AS Lesson 2 gender and stereotypes

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Media AS (YEAR 12) Representation of gender

Transcript of AS Lesson 2 gender and stereotypes

Representation and Gender stereotypes

To explore gender stereotypes

To understand how these stereotypes are used within media


• As we grow up, we ‘learn’ what is expected in terms of our gender identity from a range of sources: parents, school, books, the media, peer pressure…

• The power to conform is so strong in us that we tend to copy the gender models we see. Thus, by the time we have started school, most of us have “learnt” how to be masculine or feminine as our culture defines it.

Think about the way girls are often dressed in pink and bought “domesticating” toys like dolls and play ovens and toy vacuum cleaners, whereas boys are usually dressed in blues and non-pastel colours and given toys like guns and construction sets and cars, developing skills that are outside the domestic sphere.

• Over time, the two genders have developed quite distinct and often oppositional gender codes – activities, spheres of activity and qualities that are deemed to be exclusive to only one group.

• TASK: In groups draw up a list divided into two columns and label one side MASCULINE and the other FEMININE and see what traditional associations you make with each gender under the headings on the next slides.


• Colours

• Clothes

• Toys

• Jobs

• Leisure Activities

• Responsibilities in the Home

• Drinks on a Night Out

• A Typical Night Out

• Favourite Genre of Films

• Typical Character Qualities


• What do you notice about these different ideas associated traditionally with each gender? What image do they conjure up of each group?

Traditional stereotypes

• Traditionally men have held power in our society – this system where men have power and control in society is called patriarchy.

• Patriarchy = society run by men for men

• The result of this is that traditionally male qualities and attributes have generally been seen to be superior to female attributes. Consider, for example, the fact that traditionally it was the eldest son who inherited – even if he had several older sisters!

• This was often reflected in the media, as most media companies were run by men!

• Masculinity was often represented in ways that were shown to be superior to feminine qualities. Men were often shown to be more important and powerful than women.

• Women were often shown in roles that suited men and which kept them from challenging men for power.

• In other words, the media showed men and women how men wanted them to be!

List some typical action films – think about the typical roles assigned to

men and women? How do these link to patriarchal ideas about gender?

• Two of the most common traditional roles women were represented in under patriarchy were the happy housewife and the sex object/Glamorous Ideal. Can you think how these stereotypes suited patriarchy?

More Modern Ideologies about Gender

From the 1960s onwards, feminism challenged patriarchy, seeking to gain equality for women. They gained increased respect, opportunities and legislation for women, giving them the chance to step into what had once been men’s shoes...

• Suddenly gender roles were less rigid and defined and this is often reflected in newer media representations

• .TASK: Again, we will look at two short extracts to see how men and women are being represented today.

• 1 – Million Dollar Baby extract

• 2 - Aero Melt ad

Suddenly it wasn’t unusual for women to:

• Have a serious career

• Wear trousers

• Smoke, drink and swear

• Play football

• Downplay the domestic goddess role

Roles that had previously been traditionally allocated to men.

A word of caution…