Artist of My Soul by Rick Vale

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Transcript of Artist of My Soul by Rick Vale

11:00 a.m.

February 10, 2019




Ministerial Staff

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell, Pastor

The Rev. Doodle Harris, Associate Pastor for Christian Education & Youth

The Rev. Megan McCarty, Associate Pastor for Mission and Membership

The Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell, Parish Associate

Dr. Amanda Boyd, Coordinator of Music Ministries





Week at a Glance

Sunday, February 10 9:30 Annual Meeting - Fellowship Hall 9:30 Sunday School for Children 11:00 Youth Sunday 4:00 Arts on the Corner - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall No Youth Activities Monday, February 11 7:00 WINGS - Linda Valentine’s Home Tuesday, February 12 9:30 Staff Meeting - Office Conference Room 10:00 STITCH - Pleune-Mobley Center 3rd Floor 4:00 Grief Group - Memorial Lounge 5:30 Personnel Committee - Conference Room A Wednesday, February 13 10:00 STITCH - Pleune-Mobley Center 3rd Floor 10:00 Prayer Group - Office Conference Room 11:30 OWLS - Dining Room 4:30 Worship Committee - Office Conference Room 5:00 Fellowship Committee - Dining Room 5:30 Children’s Music Ministry

Thursday, February 14 12:00 WOW - Session Room & PMC#112 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal Friday, February 15 5:00 Youth Choir Tour & Mystery Trip 5:30 Community Friday - Molly Malone’s Saturday, February 16 9:00 Presbytery Meeting - Anchorage Pres. Church Sunday, February 17 9:30 Sunday School for all Ages 9:30 Sunday Worship: Alton Pollard; Quartet 11:00 Sunday Worship: Alton Pollard; Chancel Choir 12:15 Alton Pollard Conversation and Lunch 3:00 Children’s Musical Rehearsal - Fellowship Hall No Youth Activities


Artist of My Soul by Rick Vale

O Lord of light, of form and hue who has created all things new,

create in me, from shapeless clay, an instrument on which you play.

God of the dance that planets tread, who walks beside and soars ahead,

O let me move to worship thee; come, Holy Spirit, dance with me.

O Lord of beauty, Lord of art, who gives a song for every heart,

carve out my life, reshape and mold; and be the artist of my soul.

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Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a long time member, your presence is a gift to us. All are welcome in worship and we hope your experience is meaningful and relevant among this church community. Welcome. If you are new here - Welcome! We want to connect with you. To help us offer a welcome, please add your name, email, and phone number to the red welcome folder. If you want information about joining the church contact Megan McCarty at or 502-451-2910. Children in Worship - Children, like all people, are welcome in this worship service. We invite children to stand, sing, pray, listen during the sermon, and participate as much as they can! Some good things to know are: The Nursery is located on second floor of the church building. Children ages 3 and

younger are invited (not required) to enjoy that caring space. A Children’s Bulletin is available for ages 3 to grade 5. Ask an usher for a “Children’s”

bulletin designed to guide children to experience worship. Worship Bags are also available for children. Bags are personalized by name. If you are

visiting, please find a “visitor” bag in the back of the church. If you plan to return regular-ly or join contact Doodle Harris at so a worship bag can be made for your child!

Children ages 3 to kindergarten are invited to Bible Buddies following the Children’s Time. This program provides a snack and a lesson for our youngest disciples. Children leave following the Time with Young Disciples and return during the final hymn.

To Enhance your Worship - Large print bulletins (including hymns) and hearing-enhancement devices are available. If you would like either, please ask an usher. Prayer Support - Yellow prayer request cards are available in the Welcome Centers. You are welcome to write a request and place in the offering plate. Offering - During worship we collect an offering. If this is your first time with us, we consider your presence as your offering this day. If you would like to make an offering, you will find en-velopes in the maroon folders and in the Welcome Center. These support the ministry of High-land Presbyterian Church to serve this congregation and community beyond us as we “share hope from the heart of the Highlands.”

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Fifth Sunday after Epiphany • February 10, 2019 • Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements Doodle Harris

Introit: “I Will Joyfully Sing in the Morning” Mary McDonald Alpha and Omega Choirs, Amanda Boyd Director, Adrienne Fontenot, Piano

† Call To Worship: William Dykes The heavens are telling the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of God’s hand. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before there was earth, you were our God. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Know that the Lord is God. It is God who made us. We are God’s people, the sheep of God’s pasture. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. We praise God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Let us worship our creator together. † Hymn: “Kum Ba Ya” TRADITIONAL

Amanda Boyd and David Gambrell, Guitars; Kelli Klingenfus, Djembe (Choir will sing the first verse and chorus)

Chorus: Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) 1) Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! Whoa! Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! Whoa! Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! We're singing wind, rain, fire, storm, Kum ba yah! 2) Somebody's crying Lord, Kum ba yah! Wah, wah, wah! 3) Somebody's singing Lord, Kum ba yah! La, la, la! 4) Somebody's laughing Lord, Kum ba yah! Ha, ha, ha!

Call to Confession Georgia Barrick

Highland Presbyterian Church Prayer List

This week, please include the following people in your daily prayers:

Marcia Morgan, Ivonne Rovira, Charlie Pye, Grace Wenzel, Jack Thompson,

and Ann Stewart Anderson.

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MOMARITAS - Join us on March 4th at Havana Rumba (on Bardstown Rd.) at 7pm. All moms are invit-ed! Come for the fellowship, stay for the parenting advice. Hope to see you there! This group has no agenda except to support each other in motherhood. PARENTS GATHERING - All parents of children 5th grade and younger are invited to a night out at Hop-Cat! We’ll meet there between 5:30 and 6:00 on the 2nd floor on March 15th. This is a time of fellowship and fun! Babysitting will be provided in the children’s wing between 5:30-8:00. Please be sure to sign your child(ren) in and out! Email Doodle ( with any ques-tions! GRAWEMEYER LECTURE - In anticipation of the Grawemeyer Lecture on April 9th, by winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion, Robert P. Jones for “The End of White Christian America”, Highland Presbyterian Church will have a book discussion on March 29th, at 7:00 p.m. This will occur in the home of one our church members.

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Prayer of Confession: Finley Barber, Oliver Gulick, and Evan Holmes God said, “Let there be light.” Humanity chose to live in the shadow of that light. So now, we have a world full of hatred, violence, and suffering. God, give us your vision of the world as it should be. God said, “Let there be limits on the chaotic waters in this world.” Humanity refused to be subjected to the order you brought to creation. So now, we live in the midst of confused squabbling about things that don’t really matter. God, lead us back to you and the community you want for us. God said, “Let there be land to provide firm footing on which to stand.” Humanity cannot stand tall in God’s light because we are obsessed with ourselves and our anxieties. So now, we live with self-doubt; we struggle with body image; and we fear our limitations. God, give us the confidence to BE the creation that you called “GOOD.” God said, “Let there be sunshine.” Humanity clouded your plan with fear and selfishness. So now, we seek happiness in the wrong places, with the wrong people; and we end up suffering from our fear of the future. God, restore our hope. God said, “Let there be varieties of life, and lives filled with variety.” Humanity rejected God’s love of diversity and sought the safety of existing among those who are too similar to what we see in the mirror. So now, we are a people trapped by our racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and fear of “THE OTHER.” We create walls and borders everywhere we go. God, teach us how to bring down the walls and erase the borders in our lives that are the results of our own prejudice and limited thinking. God said, “Let there be enough for everyone.” Humanity was too obsessed with its greed to recognize its responsibility. So now, we assume a scarcity that doesn’t exist; we accept homelessness as reality and assume that poverty cannot be solved. God, open our hearts to our community; teach us to share what we have and who we are. God said, “Let humankind be in God’s image.” Humanity refused to see the beauty in others and in ourselves. So now, we don’t know how to create real community or live up to our full potential. God, help us celebrate all that is good within us. Guide our efforts to be in relationship with you.

A time of silence is kept for personal prayer.

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COMMUNITY FRIDAY - One Friday each month, people from Highland Presbyterian Church gather at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub at 933 Baxter Avenue. This month, we’ll meet on Friday, February 15th. Join us from 5:30pm to 8pm. Ask the restaurant’s host for Highland Presbyterian and they’ll show you to the table! GUEST PREACHER - February 17 - Worship will feature guest preacher, Dr. Alton Pollard, new President of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, who will challenge us to think about the value of diversity in our world and new ways of embracing it. He will also be present for a Question-and-Answer conversation over lunch at 12:15 in Fellowship Hall. SMOKETOWN MOBILE PANTRY - Our mission partner, Grace Hope Presbyterian Church is the host of the Dare2Care Smoketown Mobile Pantry. Come out to distribute food and support our neighbors on Tuesday, February 19th. Please arrive by 1:30pm at Grace Hope Presbyterian Church at 702 E. Brecken-ridge St. / Clay St. (in the church parking lot). To learn more or to be added to the volunteer email list, contact Nanc Angerman at MEN’S PUB NIGHT - A group of men will be gathering on Thursday, February 21st at 7:30pm for a bev-erage and some good conversation at Gravely Brewing Co. Come join us. No agenda, just conversation in good company. EUCHRE TOURNAMENT - Join us for a Euchre Tournament in the Fellowship Hall on Feb. 22nd at 6:30 p.m. A Euchre class will be taught from 6:00-6:30. Doors open at 6:30. Fellowship Committee will pro-vide drinks and snacks! The tournament will last until approximately 8:30 p.m. Please let Doodle know you are coming by RSVPing to HPFAMILY ACTIVITY IN FEBRUARY - Ice Skating! Children and their families are invited to join the church for ice skating on Sunday afternoon, February 23rd at Alpine Ice Arena. (1825 Gardiner Lane, 40205). The facility is open from 12:00-5:00, but we’ll be gathering from 2:00-4:00. No reservation needed to join. Cost is $7 for unlimited ice time and $3 for skate rental ($10 total, pay at the door). Snacks are also available there. LUNCH AND LEARN MFT PANEL ON ANXIETY - Following worship on February 24, Megan McCarty will moderate a panel of academics and professionals involved in therapy, clinical psychology, and social work to discuss the causes and consequences of the high level of anxiety in our lives. Panelists will be Jermaine Johnson, MAMFT; Beth Seeger-Troy, LMFT; and Dr. Carol Cook, LCSW. Lunch will be catered. Donations accepted. CHILDREN’S MUSICAL - Join us Sunday afternoon, March 4th at 3:00 for our Children’s Production of “Carol and the Belles.” This story imagines a 1950’s diner that celebrates Christmas “365 days a year!” The production will be in our Fellowship Hall followed by a reception in the Dining Room! Children of all ages are invited! The production should last about 30 minutes.

Assurance of Pardon: Despite our doubts, God continues to welcome us into God’s grace. We are God’s good creation. Through the forgiveness of Christ, we are reassured of our place in the Kingdom of God. We are God’s forgiven creation. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, we live as a people freed to love and accept one another. We are God’s reconciled creation.

† Response to the Assurance of Pardon: “Amazing Grace” [Stanza 1] AMAZING GRACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

† Passing the Peace: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you.

(Exchange signs of peace with those near you until the music begins.)

Prayer for Illumination Eli Beck

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1 Whitman Barber, Lauren Wood, Isabel Mosley, Kaylee Tribolet, Robyn Tribolet, Charlie Fendig, and Lauren Baker The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Time With Young Disciples Miriam Gambrell, Abby Sekula, and Carolyn Siegenthaler Children 5th Grade and younger may come to the front of the sanctuary for Time with Young Disciples during the singing of “Be Still and Know”.

Be still and know that I am God. (x 3)

Following Time with Young Disciples, children Kindergarten and younger may leave for Bible Buddies.

Anthem: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World” arr. Israel Kamakowiwo’ole

Sermon - “Created, and Still Creating” Olivia Wagner, Hannah Stanchfield, and Evalyn Head † Hymn: No. 14 - “For the Beauty of the Earth” DIX

Miriam Gambrell, Flute

Announcements FLOWERS - The flowers today are given in loving memory of Suzanne Ramsey Peterson by Gary and Dorissa Falk.

SPECIAL THANKS to the Alpha and Omega Choirs, Adrienne Fontenot, Miriam Gambrell, and Kelli Klingenfus for blessing us with their musical leadership this morning. We welcome Adrienne Fontenot as our temporary accompanist for youth choirs. Adrienne works as a freelance pianist and teaches piano in her private studio and at Indiana University Southeast. She also serves as accompanist for many students in the School of Music at UofL.

THE BIBLE MARKERS which indicate the colors of the liturgical day were made by Ja Kaw from Myan-mar. She is a client of KRM and a participant in the STITCH program.

MUSIC FOR THIS SUNDAY - The hymns for this Sunday reflect both the theme and scripture for this service in addition to reflection the musical interest of the youth. “Kum Ba Ya” is a favorite from camp and Montreat. “For the Beauty of the Earth” captures the gratitude the youth feel about God’s crea-tion. The final hymn (with the addition of verses 2-4) reflect the “new creations” of God at Highland as well as in Louisville.

HPC LENTEN DEVOTIONAL - Highland Presbyterian will again create a daily devotional for Lent 2019. For instructions or to sign up, visit: or email

LEARNING ABOUT GOD THROUGH SECULAR MUSIC! Seminary Intern, Jordan Akin, will be leading a program for our adults examining the theological ideas and meaning inherent in various popular songs by a variety of artists from different musical genres and different decades such as “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC, “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce, “Shelter from the Storm” by Bob Dylan, and “Closer to Fine” by Indigo Girls. Experience some well-known songs from a new perspective. Join us on Friday nights: Feb. 22 and March 1 at 6:00 pm. We may go grab a drink afterward.

YOUTH POSTCARD SALES - Would you like to know more about youth summer trips? Would you like mail (that’s not bills) that’s handwritten and personalized? Would you like to support the youth in their conferences and trips? Youth have begun selling postcards! $50 gets your family a personalized post card from each trip as well as trip newsletters summarizing the experiences of our young people! Please consider donating to our youth summer trips in this way that connects you to our youth direct-ly! Please mail checks to the front office or give them to Ann or Doodle with “youth postcards” in the memo line!

OWLS - (Older Wiser Learning Still) - Join us on February 13th for this month’s OWLS presentation by our very own Nanc Angerman! We will be learning how to create Valentine’s Day desserts and crafts. OWLS begins with a social time at 11:30 am, a light lunch is served at 11:45 am, and the program be-gins around noon. We will gather in the dining room for fellowship, food, learning, and crafts! Please RSVP to the church office by email: or phone (502) 451-2910 so we can plan accordingly.

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Prayers of the People Katie Crowley and Lydia Thomas The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Call to Offering Thomas Holmes Offertory Anthem: “Artist of My Soul” Rick Vale † Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDRETH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Dedication We dedicate these gifts to the glory of God’s creation. We pray that our gifts may fulfill your purpose for us for those who are in need in this world that you so generously made. Amen. † Hymn - “Earth and All Stars” EARTH AND ALL STARS

(See Page 6) † Charge and Benediction Elias Craigo-Snell

The congregation is invited to be seated for the Postlude.

Postlude: “When We Are Living/Somos del Señor” John Carter Adrienne Fontenot, Piano

Text and music for hymns is reprinted from Glory to God, ©2013 by Westminster John Knox Press.

Copyright licenses available upon request. The words for "Artist of My Soul" are printed with permission from CCLI Licensing.

Copyright license and permission available upon request.

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Prayers of the People Katie Crowley and Lydia Thomas The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Call to Offering Thomas Holmes Offertory Anthem: “Artist of My Soul” Rick Vale † Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDRETH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Dedication We dedicate these gifts to the glory of God’s creation. We pray that our gifts may fulfill your purpose for us for those who are in need in this world that you so generously made. Amen. † Hymn - “Earth and All Stars” EARTH AND ALL STARS

(See Page 6) † Charge and Benediction Elias Craigo-Snell

The congregation is invited to be seated for the Postlude.

Postlude: “When We Are Living/Somos del Señor” John Carter Adrienne Fontenot, Piano

Text and music for hymns is reprinted from Glory to God, ©2013 by Westminster John Knox Press.

Copyright licenses available upon request. The words for "Artist of My Soul" are printed with permission from CCLI Licensing.

Copyright license and permission available upon request.

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Assurance of Pardon: Despite our doubts, God continues to welcome us into God’s grace. We are God’s good creation. Through the forgiveness of Christ, we are reassured of our place in the Kingdom of God. We are God’s forgiven creation. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, we live as a people freed to love and accept one another. We are God’s reconciled creation.

† Response to the Assurance of Pardon: “Amazing Grace” [Stanza 1] AMAZING GRACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

† Passing the Peace: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you.

(Exchange signs of peace with those near you until the music begins.)

Prayer for Illumination Eli Beck

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1 Whitman Barber, Lauren Wood, Isabel Mosley, Kaylee Tribolet, Robyn Tribolet, Charlie Fendig, and Lauren Baker The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Time With Young Disciples Miriam Gambrell, Abby Sekula, and Carolyn Siegenthaler Children 5th Grade and younger may come to the front of the sanctuary for Time with Young Disciples during the singing of “Be Still and Know”.

Be still and know that I am God. (x 3)

Following Time with Young Disciples, children Kindergarten and younger may leave for Bible Buddies.

Anthem: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World” arr. Israel Kamakowiwo’ole

Sermon - “Created, and Still Creating” Olivia Wagner, Hannah Stanchfield, and Evalyn Head † Hymn: No. 14 - “For the Beauty of the Earth” DIX

Miriam Gambrell, Flute

Announcements FLOWERS - The flowers today are given in loving memory of Suzanne Ramsey Peterson by Gary and Dorissa Falk.

SPECIAL THANKS to the Alpha and Omega Choirs, Adrienne Fontenot, Miriam Gambrell, and Kelli Klingenfus for blessing us with their musical leadership this morning. We welcome Adrienne Fontenot as our temporary accompanist for youth choirs. Adrienne works as a freelance pianist and teaches piano in her private studio and at Indiana University Southeast. She also serves as accompanist for many students in the School of Music at UofL.

THE BIBLE MARKERS which indicate the colors of the liturgical day were made by Ja Kaw from Myan-mar. She is a client of KRM and a participant in the STITCH program.

MUSIC FOR THIS SUNDAY - The hymns for this Sunday reflect both the theme and scripture for this service in addition to reflection the musical interest of the youth. “Kum Ba Ya” is a favorite from camp and Montreat. “For the Beauty of the Earth” captures the gratitude the youth feel about God’s crea-tion. The final hymn (with the addition of verses 2-4) reflect the “new creations” of God at Highland as well as in Louisville.

HPC LENTEN DEVOTIONAL - Highland Presbyterian will again create a daily devotional for Lent 2019. For instructions or to sign up, visit: or email

LEARNING ABOUT GOD THROUGH SECULAR MUSIC! Seminary Intern, Jordan Akin, will be leading a program for our adults examining the theological ideas and meaning inherent in various popular songs by a variety of artists from different musical genres and different decades such as “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC, “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce, “Shelter from the Storm” by Bob Dylan, and “Closer to Fine” by Indigo Girls. Experience some well-known songs from a new perspective. Join us on Friday nights: Feb. 22 and March 1 at 6:00 pm. We may go grab a drink afterward.

YOUTH POSTCARD SALES - Would you like to know more about youth summer trips? Would you like mail (that’s not bills) that’s handwritten and personalized? Would you like to support the youth in their conferences and trips? Youth have begun selling postcards! $50 gets your family a personalized post card from each trip as well as trip newsletters summarizing the experiences of our young people! Please consider donating to our youth summer trips in this way that connects you to our youth direct-ly! Please mail checks to the front office or give them to Ann or Doodle with “youth postcards” in the memo line!

OWLS - (Older Wiser Learning Still) - Join us on February 13th for this month’s OWLS presentation by our very own Nanc Angerman! We will be learning how to create Valentine’s Day desserts and crafts. OWLS begins with a social time at 11:30 am, a light lunch is served at 11:45 am, and the program be-gins around noon. We will gather in the dining room for fellowship, food, learning, and crafts! Please RSVP to the church office by email: or phone (502) 451-2910 so we can plan accordingly.

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Prayer of Confession: Finley Barber, Oliver Gulick, and Evan Holmes God said, “Let there be light.” Humanity chose to live in the shadow of that light. So now, we have a world full of hatred, violence, and suffering. God, give us your vision of the world as it should be. God said, “Let there be limits on the chaotic waters in this world.” Humanity refused to be subjected to the order you brought to creation. So now, we live in the midst of confused squabbling about things that don’t really matter. God, lead us back to you and the community you want for us. God said, “Let there be land to provide firm footing on which to stand.” Humanity cannot stand tall in God’s light because we are obsessed with ourselves and our anxieties. So now, we live with self-doubt; we struggle with body image; and we fear our limitations. God, give us the confidence to BE the creation that you called “GOOD.” God said, “Let there be sunshine.” Humanity clouded your plan with fear and selfishness. So now, we seek happiness in the wrong places, with the wrong people; and we end up suffering from our fear of the future. God, restore our hope. God said, “Let there be varieties of life, and lives filled with variety.” Humanity rejected God’s love of diversity and sought the safety of existing among those who are too similar to what we see in the mirror. So now, we are a people trapped by our racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and fear of “THE OTHER.” We create walls and borders everywhere we go. God, teach us how to bring down the walls and erase the borders in our lives that are the results of our own prejudice and limited thinking. God said, “Let there be enough for everyone.” Humanity was too obsessed with its greed to recognize its responsibility. So now, we assume a scarcity that doesn’t exist; we accept homelessness as reality and assume that poverty cannot be solved. God, open our hearts to our community; teach us to share what we have and who we are. God said, “Let humankind be in God’s image.” Humanity refused to see the beauty in others and in ourselves. So now, we don’t know how to create real community or live up to our full potential. God, help us celebrate all that is good within us. Guide our efforts to be in relationship with you.

A time of silence is kept for personal prayer.

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COMMUNITY FRIDAY - One Friday each month, people from Highland Presbyterian Church gather at Molly Malone’s Irish Pub at 933 Baxter Avenue. This month, we’ll meet on Friday, February 15th. Join us from 5:30pm to 8pm. Ask the restaurant’s host for Highland Presbyterian and they’ll show you to the table! GUEST PREACHER - February 17 - Worship will feature guest preacher, Dr. Alton Pollard, new President of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, who will challenge us to think about the value of diversity in our world and new ways of embracing it. He will also be present for a Question-and-Answer conversation over lunch at 12:15 in Fellowship Hall. SMOKETOWN MOBILE PANTRY - Our mission partner, Grace Hope Presbyterian Church is the host of the Dare2Care Smoketown Mobile Pantry. Come out to distribute food and support our neighbors on Tuesday, February 19th. Please arrive by 1:30pm at Grace Hope Presbyterian Church at 702 E. Brecken-ridge St. / Clay St. (in the church parking lot). To learn more or to be added to the volunteer email list, contact Nanc Angerman at MEN’S PUB NIGHT - A group of men will be gathering on Thursday, February 21st at 7:30pm for a bev-erage and some good conversation at Gravely Brewing Co. Come join us. No agenda, just conversation in good company. EUCHRE TOURNAMENT - Join us for a Euchre Tournament in the Fellowship Hall on Feb. 22nd at 6:30 p.m. A Euchre class will be taught from 6:00-6:30. Doors open at 6:30. Fellowship Committee will pro-vide drinks and snacks! The tournament will last until approximately 8:30 p.m. Please let Doodle know you are coming by RSVPing to HPFAMILY ACTIVITY IN FEBRUARY - Ice Skating! Children and their families are invited to join the church for ice skating on Sunday afternoon, February 23rd at Alpine Ice Arena. (1825 Gardiner Lane, 40205). The facility is open from 12:00-5:00, but we’ll be gathering from 2:00-4:00. No reservation needed to join. Cost is $7 for unlimited ice time and $3 for skate rental ($10 total, pay at the door). Snacks are also available there. LUNCH AND LEARN MFT PANEL ON ANXIETY - Following worship on February 24, Megan McCarty will moderate a panel of academics and professionals involved in therapy, clinical psychology, and social work to discuss the causes and consequences of the high level of anxiety in our lives. Panelists will be Jermaine Johnson, MAMFT; Beth Seeger-Troy, LMFT; and Dr. Carol Cook, LCSW. Lunch will be catered. Donations accepted. CHILDREN’S MUSICAL - Join us Sunday afternoon, March 4th at 3:00 for our Children’s Production of “Carol and the Belles.” This story imagines a 1950’s diner that celebrates Christmas “365 days a year!” The production will be in our Fellowship Hall followed by a reception in the Dining Room! Children of all ages are invited! The production should last about 30 minutes.

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Fifth Sunday after Epiphany • February 10, 2019 • Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements Doodle Harris

Introit: “I Will Joyfully Sing in the Morning” Mary McDonald Alpha and Omega Choirs, Amanda Boyd Director, Adrienne Fontenot, Piano

† Call To Worship: William Dykes The heavens are telling the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of God’s hand. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before there was earth, you were our God. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Know that the Lord is God. It is God who made us. We are God’s people, the sheep of God’s pasture. O God, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. We praise God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Let us worship our creator together. † Hymn: “Kum Ba Ya” TRADITIONAL

Amanda Boyd and David Gambrell, Guitars; Kelli Klingenfus, Djembe (Choir will sing the first verse and chorus)

Chorus: Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) Kum ba yah, Kum ba yah! (clap, clap) 1) Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! Whoa! Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! Whoa! Somebody's praying Lord, Kum ba yah! We're singing wind, rain, fire, storm, Kum ba yah! 2) Somebody's crying Lord, Kum ba yah! Wah, wah, wah! 3) Somebody's singing Lord, Kum ba yah! La, la, la! 4) Somebody's laughing Lord, Kum ba yah! Ha, ha, ha!

Call to Confession Georgia Barrick

Highland Presbyterian Church Prayer List

This week, please include the following people in your daily prayers:

Marcia Morgan, Ivonne Rovira, Charlie Pye, Grace Wenzel, Jack Thompson,

and Ann Stewart Anderson.

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MOMARITAS - Join us on March 4th at Havana Rumba (on Bardstown Rd.) at 7pm. All moms are invit-ed! Come for the fellowship, stay for the parenting advice. Hope to see you there! This group has no agenda except to support each other in motherhood. PARENTS GATHERING - All parents of children 5th grade and younger are invited to a night out at Hop-Cat! We’ll meet there between 5:30 and 6:00 on the 2nd floor on March 15th. This is a time of fellowship and fun! Babysitting will be provided in the children’s wing between 5:30-8:00. Please be sure to sign your child(ren) in and out! Email Doodle ( with any ques-tions! GRAWEMEYER LECTURE - In anticipation of the Grawemeyer Lecture on April 9th, by winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion, Robert P. Jones for “The End of White Christian America”, Highland Presbyterian Church will have a book discussion on March 29th, at 7:00 p.m. This will occur in the home of one our church members.

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Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a long time member, your presence is a gift to us. All are welcome in worship and we hope your experience is meaningful and relevant among this church community. Welcome. If you are new here - Welcome! We want to connect with you. To help us offer a welcome, please add your name, email, and phone number to the red welcome folder. If you want information about joining the church contact Megan McCarty at or 502-451-2910. Children in Worship - Children, like all people, are welcome in this worship service. We invite children to stand, sing, pray, listen during the sermon, and participate as much as they can! Some good things to know are: The Nursery is located on second floor of the church building. Children ages 3 and

younger are invited (not required) to enjoy that caring space. A Children’s Bulletin is available for ages 3 to grade 5. Ask an usher for a “Children’s”

bulletin designed to guide children to experience worship. Worship Bags are also available for children. Bags are personalized by name. If you are

visiting, please find a “visitor” bag in the back of the church. If you plan to return regular-ly or join contact Doodle Harris at so a worship bag can be made for your child!

Children ages 3 to kindergarten are invited to Bible Buddies following the Children’s Time. This program provides a snack and a lesson for our youngest disciples. Children leave following the Time with Young Disciples and return during the final hymn.

To Enhance your Worship - Large print bulletins (including hymns) and hearing-enhancement devices are available. If you would like either, please ask an usher. Prayer Support - Yellow prayer request cards are available in the Welcome Centers. You are welcome to write a request and place in the offering plate. Offering - During worship we collect an offering. If this is your first time with us, we consider your presence as your offering this day. If you would like to make an offering, you will find en-velopes in the maroon folders and in the Welcome Center. These support the ministry of High-land Presbyterian Church to serve this congregation and community beyond us as we “share hope from the heart of the Highlands.”

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11:00 a.m.

February 10, 2019




Ministerial Staff

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell, Pastor

The Rev. Doodle Harris, Associate Pastor for Christian Education & Youth

The Rev. Megan McCarty, Associate Pastor for Mission and Membership

The Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell, Parish Associate

Dr. Amanda Boyd, Coordinator of Music Ministries





Week at a Glance

Sunday, February 10 9:30 Annual Meeting - Fellowship Hall 9:30 Sunday School for Children 11:00 Youth Sunday 4:00 Arts on the Corner - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall No Youth Activities Monday, February 11 7:00 WINGS - Linda Valentine’s Home Tuesday, February 12 9:30 Staff Meeting - Office Conference Room 10:00 STITCH - Pleune-Mobley Center 3rd Floor 4:00 Grief Group - Memorial Lounge 5:30 Personnel Committee - Conference Room A Wednesday, February 13 10:00 STITCH - Pleune-Mobley Center 3rd Floor 10:00 Prayer Group - Office Conference Room 11:30 OWLS - Dining Room 4:30 Worship Committee - Office Conference Room 5:00 Fellowship Committee - Dining Room 5:30 Children’s Music Ministry

Thursday, February 14 12:00 WOW - Session Room & PMC#112 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal Friday, February 15 5:00 Youth Choir Tour & Mystery Trip 5:30 Community Friday - Molly Malone’s Saturday, February 16 9:00 Presbytery Meeting - Anchorage Pres. Church Sunday, February 17 9:30 Sunday School for all Ages 9:30 Sunday Worship: Alton Pollard; Quartet 11:00 Sunday Worship: Alton Pollard; Chancel Choir 12:15 Alton Pollard Conversation and Lunch 3:00 Children’s Musical Rehearsal - Fellowship Hall No Youth Activities


Artist of My Soul by Rick Vale

O Lord of light, of form and hue who has created all things new,

create in me, from shapeless clay, an instrument on which you play.

God of the dance that planets tread, who walks beside and soars ahead,

O let me move to worship thee; come, Holy Spirit, dance with me.

O Lord of beauty, Lord of art, who gives a song for every heart,

carve out my life, reshape and mold; and be the artist of my soul.