Article II. Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards - Concord of Concord Development Code Article...

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Transcript of Article II. Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards - Concord of Concord Development Code Article...

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

Article II – Page 1

Article II. Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards Divisions: Division 1 Development and Land Use Approvals Division 2 Residential Districts (RR, RS, RL, RM, and RH) Division 3 North Todos Santos District (NTS) Division 4 Office and Commercial Districts (CO, CMX, NC, SC, and RC) Division 5 Downtown Districts (DP, DMX, and WMX) Division 6 Business Park and Industrial Districts (OBP, IBP, IMX, and HI) Division 7 Public/Quasi-Public District (PQP) Division 8 Community Land Districts (OS, PR, RLC, and WRC) Division 9 Study District (S)

Division 1 Development and Land Use Approvals


122-52 Purpose 122-53 General Requirements for Development and Land Uses 122-54 Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements 122-55 Planned District/Zoning District (PD) 122-56 Exemptions from Planning Permit Requirements 122-57 Prohibited Uses 122-58 Temporary Uses

122-52 Purpose

This Division describes the City’s general requirements for the approval of proposed development and land uses. The permit requirements established by the Development Code are in Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures).

122-53 General Requirements for Development and Land Use

Each land use and/or structure shall be established, constructed, reconstructed, altered, moved, or replaced in compliance with the following requirements:

(a) Allowable uses. The use must be allowed in the district applicable to the site. The basis for determining whether a use is allowed is described in Section 122-54 (Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements).

(b) Permit and approval requirements. Any Planning Permit or other approval required by Section 122-54 (Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements) shall be obtained before the issuance of any required grading, building, or other construction permit, and before the proposed use is constructed or otherwise established or put into operation, unless the proposed use is listed in Section 122-56 (Exemptions from Planning Permit Requirements).

(c) Development standards, conditions of approval. Each use and structure shall comply with the development standards in this Article, Article IV (Development Standards), Article V (Standards for Specific Uses), and any applicable conditions of approval imposed by a new or previously approved permit.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

Article II – Page 2

(d) Legal parcel. The site of a proposed development or use shall be on a legally created parcel that is either in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City’s Subdivision Ordinance or was otherwise legally created prior to the Subdivision Map Act.

122-54 Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements

(a) Allowable land uses. The uses allowed by the Development Code in each district are listed in Divisions 2 - 8, in Tables 122-78.1, 122-103.1, 122-131.1, 122-154.1, 122-177.1, 122-200.1, and 122-223.1 with the type of Planning Permit (Article VII Permits and Permit Procedures) required for each use. Each use listed in the Tables is described in Article IX Terms. Division 1 (Use Classifications.)

(1) Establishment of new uses.

a. Any one or more uses identified by Tables 122-78.1 through 122-223.1 as allowable within a specific district may be established on any parcel within that district, subject to the Planning Permit requirements of subsection (b) and compliance with all applicable requirements of the Development Code.

b. Where two or more uses are proposed on a single parcel as allowed in Table 122.78.1 through 122.223.1 for that district, the overall project is subject to the highest permit level required by the Planning Permit in subsection (b) for any individual use.

(2) Uses not listed. A use that is not listed in Tables 122-78.1 through 122-223.1 and is determined by the Planning Division to not be included in Article IX Division 1 (Use Classifications) as a listed land use, is not allowed within the City, except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) below, or Section 122-56 (Exemptions from Planning Permit Requirements).

(3) Similar and compatible uses may be allowed. The Planning Division may determine that a proposed use which is not listed in Article IX is allowable as follows:

a. Required findings. The Planning Division may determine that a proposed use is similar to and compatible to a listed use and, therefore, may be allowed after first making all of the following findings:

i. The characteristics of, and activities associated with, the use are similar to one or more of the listed uses and will not involve a greater intensity (such as increased traffic, noise, hours of operation, number of employees, outside storage, etc.) than the uses listed in the district;

ii. The use will be consistent with the purposes of the applicable district;

iii. The use will be consistent with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan and all development and Planning Permit requirements;

iv. The use will be compatible with the other uses allowed in the district; and

v. The use is not listed in another district.

b. Applicable standards and permit requirements. When the Planning Division determines that an unlisted use qualifies as a “similar use,” the proposed use shall be allowed in the same districts as the listed use and subject to the permit requirements listed in Table 122-78.1 through 122-223.1. If the listed use is allowed with a Zoning Clearance, an Administrative Permit shall be required and findings supporting the determination shall be documented in the approval.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

Article II – Page 3

c. Referral for determination. The Planning Division may refer the determination of whether a proposed use qualifies as a similar and compatible use directly to the Planning Commission for a determination at a public meeting.

d. Appeal. A determination of similar and compatible use may be appealed in compliance with Article VIII Division 3 (Appeals and Calls for Review).

(b) Permit requirements. Tables 122-78.1 through 122-223.1 in Divisions 2-8 specify the type of permit or approval for each allowable use. Permit or approvals include:

(1) Zoning Clearance. Use is permitted subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, subject to obtaining a Zoning Clearance (Article VII Division 3), and shown as “ZC” in the Tables. A Zoning Clearance is a stamp, signature, or other official notation on approved plans, business license or similar.

(2) Administrative Permit. Use is allowed subject to approval of an Administrative Permit (Article VII Division 5), and shown as “AP” in the Tables. (Staff approval)

(3) Minor Use Permit. Use is allowed subject to the approval of a Minor Use Permit (Article VII Division 8), and shown as “MP” uses in the Tables. (Zoning Administrator approval)

(4) Use Permit. Use is allowed subject to the approval of a Use Permit (Article VII Division 8), and shown as “UP” uses in the Tables. (Planning Commission approval)

(5) Not allowed. Not allowed in particular districts, and shown as “--” in the Tables or not shown in the list of uses for any district.

(c) Additional Requirements

(1) Uses with a Section number referenced under “Additional Requirements” are subject to the specific requirements in Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

(2) Uses authorized with the approval of a Planning Permit may also require Design and Site Development Review (Article VII Division 4), a Building Permit, or other permit, as required by the Concord Municipal Code (CMC).

(d) Footnotes. Uses that specify a permit type followed by a footnote are allowed, subject to the footnote limitation. The footnote numbering always contains the same limitation whenever used throughout the Tables, for example, “(1) Not allowed on properties directly facing Todos Santos Plaza or on the ground floor for properties not facing Todos Santos Plaza” is used whenever applicable to that specific requirement. The footnote (1) will not be used to reference any other provision. The footnotes listed at the end of each Table are specific to the footnotes referenced within that table. Not all footnotes are applicable to every table. The standard footnotes are as follows:

(1) All Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements (Tables 122-78.1, 122-103.1, 122-131.1, 122-154.1, and 122-177.1) footnotes:

(1) Not allowed on ground floor. (2) Allowed on upper floors subject to Use Permit approval. (3) Allowed to occupy up to 20 % gross floor area of shopping center. (4) Outdoor sales, activities, or storage allowed in side or rear yards when enclosed by an eight foot tall

masonry wall, and the materials do not exceed wall height. (5) No outdoor facilities, storage, or activities are allowed. (6) Allowed if occupying less than 80,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. (7) Allowed on ground floor, subject to a Minor Use Permit approval. (8) Allowed on upper floors, subject to an Administrative Permit approval. (9) Requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. (10) Allowed with Residential use only.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

Article II – Page 4

(2) All Development Standards (Tables 122-79.1, 122-104.2, 122-132.1, 122-155.1 through 122-178.1) footnotes: (1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V

(Standards for Specific Uses). (2) Unless otherwise approved through a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Use Permit. (3) Measured from property line or back of sidewalk (whichever is less) to the face of building or structure. (4) In no case shall any structure be erected closer than 45 feet (50 feet in RR-40) from the centerline of any

street, provided that where four or more lots in a block on the same side of the street have been improved with buildings, the minimum requirement shall be the average of improved lots if less than 20 feet, or less than 25 feet in RR-20, or less than 30 feet in RR-40.

(5) Minimum for each side. (6) Standard does not apply to small, independent parcels corresponding to individual dwellings within a larger

multi-family residential, mixed use, or townhome development. (7) Parking structures are included within the FAR calculation, unless located below grade. For structures only

partially above grade, the portion above ground level will be calculated towards the Floor Area Ratio. Refer to the Parking Ordinance.

(8) Projects outside of minimum and maximum FAR range may be allowed subject to Use Permit approval. (9) For Residential Uses 5 to 10 feet, with at least 50 percent of façade at 10 feet. (10) For Residential Uses, minimum of 10 feet. (11) Setback area shall be paved for public use if needed for a wider public sidewalk. Two of the five feet may

be landscaped. (12) Corner lots adjacent to an R or NTS District, corner side yard shall be minimum 10 feet. Where side or rear

lot line abuts a lot in an R or NTS District, the minimum side or rear yard shall be the same as required in abutting R or NTS District.

(13) Height shall comply with Contra Costa County Airport Land Use Plan see Article III. Division 1 Airport Overlay.

(e) New tenants in existing buildings. New tenants in existing multi-tenant office buildings, multi-tenant buildings in business parks, multi-tenant shopping centers, and multi-tenant office buildings and commercial buildings in the WMX, DMX, and DP Districts, shall be allowed with a Zoning Clearance when replacing a use in the same or similar use classification as listed in Article IX Division 1 (Use Classifications). Other requirements for Design and Site Development Review, and property upgrades may apply, as required by the Development Code.

122-55 Planned District (PD) Zoning District

As of the effective date of this ordinance, no development shall be approved using the Planned District (PD) zoning district. Existing residential development approved in the Planned District zoning district shall retain the (PD) zoning designation until and unless the property is redeveloped. The purpose of the Planned District was to provide for development and site design which better responded to unique environmental conditions in furtherance of the General Plan by permitting varied setbacks, diverse lot sizes, and other variations to the residential development standards. The development standards were established with the approval of a Preliminary Development Plan by the City Council. However, many of the Preliminary Development Plans for residential Planned District development and/or their subsequent Use Permit approval did not provide a sufficient written record to document the development standards and guide the approval of changes to properties over time. Where no record of development standards exists for a specific residential Planned District, Table 122-79.1: RR and RS Districts Development Standards and Table 122-80.1: RL, RM, RH Districts Development Standards shall be used to determine lot coverage, setbacks and building height by using the area of the subject lot to determine the equivalent zoning category. For those residential Planned Districts which do include a written record of development standards, those conditions of approval shall remain in effect.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

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122-56 Exemptions from Planning Permit Requirements The Planning Permit requirements of the Development Code do not apply to the uses, structures, and activities identified below. These are allowed in all districts, subject to compliance with this section.

(a) General requirement for exemption. The uses, structures, and activities identified by subsection (b) below are exempt from the permit requirements of the Development Code only when the use, activity, or structure is established and operated in compliance with the setback requirements, height limits, parking requirements, and all other applicable standards of Article II Section 122-54 (Allowable Uses and Permit Requirements), Article IV Division 1 (General Development Standards), Article V (Standards for Specific Uses) and where applicable, Article VIII Division 7 (Non-Conforming Uses, Structures, and Parcels).

(b) Exempt uses and improvements. The following improvements are exempt from the Planning Permit requirements of the Development Code when in compliance with subsection (a) above.

(1) Decks, paths, and driveways. Decks under 18 inches in height, paved pathways, and driveways, which do not require a Building Permit, Grading Permit, or Encroachment Permit.

(2) Residential fences and walls. Fences up to six feet in height and retaining walls up to three feet in height, in accordance with Section 122-297 (Fences and Walls).

(3) Interior remodeling. Interior alterations that do not: (a) increase the gross floor area of the structure; (b) increase the number of dwelling units; (c) increase the number of bedrooms to the extent that additional parking would be required; or (d) change the permitted use of the structure.

(4) Repairs and maintenance

a. Single-family dwellings. Ordinary repairs to, and maintenance of, single-family dwellings, that are also exempt from Design and Site Development Review (Article VII - Permits and Permit Procedures, Division 4).

b. Multi-family and non-residential structures. Ordinary repairs to, and maintenance of, multifamily residential and non-residential structures, if:

i. The work does not change the approved use of the site or structure, or add to, enlarge, or expand the use and/or structures;

ii. Any exterior repairs employ the same materials and design as the original construction; and

iii. The work is exempt from Design and Site Development Review (Article VII Division 4).

(5) Small residential accessory structures. Small structures limited to pre-manufactured storage sheds, garden structures, and similar small structures in residential districts that are exempt from Building Permit requirements in compliance with the Concord Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. Additional structures may be approved in compliance with Article IV (Development Standards), and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses) where allowed by the applicable district.

(6) Solar collectors. The addition of solar collectors to the roof or side of a building; and ground-mounted solar collectors provided that the collectors comply with the applicable setback requirements and height limitations.

(7) Utilities. The erection, construction, alteration, or maintenance of utilities intended to service existing or nearby approved development by a public utility or public agency shall be permitted in any district. This includes water, gas, electric, supply or disposal systems,

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

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including wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire-alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, hydrants, etc., but not including new transmission lines and structures. Satellite and wireless telecommunication facilities are not exempt, and are subject to Article V Division 2 (Wireless Communication Facilities.)

122-57 Prohibited Uses (a) Medical Marijuana Dispensary. A Medical Marijuana Dispensary, as defined in Article IX.

General Terms, is a prohibited use in the City of Concord. No Use Permit, Temporary Permit, or permit of any nature shall be issued for a prohibited land use.

(b) Medical marijuana cultivation.

(1) Purpose and intent. It is the purpose and intent of this provision to limit medical

marijuana cultivation to enclosed, occupied dwellings, dwelling units and housing units, so as not to be visible to the general public, to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public, to limit odor created by marijuana plants from impacting adjacent properties, and to prevent the attractive nuisance created by outdoor medical marijuana cultivation, which creates the risk of burglary, trespass, and armed robbery, posing the threat of serious injury or death, and requiring the expenditure of scarce police and public safety resources.

(2) Applicable definitions. a. Cultivation. The planting, growing, harvesting, drying or processing of any

marijuana plants or any part thereof, for medical use consistent with the Compassionate Use Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5) and the Medical Marijuana Program Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 et seq.).

b. Parcel. Any parcel of real property that may be separately sold in compliance

with the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code Section 66410 et. seq.).

c. Occupied. Currently, presently, and lawfully utilized as the primary dwelling of

one or more persons. d. Outdoor. Any location within the City that is not within a fully enclosed, occupied

(as defined in this section) dwelling, dwelling unit or housing unit, as defined in Article IX, Section 122-1580 of the Development Code.

(3) Prohibitions. a. No person owning, renting, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of

any parcel shall cause or allow such parcel to be used for the outdoor cultivation of any marijuana plant.

b. No person owning, renting, leasing, occupying, or having charge or possession

of any parcel shall cause or allow indoor cultivation of marijuana on such parcel to be visible from any street, sidewalk, or other place freely accessible by the public.

(4) Compliance with Building, Fire Code and Permitting Requirements. Any person(s)

cultivating medical marijuana with the use of grow lights, fans, ventilation devices or any other electrical or mechanical equipment shall comply with all applicable building and fire

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 1. Development and Land Use Approvals

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code requirements adopted by the City of Concord, and shall obtain all permits required for such installation.

(5) Enforcement. Violations of this provision shall be considered a public nuisance, and

may be enforced according to the procedures set forth in the Concord Development Code, Article VIII, Division 9, Section 122-1375, and by the enforcement remedies conferred upon the City by Civil Code Section 3494, Code of Civil Procedure Section 731, Government Code Section 38773, or other lawful authority. Nothing in this provision is intended to impair any viable legal defense to a person using or in possession of medical marijuana pursuant to the Compassionate Use Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5) or the Medical Marijuana Program Act (California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 et. seq.). Nothing in this division is intended to authorize the cultivation, possession or use of marijuana for non-medical purposes in violation of state or federal law.

122-58 Temporary Uses Requirements for establishing a temporary use (for example, a construction yard, seasonal sales lot, special event, temporary office trailer, etc.) are in Section 122-633 (Temporary Uses). 122-59 - - 122-76 – Reserved

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Effective: November 7, 2013

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City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

Article II – Page 9

Division 2 Residential Districts (RR, RS, RL, RM and RH) Sections: 122-77 Purpose 122-78 Table 122-78.1 - Residential Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-79 Table 122-79.1 - RR and RS Districts - Development Standards 122-80 Table 122-80.1 - RL, RM, and RH Districts - Development Standards

122-77 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Residential zoning districts, the type of permit or approval required for each use, and basic development standards for the site and building. The purpose of each district is as follows:

(a) RR - Rural Residential. The RR District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for rural single-family residential development or clustered development at densities up to 2.5 units per net acre. Designators (RR-40, RR-20, and RR-15) are used to denote minimum lot sizes of 40,000 square feet, 20,000 square feet, and 15,000 square feet, respectively. The RR District is consistent with and implements the Rural Residential (RR) land use designation of the General Plan.

(b) RS - Residential Single-Family. The RS District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for single-family residential uses in neighborhoods at densities of 2.5 to 10 units per net acre, subject to appropriate standards. The RS zoning districts generally apply to the single family residential Districts with development existing at the time of the adoption of this Development Code. The specific allowable density for each parcel is shown on the Zoning Map by a numerical suffix residential density designator (RS-12, RS-10, RS-8, RS-7.5, RS-7, and RS-6) corresponding to the minimum lot size (12,000, 10,000, 8,000, 7,500, 7,000, 6,000 respectively. The RS District is consistent with and implements the Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designation of the General Plan.

(c) RL – Residential Low Density. The RL District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for low density residential uses in a neighborhood with predominately detached single-family dwellings, but allows a diversity of compatible housing types and lot sizes from larger lot single-family dwellings to cottages, cluster, courtyard, and patio homes, and duplexes, at densities of 2.5 to 10 units per net acre. The RL District is consistent with and implements the Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designation of the General Plan.

(d) RM - Residential Medium Density. The RM District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for residential uses with attached and detached dwellings, including a variety of housing types such as small lot single-family dwellings, townhomes, row houses, and cluster housing, at densities of 11 to 33 units per net acre, with provisions for appropriately scaled and located live/work units. The RM District is consistent with and implements the Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use designation of the General Plan.

(e) RH - Residential High Density. The RH District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for compact, high density, multifamily residential development including apartments, townhomes, and condominiums at densities ranging from 33 to 100 units per net acre, with limited provisions for appropriately scaled and located live/work units. The RH District is consistent with and implements the High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation of the General Plan.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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122-78 Table 122-78.1 - Residential Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements Table 122-78.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Residential zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-78.1 Residential Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements RR RS RL RM RH

Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn UP UP UP UP UP

Dwelling, Dwelling Units, Housing Units

Single Family, Detached ZC ZC ZC -- -- Single Family, Detached - Small Lot

Subdivision -- UP UP UP --

Single Family, Attached -- UP ZC ZC ZC

Secondary Living Unit AP AP AP AP AP §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex -- -- AP ZC --

Multi-family -- -- -- ZC ZC

Family Day Care Home, Small ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large AP MP AP AP AP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing -- -- -- UP UP

Home-Based Business AP AP AP AP AP §122-623 Home-Based Business

Live/Work Unit -- -- UP UP UP §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Project -- -- -- -- --

Mobile Home Park -- -- -- UP UP

Residential Care Facility, Small ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC

Residential Care Facility, Large AP UP AP MP MP Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living -- UP UP MP MP

Work/Live Unit -- -- -- -- -- §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport -- -- -- -- --

Ambulance Service -- -- -- -- --

Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum -- -- -- -- --

Conference, Convention Facility -- -- -- -- --

Cultural Institution -- -- -- -- UP

Emergency, Homeless Shelter -- -- -- -- -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market -- -- -- -- --

Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- -- -- -- --

Government Office -- -- -- -- ZC

Heliport -- -- -- -- --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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Table 122-78.1 Residential Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements RR RS RL RM RH

Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.)

Library -- -- -- -- UP

Medical Services

Hospital, Medical Center -- -- -- -- --

Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- -- -- -- --

Medical Clinic -- -- -- -- --

Nursing Facility/Extended Care -- -- -- UP MP

Urgent Care Facility -- -- -- -- --

Meeting Facility, Public/Private UP UP UP UP UP

Military -- -- -- -- --

Parking Facility -- -- -- -- MP

Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- -- -- -- --

Recreational Facilities

Bingo Hall -- -- -- -- --

Commercial Recreation, Indoor -- -- -- -- --

Golf Course, Country Club UP UP UP UP -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC

Residential Recreation Facility ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC

Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Use

Sports and Recreation Facility -- -- -- -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility -- -- -- -- -- §122-630 (Recycling Facilities)

Large Collection Facility -- -- -- -- -- §122-630 (Recycling Facilities)

Processing Facility -- -- -- -- -- §122-630 (Recycling Facilities)

Religious Facility UP UP UP UP UP


Elementary, Middle, Secondary UP UP UP UP UP

College, University -- -- -- -- --

Trade School, Vocational Training -- -- -- -- --

Social Svc Facility, Community Organization -- -- -- -- --

Theater, Auditorium -- -- -- -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers UP UP UP UP UP

Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 - 677 (Wireless Communication Facilities)

Open Space and Agricultural Uses Community Garden AP AP AP AP AP

Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl AP AP -- -- --

§10-34 Standards for Keeping Noncommercial Livestock, Animals, and Fowl

Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC

Livestock, Grazing ZC -- -- -- --

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Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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Table 122-78.1 Residential Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements RR RS RL RM RH

Office, Commercial, and Retail Services

Mining, Quarrying -- -- -- -- --

Adult Day Care Center -- -- UP UP UP

Adult-Oriented Business -- -- -- -- -- §122-726-741 Adult Oriented Business

Animal Services

Boarding Kennel MP -- -- -- --

Dog Day Care, Training AP -- -- -- --

Grooming AP -- -- -- --

Hospital, Veterinary Clinic -- -- -- -- --

Antique, Collectible Stores -- -- -- -- --

Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing

Auction -- -- -- -- --

Brokers - Office Only -- -- -- -- --

Brokers - Office w/Vehicle Display -- -- -- -- --

Dealership - New -- -- -- -- --

Dealership - Used -- -- -- -- --

Dealership – Motorcycles -- -- -- -- --

Rental -- -- -- -- --

Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Station & Car Wash

Gas Station -- -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- -- -- -- --

Major Repair/Body Work -- -- -- -- --

Minor Repair -- -- -- -- --

Banks and Financial Services

Bank, Credit Union -- -- -- -- --

Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business -- -- -- -- --

Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- --

w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display

Business Support Services -- -- -- -- --

Catering Service -- -- -- -- --

Eating and Drinking Establishments

Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Restaurant, Full Service -- -- -- -- --

Restaurant, Limited Service -- -- -- -- --

Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

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Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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Table 122-78.1 Residential Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements RR RS RL RM RH

Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.)

Fitness Facility, Health Club -- -- -- -- --

Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales -- -- -- -- --

Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- -- -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store -- -- -- -- --

Liquor Store -- -- -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel -- -- -- -- UP

Maintenance Services Office w/No Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- -- -- --

Office w/Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- -- -- --

Nursery, Pre-school, Childcare UP UP UP UP UP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities


Administrative, Information Processing -- -- -- -- --

Medical, Dental -- -- -- -- --

Professional -- -- -- UP UP

Personal Services

General -- -- -- -- UP Improvement, Instructional -- -- -- -- -- Restricted -- -- -- -- -- Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- -- -- -- -- Retail Sales Big Box -- -- -- -- --

General -- -- -- -- --

Nursery, Garden Center -- -- -- -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display

Restricted -- -- -- -- --

With Drive-Through -- -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales -- -- -- -- --

Business Park and Industrial Uses

Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yard -- -- -- -- --

Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- -- -- -- --

Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- --

Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- --

Fleet-Based Service -- -- -- -- --

Freight and Truck Terminal -- -- -- -- --

Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicles and Equipment -- -- -- -- --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

Article II – Page 14

Table 122-78.1 Residential Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements RR RS RL RM RH

Business Park and Industrial Uses (cont.)

Recreational Vehicles -- -- -- -- --

Laboratory, Research, and Development -- -- -- -- --

Manufacturing, Processing

Artisan/Custom Product -- -- -- -- --

Industry, Heavy -- -- -- -- --

w/No Outdoor Storage/Activities -- -- -- -- --

w/Outdoor Storage/Activities -- -- -- -- -- Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly & Sales -- -- -- -- --

Media Production Facility -- -- -- -- --

Storage Hazardous Materials -- -- -- -- --

Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- -- -- -- --

Vehicle -- -- -- -- -- Towing Services -- -- -- -- --

Warehouse, w/No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- --

Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- --

Wholesaling, Distribution -- -- -- -- --

122-79 Table 122-79.1 - RR and RS Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table 122-79.1. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-79.1

RR and RS Districts Development Standards (1,2)

Standards RR-20 RR-40 RR-15 RS-6 RS-7 RS-7.5 RS-8 RS-10 RS-12 Density (du/net acre) minimum/maximum

0 -2.5 du/net acre

0-10 du/net acre

Lot Area (square feet) minimum Single-Family 20,000 40,000 15,000 6,000 7,000 7,500 8,000 10,000 12,000 Non-Residential 20,000 40,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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Table 122-79.1

RR and RS Districts Development Standards (1,2)

Standards RR-20 RR-40 RR-15 RS-6 RS-7 RS-7.5 RS-8 RS-10 RS-12 Lot Width (feet) minimum Single-Family 100 150 100 60 70 75 80 100 100 Non-Residential 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Lot Depth (feet) minimum Single-Family 100 100 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Non-Residential 100 100 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Lot Coverage (percent) maximum Single-Family 25 20 25 35 35 35 35 30 25

Non-Residential Lot coverage shall be established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable.

Building Height (feet) maximum Single-Family 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Non-Residential Building height shall be established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable.

Setbacks (feet) minimum (1, 3, 4) Single-Family Front 25 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Interior Side (5) 10 10 10 min 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,10 10 min Aggregate 25 50 25 15 15 15 15 15 20 Corner Side 15 25 15 10 10 10 10 15 15

Rear 30 50 30 15 20 20 20 25 25

Non-Residential Setbacks shall be established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable.

(1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses). (2) Unless otherwise approved through a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Use Permit. (3) Measured from property line or back of sidewalk (whichever is less) to the face of building or structure. (4) In no case shall any structure be erected closer than 45 feet (50 feet in RR-40) from the centerline of any street, provided that

where four or more lots in a block on the same side of the street have been improved with buildings, the minimum requirement shall be the average of improved lots if less than 20 feet, or less than 25 feet in RR-20, or less than 30 feet in RR-40.

(5) Minimum for each side.

122-80 Table 122-80.1 – RL, RM, and RH Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table 122-80.1. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

Article II – Page 16

Table 122-80.1

RL, RM, RH Districts Development Standards(1)

Standards RL RM(6) RH(6) Additional Standards

Density (du/net acre) minimum/maximum 2.5 - 10 11 - 32 33 - 100

Lot Area (square feet) minimum Residential 1,920 1,440 5,000 Non-Residential 5,000 5,000 5,000 Lot Width (feet) minimum

Residential 24 18 attached 24 detached 50

Non-Residential 50 50 50 Lot Depth (feet) minimum

Residential 80 60 attached 80 detached 100

Non-Residential 100 100 100 Lot Coverage (percent) maximum

Residential 50 80 attached 60 detached 75

Non-Residential 50 60 75 Building Height maximum

Building Height maximum 2-1/2 Stories or max. 30 ft.

4 Stories or max 40 ft.

6 Stories or max 60 ft.

Additional height may be approved with a Use Permit.

Non-Residential Building height shall be established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable.

Setbacks (feet) (2) The area between the street improvements and street setback line shall be landscaped in compliance with Article IV. Division 4. (Landscaping).

Residential (1) Front, minimum 5 5 0

Additional setback standards may apply in small lot subdivisions pursuant to Article IV Div 2.

Interior Side, minimum 5 5 5 (5)

Corner Side, minimum 10 10 10 (5)

Rear, minimum 5 6 6 (5)

Garage, Street Access 20 20 -- Note: Minimum 5 feet behind primary building façade.

Garage, Alley Access, minimum 4 4 4

Non-Residential Setbacks shall be established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable.

Open Space/Unit (square feet) minimum 200(1) 200(1) 200

See Article IV, Division 1, Section 122-303 - Open Space and Recreation Facilities for Residential Development and Article VI Division 2 for Small Lot Subdivisions

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

Article II – Page 17

(1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards, Standards for Small Lot and Medium Density Development), and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses). Standards for RH apply to aggregate site only and not to individual fee simple/condominium units which may be created on a subdivided RH site.

(2) Unless otherwise approved through a Planned Unit Development (PUD). (5) Minimum for each side. (6) Standard does not apply to small, independent parcels corresponding to individual dwellings within a larger multi-family

residential, mixed use, or townhome development.

122-81 - - 122-101 – Reserved

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 2. Residential Districts

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City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 19

Division 3 North Todos Santos District (NTS) Sections: 122-102 Purpose 122-103 Table 122-103.1- North Todos Santos District - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-104 Table 122-104.1- North Todos Santos District – Floor Area Ratio and Development Standards 122-105 Building Conversions 122-106 Building Expansion 122-107 North Todos Santos Design Guidelines 122-108 Parking and Drive Aisle Standards 122-109 Findings

122-102 Purpose The NTS District provides for flexible, re-use, and building expansions that blend with the scale of the existing neighborhood buildings to encourage retention and preservation of buildings, many of which have special architectural and historical significance.

122-103 Table 122-103.1 - North Todos Santos District - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

(a) Applicability. Table 122-103.1 identifies the uses allowed in the NTS zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn UP Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Housing Unit Single Family, Detached ZC Single Family, Detached – Small Lot Subdivision UP Single Family, Attached ZC Secondary Living Unit AP §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex ZC, MP Multi-family MP, UP Residential Uses (cont.) Family Day Care Home, Small ZC §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large MP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing UP Home-Based Business AP §122-623 Home-based Business

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Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

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Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Live/Work Unit AP §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Projects MP Mobile Home Park -- Residential Care Facility, Small ZC Residential Care Facility, Large MP Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living UP Work/Live Unit AP §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Office, Commercial, and Retail Services Adult Day Care Center UP

Adult-Oriented Business -- §122-726-741 Adult Oriented Business Animal Services Boarding, Kennel --

Dog Day Care, Training -- Grooming -- Hospital, Veterinary Clinic MP Antique, Collectible Store -- Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- Brokers Office Only -- Brokers Office w/Vehicle Display -- Dealership, New -- Dealership, Used -- Dealership, Motorcycles -- Rental -- Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Gas Station -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- Major Repair/Body Work -- Minor Repair -- Office, Commercial, and Retail Services (cont.) Banks and Financial Services Bank, Credit Union -- Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

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Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage -- w/Outdoor Storage -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services MP Catering Service -- Eating and Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses Restaurant, Full Service --- Restaurant, Limited Service -- Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Fitness Facility, Health Club -- Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales -- Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store -- Liquor Store -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel -- Maintenance Services Office w/No Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- Office w/Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- Nursery, Pre-school, Childcare UP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Office Administrative, Information Processing AP, MP Medical, Dental AP, MP Professional AP, MP Personal Services General UP Improvement, Instructional -- Restricted -- Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- Retail Sales Big Box -- Office, Commercial, and Retail Services (cont.) General -- Nursery, Garden Center -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display

Restricted -- w/Drive-Through -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 22

Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Secondhand Sales -- Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses

Airport -- Ambulance Service -- Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum -- Conference, Convention Facility -- Cultural Institution UP Emergency and Homeless Shelter -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market -- Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- Government Office MP Heliport -- Library -- Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center -- Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- Medical Clinic -- Nursing Facility, Extended Care UP Urgent Care Facility -- Meeting Facility, Public/Private -- Military -- Parking Facility -- Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall -- Commercial Recreation, Indoor -- Golf Course, Country Club -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility ZC Residential Recreation Facility UP Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Sports and Recreation Facility -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility -- §122-630 Recycling Facilities Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.) Large Collection Facility -- §122-630 Recycling Facilities Processing Facility -- §122-630 Recycling Facilities Religious Facility UP Schools

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 23

Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Elementary, Middle, Secondary UP College, University -- Trade School, Vocational Training -- Social Service Facility, Community Organization UP

Theater, Auditorium -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers -- Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 - 677 Wireless Communication Facilities Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- Community Garden AP Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC Livestock, Grazing -- Mining and Quarrying -- Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yard -- Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage -- Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- Fleet-Based Service -- Freight and Truck Terminal -- Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicles and Equipment -- Recreational Vehicles -- Laboratory, Research, and Development -- Manufacturing and Processing Artisan/Custom Product -- Industry, Heavy -- Within a Building -- w/Outdoor Storage or Activities -- Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly & Sales -- Media Production Facility -- Storage Hazardous Materials -- Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- Vehicle -- Towing Service --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 24

Table 122-103.1 North Todos Santos District

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Warehouse, w/No Outdoor Storage -- Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- Wholesaling, Distribution --

122-104 Tables 122-104.1 and 122-104.2 - North Todos Santos District – Floor Area Ratio and Development Standards

Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Tables 122-104.1 and 122-104.2. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-104.1 North Todos Santos District (NTS)

Floor Area Ratio

Maximum FAR Parcel Size (square feet) Additional Standards 0.30 < or = 5,000 0.32 5,001 - 6,000 0.34 6,001 - 7,000 0.36 7,001 - 8,000 0.38 8,001 - 9,000 0.40 9,001 - 10,000 0.41 10,001 - 11,000 0.42 11,001 - 12,000 0.43 12,001 - 13,000 0.44 13,001 - 14,000 0.45 14,001 - 15,000 0.46 15,001 - 16,000 0.47 16,001 - 17,000 0.48 17,001 - 18,000 0.49 18,001 - 19,000 0.50 19,001 - 20,000

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 25

Table 122-104.2

North Todos Santos District Development Standards(1)

Standards NTS(6) Additional Standards

Lot Area (square feet) minimum Residential 5,000 Non-Residential 5,000 Lot Width (feet) minimum Residential 50 Non-Residential 50 Lot Depth (feet) minimum Residential 80 Non-Residential 80 Lot Coverage (percent) maximum Residential 50% Non-Residential 50% Building Height (feet) maximum Residential 30 ft. or 3 stories, whichever

is less Non-Residential

Setbacks (feet) minimum Residential Front 15 Interior Side 5 Corner Side 15(5) Rear 15(5) Porches 10 Garages 20 Second Story 20(5) Third Story and Above 25(5)


Non-residential building height and setbacks, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures, shall be established in compliance with the permit; except that if the permit does not regulate a development feature regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property.

Open Space/Unit (square feet) minimum

See Article IV Division 1- Open Space and Recreation Facilities for Residential Development

(1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific

Uses). (5) Minimum for each side. (6) Standard does not apply to small, independent parcels corresponding to individual dwellings within a larger multi-family

residential, mixed use, or townhome development.

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 3. North Todos Santos District

Article II – Page 26

122-105 Building Conversions

(a) Conversion of single-family dwellings to multifamily dwellings. The conversion of an existing single-family dwelling into duets, duplexes, or three or more dwellings is allowed with an Administrative Permit and Design Review (Article VII Permits and Permit Procedures), if in compliance with density requirements and development standards as shown in Table 122-104.1 and 122-104.2, and other applicable standards in Article IV (Development Standards).

(b) Conversion of residential dwellings to offices. The conversion of an existing residence to office space requires a Minor Use Permit and Design Review (Article VII Permits and Permit Procedures), if in compliance with density requirements and development standards in Table 122-104.1 and 122-104.2, with the exception that the conversion shall not exceed 0.45 for both residential and office floor area combined.

122-106 Building Expansion

The expansion of an existing building greater than 100 percent of the original building size requires a Use Permit and Design Review (Article VII Permits and Permit Procedures), and shall comply with development standards in Table 122-104.1 and 122-104.2, and any other applicable standards in Articles IV, V, and VII.

122-107 North Todos Santos Design Guidelines

All new construction shall comply with the North Todos Santos Design Guidelines, unless the City has adopted new guidelines applicable to this district.

122-108 Parking and Drive Aisle Standards

All conversions, expansions, and new construction shall meet the parking and drive aisle standards contained in Article IV, Division 3, (Parking, Loading and Access) except as follows:

(a) If parking ratios are reduced to accommodate senior housing pursuant to Article IV Division 4 (Parking and Loading), common areas such as congregate dining and recreation rooms may be exempt from the computation of the FAR.

(b) Drive aisles may be reduced in width to 12 feet for the conversion of residential dwellings to office uses as approved by the City Engineer.

122-109 Findings

The Review Authority shall make the following findings for all building conversions, expansions, and new construction:

(a) The conversion, expansion or new construction will not be disruptive to the North Todos Santos neighborhood regarding traffic generation, parking availability, and the scale of the proposed buildings in relationship to neighboring buildings; and

(b) Any exterior addition or changes maintain the dominant residential character of the original buildings and/or the surrounding area, consistent with the North Todos Santos Design Guidelines.

122-110 - - 122-129 - Reserved

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 4. Office and Commercial Districts

Article II – Page 27

Division 4 Office and Commercial Districts (CO, CMX, NC, SC, and RC) Sections: 122-130 Purpose 122-131 Table 122-131.1 – Office and Commercial Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-132 Table 122-132.1 –Office and Commercial Districts - Development Standards

122-130 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Office and Commercial zoning districts, the type of permit or approval required for each use, and basic development standards for the site and building. The purpose of each district is as follows:

(a) CO - Community Office. The CO District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for a mix of small-scale single and multiple tenant businesses, professional, and medical offices in low-rise buildings that are compatible with adjacent residential areas. Building intensity may be up to 1.0 FAR. Residential uses consistent with the Residential Medium Density may also be allowed. The CO District is found in along major thoroughfares including portions of East Street, Salvio Street, Willow Pass Road, Clayton Road, Oak Grove Road, Treat Boulevard, and Monument Boulevard. The CO District is consistent with and implements the Community Office (CO) land use designation of the General Plan.

(b) CMX - Commercial Mixed Use. The CMX District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for an integrated mix of neighborhood commercial uses, including retail and personal services on lots 10,000 square feet or larger, and offices at up to 1.0 FAR, together with or adjacent to residential uses at densities ranging from 11 to 40 units per net acre. The CMX District includes retail, office, and residential properties, and is primarily located along portions of Clayton Road, Monument Boulevard, and Willow Pass Road. The CMX District is consistent with and implements the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation of the General Plan.

(c) NC – Neighborhood Commercial. The NC District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for neighborhood shopping centers including retail and personal service uses up to 0.35 FAR. The NC District is applied to neighborhood shopping centers including Clayton Valley Shopping Center, Dana Plaza, Olivera Crossings, Oak Grove Plaza, and Solano Plaza. The NC District allows residential uses on the second floor at densities up to 24 dwelling units per net acre. The NC District is consistent with and implements the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) land use designation of the General Plan.

(d) SC - Service Commercial. The SC District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for commercial uses and such as automobile services, auto-oriented uses, light industry, contractors’ yards, and building materials storage, at up to 0.8 FAR. The SC District also allows retail, personal service, restaurant, and offices uses. The SC District is found on Monument Boulevard, Detroit Avenue, Cloverdale Avenue, on the east side of Market Street south of Concord Avenue, and Galaxy Way at Via de Mercados. The SC District provides areas for uses that typically require outdoor storage and activities with higher volumes of truck traffic, noise, and visual impacts. The SC District is consistent with and implements the Service Commercial (SC) land use designation of the General Plan.

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Division 4. Office and Commercial Districts

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(e) RC - Regional Commercial. The RC District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for a mix of regional-scale commercial uses, including regional shopping centers, big box retail, new automobile dealerships, and associated services at up to 0.5 FAR. The RC District is applied to areas with good freeway access, including Sunvalley Shopping Center and the Willows Shopping Center along I-680, Lowe’s and the Solano Drive-In Theater off Highway 4, along the west side of Market Street, and along Concord Avenue between Highway 242 and Interstate 680. The RC District is consistent with and implements the Regional Commercial (RC) land use designation of the General Plan.

122-131 Table 122-131.1 – Office and Commercial Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

(a) Applicability. Table 122-131.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Office and Commercial zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-131.1 Office and Commercial Districts Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

CO CMX NC SC RC Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses Adult Day Care Center -- ZC(10) ZC(10) ZC ZC

Adult-Oriented Business -- -- -- -- -- §122-726-741 Adult Oriented Business

Animal Services Boarding, Kennel -- UP UP MP MP

Dog Day Care, Training -- ZC ZC(3) ZC ZC

Grooming -- ZC ZC(3) ZC ZC

Hospital, Veterinary Clinic ZC ZC ZC(3) ZC ZC

Antique, Collectible Store -- ZC(9) ZC ZC ZC

Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- -- -- ZC -- Brokers, Office Only ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC Brokers, Office w/Vehicle Display AP AP -- ZC ZC Dealership, New -- -- -- UP ZC Dealership, Used -- -- -- ZC -- Dealership, Motorcycles -- -- -- ZC ZC Rental -- -- -- AP MP Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- -- UP AP UP §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- -- -- UP -- §122-622 Gas Station & Car Wash

Gas Station -- -- UP UP UP §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- UP UP ZC ZC

Major Repair/Body Work -- -- -- ZC --

Minor Repair -- -- UP ZC AP

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Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 4. Office and Commercial Districts

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Table 122-131.1 Office and Commercial Districts Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

CO CMX NC SC RC Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.) Banks and Financial Services

Bank, Credit Union -- ZC(9) ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC

Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- UP UP UP MP §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business -- -- -- -- --

Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage -- -- ZC ZC ZC w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- AP UP §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services ZC ZC(5) ZC(3,5) ZC(5) ZC(5) Catering Service -- ZC(9) ZC(3) ZC ZC

Eating & Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- UP UP UP UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Restaurant, Full Service -- AP AP UP ZC §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Restaurant, Limited Service -- ZC(9) ZC AP ZC

Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- UP UP UP UP §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- -- UP UP UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Fitness Facility, Health Club -- AP AP(3) AP(3) AP

Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales -- ZC(9) ZC ZC ZC Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- UP UP -- UP §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store -- ZC(9) ZC ZC ZC Liquor Store -- -- UP -- UP §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel -- UP UP UP UP Maintenance Services

Office w/No Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- -- ZC --

Office w/Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- -- AP --

Nursery, Pre-school, Childcare UP UP UP AP AP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Office Administrative, Info. Processing ZC ZC -- ZC ZC Medical, Dental ZC ZC ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC Professional ZC ZC ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC Personal Services General -- ZC ZC(3) ZC ZC Improvement, Instructional -- ZC ZC(3) ZC ZC Restricted -- -- MP MP MP Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- UP ZC -- Retail Sales Big Box -- UP UP UP UP General -- ZC(9) ZC ZC ZC

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Division 4. Office and Commercial Districts

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Table 122-131.1 Office and Commercial Districts Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

CO CMX NC SC RC Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.) Nursery, Garden Center -- UP ZC ZC ZC §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Displays

Restricted -- -- MP MP MP Retail Sales w/Drive-Through -- UP UP UP UP §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales -- AP AP AP --

Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yard -- -- -- -- -- Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- -- -- ZC -- Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage ZC ZC -- ZC -- Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- ZC -- Fleet-Based Service -- -- -- ZC UP

Freight and Truck Terminal -- -- -- -- --

Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicles and Equipment -- -- -- AP -- Recreational Vehicle -- -- -- AP -- Laboratory, Research, and Development ZC AP -- ZC --

Manufacturing, Processing Artisan/Custom Product -- -- -- ZC --

Industry, Heavy -- -- -- -- --

w/No Outdoor Storage or Activities -- -- -- ZC --

w/Outdoor Storage or Activities -- -- AP -- Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly &

Sales -- -- -- ZC -- Media Production Facility ZC ZC -- ZC --

Storage Hazardous Materials -- -- -- -- -- Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- -- -- UP --

Vehicle -- -- -- UP --

Towing Services -- -- -- UP -- Warehouse, No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- ZC --

Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- ZC --

Wholesaling, Distribution -- -- -- AP -- Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport -- -- -- -- -- Ambulance Service -- UP -- AP -- Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum -- -- -- -- -- Conference, Convention Facility UP -- -- -- UP

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Division 4. Office and Commercial Districts

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Table 122-131.1 Office and Commercial Districts Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

CO CMX NC SC RC Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.) Cultural Institution -- UP UP UP UP

Emergency and Homeless Shelter -- -- -- -- -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market -- -- UP UP UP Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- -- UP UP UP Government Office ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC Heliport -- -- -- -- -- Library ZC ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center -- -- -- -- -- Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- -- -- -- --

Medical Clinic ZC -- ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC Nursing Facility/Extended Care -- UP UP UP -- Urgent Care Facility ZC ZC(9) ZC(3) ZC ZC Meeting Facility, Public/Private UP UP UP UP UP Military -- -- -- -- -- Parking Facility AP -- AP AP AP Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- -- -- AP -- Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall -- -- -- -- UP Commercial Recreation, Indoor -- AP(9) AP UP ZC Golf Course, Country Club -- -- -- -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility -- -- -- -- -- Residential Recreation Facility -- AP(10) -- -- -- Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- -- UP -- UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Sports and Recreation Facility -- -- UP -- UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility -- -- AP AP AP §122-630 Recycling Facilities

Large Collection Facility -- -- -- UP -- §122-630 Recycling Facilities

Processing Facility -- -- -- -- -- §122-630 Recycling Facilities

Religious Facility UP UP UP -- -- Schools Elementary, Middle, Secondary -- MP -- -- -- College, University -- MP -- -- -- Trade School, Vocational Training AP AP AP AP AP Social Service Facility, Community Organization AP AP AP AP -- Theater, Auditorium -- UP UP -- UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers -- -- ZC ZC ZC Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 - 668 Wireless Communication Facilities

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Table 122-131.1 Office and Commercial Districts Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

CO CMX NC SC RC Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn -- UP -- -- -- Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Housing Unit Single Family, Detached ZC -- -- -- -- Single Family, Detached – Small Lot

Subdivision UP UP -- -- -- Single Family, Attached ZC ZC -- -- -- Secondary Living Unit AP AP -- -- -- §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex ZC ZC -- -- -- Multi-family UP UP UP(1) -- -- Family Day Care Home, Small ZC(10) ZC(10) -- -- -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large MP(10) MP -- -- -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing UP UP -- -- -- Home-Based Business -- ZC(10) ZC(3) -- -- §122-623 Home-Based Business

Live/Work Unit -- ZC(10) -- -- -- §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Projects UP AP UP -- -- Mobile Home Park -- -- -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Small -- ZC(10) -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Large -- MP -- -- -- Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living -- UP UP -- --

Work/Live Unit -- -- -- AP -- §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- -- -- -- -- Community Garden AP AP AP AP AP Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC ZC ZC ZC ZC Livestock, Grazing -- -- -- -- -- Mining and Quarrying -- -- -- -- -- (1) Not allowed on ground floor. (3) Allowed to occupy up to 20 % gross area of shopping center or multi-tenant building or 20% street frontage of one building. (5) No outdoor facilities, storage, or activities are allowed. (9) Requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. (10) Allowed with residential use only.

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122-132 Table 122-132.1 Office and Commercial Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table 122-132.1. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-132.1 Office and Commercial Districts

Development Standards(1) Standards CO(6) CMX(6) NC(6) RC SC Additional Standards

Density (du/net acre) minimum/maximum 11 - 40 11 - 40 24 max** NA NA **Residential uses not allowed

on ground floor.

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) (maximum) 1.0 1.0 0.35 0.5 0.8

Lot Area (square feet) minimum 10,000 10,000 10,000 80,000* 10,000 Smaller lots may be approved

with a Use Permit

Lot Width (feet) minimum 100 100 100 100 100 Reduced dimensions may be

allowed subject to Use Permit approval

Lot Depth (feet) minimum 100 100 100 200 100

Building Height (feet) maximum (5) 30 30 40 50 35 Additional height may be

allowed with a Use Permit

Setbacks (feet) minimum (1, 2) Front 10 5 5 15 15 Reduced setbacks may be

allowed subject to Use Permit approval Corner Side 10 10 10 10 10

Interior Side, Rear 5 None required unless adjacent to an R district or residential use in CMX. See Section 122-311 (Transitional Requirements) for buildings up to 30 feet in height.

Open Space/Unit (square feet) minimum

See Article IV, Division 1, Section 122-303 - Open Space and Recreation Facilities for Residential Development and Article IV, Division 2 - Standards for Small Lot and Medium Density Development

(1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards, Standards for Small Lot and Medium

Density Development) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses). Lot area, width, depth and setback limits listed here may not apply if a site in CO, CMX, or NC is subdivided into multi-family fee simple/ condominium units or small residential lots.

(2) Measured from property line to the face of building or to a structure. (5) Consistent with transitional requirements (See Section 122-307(f)). (6) Standard does not apply to small, independent parcels corresponding to individual dwellings within a larger multi-family

residential, mixed use, or townhome development. 122-133 - - 122-152 – Reserved

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City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 5. Downtown Districts

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Division 5 Downtown Districts (DP, DMX, and WMX) Sections: 122-153 Purpose 122-154 Table 122-154.1 - Downtown Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-155 Table 122-155.1 - Downtown Districts - Development Standards

122-153 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Downtown zoning districts, the type of permit or approval required for each use, and basic development standards for the site and building. The purpose of each district is as follows:

(a) DP - Downtown Pedestrian. The DP District is applied to the ten block downtown area surrounding Todos Santos Plaza and the blocks connecting the plaza and the Concord BART station for pedestrian-oriented commercial uses, residential and mid-rise vertical mixed use development with a minimum FAR of 1.0 up to 4.0 FAR, and residential densities of 33 to 100 units per net area. The DP District requires pedestrian-oriented uses at ground level with retail and related personal services, and restaurant uses permitted at storefronts facing the plaza. Office, commercial services, multi-family residential, and other service-oriented uses are also permitted on upper floors. Development should reflect high quality architectural design and amenities that promote and support active pedestrian use. The DP District is consistent with and implements the Downtown Pedestrian (DTPD) land use designation of the General Plan.

(b) DMX - Downtown Mixed Use. The DMX District is applied to downtown areas appropriate for a cohesive mix of high-density residential, commercial and office, and mixed-uses, including hotels with a minimum FAR of 1.0 up to 6.0 FAR, and residential densities of 33 to 100 units per net acre. Well-designed vertical mixed use within a single building is encouraged with retail at ground level and office and multifamily residential on upper floors. Single uses and horizontal mixed use with retail, office, and residential uses located in separate buildings but within a single development may also occur. The DMX District is consistent with and implements the Downtown Mixed Use (DTMU) land use designation of the General Plan.

(c) WMX - West Concord Mixed Use. The WMX District is applied to the area between Highway 242, south of Concord Avenue and the Walnut Creek Channel, south of Concord, and areas of the City appropriate for a mix of commercial, office, retail, multi-tenant office/warehouses, and institutional development at up to 4.0 FAR. The WMX District allows new automobile dealers, shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, office buildings and multi-tenant commercial spaces, including contractor showrooms and storage uses when located entirely within a building and Public/Quasi-Public uses. The WMX District does not allow residential uses. The WMX District is consistent with and implements the West Concord Mixed Use (WCMU) land use designation of the General Plan.

122-154 Table 122-154.1 - Downtown Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

(a) Applicability. Table 122-154.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Downtown zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

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Table 122-154.1 Downtown Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

DP DMX WMX Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses Adult, Day Care Center -- AP(10) -- Adult-Oriented Business -- -- -- §122-726 - 741 Adult-Oriented Business Animal Services Boarding, Kennel -- AP UP Dog Day Care, Training -- AP ZC Grooming ZC ZC ZC Hospital, Veterinary Clinic -- ZC ZC Antique, Collectible Store ZC ZC ZC Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- -- -- Brokers, Office Only ZC(1) ZC(1) ZC Brokers, Office w/Vehicle Display -- -- ZC Dealership, New -- -- ZC Dealership, Used -- -- -- Dealership, Motorcycles -- -- ZC Rental -- -- AP Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- -- UP §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Gas Station -- -- UP §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- -- ZC Major Repair/Body Work -- -- -- Minor Repair -- -- ZC Banks and Financial Services Bank, Credit Union ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- -- UP §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business -- -- -- Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage -- -- ZC w/Outdoor Storage -- -- UP §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services ZC(1) ZC ZC Catering Service ZC(1) ZC ZC

Eating and Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge AP AP AP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Restaurant, Full Service ZC ZC ZC

Restaurant, Limited Service ZC ZC ZC

Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- -- UP §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment AP AP UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Fitness Facility, Health Club ZC(1) ZC ZC

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Table 122-154.1 Downtown Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

DP DMX WMX Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.) Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales ZC AP ZC Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store ZC ZC ZC Liquor Store -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel UP(1) UP UP Maintenance Services Office w/No Outdoor Storage/or

Activities -- -- ZC Office w/Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- --

Nursery, Pre-school, Childcare UP(1) MP AP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Office Administrative, Information Processing ZC(1) ZC ZC Medical, Dental ZC(1) ZC ZC Professional ZC(1) ZC ZC Personal Services

General AP(3) ZC ZC Improvement, Instructional ZC(1) ZC ZC Restricted -- -- UP Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- -- UP Retail Sales Big Box -- UP UP General ZC ZC ZC Nursery, Garden Center -- -- ZC §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display

Restricted -- -- UP w/Drive-Through -- -- UP §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales -- AP AP

Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yards -- -- -- Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- -- ZC Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage -- -- ZC Contractor Yard, Outdoor Storage -- -- -- Fleet-Based Service -- -- UP Freight and Truck Terminal -- -- -- Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service and Repair Commercial Vehicles and Equipment -- -- --

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Table 122-154.1 Downtown Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

DP DMX WMX Business Park and Industrial Uses (cont.) Recreational Vehicle -- -- -- Laboratory, Research, and Development AP(1) AP(1) AP(1) Manufacturing, Processing Artisan/Custom Product -- -- ZC Industry, Heavy -- -- -- Within a Building -- -- -- w/Outdoor Storage or Activities -- -- -- Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly &

Sales -- -- ZC Media Production Facility ZC(1) ZC ZC Storage Hazardous Materials -- -- -- Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- -- -- Vehicle -- -- -- Towing Service -- -- -- Warehouse, w/No Outdoor Storage -- -- ZC Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- Wholesaling, Distribution -- -- ZC Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn AP AP -- Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Housing Unit Single Family, Detached -- -- -- Single Family, Detached – Small Lot

Subdivision -- -- -- Single Family, Attached -- -- -- Secondary Living Unit -- -- -- §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex -- -- -- Multi-family UP UP -- Family Day Care Home, Small ZC(10) ZC -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large MP(10) MP -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing -- UP -- Home-based Business ZC(10) ZC -- §122-623 Home-based Business

Live/Work Unit UP(1) UP -- §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Projects UP UP --- Mobile Home Park -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Small ZC ZC -- Residential Care Facility, Large -- UP -- Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living UP(10) UP --

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Table 122-154.1 Downtown Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

DP DMX WMX Residential Uses (cont.) Work/Live Unit UP(1) UP -- §122-624 Live/Work or Work/Live Unit Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport -- -- -- Ambulance Service -- -- -- Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum -- -- -- Conference, Convention Facility -- UP UP Cultural Institution ZC ZC MP Emergency and Homeless Shelter -- -- -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Government Office ZC(1) ZC ZC Farmers Market UP UP UP Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- -- UP Heliport -- -- -- Library ZC(1) ZC ZC Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center -- -- -- Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- -- -- Medical Clinic -- -- -- Nursing Facility/Extended Care -- UP -- Urgent Care Facility -- -- ZC Meeting Facility, Public/Private AP(1) AP AP Military -- -- -- Parking Facility -- AP AP Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- -- -- Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall -- -- UP Commercial Recreation, Indoor AP AP AP Golf Course, Country Club -- -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility ZC ZC ZC Residential Recreation Facility ZC ZC -- Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Sports and Recreation Facility -- -- UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility -- -- AP

§122-630 Recycling Facilities Large Collection Facility -- -- -- Processing Facility -- -- -- Religious Facility -- -- UP Schools Elementary, Middle, Secondary UP(1) UP -- College, University AP(1) AP AP

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Table 122-154.1 Downtown Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

DP DMX WMX Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.) Trade School, Vocational Training AP(1) AP AP Social Svc Facility, Community Organization UP(1,2) MP/AP(7,8) AP Theater, Auditorium UP UP UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers -- -- -- Wireless Telecommunication Facility §§122-664 - 668 Wireless Communication Facilities Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- -- -- Community Gardens UP UP UP Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC ZC ZC Livestock, Grazing -- -- -- Mining and Quarrying -- -- -- (1) Not allowed on ground floor. (2) Allowed on upper floors subject to Use Permit approval. (3) Allowed to occupy up to 20 % gross area of shopping center or multi-tenant building, or 20% street frontage of one building. (7) Allowed on ground floor subject to a Minor Use Permit approval. (8) Allowed on upper floors subject to an Administrative Permit approval. (10) Allowed with residential use only.

122-155 Table 122-155.1 - Downtown Districts - Development Standards

Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures, shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table 122-155.1. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-155.1

Downtown Districts Development Standards(1)

Standards DP(6) DMX(6) WMX Additional Standards Density (du/net acre) minimum/maximum

33 - 100 du/net acre

33 - 100 du/net acre


Floor Area Ratio (FAR) minimum 0.75 1.00 -- Floor Area Ratio (FAR) maximum (6,7) 4.0 6.0 4.0

Lot Area (square feet) minimum 5,000 10,000 25,000 Development on sites with less than the minimum lot size requires a Use Permit.

Lot Width (feet) minimum Interior Lot 50 100 100 Corner Lot 60 110 110 Lot Depth (feet) minimum 100 100 100

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Table 122-155.1

Downtown Districts Development Standards(1)

Standards DP(6) DMX(6) WMX Additional Standards Building Height (feet) Minimum 30 30 --

Maximum 70 200 140(12) In DMX, increased height may be allowed with a Use Permit.

Building Height - First Floor minimum (feet, floor to floor height)(2)

15 15 --

Setbacks (feet) required minimum(3) Front 0 10 10 Interior Side 0(9,11) 0 10 §122-311 Transitional Requirements

Corner Side 0(11) 10 10 Rear 0(9,11) 0 0 Front and Street Side Yard

required maximum 10 -- --

Open Space/Unit (square feet) minimum 200 175 ---

See Article IV, Division 1, Section 122-303 - Open Space and Recreation Facilities for Residential Development

(1) See Article IV (General Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses) for additional requirements. Lot area, width, depth and setback limits listed here may not apply if a site in DP or DMX is subdivided into individual multi-family fee simple/ condominium units.

(2) Non-residential building height and setbacks shall be established specified by the permit, except when permit does not regulate a standard regulated by an abutting district, or if permit is not required, the regulations of abutting district shall apply to adjacent portion of the property.

(3) Measured from property line to face of building or structure. (6) Standard does not apply to small, independent parcels corresponding to individual dwellings within a larger multi-family

residential, mixed use, or townhome development. (7) Parking structures are included within the FAR calculation, unless located below grade. For structures only partially above

grade, the portion above ground level will be calculated towards the Floor Area Ratio. Refer to the Parking Ordinance. (8) Projects outside of minimum and maximum FAR range may be allowed subject to Use Permit approval. (9) For Residential Uses 5 to 10 feet, with at least 50 percent of façade at 10 feet. (10) For Residential Uses, minimum of 10 feet. (11) Setback area shall be paved for public use if needed for a wider public sidewalk. Two of the five feet may be landscaped. (12) Corner lots adjacent to an R or NTS District, corner side yard shall be minimum 10 feet. Where side or rear lot line abuts a

lot in an R or NTS District, the minimum side or rear yard shall be the same as required in abutting R or NTS District. (13) Height shall comply with Contra Costa County Airport Land Use Plan see Article III. Division 1 Airport Overlay.

122-156 - - 122-175 – Reserved

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City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 6. Business Park and Industrial Districts

Article II – Page 43

Division 6 Business Park and Industrial Districts (OBP, IBP, IMX, and HI)

Sections: 122-176 Purpose 122-177 Table 122-177.1 – Business Park and Industrial Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit

Requirements 122-178 Table 122-178.1 – Business Park and Industrial Districts - Development Standards

122-176 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Business Park and Industrial zoning districts, the type of permit or approval required for each use, and basic development standards for the site and building. The purpose of each district is as follows:

(a) OBP - Office Business Park. The OBP District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for campus-like office complexes and business parks at an intensity of 0.8 FAR. This District allows ancillary restaurant, retail, and service activities that serve employees and provide business-support services. Commercial recreation and similar uses that require large warehouse-style buildings may be allowed. The OBP District does not allow uses that require outdoor facilities, storage, or activities. The OBP District is found in North Concord including North Point, Concord North Industrial, and Willow Pass Business parks, along Arnold Industrial Way and Bates Avenue bounded by Port Chicago Highway and Solano Way; Stanwell Business Park; and the northern portion of the Detroit Avenue/Shary Circle Business Park. The OPB District is consistent with and implements the Business Park (BP) land use designation of the General Plan.

(b) IBP - Industrial Business Park. The IBP District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for a mix of light industrial uses, warehouse and flex spaces, research and development, wholesale, and offices with limited customer access at an intensity of 0.8 FAR. The IBP District allows uses that require outdoor storage or activities when the outdoor facilities are not visible from a public street and are screened by a building or solid eight-foot wall. Commercial recreation and similar uses that require large warehouse-style buildings may be allowed. The IBP District is found in North Concord on Forni Drive, Bates Avenue, Industrial Way, Folsom Lane, Nelson Avenue; and the North Hillcrest area south of State Route 4, on Arnold Industrial Place and Solano Way; Franquette Avenue; and the northern portion of Detroit Avenue/Shary Circle Business Park. The IBP District is consistent with and implements the Business Park (BP) land use designation of the General Plan.

(c) IMX - Industrial Mixed Use. The IMX District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for a mix of light industrial, offices, and live/work facilities at an intensity of 1.0 FAR. Light Industrial uses include warehouse, research and development, and artists’ studios. The IMX District allows ancillary restaurant, retail, and service activities that serve employees and provide business-support services. The IMX District does not allow uses that require outdoor facilities, storage, or activities. The IMX District is found in the North Hillcrest area south of State Route 4, properties on Arnold Industrial Place, and the southern portion of the Detroit Avenue/Shary Circle Business Park. The IMX District is consistent with and implements the Industrial Mixed Use (IMU) land use designation of the General Plan.

(d) HI - Heavy Industrial. The HI District is applied to areas of the City appropriate for a mix of manufacturing, refining, processing, assembly, outdoor storage uses, trucking terminals, railroad and freight stations, and similar activities that may impact adjacent properties due to noise, vibration, or other characteristics. The HI District also provides for warehousing, distribution, and

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port-related uses. Building intensity may be up to 0.6 FAR. The HI District is found in the North Concord unincorporated area bounded by State Route 4, Mallard Reservoir, and the Walnut Creek Channel. The HI District is consistent with and implements the Heavy Industrial land use designation of the General Plan

122-177 Table 122-177.1 – Business Park and Industrial Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

(a) Applicability. Table 122-177.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Business Park and Industrial District and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-177.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements OBP IBP IMX HI

Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yards -- -- -- UP Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop ZC(5) ZC ZC(5) ZC Contractor Office, Within a Building ZC ZC ZC ZC Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- ZC -- ZC Fleet-Based Service -- ZC AP(4) ZC Freight and Truck Terminal -- -- -- UP Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicle and Equipment -- AP -- ZC Recreational Vehicle -- AP -- ZC

Laboratory, Research, and Development ZC(5) ZC ZC(5) ZC Manufacturing, Processing Artisan/Custom Product ZC(5) ZC(4) ZC(4) ZC(4) Industry, Heavy -- -- -- UP Within a Building ZC(5) ZC ZC ZC w/Outdoor Storage or Activities -- ZC(4) -- MP Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly &

Sales ZC ZC ZC ZC Media Production Facility ZC ZC ZC -- Storage Hazardous Materials -- -- -- UP Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage UP UP UP UP Vehicle -- -- -- AP Towing Services -- -- -- AP Warehouse w/No Outdoor Storage ZC(5) ZC ZC(5) ZC Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- AP -- AP Wholesaling and Distribution ZC ZC(4,6) ZC(4,6) ZC(4)

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

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Division 6. Business Park and Industrial Districts

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Table 122-177.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements OBP IBP IMX HI

Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses Adult, Day Care Center UP -- UP --

Adult-Oriented Business -- UP UP -- §122-726-741 Adult-Oriented Business

Animal Services Boarding, Kennel AP AP AP -- Dog Day Care, Training AP AP AP -- Grooming AP AP AP -- Hospital, Veterinary Clinic AP AP AP -- Antique, Collectible Store -- -- -- -- Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- -- -- ZC Brokers, Office Only ZC ZC ZC -- Brokers, Office w/Vehicle Display AP ZC AP -- Dealership, New UP UP -- -- Dealership, Used -- -- -- -- Dealership, Motorcycle -- UP -- -- Rental -- -- -- -- Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash Car Wash, Unattended -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Station & Car Wash Gas Station -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash Auto Maintenance Services -- -- -- -- Major Repair/Body Work -- -- -- -- Minor Repair -- -- -- -- Banks and Financial Services Bank, Credit Union ZC ZC ZC -- Bank w/Drive-Through Service UP -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities Check Cashing Business -- UP -- -- Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage ZC ZC ZC -- w/Outdoor Storage -- ZC(4) -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services ZC ZC ZC -- Catering Services ZC ZC ZC -- Eating and Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses Restaurant, Full Service AP(3) AP(3) AP(3) -- Restaurant, Limited Service ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC(3) --

Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

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Table 122-177.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements OBP IBP IMX HI

Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.) Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses Fitness Facility, Health Club AP AP AP -- Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales ZC(3) ZC(3) ZC(3) -- Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store ZC(3) ZC(3) -- -- Liquor Store -- -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel -- -- -- --

Maintenance Services Office w/No Outdoor Storage/Activities ZC ZC ZC ZC

Office w/Outdoor Storage/Activities -- AP -- ZC

Nursery, Pre-School, Childcare AP AP MP(10) -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities Office Administrative, Information Processing ZC ZC ZC -- Medical, Dental ZC -- ZC -- Professional ZC ZC(6) ZC -- Personal Services General AP(3) AP(3) AP(3) -- Improvement, Instructional AP AP AP -- Restricted -- -- -- -- Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment ZC(5) ZC(4) ZC(5) ZC Retail Sales Big Box UP UP -- --

General ZC(3) ZC(3) -- --

Nursery, Garden Center -- ZC -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Restricted -- -- -- -- w/Drive-Through -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales -- -- -- --

Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn -- -- -- -- Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Housing Unit Single Family, Detached -- -- -- -- Single Family, Detached – Small Lot

Subdivision -- -- -- --

Single Family, Attached -- -- -- --

Secondary Living Unit -- -- -- -- §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

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Division 6. Business Park and Industrial Districts

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Table 122-177.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements OBP IBP IMX HI

Residential Uses (Cont.) Duplex -- -- -- -- Multi-family -- -- -- -- Family Day Care Home, Small -- -- ZC(10) -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large -- -- MP(10) -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing -- ZC ZC -- Home-Based Business -- -- ZC(10) -- §122-623 Home-Based Business

Live/Work Unit -- -- MP -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit Mixed Use Projects -- -- UP -- Mobile Home Park -- -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Small -- -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Large -- -- -- -- Resdtl. Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living -- -- -- -- Work/Live Unit -- -- MP -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport -- -- -- -- Ambulance Service AP ZC ZC --

Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum -- -- -- -- Conference, Convention Facility UP UP -- -- Cultural Institution -- -- -- --

Emergency and Homeless Shelter ZC ZC ZC -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market -- -- -- -- Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- -- -- -- Government Office ZC ZC ZC ZC Heliport -- -- -- UP

Library ZC ZC ZC -- Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center -- -- -- -- Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- -- -- --

Medical Clinic AP AP -- --

Nursing Facility/Extended Care -- -- -- -- Urgent Care Facility MP(3) MP(3) -- -- Meeting Facility, Public/Private UP UP -- -- Military -- -- -- -- Parking Facility AP AP AP -- Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- AP(4) -- ZC(4)

Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall UP UP -- --

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Table 122-177.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required

AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District

Additional Requirements OBP IBP IMX HI

Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.)

Commercial Recreation, Indoor AP AP AP --

Golf Course, Country Club -- -- -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games Park and Recreation Facility ZC ZC ZC -- Residential Recreation Facility -- -- UP -- Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- -- -- UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses Sports and Recreation Facility UP UP UP -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility AP AP AP AP §122-630 Recycling Facilities Large Collection Facility -- UP -- UP §122-630 Recycling Facilities Processing Facility -- UP -- UP §122-630 Recycling Facilities Religious Facility -- -- -- -- Schools Elementary, Middle, Secondary -- -- -- -- College, University AP AP -- -- Trade Schools, Vocational Training AP AP AP -- Social Service Facility, Community Organization AP -- -- -- Theater, Auditorium UP UP UP -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers ZC ZC ZC ZC Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 – 668 Wireless Communication Facilities Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- -- -- -- Community Gardens MP MP AP --- Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC ZC ZC ZC Livestock, Grazing -- -- -- -- Mining and Quarrying -- -- -- UP (3) Allowed to occupy up to 20 % of: gross area of shopping center, multi-tenant building, or 20% street frontage of one building. (4) Outdoor sales, activities, or storage allowed in side or rear yards when enclosed by an eight-foot tall masonry wall and

materials do not exceed wall height (5) No outdoor facilities, storage, or activities are allowed. (6) Allowed if occupying less than 80,000 square feet of gross floor area. (10) Allowed with Residential use only.

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122-178 Table 122-178.1 – Business Park and Industrial Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table A-II-D6.2. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-178.1 Business Park and Industrial Districts

Development Standards(1)

Standards OBP IBP IMX HI Additional Standards Floor Area Ratio (FAR) maximum 0.80 0.80 1.00 0.60 Lot Area (square feet) minimum 40,000 20,000 10,000 40,000 Lot Width (feet) minimum Interior Lot 100 100 100 100 Corner Lot 100 100 110 100 Lot Depth (feet) minimum 100 100 100 100 Building Height (feet) maximum 50 35 50 50 Setbacks (feet) minimum (3) Front 20 20 20 30 Interior Side 10 10 10 10 §122-311 Transition Requirements

Corner Side 20 20 20 20 Rear 10 10 10 10 §122-311 Transition Requirements R District Boundary (feet) maximum 40 40 20 50 C District Boundary (feet) minimum 15 15 15 15 (1) Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific

Uses). (2 Unless otherwise approved through a Planned Unit Development (PUD). (3) Measured from property line or back of sidewalk (whichever is less) to the face of building or structure.

122-179 - - 122-198 – Reserved

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City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 7. Public/Quasi-Public District

Article II – Page 51

Division 7 Public/Quasi-Public District (PQP) Sections: 122-199 Purpose 122-200 Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public District - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-201 Public/Quasi-Public District - Development Standards

122-199 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Public/Quasi-Public zoning district, and determines the type of permit or approval required for each use, and basic development standards for the site and building. The purpose of this district is as follows:

(a) PQP - Public/Quasi-Public District. The PQP District is applied to areas of the City with schools, hospitals and related medical services, utilities, government offices and facilities, the John Muir Medical Center, Buchanan Field Airport, corporation yards, and public facilities such as sewage treatment facilities and fire stations. Building intensity may be up to 1.5 FAR. The PQP District is consistent with and implements the Public/Quasi-Public land use designation of the General Plan.

122-200 Table 122-200.1 – Public/Quasi-Public District - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

Table 122-200.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Public/Quasi-Public zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54(b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport UP Ambulance Service MP Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum UP Conference, Convention Facility UP Cultural Institution UP Emergency and Homeless Shelter UP §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market UP

Funeral Parlor, Mortuary UP Government Office ZC Heliport UP Library ZC

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Division 7. Public/Quasi-Public District

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Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center UP Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- Medical Clinic AP Nursing Facility, Extended Care AP Urgent Care Facility MP Meeting Facility, Public/Private UP Military ZC Parking Facility ZC Public Maintenance and Service Facility ZC Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall -- Commercial Recreation, Indoor UP Golf Course, Country Club UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility ZC Residential Recreation Facility -- Sports and Entertainment, Assembly UP §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Sports and Recreation Facility UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities

Small Collection Facility AP §122-630 Recycling Facilities Large Collection Facility UP

Processing Facility -- Religious Facility UP Schools Elementary, Middle, Secondary UP College, University UP Trade School, Vocational Training AP Social Service Facility, Community Organization AP

Theater, Auditorium UP §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers ZC Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 - 668 Wireless Communication Facilities Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- Community Garden AP Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC Livestock, Grazing -- Mining and Quarrying --

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Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses Adult Day Care Center AP

Adult-Oriented Business -- §122-726-741 Adult Oriented Business Animal Services Boarding, Kennel --

Dog Day Care, Training -- Grooming -- Hospital, Veterinary Clinic -- Antique, Collectible Store -- Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- Brokers Office Only -- Brokers Office w/Vehicle Display -- Dealership, New -- Dealership, Used -- Dealership, Motorcycles -- Rental -- Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Gas Station -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- Major Repair/Body Work -- Minor Repair -- Banks and Financial Services Bank, Credit Union -- Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business -- Building Materials Sales and Services No Outdoor Storage -- w/Outdoor Storage -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services -- Catering Service -- Eating and Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses Restaurant, Full Service --- Restaurant, Limited Service -- Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- §122-619 Drive Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

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Division 7. Public/Quasi-Public District

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Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Office, Commercial, and Retail Uses (cont.)

Fitness Facility, Health Club -- Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales -- Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store -- Liquor Store -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Hotel, Motel -- Maintenance Services Office w/No Outdoor Storage/Activities -- Office w/Outdoor Storage/Activities -- Nursery, Pre-school, Childcare AP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Office Administrative, Information Processing ZC Medical, Dental ZC Professional ZC Personal Services General UP Improvement, Instructional UP Restricted -- Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- Retail Sales Big Box -- General -- Nursery, Garden Center -- §122-630 Outdoor Sales & Display

Restricted -- w/Drive-Through -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales --

Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yard -- Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage -- Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- Fleet-Based Service UP Freight and Truck Terminal --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

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Division 7. Public/Quasi-Public District

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Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Business Park and Industrial Uses (cont.) Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicle and Equipment -- Recreational Vehicles -- Laboratory, Research, and Development -- Manufacturing, Processing Artisan/Custom Product -- Industry, Heavy -- w/No Outdoor Storage/Activities -- w/Outdoor Storage/Activities -- Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly & Sales -- Media Production Facility -- Storage Hazardous Materials -- Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- Vehicle -- Towing Service -- Warehouse, w/No Outdoor Storage -- Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- Wholesaling, Distribution -- Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn -- Dwelling, Dwelling Unit, Housing Unit Single Family, Detached -- Single Family, Detached – Small Lot Subdivision -- Single Family, Attached -- Secondary Living Unit -- §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex -- Multi-family -- Family Day Care Home, Small -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large AP §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing AP Home-Based Business -- §122-623 Home-based Business

Live/Work Unit -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Projects -- Mobile Home Park -- Residential Care Facility, Small AP Residential Care Facility, Large AP

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 7. Public/Quasi-Public District

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Table 122-200.1 Public/Quasi-Public Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit

Required by District

Additional Requirements

Residential Uses (cont.)

Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted AP Work/Live Unit -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit

122-201 Public/Quasi-Public Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures, shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit required in the previous section; except that if the permit does not regulate a development standard that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

122-202 - - 122-221 – Reserved

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 8. Community Land Districts

Article II – Page 57

Division 8 Community Land Districts (OS, PR, RLC and WRC) Sections: 122-222 Purpose 122-223 Table 122-223.1 - Community Land Districts - Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements 122-224 Table 122-224.1 - Community Land Districts - Development Standards

122-222 Purpose This Division lists the uses that may be permitted within the Community Land zoning districts and the type of approval required for each use. The purpose of each district is as follows:

(a) OS - Open Space. The OS District is applied to land that is generally unaltered with natural resources and scenic value, either privately or publicly owned. The OS District is consistent with and implements the Open Space (OS) land use designation of the General Plan.

(b) PR - Parks and Recreation. The PR District is applied to neighborhood, community, and regional parks, and may include uses such as playing fields, golf courses, trails or other recreational facilities. The PR District is consistent with and implements the Parks (P) land use designation of the General Plan.

(c) RLC - Rural Lands Conservation. The RLC District is applied to hillside areas located to the northeast and southeast of the City within the Planning Area Boundary, and to ensure protection of its scenic value and rural character. The RLC District is consistent with and implements the Rural Conservation (RCON) land use designation of the General Plan.

(d) WRC – Wetlands/Resource Conservation. The WRC District is applied to bay marshes and wetlands within the tidal area to ensure protection of wildlife, hydrological, and biological resources. The WRC District is consistent with the Wetlands and Resource Conservation (WRC) land use designation of the General Plan.

122-223 Table 122-223.1 - Community Land Districts - Allowable Uses and Permit Requirements

Table 122-223.1 identifies the uses allowed by the Development Code in each Community Land zoning district and the type of permit required to establish each use. See Section 122-54 (b) or Article VII (Permits and Permit Procedures). Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses).

Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Open Space and Agricultural Uses Companion Animal, Horses, Fowl -- -- ZC -- Community Gardens ZC ZC ZC AP Crop Production, Orchard, Vineyard ZC ZC ZC ZC

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Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Open Space and Agricultural Uses (cont.) Livestock, Grazing ZC ZC ZC -- Mining and Quarrying -- -- -- -- Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses Airport -- -- -- -- Ambulance Services -- -- -- -- Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum UP UP -- -- Conference, Convention Facility -- -- -- -- Cultural Institution -- MP -- -- Emergency, Homeless Shelter -- -- -- -- §122-620 Emergency & Homeless Shelter

Farmers Market -- UP -- --

Funeral Parlor, Mortuary -- -- -- -- Government Office -- ZC -- -- Heliport -- -- -- -- Library -- AP -- -- Medical Services Hospital, Medical Center -- -- -- -- Medical Marijuana Dispensary -- -- -- -- Medical Clinic -- -- -- -- Nursing Facility/Extended Care -- -- -- -- Urgent Care Facility -- -- -- -- Meeting Facility, Public/Private -- UP -- -- Military -- -- -- -- Parking Facility -- ZC -- -- Public Maintenance and Service Facility -- ZC -- -- Recreational Facilities Bingo Hall -- -- -- -- Commercial Recreation, Indoor -- UP -- -- Golf Course, Country Club -- UP -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Park and Recreation Facility ZC ZC ZC ZC Residential Recreation Facility -- -- ZC -- Sports and Entertainment, Assembly -- UP -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Sports and Recreation Facility -- UP UP -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Recycling Facilities Small Collection Facility -- -- -- --

§122-630 Recycling Facilities Large Collection Facility -- -- -- -- Processing Facility -- -- -- -- Religious Facility -- -- -- -- Schools

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Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Public/Quasi-Public and Recreational Uses (cont.) Elementary, Middle, Secondary -- -- -- -- Colleges, Universities -- -- -- -- Trade Schools, Vocational Training -- -- -- -- Social Service Facility, Community Organization -- -- -- -- Theater, Auditorium -- UP -- -- §122-626 Mechanical & Elec. Games

Utility Facility, Transmission Towers -- -- -- -- Wireless Telecommunication Facility §122-664 - 677 Wireless Communication Facilities Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast Inn -- -- -- -- Dwelling, Dwelling Units, Housing Units Single Family, Detached -- -- ZC -- Single Family, Detached – Small Lot

Subdivision -- -- -- -- Single Family, Attached -- -- -- Secondary Living Unit -- -- AP -- §122-631 Secondary Living Unit

Duplex -- -- -- -- Multi-family -- -- -- -- Family Day Care Home, Small -- -- ZC -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Family Day Care Home, Large -- -- MP -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Group Housing -- -- -- -- Home-Based Business -- -- AP -- §122-623 Home-Based Business

Live/Work Unit -- -- -- -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit

Mixed Use Projects -- -- -- -- Mobile Home Park -- -- -- -- Residential Care Facility, Small -- -- ZC -- Residential Care Facility, Large -- -- MP -- Residential Facility for Seniors, Assisted Living -- -- -- -- Work/Live Unit -- -- -- -- §122-624 Live/Work, Work/Live Unit

Office, Commercial and Retail Uses Adult Day Care Center -- UP -- -- Adult-Oriented Business -- -- -- -- §122-726-741 Adult Oriented Business Animal Services Boarding, Kennel -- UP AP -- Dog Day Care, Training -- UP AP -- Grooming -- -- AP -- Hospital, Veterinary Clinic -- -- UP --

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Division 8. Community Land Districts

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Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Office, Commercial and Retail Uses (cont.) Antique, Collectible Store -- -- -- -- Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing Auction -- -- -- -- Brokers Office Only -- -- -- -- Brokers Office w/Vehicle Display -- -- -- -- Dealership, New -- -- -- -- Dealership, Used -- -- -- -- Dealership, Motorcycles -- -- -- -- Rentals -- -- -- -- Automobile Services and Repair Car Wash, Attended -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Car Wash, Unattended -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Gas Station -- -- -- -- §122-622 Gas Stations & Car Wash

Maintenance Services -- -- -- -- Major Repair/Body Work -- -- -- -- Minor Repair -- -- -- -- Banks and Financial Services Bank, Credit Union -- -- -- -- Bank w/Drive-Through Service -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Check Cashing Business -- -- -- -- Building Materials Sales and Service No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display Business Support Services -- -- -- -- Catering Services -- -- -- -- Eating and Drinking Establishments Bar, Night Club, Lounge -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses

Restaurant, Full Service -- -- -- -- Restaurant, Limited Service -- -- -- -- Restaurant, w/Drive-Through -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Restaurant, w/Live Entertainment -- -- -- -- §122-621 Entertainment Uses Fitness Facility, Health Club -- -- -- -- Food, Beverage Sales Convenience Store, no Alcohol Sales -- -- -- -- Convenience Store, w/Alcohol Sales -- -- -- -- §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Grocery Store -- -- -- -- Liquor Store §122-617 Alcoholic Beverage Sales Hotel, Motel -- -- -- -- Maintenance Services

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Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 8. Community Land Districts

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Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Office, Commercial and Retail Uses (cont.) Office w/No Outdoor Storage/or

Activities -- -- -- -- Office w/Outdoor Storage/or Activities -- -- -- -- Nursery, Pre-School, Childcare -- UP -- -- §122-618 Child Day Care Facilities

Office Administrative, Information Processing -- -- -- -- Medical, Dental -- -- -- -- Professional -- -- -- -- Personal Services General -- -- -- -- Improvement, Instructional -- -- -- -- Restricted -- -- -- -- Repair Service, Appliance & Small Equipment -- -- -- -- Retail Sales Big Box -- -- -- -- General -- -- -- -- Nursery, Garden Center -- -- -- -- §122-629 Outdoor Sales & Display

Restricted -- -- -- -- w/Drive-Through -- -- -- -- §122-619 Drive-Through Facilities

Secondhand Sales -- -- -- --

Business Park and Industrial Uses Auto Wrecking, Dismantling Yards -- -- -- -- Contractors, Special Trade Cabinet Shop -- -- -- -- Contractor Office, No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- Contractor Yard, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- Fleet-Based Service -- -- -- -- Freight and Truck Terminal -- -- -- -- Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair Commercial Vehicles and Equipment -- -- -- -- Recreational Vehicles -- -- -- -- Laboratory, Research, and Development -- -- -- -- Manufacturing, Processing Artisan/Custom Product -- -- -- -- Industry, Heavy -- -- -- -- w/No Outdoor Storage/Activities -- -- -- -- w/Outdoor Storage/Activities -- -- -- --

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 8. Community Land Districts

Article II – Page 62

Table 122-223.1 Community Land Districts

Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements

ZC - Permitted Use, Zoning Clearance required AP - Administrative Permit required MP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required -- - Use Not Allowed

Land Use Classifications Permit Required by District Additional Requirements

OS PR RLC WRC Business Park and Industrial Uses (cont.) Warehouse Show Room w/Assembly &

Sales -- -- -- -- Media Production Facility -- -- -- -- Storage Hazardous Materials -- -- -- -- Self-Storage Facility, Mini-Storage -- -- -- -- Vehicle -- -- -- -- Towing Services -- -- -- -- Warehouse, w/No Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- Warehouse, w/Outdoor Storage -- -- -- -- Wholesaling,Distribution -- -- -- --

122-224 Community Land Districts - Development Standards Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures, shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified by the permit required in the previous section; except that if the permit does not regulate a development standard that is regulated by an abutting district, or if a permit is not required, the regulations of the abutting district shall apply to each adjacent portion of the property, as applicable. Additional requirements may apply pursuant to Article IV (Development Standards) and Article V (Standards for Specific Uses). 122-225 - - 122-234 Reserved

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 9. Study Districts

Article II – Page 63

Division 9. Study District (S) Sections: 122-235 Purpose 122-236 Applicability 122-237 Study District – No issuance of permits or approvals

122. 235 Purpose

The purpose of the Study District is to provide an interim zoning district for the Concord Reuse Project (CRP) site. A planning and environmental review process will determine future uses and development standards for this site. Detailed standards will be developed through a specific plan or equivalent mechanism at a future date, subject to approval by the Planning Commission and City Council.

122-236 Applicability

The Study District (S) applies to all lands included in the planning area of the Concord Reuse Project (CRP) Area Plan, with the exception of the Diablo Creek Golf Course.

122-237 Study District – No issuance of permits or approvals

No permits or approvals otherwise required under Article II in order to establish new land uses shall be issued prior to adoption of a specific plan or equivalent regulatory document which conforms to the City's General Plan.

122-238 -- 122-244 – Reserved

City of Concord Development Code Article II. Zoning Districts - Uses and Standards

Effective: November 7, 2013

Division 9. Study Districts

Article II – Page 64

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