Arin Ghosh Business Communication Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Including Body Language.

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Transcript of Arin Ghosh Business Communication Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Including Body Language.

Arin Ghosh

Business Communication

Verbal And Non Verbal Communication


Body Language

Arin Ghosh


We live in a world that is fast changing; more so in the

organizational field which is changing at a supersonic speed. There are never ending developments in technology that continually affect and alter the way we send messages to one another.

However, one of the few things that stays constant in the workplace is the primacy of human encounter. People are greatly influenced by and remember how others relate to them.

Arin Ghosh

Styles of communication determines the organization

Management by suppression: (Autocratic)

• Unexpected and frequent eruption of conflagration

• Crisis management is the rule

• Boat rocking is common

• Employees engage in whistle blowing at the first opportunity; gives out secret to outsiders at the first opportunity

Management by expression: (Participatory)

• Participation and stimulation of thinking

• Networking of know how and learning across the organization

• Involvement of all staff in improvement, development and value addition for the customers

• Expansion of what the employees jointly believe is possible

Arin Ghosh



Upwards(senior managers, CEO)

Outwards(customers, suppliers)

Downwards(employees, unions)

Across(teams, colleagues)

The five directions of management communication

Arin Ghosh

Communication - Basics

The ultimate test of a communicative manager is the ability to impart something of his or her own vision, sense of purpose and energy to others, as well as receiving ideas,

suggestions and contributions from everyone in the team

Arin Ghosh


• Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons

• Communication is a process by which information is transmitted between individuals and / organizations so that an understanding response results

• Communication is a process of passing information and understanding from one person to another

• It is dynamic, continuous, systematic, two way, interactive / transactional and can be intentional or unintentional.

• Communication occurs when an exchange of messages results in shared meaning

Arin Ghosh

Communication Process

Sender Medium Receiver

Encoding Decoding

Urgency of the messageFinances available

Effectiveness / availability of the mediumTime available

Relationship between the two communicantsKnowledge of the medium

Arin Ghosh

Categories and components of communication

• Verbal (style, body language, language proficiency) Nonverbal communication (writing skills)

• Mass Communication

• Public communication

• Small group communication

• Interpersonal communication

• Intra-personal communication


• Feedback

• Environment

• Failure of communication

Arin Ghosh

Communication Barriers

Physical Semantic Psychological Others

Source Bad expressions Intention, lack of clarity

Lack of common knowledge

Distance Inaccurate translations

Distrust, Status conscious

Unsolicited communication

Time Semantics Sloppiness, closed mind

Poor skills

Noise Words with different connotations

Fear, emotions, closed mind


Defective medium State of health, Defensiveness,


Arin Ghosh

Channels of Communication

Channels of Communication


Vertical Horizontal

Upward Downward

Informal (Grapevine)

Does not have rules, grows very fast, crosses hierarchical levels,

operates in all organizationsSingle strand, gossip, cluster,

probabilityOnce started no control, distorted /

wrong info, hurts people,

Arin Ghosh

Evaluating Channels of Communication

Feedback potential – response time Complexity capacity – can it handle complex messages Breadth potential – how many messages can be disseminated Confidentiality - security Encoding case – can it be sent quickly Decoding case – can it be received quickly Time space constraint – simultaneity of presence Costs – expensive? Interpersonal warmth - can it reflect Formality – does it have this? Scan ability – can it locate relevant message Time of consumption – how much effort to delete the message

Arin Ghosh

The Punctuation effect

Dear Krishna I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours Radha

Arin Ghosh

Punctuation result -- 1

Dear Krishna,

I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People, who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart. I can be forever happy. Will you let me be yours?


Arin Ghosh

Punctuation effect -- 2

Dear Krishna,

I want a man who knows what love is. All about you, are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you I have no feelings whatsoever. When we’re apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?

Yours Radha

Arin Ghosh

Manager’s responsibility to communicate

• Why does communication matter (failure is costly, participatory, probity and cross pollination in mgmt)

• What is to be communicated (related to job, personal)

• Which method to choose (interactive, notice board, memos, through supervisors)

• Is communication working

Arin Ghosh

Team Briefing

The objective is to make sure that all members know and understand what they and others in the team are doing and why. The benefits are:

• Reinforces management down the line

• Increases member’s commitment

• Helps reduce misunderstanding

• Welcomes change

• Controls grapevine

The cardinal principles of successful team briefing are:

1. Commitment 2. Coordinated 3. Structured 4. Regularity 5.Relevance

Arin Ghosh

Team Briefing - Checklist

• How do I prepare (put items in my briefing folder during the month, go to my briefing with my local brief already written and added to my own team leader’s brief, ask questions about clarity)

• How do I brief (keep it simple and relevant to team, use examples, keep to the subject, encourage discussions and questions, briefing management’s view, take note of the questions that could not be answered)

• What subjects to be briefed (progress against targets, policy, people that affects the team and points for action)

Arin Ghosh


Consultation is the process whereby, on a regular basis, management genuinely seeks the views, ideas and feelings of the employees before a decision is taken. It helps to

• Improve the quality of the decision• Stimulate better cooperation• Serves as preliminary to negotiation• Increases efficiency of the organization• Helps industrial relations Consultations are communication upwards. They should

not be allowed to degenerate into epics of group moaning. It should help in producing good ideas (both long and short term) and garner employee involvement.

Arin Ghosh

Working with your Secretary

• For a manager, the secretary is the most important element in the entire communication network. The business relationship with his secretary has to be of trust, dependence and sounding board.

• Keep your secretary in touch (which person / organization are you currently dealing with, what projects are you on at the moment). Routine matters could be delegated to the secretary.

• Responsibilities towards your secretary: communicate regularly with her, encourage and motivate her, delegate as much as you can and let her draw her own job description

Arin Ghosh

Non Verbal Communication (NVC)

We speak with our vocal chords, but converse with our whole body. We normally lay emphasis on what we say (authority, clarity, unambiguity, but liable to be misconstrued). Messages relayed in other ways while we speak viz. through glances, gestures, facial expressions, postures, tone of the voice, dress (nonverbal) that proves decisive in conveying information and forming judgments about others. Its crucial in management where we are often uncertain about whether we have understood each other fully and need every clue to ensure that we are sending and receiving messages accurately.

Arin Ghosh

Body Language

• Body language means more than simply physical posture. Postures and gestures tell a lot, but so do less obvious mannerisms, such as eye contact, speed and tone of voice, facial expressions, grunts, sighs etc. It can, in course of our working life, help us to get on, not because we may look the part, exude confidence and act assertively, but because we can look beyond what people say to what they really mean.

• Research has shown that around 10% of the messages we communicate is through words, tone of the voice 40% and posture and gesture 50%

• NVC contributes in developing effective relationships … actions speak louder than words…. A firm shake of hands can signal towards success; effective management requires a high degree of awareness of one’s NVC as well as the sensitivity to that of others

Arin Ghosh

Reach of Body Language

• Action speaks louder than words : Postures and gestures

• Power and influence: The body language of power. Power broking (aggressive, manipulative, assertive, submissive), expert power, reward power, charisma.

• Performance art, presentation skills

• Selling yourselves, body language in telephone selling

• The truth detectives, uncovering deception.

• Body language in security and control

• Selection, appraisal and counseling

Arin Ghosh

Importance of NVC

It is primitive (predates language); though not crucial, emphasizes the verbal code

Much social meaning is communicated nonverbally than verbally

NVC is more truthful, provides insight into verbal messages Skilled interactors can learn to control what their bodies say

as well as the messages sent in words (spin doctors, McDonald’s)

Language conveys ideas, information, understanding and intentions. NVC conveys feelings and attitudes required to build interpersonal relationships, sustain or terminate them.

Being primitive, has greater universality

Arin Ghosh

Functions of NVC

Replacing the verbal communication Complementing the spoken word Contradicting the spoken word Expressing emotions and interpersonal attitudes Conveying personal / social / cultural identity Negotiating relationships Regulating conversations Contextualising interaction

Arin Ghosh

Factors of NVC

• Territory and personal space :Spaces to which we claim special rights of access and ownership and may include home, office desk and feel aggrieved and uncomfortable if violated. Status symbol

• Interpersonal space : This is the distance people wish to maintain while interacting and is dependent on multiple factors.

• Facial expression

• Gestures, Posture, Vocalics

• Environmental features (office space, décor, lighting furniture, props, trophies, awards, etc)

• Physical appearance and dress code

Arin Ghosh

Sociofugal Sociopetal



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Seating arrangements and interactions showing interpersonal distance

Promoting / inhibiting interaction, denoting status and authorityConducting tasks



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Arin Ghosh

Factors shaping interpersonal distance

Cultural / ethnic background Gender – females adopt closer distance Personality – extroverts adopt closer distance than the

introverts Interpersonal relations – friends closer than strangers Age – young adopt closer distance than the old Topic of conversation – taboo or sensitive topics engender

discomfort and hence larger distance Physical features of others – disfigurement or deformity

evoke larger interpersonal distances Physical / social setting – location constraints, crowded


Arin Ghosh

Dress rules in business

Applies both to men and women in business environment Always follow formal dress codes Pay heed to others going places in the company If unsure, dress conservatively Consider the style of those with whom you do business Simple, classical lines are usually the best Neutral colors work well Dark colors command greater authority Dress as expensively as you can afford; do not show off Do not dress wildly above your stratum in the organization Wear real products rather than simulations (copy)

Arin Ghosh

Barometer of successful communication

• Communication is not only a matter of action “inside the egg”. Communication skills are essential element in your overall effectiveness as a manager. The tests are:

• Does the organization achieve its common task

• Does it generate new products or services, or improvements in the existing ones

• Does it create satisfied customers

• Does it help grow high- performance team

• Does each individual member feel fully involved and committed

Arin Ghosh


• The effective communicator By John Adair• Communication skills for effective management

By--- Owen Hargie, David Dickson and Dennis Tourish

• Business communication – Harvard Business Essentials

• Business Communication – Namita Ghoshal