Ashworth Road, Rossendale, BB4 9JE Tel: 01706 214081 Email: … · 2020-04-27 · Ashworth Road,...

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Transcript of Ashworth Road, Rossendale, BB4 9JE Tel: 01706 214081 Email: … · 2020-04-27 · Ashworth Road,...

Ashworth Road, Rossendale, BB4 9JE

Tel: 01706 214081 Email:

Hello year 6 and families,

This is now week 6 of home schooling and of ‘lockdown’. We would usually be cramming

learning and revision in for your national tests (SATs) in the next few weeks, however, that

wasn’t meant to be for you this year.

I have found some more exciting learning and activities for you to complete. Our topic after

SATs was going to be The Olympics 2020 as this was due to be held over the summer in

Tokyo. Again, plans have changed but we can still enjoy learning about different countries,

cultures and sports.

There are online based activities, paper based and 2dos on purple mash for you to follow

too. Hopefully, everyone is catered for and you are still able to learn in some way during

this closure.

Thanks to you all for being awesome during this time, you are all doing really well.

Stay safe.


Mrs Webb x



Writing ideas - be creative!


There is a reading comprehension to complete linked to the topic. Here is a snapshot of it.

The full version and questions are attached.


This week I have set some long division questions (chunking method please). Once you have

your answer, you need to complete the game part and complete the monsters.


Some fun ideas to enjoy at home!


This half term we would be learning about the next part of the bible after Easter-Pentecost.

See below for various activities.

Pentecostal Power


God sends his Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost


A portable electric fan with some bright red streamers tied to the guard.


When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing

of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what

seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled

with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)

On a hot summer day, an electric fan can really help to keep us cool. How does a fan help to keep us

cool? That's right, it keeps us cool by blowing air. I think I will turn the fan on now. Do you see any air

coming out of the fan? Well, if we can't see the air, how do you know the fan is working? There are

several ways we can tell that this fan is working.

One way that we can tell that the fan is working is that I have tied some bright red streamers on the

front of the fan. Even though we can't see the air, we can see the air blowing those streamers. That is one

way we know the fan is working.

Another way we can know that the fan is working is that we can feel the air from the fan blowing

against our faces. We can't see the air, but we can feel it.

Finally, we know that the fan is working because we can hear the sound of the air and the rattling sound

of the streamers as they blow. We can't see it, but we can hear it.

Today is a special day which many churches celebrate. It is called the day of Pentecost. Here is the story

of how it all began.

The Bible tells us that on the day of Pentecost, the Jesus' followers were all gathered together in one

place and God sent the Holy Spirit to give them the power to teach others about Jesus. Now, they

couldn't see the Holy Spirit, so how did they know the Holy Spirit was there?

The Bible says that they knew the Holy Spirit was there because they could hear the sound of a mighty

rushing wind coming from heaven. They couldn't see the Holy Spirit, but they could hear the sound of

the wind just as we can hear the air blowing from this fan.

Then the Bible tells us that they saw what seemed to be flaming tongues of fire that came and rested on

their heads. They couldn't see the Holy Spirit, but they knew that the Holy Spirit was there because they

could see the flaming tongues of fire just as we can see these red ribbons on our fan.

Finally, the Bible tells us that they knew the Holy Spirit was there because they could feel his power.

When they were filled with the Holy Spirit, he gave them the ability to speak in languages that they

didn't even know, so that they could tell everyone about Jesus. They couldn't see the Holy Spirit, but they

could feel his power in their life just as we can feel the air from this fan.

The Holy Spirit is still with us today. We can't see him, but we can hear him as he speaks to our hearts,

we can see his moving in our life, and we can feel the power of his presence as he guides us through

each day.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to be our teacher and guide. Help us to listen

and obey as he teaches us how to tell others about Jesus. Amen.


Pentecostal Power

Group Activities

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-21


Give each child a thin piece of rectangular material. Magic markers can be used to write about the Bible

lesson today, on that material and give children ribbon or yarn to hang the banner outside their house

to blow in the wind!


Let children roll a large piece of construction paper into a tube shape and tape to hold that shape. Then

have children pick 10 long pieces of various colours of cut construction paper (10"X2"). On each long

piece of paper, children can write words that pertain to our Bible lesson today (such as Holy Spirit,

Power, Flaming tongues, Mighty rushing wind, Heaven, celebrate, etc. Then children can tape each of

their strips of paper to the tube "wind sock" and hang by a string at the top, when they get home.


In cut out letters, tape letters for HOLY SPIRIT on a poster in up and down letter positions for more

interesting poster. Let children write or decorate the poster with words from our story, and add pictures

or stickers for a more exciting poster to be remembered!


Let children fold in accordion style (small folds back and forth, back and forth) a piece of construction

paper after decorating the paper. Tape to a tongue depressor or craft stick to use as a fan while telling

the story today!


Let each child tape or hot glue (for older ages) some various coloured ribbons to a short dowel. When

children RUN with their ribbon fan, they'll see the EFFECTS of the WIND on their ribbons, but can't SEE

the wind. Discuss the Holy Spirit in our lesson today!


Let children make a FLAG out of material or construction paper, to represent a Christian and the Holy

Spirit. Children will be very creative with pictures and words from the lesson. Let them display their flags

on the wall or wave their flags high on a stick or dowel! MARCHING around the room or designated area

while the teacher reads the Bible verse will be exciting! If the teacher would like to write a short

"cadence" for the children to repeat after her/him, while they march with their flags, the children will

remember the lesson much longer!


Give each child 2 or 3 colourful streamers to wrap around their wrist and RUN as fast as they can

outdoors and see the EFFECT of the wind on their streamers. A few pictures of the children will be fun to

show them the next Sunday and to REVIEW today's lesson. They will probably REMEMBER the lesson on



Divide the children into teams and have a flag relay of running the flag back and forth until everyone on

the team has had a chance to fly the flag for their team!


Give all the children a small flag and let them fly their flags around a designated area while singing a

song or repeating verses in a chant from the teacher, with words from today's story.


Provide a fan in the classroom that the children can speak in to as the teacher asks questions about

today's Bible story. Show children how they cannot SEE the air that makes their voices change but it is

THERE, just as the Holy Spirit is also there!


Have an inexpensive kite for each child or a drawing for them to complete as the teacher discusses the 5

Christian aspects of a kite - concentrating on the Holy Spirit the most, to go along with this Bible lesson.

Here are the 5 analogies for the Kite that we learn on KITE DAY each year. 1) The cross shape dowels are

how you begin to build a kite and the CROSS is the beginning of the Christian life; 2) a kite needs a tail

to keep the kite stable in the wind and Christians have the Word of God, to keep them stable; 3) a kite

needs covering to catch the wind - Jesus covers all our sin and debt; 4) a kite has to be anchored to

something that won't blow away and we, as Christians have Jesus Christ as our anchor; and 5) kites need

the wind to fly. The HOLY SPIRIT is our helper to lift us up.

Creative Curriculum

The next topic we would learn about is The Olympics which were due to held this summer


HISTORY-Research the ancient Olympics in ancient Greece and how they differed to

the games today and play the board game attached

HISTORY-Who were the ancient Greeks? Find out using the resources.

PSHE- democracy in Ancient Greece. This area of learning is linked to our topic on

Parliament. See how the rules of democracy and giving people ‘a say’ is the same of

different to our country. See the attached learning activities and resources.

ART –design a Greek vase. The template is attached and you could look online for

ideas to help you.

There are also some great fun activities in the RE section to create using craft

materials too.

Enjoy our new topic on The Olympics. Over the next few weeks (depending how long this

situation lasts!) the learning will be focussed around this topic.

I will be in touch next week,

Take care,


Mrs Webb x