Art Of The Renaissance Final 1

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Art Of The Renaissance Final 1

Created by Amodhi, Andersen, Hannah, Matthew, Sasha, and Yonit.


only done for the Church. almost exclusively about religious themes. painted for the purpose of conveying a

message. generally serious and somber. generally fairly two dimensional. painted with dark colors and rigid lines generally painted on a gold background. composed mostly of frescoes and

temperas. less realistic.

generally painted for wealthy patrons Often not about religious themes Often treated as a collector’s item or as art for

art’s sake Often lighthearted Often painted with bright colors and softer lines Often painted with landscapes in the

background Often painted with new techniques In large part oil paintings More realistic, but also idealized Typically fairly three dimensional

Fra Angelico Sandro Botticelli Antonello da Messina Luca Signorelli Piero della Francesca Domenico Ghirlandaio Benozzo Gozzoli Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Titian Tintoretto


Funded by the Church No secular sculptures

Carvings and/supported statues Abandoned Greek realism in favor of a more

mystical and hieratic style Less naturalistic and real Abstract detail around simple human form

Figures Frontal view Limited expressions

Intricate designs around figures

No emotion on faces

Religious theme of “Saints”

Body not in proportion

Not free standing

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Secular Unlike the Medieval period wealthy individual

were able to support many artist. During Medieval times majority of the patrons belonged to the church.

Back to Classical Greek Form- Realistic and natural

- Contrapposto- Italian for “ Visual Arts”- A human figure with most of weight on one foot.

Shoulders and arms twist of axis from hips and legs to give a more relaxed pose.

- Perspective:- The use of space to accurately proportion the body.

- Structure:- From supported structures to free standing structure- Nude figures

While classical sculpture emphasized on perfection, Renaissance sculpture concentrated on realism and humanism

Portrayed human emotions and human imperfections. Ex: Michael Angelo’s Moses showed veins and

defined muscles.

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Romanesque: thick walls, small windows (slits), round arches, columns, low to the ground

Gothic architecture: very tall (emphasized height), large arches, flying buttresses, stained glass, spikes, northern origin, large windows, vast open spaces

Organized space mathematically, not by intuition

Organized around crosses, used math, symmetry, logic, and patterns

Inspired by ancient roman buildings Emphasized human achievement

More decorated increasing in the ornate windows and the mathematical planning

Proportional and organized Geometry based Increase in open spaces and gardens

Increasing complexity Increasing grandeur and ornate

architecture Open and organized space Increased patterns and geometric

organization Increase in intricate artwork to adorn the
