Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Blood Sugar

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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Are YOU paying to get fatter? There are major deal breakers that will sabotage your weight; addressing them is critical in weight management. You can starve yourself to 500 calories/day and still have a fatty belly. Here are 3 hurdles as well as a glimpse at some quick solutions.

Transcript of Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Blood Sugar

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Blood Sugar By Magdalena Wszelaki

Have you ever been on a diet? For most of us, the answer is a resounding 'YES.' Did you

know that 70% of people who go on most diets end up putting put these pounds back on?

And more importantly, over half of them put on additional weight. They end up weighing

more than they weighed at the beginning of the diet.

That is astounding.

Are you paying to get fatter?

There are several hurdles that will ruin your weight loss goals. It is important to resolve

each if you want to effectively manage your weight. The hurdles and solutions in this article

are blood sugar levels and candida.

Low or High Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar = hypoglycemia, high blood sugar = insulin resistance.

How do I know I have it?

• high or low blood sugar

• mood swings - which are triggered by erratic changes in blood sugar

• chronic fatigue, exhaustion or low energy

• cravings for sugar and/or carbs

• brain fog, difficulty focusing or paying attention

• weight gain and yo-yos

• anxiety and/or depression

• adrenal fatigue

• compulsive overeating/food addiction

• candida yeast overgrowth

• sleepiness after a meal

• gas, bloating, indigestion

• poor memory and impaired learning abilities

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

• frequent urination

• excessive thirst

• extra weight in belly

What is it?

Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar is always running low.

With insulin resistance, it's too high. Insulin assists glucose (sugar) around the body to be

absorbed by different organ cells to get energy. Due to years of sugar overdose, these cells

become resistant and don't want to let the glucose in. Result: excess glucose in the blood

doing much damage to many organs.

Why do I need to take care of it?

If you do not regulate your sugar levels first, you will never lose weight and get healthy.

Both are pre-diabetic conditions, the sugar levels are destroying your organs, make you

crave carbs and sugars.

How do I reverse it?

With a specialized fasting diet, followed by a low Glycemic-Index plan + supplements.


Thinking vaginal discharge (sorry, boys)? Well, yes but it's much more than that. It's

another near-epidemic in our society that goes undetected by our doctors. If you are an

antibiotics fan, on a pill and like your sugary milk shakes you are even more likely to have


What is it?

It's a gut yeast overgrowth known as candidiasis (candida to make it simple). We all have

this yeast, but when it's too much it messes around with our gut's ability to absorb

nutrients, creates gut leaks which emit toxins to the bloodstream creating some serious


If you self-diagnose it, you officially know more than mainstream doctors who most often

overlook it.

How do I know I have it?

When you experience these:

· cravings for sugar, alcohol and carbs like bread

· abdominal gas, bloating, constipation

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

· headaches, migraines

· excessive fatigue

· frequent sinus or ear infection and sinus headache

· anxiety

· vaginitis

· inability to think clearly or concentrate

· depression and mood swings

· diarrhea or constipation

· poor memory

· low sex drive

· muscle weakness

· sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals

How is it sabotaging my weight?

When you crave sugars and carbs like a mad woman how do you hold yourself accountable

for "sticking to a diet"? It's not your fault - it's your gut. Clean it up and see the weight melt


How do I clean it up?

With a candida-elimination plan + supplements.

Learn how your emotions, common thyroid problems in women, sugar or candida and poor

thyroid nutrition are sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Don't pay to get fat. Read about

the other critical weight loss breakers and the effects of poor thyroid nutrition.

Magdalena Wszelaki, a certified nutrition coach and a thyroid wellness expert, is the founder

of Thyroid Diet Coach, a nutrition coaching practice dedicated to alleviating and healing

thyroid conditions. Magdalena herself is no stranger to thyroid issues; she had suffered from

Graves' (hyperthyroidism) and later Hashimoto's Disease (hypothyroidism) for over 10

years. In spite of being told by western medicine practitioners that there was no cure for

thyroid and autoimmune diseases, she managed to reverse her condition and today enjoys

better health than ever before. Her website is