesociety, CB Patel. The Editor and Publisher of GujaratSamachar and Asian Voice is highly cherished withinthe community as a person who believes in develop-ment, not only personal but rather on a societal and alarger level and this was apparent from an intenseround of applause when he took the centrestage.

“Today we are here to cele-brate the success of not only thewinners or nominees but success ofso many unsung heroes both men andwomen in our community that havemade immense contribution in variouswalks of life. It is because of them weare getting such an amazing responseand a chance to celebrate a successful10th anniversary of Asian AchieversAward” announced C B Patel in a warm buta naturally commanding voice.

Soon the Chief Guest for the evening, RtHon Lord Tom McNally, Minister for State ofjustice was called upon the dias and he tookthe opportunity to take the focus of the audi-ence to the immense contribution made by theAsian community to the welfare of the British societyand also emphasised the importance of these awardsto show recognition of deserving people and nurtureeven more achievers in the coming years. He also men-tioned about their incredible ability and adaptability tomerge into a new culture without losing the wealth oftheir own. He agreed to the fact that there has beensome major changes in Britain's socio-economic envi-ronment in the last decade but the way the Asian com-munity has responded to these changes and chal-lenges has been very impressive.

Being the Minister for State of Justice, LordMcNally highlighted the massive contribution of theAsian community in the field of law as about 8,000practicing solicitors in England and Wales are of Asianorigin and their presence have made essential contribu-tion inside the courtroom. This wonderful speech bythe chief guest who is indeed one of the most promi-nent people in the British politics, reflected that contri-bution by the the Asian community in the UK does notgo unseen and accredited them for a lot of develop-ment that has happened over the years. He was gar-landed soon after his speech.

With the Chief guest setting the tone of the cere-mony it was about time to take a step towards theawards and the Chairman of the Judging Panel,Naynesh Desai was requested to set the award ceremo-ny in flow. Mr. Desai has been practising as a solicitorfor the last 25 years and also a director of MissionSports Management Ltd in partnership with Sir IanBotham who represent a number of high profile crick-

eters including Kevin Pietersen and a number of otherathletes. He has also represented prominent cricketersacross the world like Virendra Sehwag, Wasim AkramMohammad Azharuddin, Mark Ramprakash, DevonMalcolm and the legendary Sunil Gavaskar.

He got the award ceremony on the roll afterbriefly mentioning that it is necessary to recognise andadmire the contribution of our community members to

the economy of this country, development of sci-ences, the British society and all the otherimportant walks of life. The other members inthe panel of judges included Jeffrey Archer,Usha Teji, Mihir Bose and Mark Ramprakash.

Host Ameet Chana announced the fourfinalists for the AA Gold Award forProfessional of the year and requested RtHon Lord Tom McNally and the SponsorMr. Narendra Patel, Director of MeeraCatering to come on stage andannounce the winner. Vijay Goel, Sr.partner in Singhania & Co and also thefounder of Indo-European BusinessForum bagged this first award.

The second category was GoldAward for Women of the year andTasmin Lucia Khan requested Mr

Hiren Baxi, Director of Union College toannounce the winner. Pavani Reddy was awarded

this prestigious award by Mr. Baxi and Lord TomMcNally.

Mr. Jagdish Chander, Director of Incredible Indiawas asked to accompany Lord Tom McNally on stageto announce the winner for Sports Personality of theYear. Ravi Bopara was declared as the winner but as hewas on an overseas cricket tour one of the judges Mr.Mark Ramprakash collected the award on his behalf.

The next category was the Gold Award forAchievement in Community Service and Mr. Ken Popat,Director of Finance House Ltd came on stage toannounce Maneck Dalal as the most deserving winner.

It was followed by Gold Award for YoungEntrepreneur of the year and Dr. Rami Ranger,Chairman and Managing Director of Sunmark Ltdannounced Riz Navsarka as the winner. Riz was award-ed jointly by Lord Tom McNally and Dr. Rami Ranger.

Ameet Chana next announced the shortlisted can-didates for the AA Gold Award for Uniformed & CivilServices and requested Group Captain Mr. Ian Tolfts,Royal Airforce to announce the winner. Chief Executiveat Basildon District Council, Bala Mahendran was thereceiver of this award.

With almost half of the awards given away todeserving candidates by some leading people of theindustry, the stage seemed to be on fire and called forsome entertainment. Host Tasmin gave way to a danceact by PERIDOT, a group of young male dancers whowere awarded the UK Hip Hop Dance Champions ofthe year 2008. A fabulous dance performance by thegroup left the audience stunned and full of apprecia-tion.

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It was then the time for the moral event of theevening, and Ms Nisha Agarwal, CEO OXFAM Indiawas called upon to get the auction for the charityunderway. A brief presentation about the work ofOxfam and the people they have served was show-cased which was followed by the auction itself. Itemslike a Cricket Bat signed by the English and Pakistancricket team, book of royal dresses signed by PrincessDianna, receiving cricket coaching at Lords stadiumfrom Mark Ramprakash and Devon Malcolm and manymore. The wonderful audience responded amazingly asthe evening raised around £ 40,000 and much morepledges for the charity.

After people had contributed to an importantsocial cause, it was time to fill them up again with agreat dinner treat and live music by The Truth, the firstUK Asian artist to perform with a full live band. Withenough break away from the core of the event, hostsAmeet and Tasmin brought the awards back in the driv-er seat by requesting Rt Hon Lord Tom McNally to getthe remaining category of awards underway.

The first category after the break wasAchievement in Media and Culture for which Mr. VrajPhankhania of West Combe Group announced AnjaliBulley as the winner.

Gold Award for Business in Community followedand Mr. Dilesh Mehta, Director of Pick Fords accompa-nied Lord Tom McNally on stage. Sukhpal SinghAhluwalia was nominated as the winner of this catego-ry by the judges.

It was time for the Editor’s special award that wasnominated by C.B Patel for Vision and Enterprise. Theaward was given to Dr Bhikhu and Dr Vijay Patel, fromWaymade Healthcare Plc.

The final act of the show took place by Feedingthe Fish, a group that has performed in 33 countriesand has left the audience ecstatic by their mesmerisingvisual juggling expertise. The effect on our audiencewas no different as they experienced an out of the

world performance.In order to introduce the next set of awards, a

member of judging panel, Usha Teji also a well knownBarrister was called upon stage.

It was time for Asian Voice Special Award forIngenuity in Business and Sanjiv Mehta was crownedas the winner under this category.

Mr. Paul Simkins of ICAEW was requested toannounce the winner of the Award for Leadership inthe Profession and Bobby Karia bagged this award.

The next award was under the category of AsianAchievers Award for Young Business Person demon-strating sustained business growth. Sir Gulam Noon,Director Noon Products came on the dias to announceAmit Patel as the winner.

In order to announce the winner of AsianAchievers Award for Achievement in Health Care, DrRami Ranger came to the stage and declared that thewinner was Dr. Nora Vyas.

Gold Award for best overall Enterprise wasannounced by Mihir Bose, former SportsCorrespondent for BBC. Subaskaran Allirajah wasnamed as the winner of this award.

Asian Achievers Gold Award for Overall BusinessPerformance and Innovation went to Jason and DennisSingh of RGB who were the proud joint winners of thisaward.

The last award for the year 2010 was PlatinumAward for Business Person of the Year, Rt. Hon KeithVaz announced Arun Panchariya as the most deservingwinner under this category.

This platinum awarded concluded the award cer-emony and L George, Business Development Managerof Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar stepped up onthe dias to conclude a spectacular evening that saw theaudience being motivated through the winners andnominees, entertained by some extravagant perform-ances and moved by their own splendid response tocharity.

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L to R: Jagdish Chander (Incredible India), Mark Ramprakash(Cricketer), Lord McNally

L to R: Lord McNally, Vijay Goel (Singhania & Co) L to R: Hiren Baxi (Union College), Pavani Reddy (Zaiwalla Solicitors) Lord McNally

L to R: Jyotsna Shah, Managing Editor of Gujarat SamacharCollecting award on behalf of Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia (EuroCar parts) from Mr Dilesh Mehta (Pickford) and Lord McNally

L to R: Dr Rami Ranger MBE FRSA (Sun Mark ltd), Riz Navsarka (MesmerEyez), Lord McNally

L to R: Ken Popat (Finance House Ltd), Maneck A Dalal OBE,Lord McNally

L to R: Vraj Pankania( Westcombe), Anjali Bulley (V&A Publishing), Lord McNally

L to R: Group Captain I R Tolfts (RAF), Bala Mahendran(Basildon District Council), Lord McNally

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Gp Captain I R Tolfts (RAF) presenting Award to SubaskaranAllirajah (Lyca Mobile)

Arun Panchariya (Euram Bank Asia) receiving an award fromRt Hon Keith Vaz

L to R: Naynesh Desai(Musa Dudhia & Co) with Jason andDennis Singh Digwa (RGB)

Mr Sanjiv Mehta (East India Co) receiving an award from Merul Patel (ABPL Group)

Mr Paul Simkins of ICAEW presenting award to Bobby Karia(Whizz Group)

Amit Patel (Auden Mckenzie) receiving an award from 0Sir Ghulam Noon (Bombay Halwa)

L to R: CB Patel (Editor/Publisher of ABPL group) Dr Vijay Patel (Waymade Health care), Mrs Manjuben Patel,

Dr Bhiku Patel (Waymade Health care)

Dr Nora Vyas receiving an award from Rami Ranger (Sun Mark Ltd)

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Vijay Goel is Sr. Partner in Singhania & Co for morethan 12 years. He advises clients on matter relating tocorporate law, laws related to joint venture and foreigncollaborations, and expertises in real estate transac-tions. He has worked with American and Indian com-panies for their listing on AIM. He is the founder ofIndo-European Business Forum where in which a num-ber of House of Lords, Member of Parliament andMember of European Parliaments are involved. Vijaywas awarded National Law Day award from HonarablePresident of India Smt Pratibha Patil. He was awardedthe Asian Leadership award in Europe 2009. He isSpecial Advisor to the Commonwealth BusinessCouncil, He is an advisor to Loomba trust as well.He isalso on board of The Rajasthani Foundation.

Vijay Goel

Pavani Reddy is a Solicitor and is the Managing Partner ofthe firm Zaiwalla & Co since 2005 and specialises in inter-national arbitration, commercial dispute resolution and lit-igation. She has acted on various issues for clients includ-ing some Fortune 500 companies. Pavani handles highvalue commercial cases in the London High Court, Courtof Appeal and the Supreme Court of England and Wales.She has recently been acting on behalf of the ConsensusBusiness Group and R20 (Vincent and Robert Tchenguiz)in various Company Litigation matters, including the high-ly publicised case of Imerman v Tchenguiz, surroundingthe use of confidential documents, before the Court ofAppeal. Pavani is a member of various associations includ-ing IMA (Indian Maritime Association), a supporting mem-ber of the LMAA (London Maritime ArbitratorsAssociation) and IBA (International Bar Association).

Pavani Reddy

Gold Award for Professional of the Year

Gold Award for Woman of the Year

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Gold Award Sports Personality of the Year

Gold Award for Achievement in Community Service

Ravinder Singh ("Ravi") Bopara (born 4May 1985, Forest Gate, Newham, London)is an English cricketer who plays for Essexand England. He is the second Sikh to playcricket for England, after Monty Panesar.He was first called up to the England ODIteam in 2007, before a difficult Test debutin Sri Lanka saw him dropped in early2008 after a string of three ducks. Heregained his place for a Test against theWest Indies in the winter of 2008-09, how-ever, and scored a century batting at num-ber three. Bopara held on to the numberthree position for the May 2009 home Testseries against the West Indies, scoring acentury in both tests, and was named inthe preliminary 2009 Ashes squad- Bopara has alsoenjoyed success in the Indian Premier League, wherehe plays for the Kings XI Punjab.

The award was collected by Mark Ramprakash onbehalf of Ravi Bopara

Ravi Bopara

Maneck Dalal was educated at Cambridge Universityand called to the bar in London in 1945. He rapidly pro-gressed in the fields of business and diplomacy. Whenhe was only 29, he started Air India in the UK in 1948and became the airline’s first Regional Director. In 1973he became the Indian Government’s Adviser forTourism and Civil Aviation. He has been Patron andChairman for many organisations. Mr Maneck Dalal succeeded Lord Menuhin asChairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan UK shortly after itwas established in the UK in 1972. In recognition of hisoutstanding achievements, be was made an Officer ofthe British Empire. This was conferred by Her MajestyThe Queen in 1997.

On receiving the award he went on to say “Thankyou so much for that splendid banquet with over athousand people in the Wembley stadium

I enjoyed the function and was particularly grate-ful for the kindness in including me.

I was quite touched by the award for Communityservice and do appreciate it being given to me.

Whilst im grateful to the selection committee, Imust particularly thank ABPL for their part in all this.”

Maneck A Dalal OBE

10th Asian Achievers Awards Winners 2010

Mark Ramprakash

Ravi Bopara

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Riz Navsarka is the Managing Director of MesmerEyezcosmetics (Navsarka Ltd). It is the UK's leading and theworlds most innovative cosmetic coloured contact lenscompany. As a teenager Riz grew up in one of the mostdeprived areas of the U.K, Hillflields in Coventry. Startingat the age of 20 whilst studying he turned the £200gained from a university loan, into to a multi-millionpound business in less than 5 years. The company hasgrown drastically,175% whilst in a recession.MesmerEyez is available across the UK and around theworld with distributors from Beijing to Iceland. It has rev-olutionised the cosmetics industry by bringing colouredcontact lens to the mass cosmetic market with innova-tive designs, daily disposables and the worlds largestrange of colours. Worn in London Fashion Week andseen in Vogue and Grazia, MesmerEyez has become abrand synonymous with eye colour change.

Gold Award for Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Gold Award for Achievement in Media, Art & Culture

Riz Navsarka

Anjali Bulley is the Managing Editor of V&A Publishingat the Victoria and Albert Museum, previously SeniorEditor at the National Portrait Gallery, London. V&APublishing is one of the world's leading Museum pub-lishers, with an outstanding reputation among expertsand academics and the commercial market, particular-ly the fashion list, which is one of the market leaders.Her recent key achievements include British Asian Style:Fashion and Textiles and Maharaja: The Splendour ofIndia's Royal Courts.

She said, “May I take this opportunity to congrat-ulate Mr C.B. Patel and the team at Asian Voice andGujarat Samachar for their efforts in hosting a truly pro-fessional awards ceremony. I would also like to thankmy very supportive family who have encouraged me atevery step of my career. I have been immensely fortu-nate in my publishing career to not only work within mydream role of editorial management of academicallyrespected, beautifully illustrated art and photographybooks, but also to work in two world renowned institu-tions, the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria andAlbert Museum. I sincerely hope that the inclusion ofrecognition of Media, Art and Culture in the AsianAchievers Awards will encourage more young British

Asians to pursue careers in book and other media pub-lishing, and to participate more widely in the Culture,Heritage and Arts sectors in our society. This awardshould therefore serve as an acknowledgment of thewider Asian community's rich and unique contributionto the arts and cultural heritage of the United Kingdom.”

Anjali Bulley

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official TV Media partner

official Caterers Sponsored Charity

Event Managed by

SponSorS AAA 2010

Eco friendly Goodybagsponsored byCarrier Bag

Drink Courtesy

Asian Voice

Gujarat Samachar

AAA 2009 Careers in Pharmacy Careers in Accountancy

BritishGujaratisTrials &


Khanna Peena Gaanaaur Naachna

British Gujarati 2008

British Punjabis

Bank of Baroda GoldenJubilee

Vaisakhi 2009

Medical Tourism 2010

Lions club special

Property watchHealth CareFBI 2010

Diwali 2009

Wedding & Fashion

Political and Public LifeSouvenir

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Gold Award for Business in Community

Gold Award for Uniformed & Civil Service

Wembley-based motor industry entrepreneur, Sukhpal SinghAhluwalia of Euro Car Parts, started as a teenager in a "one-man business". Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia has built Euro CarParts Ltd into the UK's largest independent distributor ofreplacement car parts. Early in this career, he identified thatthe UK's 30,000 car garages needed immediate access to awide range of car parts for the huge array of vehicles on theroad, allowing repairs to be completed the same day, some-times even while the car owner waited. As a result Euro CarParts was born and since then Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia hasbuilt a formidable international supply chain distribution and80 plus branches marketing operation which meets all ofthese needs. ECP is the largest supplier of parts for all makesof car and light commercial vehicles. They now employ over3000 people, the turn over will exceed 300 million this yearand they have also opened a 400,000 sq ft national distribu-tion centre in Tamworth creating over 600 jobs.

Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia

Bala Mahendran has been the Chief Executive atBasildon District Council since January 2005. Havinggraduated in mechanical engineering, Bala has heldvarious senior positions in a number of Local authori-ties. Under his leadership, Basildon has embarked onan ambitious regeneration programme which includesthe development of a multi-million pound heritage cen-tre near Pitsea and the construction of a £38 millionsporting complex with ambitions to be the best leisurefacility in the Eastern region. As Chairman of theBasildon Community Safety Partnership, Bala hashelped oversee a 37% reduction in local crime over 5years. Bala has created Business partnership agree-ment with China and is currently initiating an equiva-lent venture in India. Bala was appointed to advise theTreasury’s ‘Financial Inclusion Taskforce’, and has previ-ously worked on the Bertelsmann Foundation’s "Citiesof Tomorrow" project - an international initiative tack-ling issues affecting young people.

He said, “Britain is the land of opportunity, and I’mdelighted that the vibrant British Asian contribution iscelebrated in this way.

The panel made a bold decision to recognise

someone in Local Government, and particularly some-one in my position. I feel privileged to receive an awardamong so many worthy candidates.”

Bala Mahendran

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Arun Panchariya is President and Board Member atEuram Bank Asia Ltd. – a company registered withDIFC and regulated by DFSA, Dubai (UAE). He is also adirector and Fund Manager of India Focus CardinalFund, a broad based fund registered with FSC,Mauritius and is actively managing the fund. Mr.Panchariya has also worked as Managing Director ofPan Asia Advisors Ltd. U.K., the FSA regulated invest-ment banking firm and Vintage FZE, Dubai (UAE) – amulti product trading company. Mr. Panchariya nowhas over fifteen years of experience including ten yearsof experience in financial services that includes privateequity and retail banking across different geographiclocations and deal sizes. He is also experienced in trad-ing of direct equities, commodities, futures, derivativesand other financial and money market instruments.

Platinum Award for Business Person of the Year

Editors Award for Vision and Enterprise

Arun Panchariya

In 1975 after graduating in Pharmacy Dr Vijay Patel opened hisfirst retail pharmacy in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Business boomedand spurred the growth of a chain of outlets. Then in the early1980’s his brother, Dr Bhikhu Patel, joined forces with him andtogether they founded Waymade Healthcare in 1984, a com-pany whose core business remains the supply of prescriptionmedicines to retail pharmacies, hospitals and doctors acrossthe UK. In 2003 they founded Amdipharm and has acquiredproducts from a number of multi-national pharmaceutical com-panies, and now owns branded products in more than 100countries. Outside of work the brothers pursue their philan-thropic interests primarily through the Shanta Foundation,established in honour of their mother Shantaben.

Dr Vijay Patel & Dr Bhikhu Patel

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Young Business Person Demonstrating Sustained Business Growth

Achievement in Health Care

Amit Patel is the Managing Director of the AudenMckenzie Group of companies. Whilst the Group’s pri-mary focus is Pharmaceutical licensing, manufacturingand distribution, it also holds a portfolio of properties inthe UK. Having established the company in 2001 withonly one injectable product, the company now holds inexcess of 40 UK Pharmaceutical Product Licenses, 14European and 1 US Licenses. Supplying pharmacies,hospitals and wholesalers in the UK and Internationally,Auden Mckenzie has recently moved into a new state ofthe art manufacturing, quality control and distributionfacilities. Amit runs the company with his sister Meeta,who overseas day-to-day operations. The Group’s suc-cess was recognized this year by the Sunday Times witha prominent position in the Profit Track 100 Leaguetable.

He said, “I am honoured to receive the businessgrowth award and would like to thank the ABPL groupand in particular Mr.C.B Patel.

Commercial success is never a one man show, butis the efforts and sacrifices of so many behind thescenes. I would therefore like to thank my family for their

unconditional support , we are also appreciative to all ourstaff and industry partners for their ongoing support . Inparticular I am very grateful to my sister Meeta who soskillfully runs the company’s day to day affairs, whichallows me the time to develop our new product pipelineto ensure continued future growth for our group.”

Amit Patel

Dr Nora Vyas is a visiting lecturer and post-doctoralresearcher. She achieved her PhD in Psychiatry andCognitive Neuroscience from University of London. Herresearch focused on investigating the influence ofgenes on cognitive functioning in children and adoles-cents with schizophrenia and their biological relatives.She has received international recognition for her workin schizophrenia. She has published her work widely injournals such as the British Journal of Psychiatry,Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Biological Psychiatry andExpert Review of Neurotherapeutics.

She said, “I am truly honoured to receive the AAAGold Award for Achievement in Healthcare. I am grate-ful to the international distinguished panel memberswho recognised my efforts and achievements. ThisAward is very encouraging and I intend to continue myresearch into schizophrenia using cognition, geneticsand neuroimaging techniques to identify putative bio-markers to improve treatment and psychosocial out-come in this major psychiatric disorder.

I wish to thank my parents, Mr Shaileshkumarand Mrs Neelamben Vyas, who have been a pillar ofencouragement, love and support throughout my life,without whom I could not have reached as far as I have

today. I am grateful to my brother, Shemin Vyas, andmy sister, Dr Neva Patel, who have been very support-ive and encouraging. I also thank my grandmother, MrsShardaben Vyas, for her words of wisdom, unflinchinglove and support. I congratulate all the award finalistswho have done exceptionally well in their chosenfields.”

Dr Nora Vyas

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Sanjiv Mehta, is the proud owner of the 400 year oldbrand, The East India Company. Sanjiv upon graduatingfrom Sydenham College, Mumbai University in financeand completing a diploma course in Gemmology in theUnited States; he joined the family diamond tradingbusiness upon his return. Sanjiv’s ambition extendedbeyond just the jewellery business, and over the yearshe built an international trading business across arange of products, including metals, petrochemicals,FMCG, coffee and tea – which ultimately led him to aprofessional introduction to The East India Company.Over the last 6 years Sanjiv has worked to position TheEast India Company as a global luxury brand, buildinga brand identity and a core team to launch the compa-ny’s strategies, the first of which is a Fine Foods com-pany, with its flagship store in Conduit Street, Mayfair.

Asian Voice Special Award for Ingenuity in Business

Leadership in the Professions

Sanjiv Mehta

Bobby Karia is the Director for Whizzgroup ofCompanies. Whizzworkers was established in April2003 with the key business in international recruitmentfrom India, Dubai, China and Thailand for the recruit-ment of Hospitality personnel to the United Kingdom.

Whizzpermits is the immigration work permit spe-cialist company that deals with all applications for theUK immigration ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 5 and spon-sor license applications and are recognised by theUKBA for assistance with the sponsorship license.Bobby's business activates are property portfolio and afine dining Indian restaurant. He also launched theEvissia brand which is an online beauty lounge sellingbeauty products and fashion jeweller.

He said, “It was an excellent achievement forWGC Group of winning the Asian Achievers

Awards in Leader in Profession, it is an honour toreceive this award from Asian Voice for my group andmyself, it was an electrifying event with a very wellorganised venue and a great platform for young Asiansto enhance their careers and be widely recognised inUK. A very big thank you to my family, CB Patel and

Alka Shah for the recognition for giving me the oppor-tunity to be a winner at a prestige event.”

Bobby Karia

10th Asian Achievers Awards Winners 2010

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar18

Best Overall Enterprise

Overall Business Performance & Innovation

Subas is a high profile industry thought leader, a vision-ary and entrepreneur and has over 15 years experienceleading the prepaid telecommunications market whereas a keen entrepreneur he has a proven track record ofrealising key opportunities to grow the Lycatel andLycamobile brands.

Lycatel now enjoys operations in 15 global mar-kets, has over 9 million customers and originates over19 billion minutes of telecoms traffic per year.

Lycamobile launched in 2006 is now present innine European markets, has over 6 million customersand is recognised as the leading international mobileprovider for those that need to call family, friends andcolleagues in international markets. Lycamobile underSubas’s leadership is on target to achieve its mission ofacquiring 7 million customers in 2011 and has now setits sights on acquiring 20 million global subscribers by2012.

He said, “I am delighted to accept this award onbehalf of the Lycamobile and Lycatel group of compa-nies. I am proud to serve the community and delightedthat the hard work and effort that the Lycamobile andLycatel team have made in growing the business has

been recognised by the Asian Achievers Awards. Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank the organ-isers of the Asian Achievers Awards, our fantastic cus-tomers, my colleagues and also my family, without theirsupport we would not have achieved this success.”

Subaskaran Allirajah

Jason and Dennis Singh are Directors of RGB, Hifi &Video Ltd. Since taking over RGB from CEO Mr PeterDigwa, the brothers Kirpan (Dennis) and Satpal (Jason)have taken the business to a greater height. Their newflagship showroom was opened by the Mayor ofRedbridge and the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.

With a turnover of over £20 million, they havemajor plans to grow the business organically. Winnerof many Industry Awards and are now amongst thelargest retailers of Audio visual Equipment in UK. Theydeal with all the major brands including Sony,Panasonic and Philips.

Jason & Dennis Singh Digwa

10th Asian Achievers Awards Winners 2010

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Subaskaran Allirajah, Chairman of Internationalmobile telecoms provider Lycamobile, picked upthe award on behalf of Lycamobile for the Best

Overall Enterprise 2010 at the prestigious AsianAchievers Awards, held at Wembley Stadium onThursday the 30th of September.

The Asian Achievers Awards is the most respect-ed award ceremony in the Asian community and cele-brates the best in Asian sport, business, and communi-ty achievements. The event held at Wembley Stadiumattracted a host of dignitaries and celebrities includingLord Tom McNally the Minister of State at the Ministryof Justice, Sir Gulam Noon MBE, The Rt Hon Keith VazMP, novelist Jeffery Archer, as well as EnglandCricketer and Strictly Come Dancing Winner MarkRamprakash. has over fifteen years experience leadingthe prepaid telecommunications market where as akeen entrepreneur he has a proven track record of real-ising key opportunities to grow the Lycatel andLycamobile brands.

Subaskaran’s knowledge, drive and determinationhave been instrumental in the success of the Lycateland Lycamobile brands, driving Lycatel into the globalmarket leadership position for the calling card industryand Lycamobile into the European market leading inter-national prepaid mobile business.

Lycamobile under Subaskaran’s leadership is ontarget to achieve its mission of acquiring 7 millionmobile subscribers in 2011 and has now set its sightson acquiring 20 million global subscribers by 2012.

For the month of October, Lycamobile customersare able to make calls to India mobiles and landlines foronly 1p per minute anytime, everyday, making calls tofriends and family in India even more affordable.A newevening offer allows Lycamobile cus-tomers to call Pakistan for 4p per minuteand Bangladesh for 2p per minutebetween 6pm and 6am every day of theweek until the 31st of October 2010.

The Lycamobile brand present innine markets, including Belgium,Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy,Netherlands, Norway and the UK, is already Europe’slargest pre-pay MVNO with over 6 million customersacross Europe. Lycamobile is a prepaid SIM card prod-uct that provides low-cost, high-quality Internationalcalls direct from mobile phones. Lycamobile is alreadydistributed through a European network of more than300,000 retail outlets including Tesco, Asda,Sainsburys and Morrisons.

Lycamobile continues to grow rapidly with furthermarket launches planned throughout the remainder of2010 and 2011. Lycamobile is now poised to expand

their global footprint thanks to the over £200 millioninvestment made in people, process, brand and state ofthe art technology that has led to the launch of uniqueinnovative product features such as international con-ference calling, call waiting, missed call notificationand multilingual voice capabilities.

Lycamobile’s vision is to create world-classtelecommunications organisation where their talentedpeople team up with business partners to continuallydrive down costs and deliver superior value proposi-tions to their customers.

Lycamobile wins Best Overall Enterprise 2010at the Prestigious Asian Achievers Awards

Subaskaran Allirajah, Chairman of International mobiletelecoms provider Lycamobile

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar20

As the official associated charity ofAsian Voice and Gujarat Samachar,the international charity Oxfam par-

ticipated at the 10th Asian AchieversAwards to raise much-needed funds for itswork in India.

Oxfam, the international charity thatworks in the UK and over 70 countriesaround the world to overcome poverty andsuffering, presented its work with a specialfocus on India. Over £36,000 was raisedthanks to the generosity of guests at theevent and to the support of companies andindividuals such as Mark Ramprakash andDevon Malcolm, Pankhania Foundation,Harish Patel, Raghav, Cinnamon Kitchenand Lycamobile.

The money raised will help to fundOxfam’s Education Project in UttarPradesh, one of the most deprived regionsin India, where almost half the population are illiterate.Oxfam believes that education is the key to get out ofpoverty and with its education project is aiming at pro-viding children, in particular girls from marginalisedcommunities, with a quality basic education.

Oxfam runs five schools in the most deprived dis-tricts of Uttar Pradesh and covers all the schools costsplus library, books, play materials, uniforms, textbooks,materials, school meals. Oxfam also works closely with60 government primary schools to improve the accessto and quality of education and to raise awarenessabout the importance of education.

In Uttar Pradesh, one of the poorest regions inIndia:

l Nearly 6m people live in povertyl Only 57 per cent of the population are able to read

and write, of which only 43 per cent are womenl Only 27 per cent of girls complete primary school

Funds were raised during the evening through araffle ticket sale, pledges and an auction presented byLord Jeffrey Archer who also donated some items forthe auction.

Oxfam would like to thank Naynesh Desai forhelping to get amazing prizes such as a cricket batsigned by the England and Pakistan team, a cricketmaster class coaching lesson for 10 children at Lords,an England cricket shirt signed by Andrew Flintoff, anArsenal football shirt signed by the team, a day for twopeople in a private box at Lords, a tasting menu at

Cinnamon Kitchen with award-winning Executive ChefVivek Singhdo.

Oxfam would like to thank the organizers and allthe sponsors for their generosity:

Lords Cricket Grounds, Globe Theatre, City PointClub, London Golf Club, Alexandra Palace, Absolute IceBar, UK Bungee Jump, OXO Tower, Kuch KuchBollywood Club, TARA Theatre, Elemis, SingaporeSymphony Orchestra, Bhevan Centre, ShymalaAyurveda Spa, Tate Modern, Soho Theatre, ArsenalFootball Club, Mark Ramprakash and Devon Malcolm,Raghav and Cinnamon Kitchen.

All the money raised will go towards Oxfam’sIndia Education Project to provide education to margin-alised communities in Uttar Pradesh:

Facts and figures:

l It costs approximately £22,000 to run a school fora year. Over 800 girls will get quality education at five Oxfam-run schools

l 12,000 marginalised children studying in 60 government primary schools will receive quality education

l Building and supporting a classroom for a year costs £5,000

Oxfam is a global movement of people working withothers to overcome poverty and suffering.For more information about Oxfam’s work please contact Sheeba Harma on 07909 872

Oxfam at the 10th Asian Achievers Awards

Mrs Nisha Agarwal, CEO, Oxfam India Ms Sheeba Harma, UK South Asian

Manager/Oxfam GB

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 21

Arare breed of Asian entrepreneur VrajPankhania has been acquiring and developingchallenging listed buildings and competing

against large corporates and PLC’s for over fortyyears.

As one of the most passionate entrepreneurswithin the construction industry, Vraj Pankhania’ssheer brilliance in the conversion of landmark build-ings has brought him much praise, with his vibrantoutlook on trends, and his in-depth understanding ofdifferent social landscapes along, with his innateinsight into the needs of clients, Vraj has achievedsubstantial success winning The Evening standardand New Home best new conversion awards severaltimes each and most recently winning The GoldAward for business in community service at theAsian achievers dinner.

The rapid growth of Vraj’s Westcombe Group isdown to Vraj’s passion for success across a plethoraof different schemes, all-amalgamating into him notonly reaching the very top of the construction foodchain but also now leading the way forward.

Since setting up his Westcombe Group in 1970Vraj has built up a an incredible capital database ofcommercial and residential property, and plans areafoot to push the ever successful Westcombe Groupinto different areas of real estate including hotels.

Realizing a passion and gap in the Market Vrajhas been converting listed building in and aroundLondon for the whole of his successful career, and hisnotable projects have won him the backing of EnglishHeritage for his outstanding work.

Over the past 40 years The Westcombe Grouphas gone from strength to strength and Vraj is wellnoted as being one of the most successful residentialdevelopers in the UK.

Vraj’s multi million pound empire has also givenhim the means to indulge in his other passion ofhumanitarianism and his numerous donations toorphanages, and cancer hospitals, have saved andchanged the lives of thousands of individuals. It isperhaps this aspect of Vraj that pushes him, whatev-er his drive, the juggernaut that is the WestcomeGroup shows no signs of faltering, no sings of slow-ing, and with the help of his two sons Kamal andSunil holding the realms with him, its no wondermany people have praise his success, and hold himwithin the very highest regard.

Helping the less privileged generously,saving lives and uplifting many

Vraj Pankhania

About Westcombe Group

Westcombe Homes is one of London’s leading develop-ers creating mixed-use schemes throughout the capital,including residential and commercial developments.

Westcombe Homes has been established for over35 years, ever since our first acquisition of property onWestcombe Hill back in the 1970’s when we beautiful-ly restored a row of elegant mewshouses.

From then until the present day, we have contin-ued to expend rapidly, gaining a truly outstanding rep-utation for creating highly contemporary, 21st centuryliving spaces.

This reputation has made us one of London’s fore-most developers of luxury residential properties.

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar22

In the last few months Oxfam has been collaboratingwith Asian Voice as the official charity partner for the10th Asian Achievers Awards that took place in

London last 30th September.Oxfam is an international charity working in more

than 70 countries all over the world helping the mostvulnerable to overcome poverty and injustice. It hasbeen working in India since 1951. Teaming up with part-ner organisations, Oxfam’s work in India has focusedon providing water and sanitation, better access toeducation, improving livelihoods and addressing gen-der inequality.

All the funds raised from the Asian AchieversAwards partnership will go to Oxfam’s India EducationProject, which supports education in three of the mostvulnerable districts in Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh is one of the poorest regions inIndia, where most people live in deep poverty and haveno access to health and education, and are mostlyunemployed. Poverty is too often linked to lack of basiceducation: nearly six million people in Uttar Pradeshlive in poverty and 43 per cent areunable to read and write.

The districts of Ghazipur,Mirzapur and Bundelkhand, wherethe most marginalized communi-ties are concentrated, are particu-larly isolated regions with no prop-er roads, electricity or infrastruc-ture. The children that live in theseareas are often denied the oppor-tunity to receive an education. Thegirls suffer the most as they arehighly vulnerable to discriminationand have very little access to basiceducation facilities: only 27 per cent of girls completeprimary school in Uttar Pradesh.

In these areas, Oxfam’s India Education Project issupporting five schools and also working for theimprovement of 60 government primary schools. Byworking closely with the teachers, Oxfam helps toimprove the quality of the lessons provided Improving

the schools also means that there are drinking and toi-let facilities so the children are guaranteed an accessi-ble and safe environment.

Sheeba Harma, South Asian CommunityEngagement Manager, said: “Most schools in UttarPradesh have no basic equipment such as blackboards,textbooks and play materials. Oxfam also ensures thatthe children receive school meals so they are not miss-ing school due to lack of food”.

The overall impact of this project is to provide agood education without discrimination to over 800marginalised girls in the Oxfam-run schools and toimprove the quality of education in government primaryschools in which over 12,000 marginalised children arecurrently studying.

Sheeba Harma said: “Running a school costsaround £22,000 per year. The India Education Project’sultimate goal is to raise £425,000: this would helpcover the cost of funding for the next four years andprovide a good quality education to over 12,000 chil-dren, improving their chances to get out of poverty andbuild a better life for them and their families.”

The Asian Achievers Awards raised a total of over£36,000. There is still time to donate: all donations gotowards funding the India Education Project.

For more information about Oxfam and its India projector to donate please call 0300 200 1242

How to help Oxfam’s Education Project in India

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 23

Karen David Lord Jeffrey ArcherFeeding the Fish

Tasmin Lucia Khan and Ameet Chana,comperes of the evening

L George Business Development Manager, ABPL Group

CB Patel Publisher/Editor ofAsian Voice &

Gujarat Samachar

Rt Hon Keith Vaz, MP Chair,Home Affairs Select


Rt Hon Lord Tom McNally,Minister of State, Ministry of


Naynesh DesaiSolicitor

Usha TejiBarrister

Rt Hon Lord Tom McNally being garland by

Miss Dhara Kishore Parmar

The AAA Celebrations

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar24

The Celebrations

Mr Rajesh Agarwal (Left)and Mr Paresh Davedra (Right) ofRational FX along with Mr Mayak Patel (center) of

Currency Direct

Wellknown singer Maya Deepak, Mr Vinubhai Vadgama

L to R: Flight Sergeant Tony McCabe, Flight Lieutenant NeilPoulton,Warrant Officer Aswin Rana, Squadron Leader

Michelle Randall From the Royal Air FOrce

L to R: Sonoo Malkani (HPCCG), Prem Malkani and ChiefSuperintendent Dal Babu (Borough Commander Harrow)

L to R: Dr Harbhajan Plaha, Mr A C Patel, Mrs Madhuben Patel, Dr Ramnik Mehta, Dr Bhaunben Mehta, Mr Bipin Chotai, Mrs

Shashiben Bhikhubhai Patel, Mrs Pratibhaben Chotai & Mr Pilu Amin

Mr. Vibhaker Patel, Daksha Patel, Dr. Rajan Mane, Mrs RajanMane, Dr. Sandeep Mane and Guest

L to R: Beryl Cooper (City of London Police) with Liz Ridgwaand Cdr Mike Blowers from Royal Navy

Group Captain Ian Tolftsfrom Royal Air Force

Dr Sandeep Mane withRt Hon Lord Tom McNally

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 25

(right most) The Chairman of Lyca Mobile Subaskaran Allirajahand family

Narendra patel of Meera Catering and his team

(clockwise) Jimal Solanki from Taj Foods, Vishal Popat and Mr. Mukesh Mamtora from Forum Insurance, Anil Bhagi fromSkylink Travel & Tours Limited, Pankaj Sodha from Galaxy

Superstars Ltd, Dinesh Sanchhatra of Major Estate & LettingAgents and Vijay Patel from Shiv Travels

(clockwise) Raman Reikhy of PMS, Abhijit Sen and Bala Iyerfrom DI5 Global limited with Mrs Alka Shah Advertising

Manager of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar and Mr. Rajni Shah

(clockwise) Dilesh Mehta from Pickford and Team Group withhis family and friends

(clockwise) Amit Patel and his sister Meeta Patel from AudenMckenzie (Pharma Division Ltd) and friends

(clockwise) Vinit Mathur Assistant General Manager ,Siddharth Banerjee Senior Relationships Manager of Private

Banking, Gurjeet Singh Oberoi Cluster Manager of ICICI BankUK PLC and friends

Bobby Karia (in the middle) Whizz Group of Company withfamily and friends

The Celebrations

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar26

Mr. S R SharmaManaging Director ofPunjab National Bank

LtoR: Mr. & Mrs. Peter Digwa of RGBElectricals and Dr. Chopra

Harshad Kothari (third from left) from SAS Consultancy alongwith Dak Patel Principal of London School of Accountancy &

Management (third from right) and his team

(left) John Taylor BusinessPublic Relations Manager andJim Golding Regional managerof Co-operative Funeral Care

Sheilendra Tomar MarketingManager Air India(left) withKuldeep Singh Shekhawat

from MA TV

Priyesh Patel from Cofresh & World Foods Frozen (left), AmitSavjani from Quantum Air & Sea Ltd and Nimal Shah

Subaskaran Allirajah the Chairman of Lyca Mobile with trophy,C B Patel Publisher of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, Alka Shah Advertising Manager of Asian Voice and Gujarat

Samachar along with Lyca Mobile team

The Celebrations

Priyen Patel, Jesal Patel, Bhavesh Kapadia and Vishal Patel ofPrideview Properties Ltd

Mr & Mrs Bobby Bhogal and Miss Ashpal Bhogal

Patricia Hodgkinson, Friday Eboreime, CarolineWood, Tracey York, Alpha Care Homes

Rajan & Kartick Sehgal, Directors,Skylord Travel Plc

Mr Vijay VaidyanathanHead of Marketing

Tilda Ltd

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 27

Meena and Sudhir Hathi of Express World Travel Ltd

Sarabjit Sing Gupta and Shany Gupta, thelargest Asian law firm Dunan Lewis & Co

Solicitors with Mark Ramprakash

Ashokbhai Lakhani of KolakSnacks foods Ltd and Dilipbhai

Undakat of John Cumming Ross

Kishore Parmar, Advertising Manager,ABPL and Vinod Nakarja, Anoopam Mission

Mahendra and Alpesh Gohil, Directors,Hari Aum Holidays

John Kalia and P S kang, Directors,Crystal Tavela and Sam Travel

Clockwise: Robin Webb, Dushant Pandit, Prataprai Santilal &Urmil Soni from Union College London, J S Sachar of AsianWho is Who, Kishore Parmar Advertising Manager, ABPL,

Ansuya Parmar, Miss Dhara Parmar & Dhaval Parmar

Clockwise: Reena Ahuja, Harmeet Ahuja, Ray Perkins, AnnPerkins, Ella Vasilescu, Man Mohan Khurana and Hardeep Singh

Mr & Mrs Harish IK Patel, Rajesh Patel & Mr & Mrs Vinu Bhatesha

Clockwise: Heermi Bhatt, Rajesh Patel (R J Insurance),Nick & Nyla Parmar (Premier House Banqueting Hall) Suman,Manu Ram (Bhagwanji Ram Jewellers), Shalini Bhargva and

guest (Anderson Ross Solicitors)

The Celebrations

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar28

L to R: Mr J S Sachar, Asian Who's Who, Surendra Patel, ABPL Group,Arun Pancharia, Euram Bank Asia Ltd, Anil Mehta, Pan Asia Advisors Ltd,Bharat Hindocha, Price Mann & Co Accountant, Vijay Goel, Singhania &

Co Solicitors, Poonam Goel

Elaine Robson, Zsara Thomas, Hazel Orr, Lynette Gravesande -Alpha Care Homes

Volunteers of Oxfam at the Awards ceremony

Vijay Patel, Waymade Healthcare Plc, Kiran Patel, Weston Kay Chartered Accountants

Manish Joshi, Joshi & Welch Ltd

The Truth performing at the awards ceremonyPeridot at the awards ceremonys

Mark Tomalin & Sue David, Alpha Care Homes

Left: Ms. Bhama PudaruthMr. Kenneth Chan

Left: Mrs. Vidhi VekariaMrs. Shukria Zalmay

The Celebrations

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Make sure that you fill in this application form and send it before 5th August 2011 by post, fax or email to

Mr. L George, Tel: 020 7749 4013, Fax 020 7749 4081, Email: If you are sending it by post the

address is Mr. L George, ABPL Group, Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, London N1 6HW.

The prestigious Asian Achievers Awards is hosted every year by UK’s leading news weeklies

Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar to honour British Asians par excellence. If there is someone

you know who has broken boundaries and deserves recognition for their unique contribution to

the community and the nation then please nominate them for one of the awards listed below.


11th ASIAN ACHIEVERS AWARDS (AAA) Date: September 2011


Award Categories● AAA Platinum Award for Business Person of the Year

A Business Person who is a success in every sense of the

word and can demonstrate a genuine passion for social issues.

● AAA Gold Award for Professional of the Year

Professionals in any field who have scaled the

heights of their chosen profession.

● AAA Gold Women of the Year

In recognition and honour of a woman who has

made a significant mark in any chosen field.

● AAA Gold Award for Sports Personality of the Year

Awarded for excellence in sports.

● AAA Gold Award for Achievement in Community Service

In recognition of any individual’s service to community

● AAA Gold Award for Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Young entrepreneur with a proven track record of operating a

successful business. Must be aged below 35 yrs.

● AAA Gold Award for Achievement in Media, Arts and Culture

Someone who has made a mark in print and

broadcast media, cinema, art and culture.

● AAA Gold Award for Business in Community

A business house that has made a demonstrable contribution to


● AAA Gold Award for Uniformed and Civil Services

Outstanding achievement in uniformed or civil services or

contribution to the community through any of the above services.

Name of nominee

Award category nominated under

Present occupation/profession

Contact details (address/tel/email/fax)

Your name and contact details

Please explain briefly why you wish to nominate this person.

(Use a separate sheet)

Application Form

a This is a unique event where readers nominate and an independent

panel of judges comprising of eminent personalities selects the winner.

a Judges’ decision is final. ABPL Group will not entertain any dialogue

with members of the public regarding the judging process.

a In order to ensure a high degree of transparency and fairness, the

management and members of the staff of Asian Voice and Gujarat

Samachar will play no role in the nomination or judging process.

a You can nominate yourself if you wish to.

a Nominations and entries must follow the prescribed format and

bear the signature of the applicant.

a You may use an additional sheet if the space provided is insufficient.

a The winners will be announced at the AAA Awards ceremony in

September 2011.

a Asian Voice, Gujarat Samachar will publish the names of the short

listed candidates and winners after the event. They will also appear

in our e-edition

a All nomination forms must reach our offices on or before the

5th August 2011.


Note: Any changes to the above including changes to the categories will be published giving sufficient notice to respondents.

Sec 19-32_A4 Temp 22/11/2010 11:51 Page 29

Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar30

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Thank youIt has been an honour to be recognisedby such an elite panel and a group ofpeople who have all been there anddone that. Obviously, big thanks to AsianVoice and Gujarat Samachar for puttingon such a lovely show. It is a great privi-lege and honour to be standing shoulderto shoulder with the very best in theAsian community; in fact I would say thevery best in Britain. I am very thankful tomy Family and my staff for being sup-portive and buying into the belief that wecan offer the kind of excellence we havebeen known for in the Cash and Carrybusiness for over 25 Years.

It is therefore very refreshing to be recognised by the com-munity for CHAK89 which in comparison to the cash and carrybusiness is new. But we have gone a long way in creating that dif-ference so we can stand out from the competition. Whether it isour venue or a venue of your choice, we strive to offer the verybest in food and service. I am confident that this award will driveus forward and remind us constantly of people’s expectations fromCHAK89. When you are claiming to offer the best service andpackage in a competitive market, it is easy to lose focus but I amconfident that CHAK89 will be at the forefront of this business inyears to come.

Thanks once again to the whole AsianVoice family and hope this is the beginning ofa very fruitful and long relationship.

Mr Frank KhalidDirector of Chak89

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 31

Amit Patel

The Award winner of

Asian Achievers'

Awards 2010 as

Congratulations and

best wishes to

Amit Patel form


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Sec 19-32_A4 Temp 19/11/2010 16:47 Page 32