Article research

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Article research

Article research


1. How did it all start?2. Where did you get the name from?3. How long have you been singing?4. Where was your first gig?5. How long have you been singing?6. Where was the best place you performed?7. Why was is the best?8. Where’s the worse place you have peformed?9. Are you in to the style of music you play?10. Do you listen to your own music?11. Have you met anyone famous through your music?12. If so who was it?13. Who were your inspirations?14. What instruments do you play?15. When did you first start playing them?16. Have you performed with anyone else?17. If so were they good?18. What is your favourite song you’ve played?19. Do you write all your own music?20. Have you released any albums?21. If not why? Will you release any?22. Do you have a big fanbase?23. Has your style of music varied from your first song?24. If so how?25. When did you start recording your music?