ARUCC PCCAT National Transcript & Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards – Phase 2 Joanne Duklas,...

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Transcript of ARUCC PCCAT National Transcript & Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards – Phase 2 Joanne Duklas,...

ARUCC PCCAT National Transcript & Transfer Credit Nomenclature

Standards – Phase 2Joanne Duklas,, June 2015

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

About the Project

• Overview and leadership

• Overall objective – to enhance student mobility by creating standards and tools that facilitate the work of registrarial and pathway practitioners/policy developers in Canada

• Final product – an online searchable database of standards and nomenclature guide for transcripts and transfer credit

• Core principles – supporting student mobility; facilitating community engagement; encouraging transparency, coherency, knowledge enhancement; recognition and respect for institutional autonomy and provincial authority (descriptive vs prescriptive)

Coast to Coast Support

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Shared Goals

• Improve student mobility

• Inform academic policy development

• Create platform to allow scalable stakeholder research and reporting

• Identify best practice through broad and deep consultation

• Realize efficiencies and potential savings

• Respect institutional autonomy and provincial authority

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

About Phase 1

• Benchmarked current transcript and transfer credit terminology practices from across Canada

• Researched four international jurisdictions (Australia, Europe, the UK, the US)

• Identified gaps and enhancements - 2003 ARUCC National Transcript Guide

• Phase 1 report

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

About Phase 2 – Clarification, Corroboration, Moving Forward

• Update the 2003 ARUCC Transcript Guide to ensure its alignment with best and promising practice

• Explore what should or might be the new standards for transcript and transfer credit nomenclature

• Create an online searchable database of transcript and transfer credit nomenclature standards for launch in Fall 2015

Survey Findings – Phase 2

Phase 2 Survey Respondents



From Which Type of Organization?



Council of Articulation/Admission and Transfer

Government/Government Agency


National Association/Organization/Consortium

Private Company (for non-educational organizations only)

Provincial Association/Organization/Consortium


Other; please specify...

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Other Demographics

Largest province/territory: BC, Ontario, Alberta (although received a response from all except two)

Most respondents were participating on behalf of institutions from central registrarial areas (73%)

Transfer or pathway office exclusively = 9%; Central administration = 6%; faculty member or Faculty/School (not including Graduate) = 3%; Graduate Studies = 2%; Other = 8%

Transcript Standards & Redefining the


Comparing the Standards

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Validation of Standards

Most of the recommendations provided in the Transcript Standards Comparison Database as part of the consultation were validated

93% agreed that credit information needs to be well defined in a transcript key to facilitate mobility and assessment (define credit, credit hour, credit weight); validated defining unit value, number of hours of instruction per week and per term per unit/credit and how it relates to a course

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

The Transcript Information

Recommended fields: standard name, category of standard (e.g., academic status, course credits and grades, institutional identification, student identification, etc.), definition of standard, a recommended approach for transcription of the standard (i.e., essential, recommended, optional, not recommended), a rationale for the recommendation, and a recommended approach for the transcript key and the student record system.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Findings: Refine the Following…

Status (Academic Probation) – Clarify approach for current versus the past

Student Provincial Identifier – Essential

Course Mode of Delivery – Optional

Institutional Contact Information – Essential

Demonstrated Competencies – Optional

Courses Accepted – Optional

Term Grade Points – Essential

Narrative Evaluation – Discretionary

Program Major/Minor – Essential

Class Average - Discretionary

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Validated Transcript Principles

Depict academic achievement of relevant academic milestones (99%)

Demonstrate the issuing institution’s adherence to quality assurance (86%)Facilitate student mobility through different institutions and programs by ensuring clarity (99%)Reflect regulations approved by the academic body of the issuing institution (90%)Ensure transparency about relevant milestones in a student record related to the credential the student is pursuing (98%)Be sufficiently comprehensive (98%)

Be coherent, easy to understand, and supported by a comprehensive transcript key/legend (99%)

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Transcript Purpose: Solidify and Reconfirm Versus Redefine – 50/50 splitOn one hand…

• The transcript should be a true reflection of the learning and academic history of a student at the institution as measured by courses, credits, grades, and credentials, and as approved by relevant institutional governing bodies.

• Diluting its purpose could undermine student mobility for those students that wish to move onto additional studies including graduate or who are required to meet the expectations of accrediting bodies.

• Issues of complexity were raised if the transcript’s scope were to expand rendering the document cumbersome and difficult to interpret; respondents indicated this would undermine the mobility, clarity and conciseness of the transcript.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Transcript Purpose: Solidify and Reconfirm Versus Redefine

On the other hand…

• The academic experience is broader than courses, credits, grades and credentials.

• The transcript should evolve to reflect this changing landscape to include elements such as learning outcomes and competencies obtained both within and outside of coursework.

• Some holders of this view feel that the traditional methods of measuring achievement (credits, grades, grade point averages) may be obsolete in future and that the underpinning principle that should drive change is to show how students achieve and not just what they achieved.

• A re-imagining of the transcript should happen (as opposed to a new definition) to reflect a prioritization on student mobility, which could include a “passport to learning” concept of prior learning and education from the student’s home institution.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Consultation Questions

• What reflections might you have on these divergent viewpoints?

• Why do we need an academic transcript and what purpose does it serve?

• Who uses the transcript and for what primarily?

• How might Canadian schools resolve these divergent viewpoints?

Findings Regarding Opinion on Documenting Learner Achievement of Learning Outcomes on a Transcript

Achievement of Learning Outcomes Should Be Documented…..

Within the existing transcript

As a supplement to the transcript

No opinion = 13% Disagree 47%

Agree = 40%

No opinion = 29%

Disagree 29%Agree = 42%

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Artifact Suggested to Document Learning Outcomes (n=30)

Something similar to the European Diploma Supplement; some form of badging; a new competency report; some kind of online learning portfolio

What is chosen depends very much on what outcome is hoped to be achieved.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

What Must Be In Place Before Documenting Learner Achievement of Learning Outcomes on a Transcript (or Other Document)

Adoption of a validated assessment tool to measure final learner achievement of learning outcomes by program and level

Approval of institution-wide credential level expectations that are in keeping with approved credential frameworks

Defined and approved learning outcomes by program

Defined and established principles for assessing and documenting achievement of learning outcomes at the student level

Established, institution-wide definitional framework for documenting learning outcomes at the student level

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

US Examples: Extending the Credential

Tri-partnership led by AACRAO is examining extending the transcript.

The group is exploring creating a separate competency record.

They are also reflecting on the importance of preserving the academic transcript.

They are looking to develop a framework to support this work.

Lumina Foundation has just launched a Beta Credentials Framework that transcends institutional type as a means to begin a consultation:

Transfer Credit

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Findings: Principles to Guide Nomenclature Development

Clear, accessible, and consistent language

‘Try to avoid doing your own thing’

Align with international norms

Sample: Degree of Usage & Complexity

Least common: advance credit, assigned credit, cluster credit, course credit exclusion, course transfer map, inter-university transfer,

"not to do", specified credit, unspecified credit

Common: course substitute, dual credit, equivalent credit, exemption, program transfer, transfer courses, transferable

courses, unassigned or unallocated credit, waiver

Most common: advanced standing, block transfer, course equivalency/equivalent,

credit, elective credit, letter of permission, residency requirement, transfer credit

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Sample: Collaborative Program

University and college partners jointly offer collaborative programs. The partners agree to share responsibility for curriculum, so that students may count credits from each institution toward one or more credentials. Some collaborative programs offer graduates a diploma and a degree.

A collaborative program is an intra-university graduate program that provides an additional multidisciplinary experience for students enrolled in and completing the degree requirements for one of a number of approved programs. Students meet the admission requirements of and register in the participating (or “home”) program but complete, in addition to the degree requirements of that program, the additional requirements specified by the collaborative program. The degree conferred is that of the home program, and the completion of the collaborative program is indicated by a transcript notation indicating the additional specialization that has been attained.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Sample: Joint/Integrated Program

Integrated Program: Two or more distinct, approved, free-standing programs of instruction, in one or more institutions, amalgamated into one program of instruction for enrolment, curricula, examination, and administrative purposes and for which the eligible enrolment is reported on the basis of the institution-of-registration. The program of instruction is planned, maintained, and delivered by one or more Institutions from each sector and culminates in one credential, normally a baccalaureate degree.

Joint/Integrated Program: A program offered co-operatively by university and college partners. May integrate two or more distinct programs also offered independently by partner Institutions. Students study at both Institutions either sequentially or concurrently. Graduates receive one or more credentials from partner Institutions; for example, a student might receive both a diploma in media arts and a degree in communications. May sometimes describe an educational program developed and delivered by two different academic programs or departments at the same institution, or concurrent programs offered within the same institution.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Transfer Credit Information in Database

Recommended fields: nomenclature term, definition, category of term (e.g., grades, program, credential, acronym, etc.), and source of term (i.e. if approved by an overarching pan-provincial body or organizations).

The real challenge is not developing the database; it is developing common definitions that represent enduring best practice.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Consultation Questions

Are there any nomenclature challenges you have encountered? What are they and how have they impacted your work?

What types of inter-institutional agreements exist?

What are their unique characteristics?

How do each inform or shape transcription and credentialing?

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

How Do We Encourage Adoption of Transfer Credit Nomenclature Across Canada? Findings

Develop a national transfer system and leverage PCCAT leadership

Produce a best practice transfer credit document

Circulate the glossary widely and frequently

Ensure support from registrarial associations, Councils on Admissions/Articulation and Transfer, VP Academics/Provosts, Universities Canada and CICan

Embed nomenclature in inter-provincial and inter-sectoral agreements

Develop a pan-Canadian taxonomy

After creation, disseminate the glossary through jurisdictional organizations – encourage adoption through both grassroots and leadership engagement

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Consultation Question

How would you encourage support for the national glossary in your jurisdiction?

Potential Future Next Steps

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Feedback from the Community

As part of the current phase of consultation, the community has requested a variety of “help tools” on an eventual website to support the database and the dynamic nature of their work.

They have also requested contextual information to assist registrarial and pathway policy developers and practitioners with additional research.

These requests are in addition to the online, searchable transcript standards and transfer credit nomenclature database.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Examples from the Consultation

A. A submission form to send additional information and questions into ARUCC and PCCAT

B. An historical comparison of the 2003 ARUCC Guide and the 2011 AACRAO Guide to the new standards

C. A compendium of transfer glossaries

D. Contextual information: overarching principles for both transcripts and transfer credit and operating principles relevant to each, the methods used during consultation (to amplify the breadth and depth of consultation and evidence), a summary of best practices for developing transfer guides, links to helpful studies and resources (e.g., Council transfer guides), some kind of PESC presence (TBD), relevant extracts from the Phase 1 study (e.g., international jurisdictional information), links to regional jurisdictional information and qualification frameworks, an audit checklist to assist institutions going from current transcript standards to new transcript standards, etc.

ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

Consultation Questions Regarding an Audit Checklist

A recommendation has been made to add an ‘audit’ or ‘change’ checklist to a potential future website that houses the guide. The goal with such a document would be to assist institutions and allied organizations with managing the change process as they work to adopt new transcript standards and transfer credit nomenclature.

What components should this document(s) contain?

Sample Online,Searchable Database & Web Page – A Mock Up

Creating a user friendly environment with an online search engine and feedback form.


Purpose: To capture ongoing community input and questions from across Canada.

How: Under the “Help Tools” or throughout the site, there can be a request submission form embedded in the Guide website that allows people to ask a question of the ARUCC PCCAT.

Downstream Considerations

Operational governance

and administration of the database

and its contents

Encouraging awareness,

endorsement, and

sustainable updating on an ongoing basis

Communication planning Further


ARUCC/ PCCAT National Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Standards Research Project

How Can You Help Us Going Forward?

Identify exemplars and provide specific examples

Thank you!

Joint ARUCC/PCCAT Steering CommitteeRob Fleming, BCCAT (Co-Chair: Steering Committee)Hans Rouleau, Bishop’s University (Co-Chair: Steering Committee)Robert Adamoski, BCCATGlenn Craney, ONCATKathleen Massey, McGill UniversityAngelique Saweczko, University of CalgaryPhil Bélanger, NBCAT


Project Lead:Joanne