
Post on 31-Mar-2016

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The prefix arthr- stand for joint and the suffix–itis stands for inflammation and hence the meaning of the word arthritis is joint inflammation.

Transcript of Arthritis

What do you know about Arthritis?What is Arthritis?

The prefix arthr- stand for joint and the suffix–itis stands for inflammation and hence the meaning of the word arthritis is joint inflammation. According to CDC arthritis is the most common cause for disability, limiting the activities of about 21 million adults. It is a short hand word used for arthritis and other rheumatoid disease which affects the joints, tissues around the joint and other connective tissue.Rheumatic conditions are characterized by pain and stiffness around one or more joints. In certain type of rheumatic conditions immune system and various internal organs of the body are involved.

What are the risk factors?

Non-modifiable- age, gender and genetics

Modifiable-overweight and obesity, joint injuries, occupation and infection

What causes arthritis?

Studies indicate that elevated uric acid and other specific infection causes joint inflammation. Other factors are unknown and scientists are still studying if arthritis is correlated to genetics, life style and environment.

What are the most common types of arthritis?

The most common form of arthritis in the Unites States is osteoarthritis followed by gout, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis

Can we prevent arthritis?

Certain steps can be taken to prevent arthritis such as maintaining body weight. It has shown to decrease the risk of getting osteoarthritis. Protecting joints from injuries and also reducing overuse can decrease the risk of osteoarthritis.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms are developed suddenly or gradually. Most often arthritis is a chronic disease as the symptoms come and goes, but persists over time. Symptoms include inflammation around one or more joints, stiffness and pain.

How is it diagnosed?

It requires a detailed examination of past and current symptoms, physical examination X-ray and blood work.

How physical therapy can play a vital role?

The primary goal of physical therapy is to help regain the ability to perform daily activities.In order to do that,the physical therapist focuses on increasing the range of motion at joints. Physical therapist design programs to strengthen the muscles around the joint, since stronger muscles can only provide stability to the joint. You will be well informed about your condition and will be provided with tools to maneuver with walking aid such as cane or walker. Thermal modalities such as heating packs, cold packs and deep heat provided by ultra sound will help you to reduce local pain. Heat also relaxes the muscle spasm around inflamed joint. Applying hot packs before exercise will help you exercise more easily. Above all; exercise is most important treatment which is more effective when done properly and a physical therapist is the most apt person to assist you.

ReferenceArthritis . (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2013, from Centers For Disease control and Prevention:

Osteoarthritis Health Center. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2013, from Webmed: