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    Worksheet (2019-20) CLASS: II SUBJECT: ENGLISH GRAMMAR


    Q1: Replace the underline words with correct form of verbs and rewrite them in the space


    a) He are running fast.


    b) I is not coming to playground.


    c) Children is enjoying the play.


    d) The books is lying on the floor.


    e) Rahul are speaking about the game.


    f) Two boys is climbing on trees.


    g) You is looking wonderful.


    h) Cow are eating grass.


    i) I are singing a song.


    j) The bird are flying.


    Q 2 Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined verbs from the present to the past form:-

    a) My father goes to office.


    b) I eat banana and drink milk.

  • _____________________________________________________________________________

    c) They make buildings.


    d) The baby catches the ball.


    e) He helps poor people.


    f) She cooks for us.


    g) Sir teaches us English.


    h) We win the match.


    i) The aero plane takes off from airport.


    j) My sister comes home after her picnic in the evening.


    Q 3: Write the past form of the verb:

    a) Go ________________ b) Buy _________________ c) Sit ____________________

    d) Sleep ________________ e) Write________________ f) Drink __________________

    g) See ________________ h) Run _________________ i) Laugh__________________

    k) Fly ________________ k) Eat __________________ l) Find ___________________

    Q 4: Write the plural of the following:

    a) Glass ________________ b) banana _____________ c) ox ________________

    d) Mouse ________________ e) box _____________ f) baby ________________

    g) tooth ________________ h) potato _____________ i) leaf ________________

    Q 5: Complete the pairs:

    a) fox _______________ b) niece _______________ c) duck _______________

    d) horse ________________ e) tiger ________________ f) actor _______________

  • Q 6: Fill in the blanks with the correct joining word “but/or/and” :

    a) I know where the book is _____________ I won’t tell you.

    b) Can you sing ____________ dance?

    c) I watched a movie ____________ played a game.

    d) He went to supermarket _________ bought clothes.

    e) You can eat either cakes ___________ pastries.

    Q 7 : Fill in the blanks using prepositions given in the help box:

    a) The keys are kept ___________ the cookie jar.

    b) I have an ice-cream __________ you.

    c) The gifts are lying ____________ the sofa.

    d) Our plane flew ________________ the mountains.

    e) I looked ___________ the hill to see the river.

    f) She is standing ____________ of the gate.

    g) Make sure to check ___________ the bed for your shoes.

    h) My house is just _______________ the market.


    Down, in front, under, behind, on, in, over, for


    Worksheet (2019-20) CLASS: II SUBJECT: ENGLISH


    Q1: Answer the following question in the space provided:

    a) Why did the fairy buy the mouse?



    b) What did Ria promise to her mother?



    c) What is weaving?



    d) Why did Luke’s friend often make fun of his new friend?



    e) Why the farmers could not see one thief?



    f) What is the first stage of making cloth?



    g) What did the thief decide to do?



    h) How was Ria as a child?



  • Q 2 Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined verbs from the present to the past form:-

    a) My brother goes to office.


    b) I eat banana and drink milk.


    c) They make buildings.


    d) The baby catches the ball.


    e) He helps poor people.


    f) She cooks for us.


    Q 3: Write the plural of the following:

    a) Grass ________________ b) banana _____________ c) ear ________________

    d) flower ________________ e) fox _____________ f) toy ________________

    g) foot ________________ h) tomato _____________ i) thief ________________

    Q 4: Join these sentences using conjunctions “but/or/and”:

    a) Tigers are wild animals. Cats are pet animals.


    b) Can you sing? Can you dance?


    c) Have you seen a starfish? Have you seen a turtle?


    d) Please give me food. Please give me some water.


    e) I am reading a book. My brother is playing.


  • Q 5: Fill in the blanks using prepositions given in the help box:

    a) He went ____ the market.

    b) He lives ______ a small town.

    c) He put the books _____ the table.

    d) Let us hope _____ the best.

    e) There is someone _____ the door.

    f) There is something _______the curtain.

    g) Our plane flew ___________ the mountains.

    h) Make sure to check ___________ the bed for your shoes.

    Q 6: Frame questions for the following answers:

    a) _____________________________________________________________________ My birthday is on 7

    th June.

    b) ______________________________________________________________________ I like mango the most among all fruits.

    c) ______________________________________________________________________ My best friend is Saurabh.

    d) ______________________________________________________________________ I sleep by 9 p.m.

    e) ______________________________________________________________________ The Qutab Minar is at New Delhi.

    Q 7 Write few lines on My Family:










    to, under, behind, on, in, over, for, at

  • प्र.1. aaआपके घर में जो संज्ञाएँ हैं , ककनहह ंचार का नाम लिखिए -----

    ----------------------, --------------------, -----------------, ----------------

    प्र.2.सहह शब्द चनुकर वाक्य परेू करो ----

    क) मैंने चार ----------------- ख़रहदे I ( खििौना / खििौन)े

    ि) ---------------- घास कहा रहा है I ( घोड़ा / घोड़ े)

    ग) ------------------ फ़ुटबाि िेि रहे हैं I ( बच्चा / बच्च े)

    घ) -----------------भाग गया I ( चहूा / चहेू )

    प्र.3. रेिाकंकत शब्दों के लिगं बदिकर वाक्य दोबारा लिखिए –

    क) गाय घास िा रहह है I --------------------------------------

    ि) िड़की नाच रहह है I -------------------------------------

    ग) धोबी कपड़ ेधो रहा है I --------------------------------------

    घ) सेठ दौड़ रहा है I --------------------------------------

    प्र.4.सववनाम शब्द छाटँकर लिखिए -------

    क) तुम मेरे अच्छे दोस्त हो I ------------------------------

    ि) मझु ेबाज़ार जाना है I ----------------------------

    ग) ककसकी ककताब िो गई ? ----------------------------

    च) उसका घर बहुत बड़ा है I ---------------------------

    छ) तुम्हारा नाम क्या है ? ---------------------------

    vkehZ ifCyd Ldwy] Jhxaxkuxj

    शीतकालीन अवकाश गहृ कार्य पत्रिका ¼2019&20½ कक्षा दसूरह fo"k; &fgUnh

    uke -----------------------------------------------jksy ua- ------------------------------------------------------------fnukad-----------------------------------------------------

  • प्र.5. चार किया शब्द लििकर वाक्य बनाइए I

    क) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ि) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ग) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    घ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    प्र.6.रेिाकंकत शब्दों के वविोम शब्द लिखिए ----

    क) मधरु ने सभी प्रश्न पढ़े और ------------------ ददए I

    ि) आम मीठा और करेिा ---------------- होता है I

    ग) मेरा घर दरू नहह ं---------------है I

    घ) िेि में कभी हार तो कभी -------------होती है I

    प्र.7. ये एक तो अनके क्या होंगे ?

    क) मािा ----------------------- ि) नदह -----------------

    ग) माता ---------------------- घ) बेटा ----------------------

    प्र.8.वाक्य परेू करो ------

    क) एक साि में ---------------------ददन होते हैं I

    ि) ------------------------- को छुट्टी होती है I

    ग) एक साि में ------------------- महहने होत ेहैं I

    घ) सबसे छोटा महहना -------------------------होता है I

    च) लसतम्बर में -------------------------ददन होत ेहैं I

    छ) गमी कक छुदट्टयाँ -------------------- महहने में होती हैं I

    ज) एक सप्ताह में -------------------- ददन होत ेहैं I

  • प्र.1. कविता पूरी करें –

    छत पर मेरी ------- पीने को , झट से ------- आती ,

    इधर – उधर से ------ चुगती , फिर --------उड़ जाती I

    प्र.2. कविता चचड़ड़या से आपको क्या शिक्षा शमलती है ?

    उ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    प्र.3.फकसने कहा , फकससे कहा ?

    क) “कल आपके बेटे की जगह म ैजाऊँगा I” -------------------------------------

    ख) “अरे ! देखो , चाँद कुए ँमें चगर गया है I” -----------------------------------

    प्र .4. िब्दों के अर्थ शलखकर िाक्य बनाइए ----

    क) दमु - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ख) बलिान ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ग) गिथ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    घ) चतुर ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    प्र.5.प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो िब्दों में शलखखए -------

    क) पाांडि की माता का क्या नाम र्ा ?

    उ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ख) िन में कौन रहता र्ा ?

    उ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ग) पाांडि फकसके घर रुके ?

    उ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    vkehZ ifCyd Ldwy] Jhxaxkuxj

    अभ्यास कायथ पत्रिका ¼2019&20½ d{kk दसूरी fo"k; &fgUnh

    uke -----------------------------------------------jksy ua- ------------------------------------------------------------fnukad-----------------------------------------------------

  • घ) जांगल में फकतने बांदर रहते र्े ?

    उ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    प्र.6. िाक्य पूरे करो ---

    क) दमुकू की ------------- लम्बी र्ी I

    ख) राजा ------------ के पाँच बेटे र्े I

    ग) चचड़ड़या ----------- गीत सनुाती है I

    घ) चचड़ड़या -------------- का जीिन जीती है I

    प्र.7.त्रब ांद ु( ) और चांद्रत्रबांद ु( ) िाले तीन तीन िब्द शलखो ---

    ------------------ ----------------------- -------------------

    ------------------ ----------------------- -------------------

    प्र.8. इन्हें क्या कहते हैं ?

    क) जजस आसन पर राजा बैठता है ----------------------

    ख)जो बहुत समझदार होता है ------------------------

    ग) जो फकसी से नहीां डरता ------------------------

    घ) राजा जजससे सलाह मििरा करता है ---------------

    प्र.9. सही ( ) और गलत ( ) का ननिान लगाइए -----

    क) भीम राक्षस से डर गया I ( )

    ख) कटरू के कान बड़ े–बड़ ेर्े I ( )

    ग) चचड़ड़या के पांख कोमल होते हैं I ( )

    घ) तेनालीराम बहुत कौओां को रोटी खखला रहे र्े I ( )

    प्र.10. बसांत ऋतु का हम पर क्या असर होता है ?

    उ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




    WORKSHEET (2019-20)

    SUBJECT – EVS CLASS – II _____

    Name:___________________________Roll No: Date: _________

    Q.1 Write True or False against the following sentences.

    i) Water, air, soil, plants and animals are not natural resources.

    ii) Things that we use are called resources.

    iii) We should plant more and more trees.

    iv) We should be kind to animals.

    v) All living things need water to live.

    vi) We should not save water.

    Q.2 Fill in the blanks using the words in the given box:

    (fuel, electricity, natural resources, waste, air)

    i) The supply of ___________ are limited.

    ii) Use carpools to reduce use of ___________ .

    iii) We should stop throwing __________ into open water bodies. iv) Minimize _______ pollution by reducing harmful emissions. v) We should save _______________ by putting off the lights when not in use.

    Q.3 Tick ( ) the correct options :- i) The schemes afforestation and reforestation should be

    a) ignored b) supported c) none

    ii) The supply of natural resources are -

    a) abundance b) limited c) both

    Q.4 Match the following: -

    A B

    a. burning leaves 1) noise pollution

    b. industrial waste 2) air pollution

    c. bursting crackers 3) water pollution

    Q.5 Answer the following questions in brief.

    i) What is the percentage of water bodies on earth?

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


    ii) List the various types of pollution.

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


    iii) How can we reduce the pollution?

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


  • Q.6 Answer these questions in detail: -

    i) Write two factors which cause air pollution.

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________



    ii) How can we save the earth?

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________



    Q.7 Draw any three causes of pollution.


    WORKSHEET (2019-20)

    SUBJECT – EVS CLASS – II _____

    Name:___________________________Roll No: Date: _________

    Q.1 Write True or False against the following sentences.

    i) There are 26 states in India.

    ii) Red fort is in Mumbai.

    iii) The Capital of India is Delhi.

    iv) The Capital of Rajasthan is Sriganganagar.

    v) The president of India lives in Rashtrapati Bhawan.

    Q.2 Fill in the blanks using the words in the given box:

    (Shah jahan, Rajasthan, Agra, Mughal, Mumbai)

    i) Taj Mahal is located in_________

    ii) Red fort was made by the __________ emperors.

    iii) The largest state is ___________ in India. iv) Gateway of India is in ___________. v) Taj Mahal was made by ___________.

    Q.3 Tick ( ) the correct options :- i) India Gate is located in-

    a) Delhi b) Mumbai c) Jaipur

    ii) Hawa Mahal is located in-

    a) Delhi b) Mumbai c) Jaipur

    Q.4 Match the following: -

    A B

    a. smallest state 1) jaipur

    b. pink city 2) goa

    c. Rashtrapati Bhawan 3) delhi

    Q.5 Answer the following questions in brief.

    i) How can we take care of monuments?

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


    ii) Write five states of India.

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


    iii) Write five monuments of India.

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________


  • Q.6 Answer these questions in detail: -

    i) Are monuments important? Why?

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________



    ii) Write few lines on any monument that you visited.

    Ans. ____________________________________________________________________



    Q.7 Draw any monument.


    WORKSHEET (2019-20)


    Name:___________________________Roll No: Date: _________

    Q.1 The below pictograph shows number of marks obtained by five students in their math exam out of

    100 total marks

    Name Marks obtained






    Key represents 10 marks.

    Answer the following questions

    1.Who got 100 marks? ______________

    2. How many marks did Aman get? ____________

    3.Who got least marks? _______________

    4. Who got 50 marks? _________________

    5. Who got 70 marks? _____________

    6. Who got 60 marks? _______________

    Q 2. Study the following picture and write the answers of the questions.

    1 How many glasses are there? ______________

    2.How many oranges are there? ______________

  • 3.How many bananas are there? _______________

    4. How many fruits are there? _______________

    5. How many spoons are there? ________________

    6. How many napkins are there? ________________

    Q 3. Study the following picture and answer the following questions.

    1. How many students are there in class III? _____________

    2. How many students are there in class V? _____________

    3. In which class the number of students is least? ______________

    4. In which class the number of students are maximum?______________

    5. In which class the number of student are 60? _______________


    WORKSHEET (2019-20)


    Name:___________________________Roll No: Date: _________

    Q.1 Fill in the blanks:

    i) March comes between ________________ and _______________.

    ii) There are _________ months in a year.

    iii) We drink __________ water in the month of June and July.

    iv) 20 rupees = ___________ 5 rupee note.

    v) 10 rupees = __________ 2 rupee coins.

    vi) 1 Kg = _________ g.

    vii) 50 cm + 50 cm =__________ m.

    viii) ____________ is standard unit of measuring weights.

    ix) 1 liter = ____________ milliliter.

    x) If yesterday was Monday, today is _____________.

    Q.2 Add and write the answer in the space provided:






    Q.3 Read each clock and write the time:

  • Q.4 Draw the hands in the clock showing the given time.

    Q. 4 How much is left?

    4 2 5 5 6 7 8 5 6

    3 1 2 2 3 4 3 3 4

    ____ _____ ____

    8 1 9 7 6 5 5 9 4

    1 5 4 4 3 2 1 3 5

    ____ _____ _____

    Q.5 Find the total.

    9 0 8 2 3 4 5 6 7

    3 0 2 4 5 6 4 0 4

    ____ ____ ____

    9 9 0 3 2 5 4 0 1

    0 1 5 3 4 6 4 2 6

    ____ ____ ____

    Q. 6 How many 100 rupee notes should Deepak give in exchange of a 500 rupee note?

    Q.7 Manav needs 147 cm cloth for his shirt. His father needs 186 cm for his shirt. How much cloths do they


    03 :20 04:00 08:45 12:00

  • Q.8 Rita bought 5 m 25 cm lace. Neeta bought 20 m 54 cm lace. Who bought more lace and how much?

    Q. 9 Kanika bought 5 kg 125 g rice. Harjeet bought 6 kg 250 g rice. How much rice did they buy altogether?

    Q. 10 One container has 2 litres 400 ml milk. Another container has 1 litre 100 ml milk. What is the difference in

    their capacities?