Articulate Word Center Essentials/Adding_and_Mai…  · Web...

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Adding and Maintaining Information about your E-Resources

1. Adding and Maintaining Information about your E-Resources

1.1 Adding and Maintaining Information about your E-Resources


Hello, and welcome to this session on using the Client Center to inform Summon about your E-Resource subscriptions.

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1.2 Data Management


In today’s session, we’ll start by introducing you to the Data Management section of the Client Center, where you populate and maintain your holdings information.Then we’ll show you how to add your holdings information by using our e-Catalog search tool to find your holdings in our Knowledgebase. We’ll look at adding multiple databases from a provider, as well as adding a single database.We’ll finish with how to customize holdings information and where to find a historical list of changes made to your Data Management.

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1.3 Data Management


The Data Management area in the Client Center is where you add and maintain your electronic holdings so that Summon and your other Discovery and Management services know which e-resources are available to your users.

If you do not see Data Management, it is likely that your user account needs to be updated with permissions for Data Management.

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1.4 Data Management profile


Here we see the Data Management area for my library. You can see many resources have been added.A resource is added to Data Management by using the e-Catalog to search the Knowledgebase by provider, database or title.

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1.5 e-Catalog: Provider Search: Add Multiple Databases


Let’s say I have a few databases from Oxford University Press that I need to add to my profile, I can do a provider search in the e-Catalog.

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1.6 e-Catalog: Provider Search: Add Multiple Databases


And I’m taken to the search results page where clicking on View Details will show me all of the Oxford University Press databases in the Knowledgebase.

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1.7 Provider Details


Each of the Oxford University Press database names in our Knowledgebase is the name we have received from the provider.

A database Status of Not Tracked means that the resource is available to be added to my library’s Client Center profile. Unlike the database Chicago Scholarship Online, which I know has already been added to our profile because I see the status Subscribed and the resource is displayed in Bold.

The number of Titles is the number of full text titles containing cover to cover full text. Sometimes you may expect to see a higher number of titles for a database, this is likely because there are a number of titles that have sporadic full text coverage and we therefore do not include such titles in the Knowledgebase. Some resources actually show 0 full text titles, this is because when a resource consists of content other than full text journals or books, such as encyclopedia entries or streaming video. A&I (Abstracting & Indexing) databases also show 0 full text titles.

The icon in the next column displays next to resources that have been added to your profile, clicking it is a quick way to preview ejournal and ebook title URLs that include, for example, your proxy server prefix if you entered it into the Library Settings area of the Client Center.

For providers like Oxford, our Knowledgebase contains multiple pages of databases, the Show All button on the top right will display all the databases.

The Edit Status button is how you add multiple databases to your profile…

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1.8 Adding Multiple Databases


…. clicking Edit Status makes checkboxes appear to the left of the Database Name column. In this example I’ve selected two Oxford databases to add to my profile.

By default, the database status will be saved as Subscribed. A couple other status options exist… ‘Under Review’ if you want to remind yourself that a resource is being trialed, or ‘From Consortium’ for a resource that is available through a consortial subscription. The Not Tracked status is what you select to remove a database from your profile. If you have 360 Resource Manager or 360 Counter, you might have additional statuses that your library has created.

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1.9 Added Databases Display in Bold


After clicking Save, the selected databases now display in bold and show the Status you selected in the previous screen.

The full text Title count will change over time as a provider adds and removes titles… our Knowledgebase team automatically applies these updates to your profile so that your users always have access to the correct set of titles.

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1.10 Adding Single Database


Let’s now look at options for adding a single database.

1.11 e-Catalog: Add Single Database


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You can of course follow the same provider search steps we just looked at, or you can instead do a Database search. When you click on the database you want to add….

1.12 e-Catalog: Add Single Database


… the Database Details page will display. Click Edit on the right side and you can then change the Status from Not Tracked.

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1.13 Application Demo:


Let’s quickly see this in a live environment….

1.14 Demonstration: Adding a Database


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I'll use the e-Catalog to do a database search on British Academy.

Here's the database. I’ll click on it, and I’m taken to the Database Details page, showing that the database currently is not tracked in my profile.

Click Edit on the right side, change the Status to Subscribed, click Save.

And now if I go back to my Data Management home page, we'll see that the database is now listed as one of my tracked resources.

1.15 Customizing Database Information


Let’s now look at how database information in your Data Management profile can be edited to address particular needs at your library.

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1.16 Database Details Page


The Database Details page - after the database has been added to your profile - contains more fields than before. The Display In section by default will have Summon and any other discovery service selected… by the way, the 360 Core selection means that E-Journal Portal will display this database to your users.

The newly added database will be discoverable in 360 services after the Client Center finishes its daily profile data refresh, the data update process explained in earlier training. Summon will recognize the database after the next update of the Summon Index.

If you ever have reason to make a resource not discoverable by your end users, you can de-select one or more Display In boxes. As long as you leave the Status as anything but Not Tracked, the database will continue to remain in your profile; this can be helpful if, for example, you have database cost information entered and you want that information to be accessible in the Client Center.

Also, some databases indicate how much content from that database has been added to the Summon Index. Click the link to view the coverage details.

The Default URL is what we received from the provider, and if you have to access the resource from a different URL, you can enter it into the Custom URL field.

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Summon coverage (Slide Layer)

1.17 Database Customization Needed for Some Providers


There are databases from several providers that do require customization, such as this database example from Gale where the default URL includes Location ID, which is a placeholder for the library’s actual Gale Location ID. The Location ID also needs to be entered at the bottom of the Database Details page. If these customizations are not entered, the database will not work properly in your discovery services.Sometimes the needed customization requires contacting us so we can make the change on the back end. Detailed instructions for databases needing customization can be found under the recommended articles area of the web page where you launched this training session.

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1.18 Title Coverage


The only other database customization that should be considered required rather than optional is Title Coverage. If you have access to particular titles in a database - you do not subscribe to the complete package - you will want to select the Title Coverage checkbox, you will then be able to select the appropriate titles.

Details are available in the training module Selecting Individual Titles and Customizing Date Ranges.

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1.19 Additional, Optional Database Customization


For information on additional, optional customizations such as changing the database name or adding a Note visible to staff and/or end users, click on the button next to the setting you want to know more about.

When ready to move to the next slide, click Next.

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1.20 View History of Changes


1.21 Data Management Changes


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Over time, changes to your Data Management are captured in View Changes on the Client Center homepage. This report provides a list of who made what change, and when.

1.22 Session Review


This concludes the Adding and Maintaining information about your E-Resources session. In this session we discussed how to add single and multiple databases to Data Management, using the e-Catalog search tool to find holdings in our Knowledgebase.

We looked at customizing database information on the Database Details Page, and we saw where you can view a historical report of changes your library has made to Data Management.

Next, review the Recommended Articles for this training and complete the recommended activity to get you more comfortable with Data Management. Then continue with the next training session on populating Data Management with individual titles or packages of titles rather than complete databases.

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1.23 Thank You!


Thank you for taking this training session.

1.24 About this Training


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