Article Rebuttal

Post on 28-Aug-2015

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Gun Control Rebuttal

Transcript of Article Rebuttal

Riverpoint Writer

Article Rebuttal

PAGE 4Article Rebuttal

Article Rebuttal

BCOM 275


Kay Sears

Article Rebuttal

The US News article We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals by Susan Milligan on Jan 16, 2014 could not be further from the truth. In the article the writer states that Gun control would prevent murders, while I believe it would prevent some murders I also think that it would create an opportunity for many more. The writer references an incident that took place where a twelve year old boy brought a shot gun to school, the parents were avid hunters, so the boy had access to weapons. Yes gun control may have prevented this from happening, but proper parenting as well as weapons handling procedures on the part of the parents would have definitely prevented it. She talks about other incidents that involved individuals carrying guns that committed crimes, what she does not discuss are the times when individuals carrying guns stopped crimes from happening. In Detroit a seventy year old basketball coach was walking two of his female players to their cars after practice, when two men approached and demanded money and jewelry, the coach having a concealed carry permit, pulled out his gun and defused the situation. There are thousands of stories similar to this where an individual with a gun prevented a serious crime from occurring without firing a shot. The writer also states that Gun control may not stop criminals but it will save lives. We understand that criminals do not follow the rules set forth by the government, and have access to any type of weapons whenever they want. That is exactly why we should not have gun control, if we allow the criminals to have guns and take the guns away from the law abiding citizens, there will be more violent crimes and murders because no one will be able to protect themselves. I believe each individual such be able to protect their families and property, if that means more guns then so be it.

Gun control will not stop murders from happening nor will it prevent them. The only cure is education, supervision, and good people willing to stand up and do what they know is right.ReferencesWe Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals. (2014, January 16). Retrieved June 18, 2014, from A Gun Is Used to Stop A Crime Instead Of Killing Innocent People. (2013 March 2). Retrieved June 18, 2014, from