Art of Trolling Defcon 19

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Slides from Art of Trolling talk given at Defcon 19. Seemed like it went over well enough.

Transcript of Art of Trolling Defcon 19

  • 1. Never Forget

2. The Art of Trolling Matt Joyce[email_address] 3. You are a douche.

  • At some point in your life you have been a douche to someone else.

4. You probably have done this on purpose. 5. For the moment, put down the haterade and pick up a frosty one. 6. The Troll

  • We'll need to agree on a definition for this word.

7. Of course we'll be agreeing on my definition. 8. It's cool if you disagree though.Just do it in the comments on my blog where it will get the attention it deserves. 9. But first some other definitions...

  • Surfing, or browsing, the Web. - PC Magazine

10. Posting derogatory messages about sensitive subjects on newsgroups and chat rooms to bait users into responding. - PC Magazine 11. Hanging around in a chat room without saying anything, like a "peeping tom." - PC Magazine 12. Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can. - Urban DictionaryIn 13. Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. - Wikipedia 14. Choosing to announce that defcon is canceled every year despite it long since having been considered utterly vapid commentary.- Oxford English Dictionary 15. Deliberately and disingenuously posting information to entice genuinely helpful people to respond (often emotionally). Often done to inflame or provoke others. - 16.

  • As for the degenerate artists, I forbid them to force their so-called experiences upon the public. If they do see fields blue, they are deranged, and should go to an asylum. If they only pretend to see them blue, they are criminals, and should go to prison. I will purge the nation of them. Ghandi
  • My Definition of Trolling Trolling is fuzzing someone else's mind with the express purpose of laughing so hard you squirt 30 year old single malt through your nose. Is that an Art?It is as long as using Sun Tzu quotes at infosec conferences continues to piss off mad squirrel?

17. Prolific Ante-Internet Trolls. 18. God, kind of a prick. 19. Jesus has rejoined the Server.

  • u mad bro?
  • First to survive early bulletin board systems.

20. First to tri-force. 21. First to defy a universal K-line. 22. Loki

  • Norse god of mischief.
  • Friend of Trolls.Literally.

23. Has a hard on for making vikings miserable. 24. Wants to kill Odin, the king of serious business gods. 25. His homie is a massive wolf which is pretty badass.Especially since that wolf is Looooooooong Wolf. 26. Prometheusone hell of a dedicated troll. 27. The Coyote

  • This guy has been fucking with Native Americans since before pale face got his act together and came the wrong way across the ocean looking for India.

28. Anansi Patron god of 419 scammers

  • The little bastard actually stole all of his pranks by grifting a bunch of unsuspecting animals.

29. Mr Stabby. A TechCrunch Disruption Hackday Project by NYC Resistor 30. Classical Trolling 31. Logical Fallacies 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Behavior Modification 41. People Not all that different from software.

  • Software:
  • Unexpected input can cause instability

42. Continual attempts to violate programming can result in error conditions 43. Feedback loops and logical impossibilities can lock them up 44. Exploiting flaws in their programming can allow for elevated privileges

  • People:
  • Unexpected input can cause instability

45. Continual attempts to violate programming can result in angry conditions. 46. Feedback loops and logical impossibilities can lock them up 47. Exploiting flaws in their programming can allow for elevated lulz. 48. openfly a bot.

  • Version 1.0
  • Simple single variable response set

49. Random Interaction Set 50. Targeted harassment 51. Wrote in College to take over for me when I was at classes. 52. The modification of human behavior

  • There is a strong emphasis on defining problems in terms of behavior that can be measured in some way.

53. The treatment techniques are ways of altering an individual's current environment to help that individual function more fully. 54. The methods and rationales can be described precisely. 55. The techniques are often applied in everyday life. 56. The techniques are based largely on principles of learning 57. specifically operant conditioning and respondent conditioning 58. There is a strong emphasis on scientific demonstration that a particular technique was responsible for a particular behavior change. 59. There is a strong emphasis on accountability for everyone involved in a behavior modification program . Martin and Pear seven characteristics to behavior modification 60. The modification of human behavior

  • There is a strong emphasis on defining problems in terms of lulz.

61. The treatment techniques are ways of altering an individual's current environment to help that individual fail in a more spectacular manner. 62. The methods and rationales are chaotic at best. 63. The techniques are often applied in everyday life ( on 4chan ). 64. The techniques are based largely on principles of trolling. 65. specifically operant conditioning and respondent conditioning 66. There is a strong emphasis on public demonstration that a particular technique was responsible for the truly hilarious. 67. There is a strong emphasis on zero accountability for everyone involved in a troll . openfly se7en characteristics to behavior modification 68. openfly 2.0 Sprinkle Power

  • IRC Stealth Floodbot

69. Designed to flood using multiple unique Nicks 70. Works of IRC log script 71. Technology in Trolling 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. Mission Accomplished

  • Objectives:
  • Lulz

77. Rofls 78. OMFGWTFBBQ 79. ZOMG 80. Over 9000 penises 81. Ethics 82. What have we learned?

  • Trolls are:
  • Heavy contributors to the cultural and artistic value of the internet

83. On the forefront of modern behavior modification techniques 84. Defining standards in the practical application of cutting edge technology 85. Smarter, faster, stronger, and better than normal people and therefore should be sought after as genetic partners 86. Ref:


87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.