ART234 Midterm Project. Lenore Table Chair Footrest Fireplace Door Statue Window.

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of ART234 Midterm Project. Lenore Table Chair Footrest Fireplace Door Statue Window.

ART234 Midterm Project








Slow pan & zoom

High angle establishing shot from bookshelf

Turn around with pan

Move to close up of face

Zoom in to crackling fire

Leisurely turns back

Tilt up, following the ghost trails

Slow zoom in for extreme close up

Gently zoom in

Spirits drift upward

Turns head

Zoom to detail shot

High angle shot with voice in echo

Stands up and walks a few steps

Shuffles to the door

OTS as he peers into the darkness

Objects slowly morph to devilish form with long shadows

Slow zoom in to dark void

Looks side to side in confusion

Puckers lips to speak

Full shot of room from bookshelf POV

Slow pan, following his footsteps

High angle panning shot from POV of Raven, while wings rustle the trees

Low angle, camera tilts up following Raven’s trajectory

Quick zoom

Tilt up to OTS of Raven

Camera completely still

Moves hand over mouth to project voice

Floor shot with door and bookshelf skewed

Attentive eye contact with slow uniform zoom

Flaps wings momentarily, re-establishing balance

Now completely still

High angle medium shot, flaps his arms twice

Paces while he speaks

A grin slowly forms

Pan follows him as he drags the footrest

Floor shot as he sits down and slouches into a thinking pose

Slow uniform zoom

High angle OTS as he chills

Smell prompts him to get up, visible scent billows and moves right

Does not turn around, but sniffs the scent and knows immediately what it is

Low angle, points his fist at Raven

Floor shot, lost spirits circle him

High angle as he looks up

Low angle OTS

Low angle reverse OTS

Gentle downward curve zoom

High angle, no face visible, slams fist on the floor

Violently swings hand off his chest

Attentive eye contact with slow zoom

Low angle floor shot, no eye contact

Medium zoom to detail of eye

Slowly curve up to top view of Raven, gradually revealing more and more of his shadow

Cut as he falls to the floor, with slow outward zoom to POV of Raven

Fast slideshow zooms to eyeball