AS-Media: Pitch presentation- Anonymous

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of AS-Media: Pitch presentation- Anonymous



Our inspiration comes from our director’s research (David Fincher and Nicolas Winding Refn).

Concept. Ordinary student Becky who’s gets stalked by a fellow student, both in

person and online. Becky consumes a lot of social media and it will be her social demise.

Key Characters Becky: The main character who doesn’t realise her actions have consequences and she is engulfed by media she’s not aware of what’s going on around her.

Stalker: The person who is following Becky who is an unknown main character.

Extras: Friends who also attend the same sixth form and people from the general public.

Narrative/PlotThe meaning of doing this movie is to show the dark side of social media but to show in a way that hasn't been really done before adding things you wouldn't see in typical movie. like in cyber bully movie the girl is being bullied by an mysterious person and we see the torture of the girl and nearly committing suicide but we don't want to aim that way and would want to focus on the enigma of the Hood and the reason as to why the girl was bullied if this was a full length movie.


Visual style Thriller. Neo-noir, psychological, drama. Low key lighting. Black and white colour palate.

Sound/MusicWe thought of a white noise instead of having a soundtrack we will have a score in points of the movie. To add emphasis to the section where it can suspense. The non diegetic is voice over played at the start of the opening sequences and will gradually end similar to Gone Girl. This is used to emphasise the genre we are taking creating suspense and to pull the audience in. We will also have some elements of ticking clock but we haven’t finalised if this will be part of the opening sequences.