ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNA - Library of Congress · jet ' 5 ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNA YUIj-----1 iu lAKIZOXA...

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Transcript of ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNA - Library of Congress · jet ' 5 ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNA YUIj-----1 iu lAKIZOXA...

jet '5




t. MAI&T1N. KtlHor nml I'rop'r.-- T vrl .lounifal-Mln- er is pabiibbed

jillKd every We day. at Preeoott, thescat of Yavapai .maty.

C MAKTIN, Ktlltor nml Vroprletnr.THRM&

J vnrmoatjwi'alivered by carrier

v to city snbecnb- -

,r.Wwpt .3?

tfcrw .v:

r " Adrertieing Rates marie known on appliesjTt.. tris office or at the following e:

lwrA "ox. Tribune ltaIl.liiuf.Kow Yorkrluter Jcltay.a Francieeo.

i FMwr. Jterohaat'8 Hxohange. Fran- -

vTk--re the PP' l'tt n file.

3M " NOTirK TO SUUSCUIUKKS.,) JOURNAL MINER hv made arratigo

I wBt to clwb with the following papers anamed. wyment to bo jnado in al

ntrr TV WEEKLY JoousAi-iliKE- ii and5 L,us Gl.l-Dowo- rat ?

Sn Fioci OinnM

Jwdrtopped. Hills aro fint out rjalartjrSxplraUon i a war's MnbsonpUoB.

MhscrilwrsM miuwl to way Ue samo at

retirw 1 unvlSmH are URfenUr ri- -thMt"L uteJ

Vjl-tap.l uotieo to U.U nm anil tiv hi.


claro riret FriiUy of each motitb. ril?rlraSirKnibUconrt.nHly tax tjtj.

J.S. F BtDKEiOKS, Roconter.

A A Itfvrular tnooUng of this liode a3T Masonic HaII. 8ii.rn.on th tart sJmrU

v of oarli mouth. Sojourning brothron arVWly invitod to aUonlAN w

K. N. FREDiaUCKS. Socretary.XjimiainKCommitUv Morris Qoldwator, luw.

iliokn. t F. Fiuher

"T rjiiKSOorr cuaitku n. a. m. No.A I . Stated coininanieaUoni the nrtJO? Batnraays of wsh month at 7 o'oloo lc r.fsf t Yisitinfsooinpaniom cordially invitD.1

11. r.1L N. Socretary.fexmitnncf-omniltU'e-r- N. Fredericks, A. fl

liw. Morris lioldwalei

1 O.O.F.AlllZONAUJDUEN.ulX. Ueenlar inetinc of this lotUtcrory We.lntay eveninK at IM

. Snliinrmn? nrothro

Jas. A. Gdild, Recording aocretary.

t ''NIGirreOF" PYTHIAS VtowM. LotlRotV No. meeting of this lodt

Monday OTeninc at New K. or I .m& H&ii s.jiBinim; UauHt in ood stand

areoordtally inviti to a &J. P. Dillon. K. of R. &

STAR. Golden Rule Chapter No. IEASTERN Masonic llall on the first Thursday

teachMnumth.c U1JUKD0N WoIthy Mitroa..Mrs. A. B. Rhown. Socretary.

1 , Tt: XT lRrt8COTTLODONoA II I YV 11. nui-t- eaeli SaturdayZjL 17. U. s at &) o'ctookSnlLiilP. llalL Visitiuc hrothors in goodKUndtag.reoordially yS, W.

W. 8. G0LDSWORT1IY, Hooorder.

Professional Cards.n iiEE. civiii bnoinebr and

Chas.S DKPCJTY SllN RUAI, SURVEYOR.Minim: CJainw a jjiccialty.

Wk Box 145filUJSCOTlv ARIZONA.

A rR-- AKFRUJ1 NVAUiVR, FROM THEIV I Rm-a-l Acadraiyof Mutiox Lndm, hn-TJ- L

lnd. l'refetuxtr of Violin, L'lauofurte,Organ, bingins, etc, llesidence on Marina btreot.

H. AKMRS, Notary Public.QIUULBS Reconta and ltonuod

OlSee in Court llouanin otlioo ofinvrl I

R. V. V. V. WATOOS, rilYSlClAN ANDSURUHON. tUhco m Olnce uow, var-ies Street, l'ltKSOOTT. ARIZONA.

T? W. DDTCHER. M. D,. PHYSICIAN andVj ' Sargooru Ottios IuO!Hce tUw. Oppo-

site Portolfice. OiKw Honrn 1 1 to 12 a. m.0 to & p. m. to p. m.

BMiae&Av-- Ob l'lo.iant Av-a-no, Eaa Presc U.tkird hontw iw Jli of Garloy St,Orkri csu bo leaat MonntaiH City Drug Store.

A. Sit WAL.L. M. D.,-0!- Hp-. .rner UrugC. Stor. JJudanc ita Monnt ornon Ave.JVlephone cifl at Co raw Dnw i;re. accessibleAt all times of tLa day and niglit,

CARLES ABB01X Physician and Snr-- 1DC the Sister' lloupital. Alay bucon-lt- M

at Cmtssst Drug Stolf.OflicH aod 8idence ou Manna street, opp

site EmaauolV.


Po!t9llico. OiKco Row. Reeulencocast of SiMerV iiosphnl . OUiee Hour- - 10 to tia. la., Z U) I p. 7 1 B r ni.

K, SLOAN. ATTORNEY ANDRICHARD at 1. ifc,.National Bias,AltiZONA.

J. UARTMAN. AUtn-ne- at Law.R1QHAHD attention to Land and MiningCollections nntt Conveyancing. Office

oter Foelodloe, Pnooit, Ariiona.


Oiiiee )xice Over Banfc t n aa--

' I0HN 1KJWAJ1. "ATrORNKY AT LAW,Pftwoitu. tjH at OSd tort Muory

R. E. Moncitos. E. Tit, S?trat.fANFORD & MORRiSOS. ATfOUSUVS AT

0. Sinns J. ( ilKnsDiiNLJKRNUON A. K0RR13. AIt"OKNiiYii ANU

. 1 '.Mi.t-lj- ra dt Lar, Prtoitt, Aria- - t;wc-bSsuecBi- on

to convejuncing and otCco votk ofjHkiu.1. Omce-EE- Tln PYTHIAS BUILDI-NG: east side of PI&Z4.

MARTIN. EX-RE-G ISfEE U. 8-- LandJC. WU1 porsonaUy trttend to all bui- -entrusted to.bim to trattsact in the

U. S. Land USice. APl)liations for mineraltents a fpecialty. Contest canes attended to.


Notice of Porfeiture,

Blue Tank Mining Diftrict,Tavapai County. Arizona June 1st, lS3t. )Geoboe Moseoe asd Otheiw Whom it MaCoscebs:

toa are hereby nottfieil that I nave pxpendedfair hundred and sixty-eig- ht (51W.00) dollars in"bar and tiqprovomenU in the annual assess-ntwerkfort- lie

years of ISRiand lJJ9S.on theTOllowinit namM mining locations in said Bluelank Mining iiitrict, in wild YavaiaiM TwrriorT of Arizona. lo-wi- t: Tbo "Joe

Dandy BttK -- rhe Cum.," lUland,"..y""Hometrech,"MJp)o.""aiadtab3r."Mng Solomon," "Gladstone." "Jeliu' and"Jrold Camp." in ordr to hold wijd premises and

ami location!!, under the provisions ofbeetioaajj. Revised Statuios the United Siates,nvia expended one kuadred dollar' in laboroa each claim and improvement therooa eachjWolA. D.1W2 and A. D. 1S93, aarlifwiUiin

uwty days after the serrice of this notice bypoDuoaioa, you fall or refuse to contribute yourproportion of sacb ezpenditare, as to-J-ft

JWiW, your intern in said elaima wiU"Jpeme the property of tJbe Mibscribers, nndorSP.boeUon 2331, Revised Statntes of the U. S.Siuaag Laws. A bskb Wadk- -

"AHSY PILLS!SreKs4fcrB. t I, f- -r WOMAN'S sTrSVUux-- vuc rv-r-- u. tc '"-'-'r Ck







BROCKTON, MASS.ou can MTcmoiifT by purchaslca W. Im

Douglas thoc,Because, we are the Urccit manuracturers of

advertised shoes in the world, and guaranteethe value by tampmff the name and price onthe bottom, vrhlch protects ou against hlfhprices and the middleman's profits. Our shoesequal custom work in style, easy fitting andvrearing- - aualities. We hare them sold crery-wher- e

at lower prices for the vclne given tharnuy other make. Tike stb:ittr. Ifj-ou- r

dealer cMHOt supply )u. weeax Sold by

GEO. S. PORTER,Kast Side of I'laia. Pmwott.

C. A. DAKESdcoessob to Jxo. G. Campbell.



Boots and Shoes,Furnisiunor Goods,

i) A Mi

auncio aim UflllS.HARDWARE, TOBACCO.

Liquors of All KindsAnd Fine Confbotionry.

fg?PA special tv made of MIN-ING and" RANCH sup-plie- s.

3Iv stock is full and in prico theLOWEST.

"Rolled Barloy, Wheat, Cornand Bran always on hand.

Remember the Location onMontezuma Street.

CHAS. A. DAKE,Pheoott, Akioka.


7 -




HA It It V KRISLKY, the proprietor, will be happyto see otd friends and new in bis butter quarter.

W. V. KOSS, Propriotor.o

The Purest Grade oiMedicines and DrugsAlwavs on Hand atSeasonable Prices.

I would. rciectfully... csU the attention ofi V. .!nf utn atuf

Country Order Department, which rennflxcnUed br anv. n imiwir lion0 in thin(dry. The Mric cat tccnc- - is prewrvdin all ordom and goods are hlnppedfrtti trim itteerTatlon and without ahyof Ue usual marka tr otlier evidencesof the content of a ioakKC Rt mem-b- sr

Ute placo and wind dituot to the


The Bank of Arizona.

rNCORPOlUTiU) lT7. The Oldest "bank InA tlto Territory.

UUGO KIOrCATtDS PresidentE. W. WELLS Vice ProsirltintW. E. TIAZELTrNE CashierM. B. IIAZELTENE.-.A- 't Caahior

DIRJOCTOI.Huoo RioiLiBoit. W b. llAb, 3. W. 6pixxv.u

E. W. Wells, W. E. IUzkltiksCORRESPONDENTS :

Rank of California SAN FUAKCISCOLaidlaw & Co NEV 0Rh

General UauRinjrBnsinesgTrrtnsactcd

and Telegraphic Kxohango on all thDRAFTS oitift of the Unitod bl&tee bonghand sold. .

F Escrow papers takou caro ofwithout chargo.

rM. MURPHY, President- -K. OLDVaTKR, nco Pres dent.

R. C. WOODRUFF, Cashier

The PrescottNational Bank


F. M. Hurphy, MorriB Goldwator, W. O.

Doxtoril.Forry, D. 11. Ferry & Co.,Seedsmen, Detroit, Midi. J. L. Jbialior.

Transacts a General Banking bus-iness Loans made at reasonablerates. Drafts on all tho principalcities of tho United States and for-eign countrios. Monoysent by tele-graph; gold dust and bullion boughtat highest market rates. Escrow pa-

pers taken caro of without ohargo,


What is Going on Everywhere of General

Interest to the People.

IBy Associated Press to ths Journal-Mix- x.

Boston, Oct. 15. Iuvostigatiou byuoiecuvea has brought to light thoiact mat William Uarrott, nowlocked up in Cambridge jail, fortho murdor of Constable JarnosFarrar, of Lincoln, Mass., last May,lea a strange doublo life. In Nowlork City, ho supuorted his wifeand child in stvlo and representedthat ho was a dealor in drivintrhorses. On tho nitrliL of Mar 17last, a burglar onto red tho house of

vjauios farrar, in Lincoln, rarrar,with liis brother and sovoral neighbors, pursued tho burglar. Afterfollowmir tho footprints of thethief's rubber shoes for somo hour,thov caniH Atrnss R.irndt. in thnwoods, and attomptod to arrest himBarrett shot and killed Farrar.Barrott was captured aud on hisporson was found a eomploto burglars kit. as well as rubber tonuisshoes, such as tho thief who onteredFarrar's houso had worn. Thoproperty stoleu from other housos;.. t... r:..:i i l i. . rhi iuu t ii:iuiiy, a suuib ttiuu uuiuiu,was also found in his possession. Itnow tfevolops that Barrett's realnamo is William Basott, aud thopolieo claim ho has beun a proftw-siona- l snmn time. Wlii-- n

his wifo discovered hU roal businwsrecently, sho left Now York amiwent to Canada with hor son.

Omaha. Oct. 17. Judge Scott hasdismissed the ease against EditorRosowater, of tho Bee, because thoother fivo judges woro about to takeit from him on the ground f hisboiug prejudiced. J udgo Scutt saidthat if ho did not try the eaais, noone else should.

New York, Oct. 17, Mrs. MargaretMurphy aged 103 yoora dim! herothis morning. She retained horfaculties till two weeks ago.

Denver, Oct. 17. Lieut. Col.Heury E. Noyes of tho SecondCavalry, lately transforred fromArizona to Fort Logan, has preferrodcharges against General McCookgrowing out of tho Colonel's re-

moval from New Mexico to Arfcouaon ncvouut of complaints againsthim by citizons.

Pittsboro, Oct, 17. Tho sensa-tional struggle for the possession oftho person aud real estate ofEboueozer M. Byors, of AlleghanyCity, iron mastor. was decided today. Houry Warner was appointedguardian for tho lunatic. WhileWarner was agreed mum bv Mrs.E. M. Byera aud A. M. Byers, tholunatic s brother, it is mallv a vic-tory for Mrs. Byors. Mr. Byers isin the Penusylvania hospital for thoinsane at Philadelphia.

Cleveland, O., Oct, 17. ClaroncoHobinson, under arrest here withhis wife, for tho murder of AttorneyGibbi, in Buffalo, last April, madea complete confession to-da- y. Hesaid ho attacked tho attorney, butwould not givo tho motive, andwhilo tho two were fighting, Mrs.Robinson fired tho nhot which killedGibbs.

Colorado SpRiNqjf, Col,. Oct. 17.James Cannon and Thomas Short,Bull Hill miners, .arrested recentlyon tho charge of having robbed theVictor gambling hall on Saturdaymorning, attempted to escape fromofficers, who were bringing thorn tojail at the Divide, whouDeputy Sheriff Sterling shot both,killing Caunon and wouudlng Shortin the leg. He may die from loss ofblood. It is believed tho men woroinuocent of the crime with whichthey were charged.

Richmond. Oct. 18. A largo partof tho Tredgariron mill was burnedthis morning. Loss, $150,000. Thocompany mado cannon for theSouthern Confederacy during thowar. but havo siuoo ujado freightcars.

San Francisco, Oct. 18. A greatraft, containing ten thousand spurs,which left tho Columbia river forhere, is a total loss, after the secondday out. The loss is $35,000.

Columbus, Oct, J8. loseph Dolbya negro who outragod ;Mory C.Boyd, a white woman aged 70 yearsconfessed crime and was sentencedto twenty yoars in the ponitontiary.A mob tried to hang him but wererepulsed by tho militia. Threewero killpd and inauy raorowounded,, Iowa, Oct 18. As aresult of a lover's quarrel, CharlesKahler, a young carpimtur, shotLizzie Uchtorf in tho faeo inflictinga serious wound, and thou sont abullet into his own brain, dyinginstantly.

BmrrLE Creek, Col., Oct. 18.Excitement runs high among thoBull Hill minors on account of thoshooting of James Cannon andThomas Short yesterday at Divide,by Deputy Sheriff Sterling, whenthoy woro attempting to escapofrom custodr. U js claimedtho prisoners wero innocent andand there was no excuso for takingthem to Colorado Springs withoutgiving them a hearing. Threats areopenly made to sack this city andColorado Springs, and it is foaredwar may "break out agaiu. Shortwill recover.

New York, Oct. 18. Senator Falk-no- r,

chairman of tho democraticcongressional campaign committee,has iRSued an address to tho demo-cratic voters of New York City,directing their attention to tho factthat divisions in tho congressionaldistricts may cost tho party controlof congress.

St. Petersburg, Oct, 19. Tho czaris rapidly approaching tho end. Hispoudition has cliangedfor the worsosince yesterday. Tfho royal familyarp all" with him and aro all armed.

Denver, Oct. 19. Troops B and Gwill arrive at Fort Logan this morn-ing to remain, Fort Bowie, Arizona,having been abandoned by tho wardepartment.

Dr. Price' Cream Biking PowderWorld's PIr Highest Award.

Amitu, La., Oct 19. Dr. E. W.Macruiro has boon arrested herecharged with hiring two assassins,who wont to tho houso of Win. --nillor. near Iudonondenco and fire I

through a window killing Mrs. Mil- -

lor.Mesidan, Miss., Oct, 19.-- Will T.

Martin, a farmer of Clark county.murdored his infant becauso it criedtoo much for him. Ho is now bointr pursued br a mob who willlyuch him if captured.

Denver, Oct. 19. Tho News to-

day says that Lieut. Col. Honry F.Noyes, of tho Second cavalry, recently transferred from a post inArizona to Fort Logan, has pro--lorruU chartros airains Uonoral McCook. aud tho geuoral's recent tripto Washington was mado partly mcousequoucco of thoso charges, ac-cording to tho roport published intho nows. LiouU Col. Noyes, whiloon duty in Now Noxieo, incurredtho ill will of thu citizons, and com-plaint was fixod with Gen. McCook.Gen. McCook removed him from hispo t and ho immediately laid thotnattor before the war departmentAs tho policy of tho war depart-ment in to aroid publicity of a trialwhen tho contention is lwtweonofficers of high rank, it is thoughtthere will be no foimal hearing intho case. As tho matter stand?, itis uudorsleod that Lieut. Col. Noyesdesires to bo ordered back to thopost from which he was relieved asa full justification of his position.Intimations from Washington aro totho effect that Secretary of WarLamont has Mistainod Uonoral Mo- -Cook, and Lieut. Col. Novos will ro-ma- iu

at Fort Loran. It is saitl thntsince his arrival at Fort Logan hohas uoglected to pav his respects totho commanding general.

Yokohoma, Ow'tobor 20 - -- A Croatnaval battlo between tho Chineseami Japanese Hoots in tho YellowSea was fought ou September 10.Eleven Japnuuse ships aud fourteenChiniwe shins with six torpedoboat woro unga rod. Throe CIjiuoaoships wort sunk and twroral othersworo badly injured. Tho Chineseesvaped. fhe Japanese ships enmoout if tho otigtgutuoitt mostlv ingood condition, none being damaged so badly but that slight repairswin put mom iu coutiuiou ronuyfor action.

Yokohoma, Oct. 20. On mootingsix iluiisaua UhinoJU troops iuCoren refusod to march iu tho direc-tion ordered bv thuir officors. AChinese transport was wrecked witholid thousand troops aboard. Twohuudrod woro drowned aud thosinking soldiers murdored the captain a tut crow for mismnnagmentof tho ship.

Cuioaqo, Oct. 20. Mrs ElizaCarson, aged 70, whoso son-in-la- w

Julius Rohrbnck,asked for a con-servator that sho might not squan-der hor $30,003 fortune iu hor fadfor continuous sta nabln trips onth Atlantic, has loft Chicago forNow i ork to lako auother voyage.Tho son-in-la- w withdrew his application for a conservator.

Colusa, Calif., Oct 22. Twenty- -two inmatos (of whati ed.) woropoisoned this morning bvstrrchuinohaving been placed iu tho coffee.

Buda Pesth. Oct. 23. Fortybodies havo Ween recovered from thocolliery at Annia whoro tho oxplo-si- on

of fire damp occurred. Thirtypersons wero sonously burned.

Washington, Oct. 22. It is uowdetermined to fill nil vacancies ofIudiau agencies with army officers.

Chicago, Oct. 22.A small boilerin bimou urusunana uaKery, onCanal street, exploded this morning.Brustman and Lawronco Wallisworo seriously hurt.

London, Oct. 32. rFoars are entertained for tho reason of tho czarina,who

.is in such constant attendance

I t S Ion tho czar, mat mio reiuses tosleeps Sho had n violont attaok oflystona yesterday.

Don't Want Him Again.Ann Fria. rct. 18.- - X Editor of

Journal-Mine- r: Last Saturdaynight about 10 o'clock a man claim-ing to bo ono of your city officers,canio to this valley after a chickoupeddler, from Phonix. Ho foundhis man camped in frontof iny place,served his papers and got thoamount thoy called for. In thomn n time, bv his loud talk he hadgot mo out of bod, to soo what wasthe matter. Ho ordered supper.While I wqs cookjng, tho partieswanted so t othing to drink. I wontout to wait on them, when this off-

icer told me ho would wait on thornand for mo to get tho supper roacly.Supposing that ovorythmg was allright I went back, but found outlator that ho had not only drank,but thqt all to money that wastaken in over tho bar "was guno.Also a quarter of boof was taken,but whothor he or tho peddlor tookthem I cannot say. When ho audhis friend, ho had one with him, lofttho valley they firod off their pistolsso as to wako up ovory body iu thovalloy, and lot. them kuow whatbad mei wero horo. That is thoway it looked to mo. Now Mr.Editor, if tho people of f roscollwant that kind of a man for a peaceofficer, ploaso keep him at homo andnot send hiu out to our valloy, aswo don't want hini,

Yours, F. H. Hiltexbrand..

The Hani orArlxona.An inspired gonius who loctures

on tho Arizona Iudian villages hasimmortalized tho Fair in a poeticallamphlotdoscriptivQ of tho w'onderso bo soon thoro. Captain 0. V.

Anderson, tho bard of Arizona, istho author of tho work, which willlivo both in history and litoraturoas the only thing of ita kind inoxistonce. Tho work is entitledCaptain Charles Andorsou's Pasearat tho Midwintor Fair, and has thocaptain's picture on tho back. Nolibrary is eomploto without thislittlo souvenir volutno. Tho sale oftho book has been phenomenal. S.F. Chronicle, July 20, 18JH. Forsale nt Kelly & Stephons, BroscottArizona, at 25 cents,'

Postmaster Foster, of Lubec, Me.,writes that after tho grip Hood'sSarsaparilla brought him out of afeeble, norvious condition, into com-plete strength and health, Hood'sPilla have won high praiso for theirprompt and officiant yet oasy action

it was a ii nam Kit.

The Greatest Meeting Er Held In theO rent Copper Cnmp t Jerome.

Jerome was a blazo of glory lastSaturday oveniug. Tho horuy (mud-o- d

bo us of toil iu tho mine audaround tho smolter douued theirSunday nuits aud turued out enmasso to listen to tho discussion ofpolitical issues by tho speakers oftho evening. Tno nows of ihomooting had spread to tho Vordovalloy, and from there also cantoscores of people to do honoi to thonext dologato to congress andcouncilman at lai'go iu tho terri-torial legislature. Tho county cen-tral committee had engaged thoProscott brass band for tho occasionand thoy discoursed swoot strains ofmusic on tho streets, and when thohour arrived for opening tho meet-ing, it was fouud that Con. O'Keofo'shall, which had boon amplo toaccommodate all previous politicalmooting, would not accommodateono'third of tho poopUs althoughthoy woro packed as close na possi-ble. It wan deoidod, in order thatall might hear, to adjourn to thoopen air, and a platform for thespeakers was arranged on tho porch,whilo tho audience was ranged!around iu i no air was quite cotu,bul despite this fact, tho spAtkorsheld the audience for about throihours, tho greatost interest beingmanifested throughout. Never, iutho history of tho oainp, was Buchenthusiasm and profound interestshown in a political mooting as inthis ono on Saturday night, andnover woro ho many people nssem-ble- c

in tho cnmp at otto time forany purpose whatever. On tho

assreturn trip on.

Sunday,..a tho speakers.

hem a meeting nt the end ot t uoJerome railroad, whioh was attendedby about 160 pooplo.


Ilepublleati Territorial I'latrorm.Tho republican parly of Arizona

reaffirms its belief in and adherenceto tho principles of thu lepublioanparty, under which tho en tiro coun-try has prospered aud advanced iuall its material interests as no othercountry over haa.

I his success aud prosporitv hasboon duo lnrgoly to a wise systemof protection to home industries, ahomo market and homo labor, thomaintenance of which is of thegreatest importance to laboringmen, to stock growers, to wool producers, to mining industries, to thoproducers of tho soil ami to ovoryothor American industry.

Because of nn opposite belief bythu democratic administration sinceit has assumed coutrol of governmental affairs all of our industrialinterests aro threatened with destruction or groat injury.

Wo co us ura tho demooratic ad- -

ministration for;1. An ini'roaso of our national

bonded intlebtetlness,2. It has logislatod iu Uo in-

terests of the great sugar trust oft1n country.

8. It has almost destroyed thecattle, wool and silver interests ofArizona.

!. It haa failed to rudoom itspledges of two yoars siuco to givestatehood to tho territory.

o. It haa legislated Ul tho in- -

torosts of Urn manufacturers ofothor countries and against tho in-

terests of all classes pi our owncountryjand is resnonsiblo for thu'hard times" that aillicX us.

Wo aro opposod to tho return oftho ronogado Geronimo to our torritory, as is uow threatened.

Wo boliovo in tho free aud un-limited coinago of silver at a ratioof 10 to 1, and domind that ourgovernment take immediate stepsto this end, without regards to whatother nations may do.

Wo favor tho reduction of taxa-tion to tho lowest possible limit un-

der which territorial, county andmunicipal goverumouta can be car-ried on in our territory.

Wo demand national legislationou tho questions of naturalizationand immigration, to the cud thatour country may bo protected fromsocialists, anarchists and tho pauperand criminal classes of all couutries.

Wo favor government appropria-tion of money for the reclamation oftho arid lands of tho west.

Wo favor tho admission of Arizonaas a state, and deprecate any at-tempt to make this a parly issuo asbeing inimical to tho interests oftho torritor.

Good Souud Argument.Eighteen months ago Hon. N. O.

Murphy loft official position andcame back to the ranks of t ho pco- -

1)lo. During thoso eighteen mouthshas boon earnestly eugaged in

working for tho admission of Ari-zona to tho sisterhood of states, andis fostering and encouraging enter-prises calculated to benefit ourcitizens anil iid q our materialwealth. 11 o has given his time, hisonorgy and means wholly for thogood of Arizona. During all thistime ho has been promluently be-

fore our people. Ho has been al-

most daily mentioned by tho pressof tho territory iu tonus of praise,aud this, if wo recollect aright,without exception as to the politi-cal bins of tho papers. In recogni-tion of his services; knowing thehigh estimation of his characterou tort pined by tho people, audknowiug also, that of q truth, noth-ing could bo urged against him, thorepublican convention placod hisnamo at tho head of its ticket as acandidato for congress. And bo-cau- so

ho is tho republican candidatethis is tho wholo "head and front ofhis offending," the d,omocro.tic presssuddenly protonda to djscoyor that,whilo in office, ho was guilty of alltho crimes possiblo to be committedby an official, aud ho is chnractor-a- s

a thief, perjuror and anythingolso that malice can suggest. IfGovornor Murphy has stolon thopeople's money, as alleged by histraducers, why havo tho guardiansof tho peoplo's rights so long keptsilontT Why, whon tho press of theterritory was lauding him as aworthy nqd honoratyp citi-je- n, wasno haild raised to protest! Can anyman boliovo that tho charges madoagainst him havo any foundation intruth? Tho attaok upon GovornorMurphy is but campaign balderdash,which will not deceive any one, andwo boliovo that it will not drawfrom him a single vote. The attackon Mr. Murphy, has boon mado byovor zealous frionds of 3 r, Herndou,

who being au honorable gentleman,as wo know him to bo, oould novurhavo advised such a departure fromhonorahlo courses to iasuro hiselection. No honorahlo man woulddesire to sit in congrbsti and fooland Know (hat las seat rested upona falsehood circulated against afollow citizon. Nogalos Press,

Left uOTTlie (treat ItogUtcr.Tho law provides that tho groat

register shull oloso ou tho twentyfirst day prior to oloction, aud pro-vides further, that no rcgieteringofficer shall place any namo on thegreat register after this date. Inaccordance with this tho great rog-ist- or

closed on Tuosday nightOctobor 1C. Sitioo then sixty sixnames havo been roeoivod by Co'untyRecorder A. O. Brodio who haschargo of tho only official groatregister of tho county. Tho listsare from tho following registeringofficers.H. WFIeury, Prosoott. ...30 namesA; N.Gage, Congress 5 u

G. WT. Sessions, Cherry. . . , ! "W. J. Smith, Minnehaha., 1V. R. Norris, Gillotto 2 aE. K, Otoy, Joronie 4F. L. Jordan. Camp vordo 1 "Etl Wagor, Chaparral 1 "C. S. Black, Saata Maria. .12 "

Of thoso several in Prescottand Santa JMnria wero regis-- t

red sevoral1

dava prior to thodato for closing tfie great registersome of them being registered asearly as Octobor G.

31 r. Gage of Congress closedhis l:st on October 15 audregistered tho lo' tor containing iton that dato but tho registered let-ters was not delivered until OctoberL7. Just what disposition will bemade of theso names has not yotboon decided although there is talkof putting them in as an appondix totho groat register as printed, with acertificate as to the dato of theirreceipt.

KutliRilritn-- . nt Clmpnrral,Chaparral. Oct. 17. Tho republi-

can meeting hold horo last nightwas an onthusiastio ono. Everybodywithin fivo miles of tho camp turnedout to hoar tho political issues dis-cussed. Tho meeting was presidedover by Frank Blandy who intro-duced tho speakers. Tho firstspanker was R. E. Morrisou, candi-date for district attorney, who spokofor an hour and a half, tho mostinteuso interest being manifested inhis speech. W. H. Hall was thonext speaker and ho mado lots offrioiids by his visit horo. Mohn S.Jones was then introduced and thecheers with which ho was greeted,wero so loud and prolonged that itwas several minutes before ho couldproceed with his talk aud duringtho delivery of his spoocU ho wasfrequently iutoruptod with ap-plause. John Hartiu mado a veryfavorable impression on the audience

Uiy his speech and won many votes.35 W. E. Hall mndo a brief addressand was foilowod by Governor Tritlowho only eonimnod tho previouslyformed favorable impreasion of him.If there is a man in tho camn whowill not volo for tho Governor ho !

has uot yot mado himself known.The u oetiug adjourned with

threo rousing cheers for tho re-publican ticket. Among thoso pre-so- ut

woro a number of democrats1id tho seoinod as deeply interested,

and joined m tho cheers with asmuch vinu aud enthusiasm a? ro--mblioans, and as the audience wasoaving ono man, who has always

voted tho democratic ticket washeard to remark, "a man who doesnot voto the ropublicau ticket thisyear, it seems to mo ha3 not goodsense." This camp can bo dependedon to give a good republicanmajority. A Voter.

They Are Sir to Vfln.Let tho republicans of Phenix

aud Maricopa county understandthat they have never had a betterchauco to win than is now boforothem. Let ovory republican put hisshoulder to tho wheel with the fulldetermination to do his utmost fortho party ticket this fall, and thoresult catiuot fail to bo satisfactory.Tho democrats generally, aro nowconceding tho defeat of Mr. Horn-do- n,

and many of them say thatmany of tho candidates on tho re-publican county ticket aro liablo tobo olocted. This coming fromdemocrats is very significant, andshows which way the political windis blowing this year. Lot un go into win this j'oar, now that wo havosuch a good opportunity to succeed.Tho fact that hundreds of demo-crats aro ready to second us in thefight wo are making should stimulatend encourage ovory republican in

tho city and couuty to do his utmost for party success this fall.Lot us take tho tide at its flood.Phonix Republican.

or Interest to Cue Players.Tho chess plavors of Phonix aro

disctibsing the advisability of hav-ing a chess tournament during thecoming winter. It ia proposedamong other features to havo a freofor all contest for tho champion-ship of tho territory. There will bohindicap matches for weaker play-ers. Prizes will be provided, notfor thoir value, but as mementoes;tho idea botug to cullivato au ac-quaintance among the chess playersof oqr territory and to dovelop aninterest in this, tho greatost of allintellectual games. It is more thanprobable that a Territorial ChessAssociation will bo organized, andwith this in view it would bo ndvis-abl- o

that local clubs be organizedwherovor threo or four playors caube found, Now that Prose Jtt's nowclub rooms are ready, it should booasy to form a chess club insido itsmembers. All ches3 playors livingiu Prescott or adjacent thereto whotako an iutorest in tho game are re-quested to sond their address to"BoxC" Prescott P. O. Arizona.

Tho calamity howl of.BuckvO'Neill Saturday ovoniug was thostereotyped art do. From the davsof tho Roman Empire l0 to-da- y

y o6uld soo nothing butoalnurity.1' Tho growth of this

groat American peoplo into one ofthe greatest and strongest andmo3t prosperous nations on earthhad no charm for his lugubriouspictures of the political andmaterial dosolati-sn- . Bueky mightbe denominated a regular "ringtaiUed h.qwlor," for begets iu all thowrlnklos. Phonix Herald. .


TlieHoliemert Iteliig Worked by the Penso-oi- nt

to Hoourn Surer for thHrLeglnlHlive Ticket.

Tho following circular lottor, typewritten and copied ou a mimograpb,has been snt to a number of busi-ness man in Prescott:

Rooms of the Democratic)Okntral Committhe of Yav.uai

Corwrr, Ofwcb oftheSeorbtart.JPrmpcott, Aris., Oot. 15. 1S9L I

Doar Sir. Wo bog to call your at-tention to tho following plank intho democratic platform adoptotlby tho democratic county conven-tion, and respectfully submit:

That it would bo to your mtorastto suppott tho democratic nomiueasfor the legislature at the noxtelection ovon if you can not con-scientiously support tho wholedemocratic ticket

Tho pl&uk referred to is as fol-lows: '

"Wo favor tho immediate repealof thp Merchants' License Tax im-posed by tho last legislature ofArizona and plodgo our nomineesfor tho legislature to use all honor-able means to secure such action."

Tho Merchants' License Tax re-

ferred to being the quartorly taxpaid by each merchant in tho terri-tory. Vory Respectfully,

H. T. Andrews,Chairman Central Committee.

J. P. Dillon, Socrorary.It may seem a novel departure in

politics to use a typo writer andmimograph to d'ssominato politicalliterature rathor than to use theordinary channels tho columns ofa party paper.

Iu this particular instance thomotivo is apparent however. Thedistinguished chairman and secre-tary of the committee seera to beafraid to discuss this particularplank of their platform openly andpublicly and at tho samo time da-- si

ro to uso it for all that it is worthwhore th03' think that thoy caninfluence voters for their legislativeticket, even at tho expense of thebalanoo of tho county ticket. Onodistinguished oandidato ou theirtickot has held office so long andhas further aspirations for thofuture that thoy aro getting serious-ly alarmed at tho prospect of hisdefeat and hence are willing to doa littlo work on the sly to savo himif some of the other candidates havoto bo sacrificed. Thoy do not seemto bo satisfied in their own minds asto tho effect a discussion of thisplank might havo in the countryand aro afraid to give it the sarniepublicity and prominence amongthe masses of voters that they desireto do among those who are per-sonally iuterostod.

Thoy state confidentially to themerchant that 'it will be to yourinterest to support the democraticnominees for the legislature" if youlot tho balance of tho democratictickofr go--to well up Salt river.Oh yes! But why? Because tho lastdemocratic legislature passed a billimposing a quarterly license on youfor tho privilege of doing businessanu now it you win oniy uoip us toelect another demooratic legislature awe will take it all baokj you know.This is the way we democrats dobusiness, you know. We legislateone year in order to havo somethingto repeal the next year. Take foriustanco a few years ago weimposoda quartorly tax on billiard tobies.Two yoars ago wo rau a man for tholegislature and elected him. solely torepeal that obnoxious billiard tabletax? Now we rely this year on thomerohauts to holp'us elect our ticket ain order that wo may repeal thisobnoxious merchants' license taxpassed by our party two years ago.Our parly, if you will onlvhelp use'ect our legislative tickot, (thebalance of the county ticket canlook out for themselves) and wo geta majority in the legislature, willtako off this tax from your shouldersand then wo will get up a license onsomething else, so wo will havesomething to repeal two years hence.Don't you see? That is the way wedo business. Funny isn't it, butthen so lougr as it works it is allright. Besides, you know, ourcandidato for the council is a re-pealer from away back. Why ye&.rsago, ho was a member of tho lowerhouse, and had tho license tax lawrepealed so far as it related to roadstations. A previous democratic alegislature had imposed a licousetax on them and ho got it repealedand ho is now running on hisrecord as a repealer. Now you canreadily soo from all of these facts,why it will be to your interest tovote tho democratic candidates forthe legislature, no matter about thebalauco of the tickot.

Now candid voter tho above istho argumont used by tho chairmanaud secretary of tho county demo-cratic central committee carriedout in detail. A democratic legisla-ture enaots a pernicious law and it,you must elect another democraticlegislature two years afterwards togotitropealed- - Tho repoalingacthasboon going ou session af tor session,Oliver says he was instrumental in isgetting tho law repealed whichimposed a tax on road stations, andwhioh was passed by a former demo-cratic legislature, ft devolved uponanother distiuguisod member fromYavapai county two yoars ago, torepeal nnothor law passed by ademocratic legislature, imposing atax ou billiard tables. Now it isauother license law thoy waut re-pealed, n law passed by a demo-cratic legislature. If thov succeedin obtaining a majority in tho nextlegislature thoy will havo somoother measure to repeal in 1S9G.

Wo ask tho voters of this county,in all candor, if tho above lettergives any good reasons, why thodemocratic logislativo tickot is ou-titl- od

to thoir support. Is it notrathor, a strong argument againstelecting democratic legislators toouact laws c nly to bo repealed by asubsequout legislative body. Whilotho republican platform contains uospecific plank in regard to thisparticular act of democratic legisla-tion, ovory man on tho republicanlegislative ticket is plodgod to doall in his power to oorroot anyvicious or class legislation heretoforepassed, and to also do all in hisfiQWer to prevent tho enactment ofany laws, simply to havo thorn ro-jeal- ed

by a future logislaturo. Tholistory of tho "Merchants' licensetax law" and tho uumorou3 othor


laws enacted by domooraUc legisla-tures, only to havo them .repealedsubsequontly is n sufficionV Treasonwhy ovory voter should support ihorepublican legislative ticket, as wellas tho entire republican ticketfrom top to bottom.


Tho Ttepnhlloau Speakers areet With auOvation o Their Ketnra.

Political enthusiasm among thorepublican workers, as well as therank and file of tho party, remainsat tho highest pitch. The announcement that Hon. N. O. Murphy. Hon.A. J. Doran and General A. J. Samp-so- u

would arrive last eveuinir ontho tram on their return from asuccessful campaigning tour throuerhadjoiuing counties, resulted in about-20- 0

or SOO people goiugxlown to thodepot to moot andwalcomo themback loProscot

The Prescott "Brass Band wasalso there, and as tho train pulled. --

in, thoy played a lively air. Animpromptu procession was formed,and, preceded by the band, marchedto the Winsor hotel, where apart-ments had been-- , engaged for thevisitors. On their arrival at thohotel, cheer after cheer rout tho airfor Murphy and Doran, who aroleading the republican forces on tocertain and sure victorv in the com-ingolecti- on.

In a conversation with the party,it was learned that they have beoumet at every place they visited withtho most onthusiastic receptions,and havo receivedv the most enthu-siastic encouragement for the suc-cess of tho republican ticket. At:places whoro tho domocratie speak-ers, who preceded thorn, had beenmet with cold receptions, and had.somo embarrassing questions pro-pounded to thorn in tho midst oftheir speeches, the republicanspeakers had been warmly received,and their speeches listened to withgreat interest. The party went outto-d- ay to Jeromo, going by rail totho end of tho track on tho newrailroad, where thoy will bo metwith saddle animals and taken tothe great copper camp.

MlnlngJotelllgence.Chas. M. Clark started tip the

mill on tho Last Chance mine lastTuesday.

Doc. S. Smith is reported lo havestruck It rich recently near theSenator mine.

Judge Abnor Wado is runninghis mill with good success on orefrom the King Solomon mine.

W. C. Bashford returned yester-day from a visit to tho Jersey Lilymine. The shaft is down 120 footand at tho bottom thoy havo twentyinches of solid sulphurot ore which,assays over 200 per ton. Thisjninocontinues to improve as they getdeeper.

Word was received last night thata big striko had been made recentlyin tho Senator mine. Tho Senatorcompany has had a few mon pros-pecting underground for somo timeand it is said that they have struck

very large body of good ore. Iftho roport is true tho old camp willresume its old time activity again.

Goo. Gibbs, who is just in fromStanton, brought in somo very finespecimens of nuggets from thoQoarso Gold claim owned by twoMexicans on tho Hassayarapa. Thenuggets aro found in tho quartz andaro quit large. Mr. Gibb3 thinksthat tho Coarso Gold will make awonderful record. Tho owners havo

shaft twenty feet deep on it and y

havo taken out probably $6,000an. sgoing that depth.

ThoJPhenix Gazette contains the- -;following concerning the Austin .&Owens mining claims in tho Santa 'Maria district which aro now beingworked under bond by Thoma3Fitch and Judge Silent: Theso -

claims are located about 100 milesto thonorth-oa- st of Phonix, thirty-fiv- o

miles west of Congress andabout eight miles north of thcounty line. Tho now railroad, atits Dato Creek station, will be butfifteen miles to tho eastward. Thomines are located far up on tho sideof a steep and narrow canyonwhere, as the Colonel puts it "They,could readily bo superintended by aman with a spyglass." Below runs

mountain torrent, and never fallsbelow 1,000 miners' inches, its sharp,descent rendering feasible a pipalino to tho mine, to furnish powerfor tho propultion of tho machineryt)f both mino and mill. The ledge,whioh parallels tho stream,, has beenuncovered for a long distance,though to no considerable depthaud is declared, for the amount ofdevelopment, ono of tho best show-ings in tho territory. Almost fromtho surface, tho ore is strongly sul-phuro-


rendering concentration.the only feasible lnodo of working

at a prone, imports declare it tobo an excellent ore for purpose ofconcentration and equally available,by lack of copper, for tho reductionby tho cyanide process. In value it

something remarkable, the assaysrunning from S30 to 70 por ton Ingold. A working- sample taken atdistauces of fivo feot, from tho ledgo . .

whoro it had boon exposedfor 100 foot by an open cutgave returns of $A1 per ton.Tho ledgo is a strong one, with welldefined walls, and dips at a sharpangle away from tho stream. Itcun readily bo worked by means ofan incline. This Santa Mariacountry is beginning to assumoprominonco as a goid region, andamong tho many prospects located;.according to tho testimony of exportsthoro are no poors to tho Fitch &Campbell claims, which seomdostiuod to materialize into a min-ing property of tho first magnitude.

A Democratic L.le."The independent voters of this

soctiou, and their namo 3 legion,,will bear in mind that tho Ylurphyorgau calls them 'hobos, bums andtramps.' " Courier.

Tljo above is an infamous andmalicious falsehood, known to b&such by tho man who wroto it.Nothing ha3 appeared in tho so-cnll- od

' Murphy organ" that couldoven be construed to hay i such amonning. Tho assertion is a Homndo out of whole oloth. Tho-indoponde-

voter is nn entirelydifferent parson from tho uncertain.vntnr.