As Ict (Ocr) G061 3.1.6 Application Software used for the Presentation & Communication of Data...

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Transcript of As Ict (Ocr) G061 3.1.6 Application Software used for the Presentation & Communication of Data...

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 1

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 2

Documents are made up of lots of objects:-

û Charactersû Paragraphsû Sectionsû Framesû Headersû Footersû Footnotesû Pages

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 3

û Characters› A character is an alphanumeric letter, symbol or number in a document.

û Paragraph› Paragraphs are generally used when a long document is being

created.› Paragraphs can have a style which defines the features of the

text, e.g.ñ Heading 3ñ Verdana 20ptñ Boldñ Centredñ 12pt Spacing

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 4

û Section› A portion of a document of which

formatting can be set› Section breaks tell the software to split the

current document into smaller sections.

û Frame› A frame is an area on a page which can

contain graphics or text.› These can be positioned anywhere on a

page and moved independently of the rest of the document.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 5

û Header› Headers appear in the top margin of every page.› Often used to hold titles, authors and dates.

û Footer› Footers appear in the bottom margin of every page.› Often contains page numbers, dates or file names.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 6

û Footnote› These explain briefly word or phrases in a document using a

reference.› Explanations are at the foot of a page.

û Page› A printed side of paper.› Contains the components of a document.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 7

ûMail Merge is combining a data source with a standard document› Standard documents created in either

DTP or Word Processor packages allow mail merges.

› Data Sources can be created in a database then merged into the document as merge fields.ñ If there are 100 customers on your database you

could create 100 letters with the same content replacing the names and addresses in a short period of time.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 8

û Documents can be produced quickly.

û Only one copy of the document needs to be proofread.

û Data sources can be used for many different merged documents.

û Standard letters or templates can be used.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 9

û Page Sizes & Orientation› A4, letter, A5 etc.› Portrait› Landscape

û Text Position, size and style› Alignment (left, centre, right and justified)› Font styles and sizes (Verdana 16pt)

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 10

ûClip Art› Graphics often

provided free with software or at a cost from software manufacturers.

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û Thumbnail images› Cut Down smaller

images that when clicked show the final product.

› Quick to download› Easier to search

through› Not always possible to

see the quality of an image

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 12

û Use of Graphic Libraries› Kitchen design› Cartography› PCB design› Network design› Web pages

› Collection of specific images related to topic› Specialist software developed with

manufacturers to produce images› Freeware v purchasing images› Images can be edited for individual projects

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 13

ûAlso known as “Raster graphics”

ûMade up of pixelsû Pixels have 2

properties:› Colour› Position on the grid

û Scanners and Digital cameras create bitmap images.

û They suffer from pixellation.


û Both parts were made in Adobe Photoshop’s Image resize feature, the left using the Nearest Colour resampling method and the right image using the Bicubic resampling, which uses pixel interpolation.

û The interpolated image has no sharp edges but is considerably blurrier.

û Pixellation is a problem unique to bitmaps.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 15

û BMP Windows bitmap. The standard file format used with Windows applications.

û GIF Graphics Interchange Format. These files are often used on websites, especially as animated GIFs. They have a 256 colour limit (8 bits per pixel) and use a lossless compression algorithm to save on the amount of memory used.

û JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group. These are also frequently used on websites. JPEGs are often used when good-quality photographic images need to be stored, as they can store 24 bits per pixel and have the capability to store 16 million colours. There are different JPEG formats, which relate to the level of compression used.

û TIF/TIFF Tagged Image File Format. The file structure is more complex than some of the other formats but this format can be used on several different platforms.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 16

û Graphics stored as Geometric based data.› Mathematical equations that

define key properties.› Works with lines that have…ñ proportional lengths.ñ Thickness.ñ Starting point.

› Used for design purposes › Architects / Designers who need

to adjust sizes, proportions, etc. › No pixellation due to being

generated by a mathematical calculation (Changes proportion)

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 17

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 18

û Software used to show information on slides (e.g. MS Ppoint, OO Impress, Google Docs Presentation etc.)

û Features that are included in this type of software:-› Text› Images› Sound› Video› Animation › Slide Transition› Hyperlinks› Hotspots› Buttons

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 19

› Textñ Clear text should be used in presentations with

well chosen vocabulary that suites the needs of the user.

› Imagesñ Images of sufficient quality should be chosen

to help convey the message you are trying to get across.

› Soundñ These can be added to animation used or to

add to effects of slides appearing and disappearing.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 20

› Videoñ Video can be embedded into a presentation,

e.g. a YouTube video. You just need to be careful not to distract your user.

› Animation ñ This can be added to your content so you can

bring points in one by one or show a diagram that builds itself up one step at a time.

› Slide Transitionñ These make the presentation more exciting to

watch. Effects such as dissolve or fly in can be used to attract the users attention.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 21

› Hyperlinksñ These allow the user to jump to either a

webpage or another slide in the document.

› Hotspotsñ Areas on the screen that when clicked go to

another page or screen.

› Buttonsñ Allow the user to navigate through slides

manually in perhaps a different order than they were created.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 22

û Over Head Transparency› Can be black/white or colour printed› Required direct user input to change slide› Slides can become damaged – finger prints› Can skip slides and go back with little trouble

û Slideshow› Computer required› Difficult to skip slides› Animation – music/sound, video› User interaction permitted

û For both:› Consistent layoutñ Standard fonts and colours

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 23

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 24

û Manual Transition› The user controls the flow of the slideshow by either

clicking or pressing a key on the keyboard.› Ideal when the show is accompanied by a talk.

û Automatic Transition› The show automatically goes from slide to slide without

intervention using timings which have to be chosen carefully to ensure that the user has a chance to read the content.

› Used perhaps in information kiosks or waiting room slide shows.

8 November 2009C. Demetriou (2009) 25

û Linear› Where the slides are displayed in

a pre-determined order and the user can not jump out of the sequence.

û Non-linear› Where the slides can be

accessed in any order. The user has the ability to jump to specific or groups of slides.

› Buttons or hyperlinks are used to navigate around the show.

û Hierarchical› Allows different but pre-

determined slides to be jumped to depending on an option selected.

› The user can only jump to specific paths.