Are You a Freelancer? Here's Why You Should Stop Acting Like One

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Are You a Freelancer? Here's Why You Should Stop Acting Like One

Here’s Why You

Should Stop

Acting Like one

w w w . v i r g i n i a b a u t i s t a . c o m

a r e y o u a f r e e l a n c e r ?

Stop thinking and acting like a freelancerIf you are a freelancer who has been chasing after

clients and worrying where to find your next gig even

before your current project is completed, then you

might be doing the wrong thing.

And guess what — before you know it, you’ll risk

burning yourself out.

why freelancers experience burnout

Chasing after clients

Dealing with unreasonable clients

Finding it hard to say 'no' to any project

Lack of time for themselves

Lack of specialization

If you want to thrive, take off your freelancer’s hat and wear an entrepreneur’s hat beginning today.


5 ways to Think

and act like

an entrepreneur


1. have clearly defined vision, mission and goalsAsk yourself, “Where do I want to be

in the future (vision) and what impact

do I want to have as a professional

freelancer (mission)?”

Set your own vision and mission by

first being clear with your values. 

To achieve your major goals,  break

them down into short-term goals.



Be honest with yourself about where

you are now as a freelancer and be

clear with where you want to be in the

future — do these if you want to thrive

in the freelancing industry.

2. identify your core products or servicesYou are the CEO of your own

freelance business. Your main services

depend on your key skills. 

Identify your core skill sets by

combining 2–5 skills that can make

you do one specific job effectively and




Have a focus. Avoid being

“jack of all trades, master

of none.”

3. identify your core customersIdentify the clients who need your skills

the most. They are your core customers.

Find your niche. This will enable you to

find the perfect clients that match your

skill sets and interests.



Offer your services only to clients who

need results that you can deliver using

your core skills in a chosen niche.

That way, you get to excel each time and

every time.

4. invest in marketingWithout customers, your freelance

business won’t exist.

Don’t fall into the trap of scanning

freelance marketplaces every day to look

for clients.  A customer who can spare only

$5 for a service is not worth your time.

Instead, invest time and money in

marketing your services.

-seth godin

"Choose to do something better, different, unique — to be the one and only. And if you are the one and only … you will be paid fairly, you will be respected, you will get to decide what happens next.”

How do you stand out in the market?

build and grow

your personal


As a brand, you need to create awareness

on the services you offer, establish your

credibility and strategically position yourself

in the market. 15



Create your own website. 

Leverage LinkedIn for personal branding

if you want to attract high-paying clients. 

5. invest in learning

Every successful entrepreneur invests in

learning. Every freelancer is a learner.

To give value to your clients, you first need

to add value to yourself.

Remember the cliché, “You can’t give what

you don’t have”? It’s still true.

-warren buffett

"Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”



Enroll in massive open online courses (MOOCs). 

Watch relevant videos on and other

similar platforms.

Read books and ebooks from your computer and

other devices.

Listen to audio books.

Find a mentor.

are you ready

to break free?

good luck

on your journey!

w w w . l i n k e d i n . c o m / i n / v i r g i n i a b a u t i s t a

  t a k e y o u r

f r e e l a n c i n g c a r e e r

t o t h e n e x t l e v e l !