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Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Humera: The struggles to be NO.1

Despite her hectic schedule, we’ve managed to squeeze in an all exclusive interview with our favourite rock star, the sensational Humera Dehzad. Following her latest album release One step at a time and hit song Blinding fire, Humera talks about the struggles to be Number one.

With the release of your brand new album and with Blinding fire hitting NO.1 on the music chart, how do you feel about the outstanding response?

Humera: Oh my god, it’s absolutely incredible (laughs).I’m absolutely amazed at the amazing response but at the same time I’m also extremely overwhelmed at the outstanding support I’ve been receiving from my fans. Again, I’d like to thank them all for being loyal and extremely supportive, they’re all amazing and I love them from the bottom of my heart. Music is passion and it’s what I love to do, the fact that my fans are enjoying the music that’s being brought out to them makes everything really worthwhile (smiles).

So, your new single is called Blinding fire, can just briefly explain the meaning behind the song?

Humera: yeah sure, umm. So it’s basically about facing personal fears and conquering them in order for a person to move on in life and overcoming obstacles that are preventing them from achieving your own personal goals. (Laughs) Yeah it sounds pretty sad and down putting as it’s quite a touchy issue but I wanted to add a fun and edgy vibe to the song which is why it’s and fierce. (Smiles) In a way I wanted to inspire the listeners.

We’re aware that music is your passion and that you’ve wanted to do it all your life, but aside from that, how has the overall experience been?

Humera: (laughs) oh gossh!! The overall experience has been memorising. Honestly, I’ve never been so happy in my life. Yeah, it’s been quite difficult adjusting to this new life. Umm and yeah I don’t get the chance to visit back home as often to be around my family and friends. But, aside from all that, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to meet new people and make close friendships along the way. I wouldn’t trade it all for the world! (Laughs)

Who do you consider to be your idols?

Well, I’m a huge and I mean huge fan of major old school rock bands like Rollin stones, Beatles, Queen and Ramones, Black Sabbath and Kiss (laughs). Those bands have totally inspired me to pursue this career and have definitely made me fall in love with the genre of rock. Oh my! I sound like a love crazed fan (laughs)

If I so say do myself you have an amazing fashion sense, acentric at times but stunning! Who are your fashion icons?

Um ,I don’t really have any fashion icons, don’t get me wrong other rock artists out there dress amazingly, But, A lot of what I wear is mainly old school, inspired by Punk fashion in

70’s and 80’s. So yeah, I tend to dress quite casually but I make sure I’m up to date with the latest fashion trends in rock. What can I say I’m complete fashion freak!

What artist/bands do you like or currently listening to?

I love, love. Love paramour they are just amazing, definitely anticipating their come back. And I’m really loving 30 seconds to mars at the moment their brilliant.

Well is been great having you, thank you for taking the time to be here. It has been an absolute honour.

Thanks, it been a pleasure being here, I’ve had so much fun (smiles).